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09/08/2012. WealthFreedomFund Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! WealthFreedomFund has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! I’m a bit later than usual getting to work again tonight as I’ve just played a very minor role in breaking an Olympic record! Well, I don’t get a medal for it but I was pleased to be one of 80,203 people, the biggest ever crowd, to witness a women’s Olympic event tonight. That of course was the absolutely fantastic football final between the USA and Japan. A hugely entertaining game I have to say between two very passing and attacking teams, and easily better than a lot of men’s games I’ve been to over the years. I’m pleased so many others were there to see it as it made for a great atmosphere, and congratulations to the USA who were the expected and I would say justifiable winners in the end, though Japan were worthy Silver medal winners as well. So tomorrow I’m lucky enough to have some tickets for the men’s Basketball semi-finals so I guess that’s going to be a great day out too.

It’s back down to business for now though. Thankfully as it’s late I don’t have a whole lot of news to get through tonight, though there are still some important updates you might want to know about. First I want to take a closer look at a recent (but not new) program called WealthFreedomFund that’s been going for about three weeks now. You may have already noticed it sitting on my monitoring page’s Basic List until a few days ago when the admin decided to upgrade to Premium Listing. So before this evening’s news section I want to describe the features of WealthFreedomFund in more detail, and see if you think it might be worth adding to your portfolios or not.

It’s really very simple from start to finish because WealthFreedomFund only has one plan. This is in turn broken down into four sub-categories depending on just how much you are willing to gamble. And while I said the program isn’t brand new exactly, it has been paying out long enough for the first members to be in profit by now launching about three weeks or so ago. This is how it works:

Like the majority of internet HYIPs WealthFreedomFund is relatively inexpensive to join, requiring a spend of $10. the plan will then run for 9 calendar days, making daily interest payments on your deposit. The final rate will be determined by the size of your principal, something which is not returned to on expiry.

The first option open to you in WealthFreedomFund is to join with something between the $10 minimum and $500. For this the rate of interest is 9% per day. Over the course of the 20 day term payments will eventually add up to 180% in total. As that includes your own money it means you can break even .e. earn back an amount equal to your initial deposit 12 days into the term and then start counting the profits which should add up to an extra 80% for yourself.

For the bigger spenders with anything from a $501 minimum up to $1,000 to spare then WealthFreedomFund is offering a daily rate of 10% for 20 calendar days, without returning your principal. That’s a pretty simple calculation then to see that you would break even ten days into the term, and complete it with a 200% which is in other words double your money.

After that the remaining options might be a little bit pricey for the average player. For instance the third option would be to invest from a $1,001 minimum up to a top spend of $2,000. In this case WealthFreedomFund are offering you 11% per day for 20 calendar days, with your principal counted as part of those payments. That will allow you to safely get your money back after ten days and finish up with a grand total of 220%, out of which 120% is net profit.

And finally for anyone prepared to spend upwards of $5,001 with no upper limit then WealthFreedomFund will pay 12% interest per day for 20 days. That should allow you to break even and stop worrying (as you should be a bit nervous sinking that kind of cash into online HYIPs to be honest!) after 9 days and start counting pure profit everyday after that. All going according to plan that should add up to 240% in total, or your own money back plus 140% profit.

Like just about everything else in the industry there are risks to think about here, and it’s a risky set of plans to be sure. But the nature of the industry and those who play it might mean that the possibility of doubling your money in under three weeks is tempting enough to keep a steady stream of cash flowing through WealthFreedomFund could help them sustain a few cycles. We’ll see in due course anyway. The selection of payment processors for getting that cash into and out of WealthFreedomFund isn’t bad, with the usual HYIP admin favorites of LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney there for his convenience and SolidTrustPay there for yours. Payouts are made manually by the admin and so will need to be requested from inside your WealthFreedomFund members area. Once you’ve done this you are asked to allow up to 24 hours for it to be completed, no matter what day of the week you are asking for it.

Moving on to design and security issues, WealthFreedomFund is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. The website is SSL encrypted and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protected by Koddos. For any further questions or problems relating to your account then the WealthFreedomFund admin can be reached by filling in your details on the online ticketing form and submitting it via the support page. You’ll also find a built-in Live Chat feature where you can get your questions answered in real time whenever the admin is logged in. Though I’m not currently aware of what kind of working schedule is kept there, I’ll be sure to ask if he agrees to an interview at some point in the future.

All in all though I guess it’s not a bad looking program. Quite basic and quite simple but it certainly doesn’t suffer because of that, and does at least seem to be basically well thought-out and organized. Not that this guarantees you much, but if an admin makes an effort you tend to believe he will keep things going as long as he can. That’s what we hope anyway.

As for the business interests supposedly behind WealthFreedomFund, regular readers will know how I would normally view the claims made on online HYIPs. It’s just that this time is seems a bit, well, shall we say “unsavory”. Texts seem to be original though the claim being made by WealthFreedomFund is that they are making money from re-possessed homes, claiming there to be an absolute ton of cash to be made buying and selling the homes of families who lost their jobs, couldn’t keep up with the mortgage, and got kicked out on the street by the bank. Now, personally I don’t believe a word of this, and never do from any HYIP anyway. But I honestly don’t think that if the WealthFreedomFund admin is going to make up a story that he could possibly have made up a worse more unpopular business to pretend to be involved with than this.

Anyway, that’s all up to you to consider, and to take or leave as you please. I’m just describing it for you. I’ll just finish as always by reminding you to stay within a sensible budget at all times (in case WealthFreedomFund have to throw you out of your house and sell it, lol!) and of course if joining any one program including this one try to keep a diverse and mixed portfolio.



If you haven’t read the interview with the admin of DonaldsGroup a couple of days ago you can find it here. I think interviews on MNO are a very good opportunity for an average investor to see who’s running a program and if they are capable of communicating and answering some basic questions about it properly. You can judge by yourself if you want to trust your money to the admin of DonaldsGroup after reading it. Also I would suggest you to pay attention to the review I published here to find out more about the investment plans offered by them which are paying 1.6%-2.3% for 90 business days and 1.8%-2.5% for 180 business days with principal return on expiry. DonaldsGroup is currently accepting all popular payment options – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – and you can start investing from $10. EgoPay is quite a new e-currency and the admin Frank asks to report any uncredited deposits if you have them until the process becomes fully automated which I hope is going to happen soon. Here is the latest from DonaldsGroup:

MNO Interview and News
I am pleased to announce that we were interviewed by Paul on MNO. You can see the interview here .
Secondly, EgoPay issues are being sorted out with deposits. If your deposit doesn’t credit automatically, simply contact us through our contact form, or email directly to Please include your transaction ID along with your username. Once this has been sorted out, depositing will be completely automated from all 4 processors we currently offer. (Liberty Reserve, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and Perfect Money.)
Frank, DonaldsGroup.


FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) keeps advertising its twice weekly scheduled phone conferences where they try to answer all possible questions from the investors. Such events are definitely something new (or at least rare) in the industry which FelminaAlliance being online for over a year and having a lot of experience already can bring to its clients. You can also take advantage by tuning in to the phone number specified in the latest newsletter on Tuesday and Thursdays. Here’s the details:

[FelminaAlliance] Official Newsletter
We would like to remind you that we are holding live conference phone calls to help new and potentially new members get the answers to all the questions they may have. Calls are not recorded and will not be posted anywhere as we do care about your privacy.
Bring any questions to the call. Members may bring guests to the call.
To take part, please dial:
+1-712-429-0690 pincode 139828#
Every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:05pm EST
(for english speaking only)
Find a moment to visit our official Facebook page at This is the fastest way to get the latest news and updates.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department,
FelminaAlliance Inc.

FelminaAlliance has been listed on MNO for almost a year and keeps paying on 1%-1.6% for 180 business days plans with principals return on expiry and using LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and EgoPay as payment processors.


To my surprise I was paid all my pending withdrawals from StockFunds today but was even more startled that the admin of the program didn’t even bother to reply to my email regarding the payout delays. I would think that it’s total disrespect and negligence which shouldn’t be forgiven. And it was not a good sign indeed as after I already moved StockFunds back to Paying status on MNO I received more complaints about delayed payouts for over the promised 48 hour timeframe submitted by MNO readers. I therefore decided to resume Problem status for StockFunds for the time being until the admin takes his responsibilities more seriously and starts paying on time and replying to all the emails promptly. I think everyone deserves at least an explanation, if not an apology, why the payouts are delayed and a decent admin would have never left the members in such frustration not knowing what is going on. I believe StockFunds is still having a severe cash flow problem and would recommend you stay away from them for the time being. They remain on Problem status on MNO monitor.

Another admin with the same kinda bad attitude (from EzyProfitHome) is also getting what he deserves and his program is being moved to Problem status on MNO tonight too. The reason for this is a few complaints received from readers about a deliberate or accidental issue in their accounts which cause earnings to zero every day. I encountered this myself and already contacted the admin about it a couple of days ago. My email was ignored and as I have no further patience to tolerate such a disrespectful attitude EzyProfitHome has been moved to Problem status on MNO too. It will remain there until the admin fixes the problem which literally prevents members from earning money but could in reality be a deliberate attempt to steal and might signal cash flow issues. If the admin won’t answer then I can only speculate what happened to EzyProfitHome but no other investments should be made.


After over a month online KBSInvestment has finally made its way to MNO and was featured on my Premium list today. In my opinion, the program’s plans are overly-complicated, but there is a huge variety of them and to analyze them in detail and advise you what suits you most I will probably need a few days when I’m less busy to figure it out. So expect a full review of KBSInvestment to be published on MNO blog by Monday. Anyway, in a nutshell the investment returns vary from as low as 0.8% to 2.28% daily for the duration of 18 to 98 days. According to the program’s rules the interest is paid to members’ accounts on business days only (Monday to Friday) although the admin of KBSInvestment who, perhaps inspired by “Reservoir Dogs” lol, calls himself simply Mr. Green informed me that for the month of August the members’ accounts will be credited on weekends too. Obviously, the original principal is returned on expiry with some twists which I will discuss later. What I like about KBSInvestment most is its customized script which is always a sign of class for any HYIP and shows some finances and efforts put into it and some careful planning involved. To make a deposit which can start from another odd minimum of $28 one is required to add money to the account using LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney (currently the only payment processors in use) and from there re-distribute the money to the plans of your liking which I will try to discuss in more detail in my review soon. The program has a unique sense in everything including the script, some original investment plans, cover story about earning money for investors on precious metals, different videos explaining the investment process and peculiarities of the site, very extensive FAQ and some other original features. Needless to say that KBSInvestment is a properly SSL-secured website hosted on a dedicated server by LeaseWeb. Mr. Green also assured me that the program has two levels of DDoS protection and in case of attacks the higher level will be put into action. All in all, my first impression about KBSInvestment (somebody may know the program by the name KBSO) is quite positive and despite some flaws I believe that the admin has done some good good work to make his website stand out. We will see if that will be enough for him to gain the trust of MNO readers with time.


The second program added to MNO’s Standard List today was Dynasty7. Unlike the previous entry it’s a brand new program only launched today. The name strangely recalls Royalty7 which was one of the most successful programs of 2012 and I believe that the admin picked it deliberately. Anyway, Dynasty7 is totally different program in every aspect and is offering quite straightforward returns of 7% to 9% per business day (depending on the amount invested) for the duration of four weeks (20 business days). The principal is not returned on expiry as it’s included in the daily payments. The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, so the payouts have to be manually requested and are promised to be processed within 12 hours. The minimum to invest in Dynasty7 is only $10 and I like the fact that SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve are all taken. Dynasty7 features a kinda simplistic layout, the site is properly SSL secured and is hosted on a dedicated server. More will be in the upcoming review of Dynasty7 on MNO soon.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky listAProfit, 711Finance.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, KISnP, OneInv, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTradeBensonUnion, DividendService, PlexCapital, Finvance, Ivecon, SafeRisk, GeniusCapital, InflexCapital, WealthFreedomFund, DonaldsGroup, MutualAssets, MegaProfitAds, KBSInvestment (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, Absolutiva.
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds, PerfectLottery, HippoWin, YachtWealthClub (the first payment received).

That is all the news for tonight, guys. Check out my blog tomorrow for a more detailed look of MegaProfitAds plus the traditional daily news from the HYIP industry. Remember that MNO blog and monitor is working for you every day, so don’t hesitate to contact me whenever you feel the need! See you all tomorrow, folks!

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