August 2012 Archives

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 Beware! HYIPla has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! As I said on my blog last night I’m taking a break from the news this evening. Fortunately there hasn’t been much anyway, though I’ll catch up with anything important tomorrow. But I do have a couple of things for you, including one new program to introduce which I’ll get to in a moment after the following interview with the admin of HYIPla. His name is Jeff and he’s running a short term program with one plan that I think will be quite familiar to anyone with even basic experience of the industry, having been used by hundreds of HYIPs over the years. HYIPla offers terms of 12% interest per day for 12 business days. If you like what he has to say and would like further information on HYIPla then you will find it reviewed on MNO here.

1. Hi Jeff, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and give us a little background information on yourself and your experience in managing other peoples money.

I’d like to say thank you to Paul to give me this chance to introduce myself and our team to the readers of MNO. I’m Jeff Neiderman, a 35 year old man. I have been in this field since 2005. So I think I have enough experience of investing and management.

2. Can you share some background information about the HYIPla website with us? How long have you been in operation? Are you the sole employee or do you have an assistant or a partner?

In fact, our domain name has been registered more than 1 year. We kept it offline till last week because we think now we are ready and have the ability to handle this industry. And now we have a team of 5 people working on this site.

3. I must say I’m curious about how you came upon the “.la” internet extension for Laos (I don’t know what you meant it to mean, but that’s what it is). How/why did you get that?

I don’t think it would be a problem. “. la” doesn’t mean we are from Laos. You know that now anyone wants to register an domain named “HYIP” is not an easy thing. Of course a good domain name does not mean a successful site. We just want our site name simple and easy to remember by investors.

4. What are you offering investor in terms of plans and profits? What is the minimum and maximum amounts you can invest?

We offer only one investment plan which is 12% fixed daily for 12 business days. The minimum deposit amount is $12 and there is no maximum.

5. I said in my review of your program that countless programs on the net have used that very same investment plan over the years. What are you going to do with it that’s any different? Some have been fantastic, others have been complete disasters. Why do you think that is and why should anyone believe that yours will be successful?

I think a site can choose any investment plan and nearly all plans have been taken by other sites. As long as this plan is logical, it may make a great site. We also think the most important thing for a successful site is keeping paying.

6. What payment processors are HYIPla currently dealing with? Do you offer instant payouts and are you satisfied that the security of your site is strong enough to support them?

Now we accept LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay and all withdraws via these 3 processors are instant. It is no problem at all for the security.

7. What would be the best and most efficient way of contacting you if I have any questions or problems?

We suggest all investors contact us by submitting a support ticket on our site. We are online 20 hours a day so that we can respond all support ticket very fast. Of course you can also follow us on Facebook.

8. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

Now the most common question is about instant payment and why no earnings generated on weekends. I have just mentioned in the question 6 that our payment system is instant. And our investment plan is 12% daily for 12 business days, which means our system only generates profit every 24 hours since your deposit time from Monday to Friday.

9. Can you tell us in detail about the security of HYIPla? Who is your hosting provider and how highly do you rate them as a service provider? What script are you running off? Where did you get it and how secure is it?

We are DDoS Protected by Vistnet. It is very good of preventing any kind of DDoS attack so far. Our script is developed by ourselves. It is very secure. We also added a Response IP for each processor to avoid fake deposits.

10. Why aren’t you using SSL encryption?

It is because our DDoS provider does not allow SSL encryption. We have just tried to install it but found it is useless after we purchased this DDoS service. But we think it is secure enough for our site.

11. What other outside business and investment activities are you involved with? Can we see any independently verifiable proof of these activities?

Our investors’ deposits are mainly used on Forex Trading. We have several trading accounts on Masterforex and Instaforex.

12. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by HYIPla. In a very competitive market what are you doing to bring the program to a wider investment audience?

Now we only use the best monitors and blogs to advertise our program. We also offer a 8% referral commission so that many investors who have got paid from us will refer their friends to join us. We think if we can keep paying instantly, many investors will be referred to join us.

13. Are there any plans to develop HYIPla further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive in such difficult times?

We don’t have any plan to change our site because I think it is already very good. And we will not add any special plan to trap to investors at any time. I think if we can keep doing a good job, our site will survive for a very long time.

14. And lastly is there anything you feel readers should know that wasn’t covered in this interview? In particular you are also welcome to comment on the review of HYIPla that I wrote on this blog. Was there anything you felt unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification?

I think all information mentioned above is enough. Blogs and investors can have their unique opinion about our site. So there is no unfair thing at all. We also welcome all investors to point out our shortcomings.

Thank you Paul and Readers of MNO. If any of you have any questions, please feel free to send us a support ticket.

Thanks a lot to Jeff for that and if you’re not a member of HYIPla then I hope it was someway useful in helping you decide if you’d like to take a chance on them or not. And if you’re already in then best of luck to you in making a profit.


This morning another brand-new program was added to the MNO Sticky/Premium list – Kommerciality. Actually, the program is still in pre-launch stage and the admin mentioned that the full launch will commence on August 25. Here is the welcome message posted on the site which everyone can see (it’s true that it was carefully planned and I was paid for the listing on MNO already a few weeks ago):

Welcome to Kommerciality !
We are happy to present Kommerciality. We are a small team of Netpreneurs who are have expertise in various fields such as Internet marketing, Forex trading, Binary Trading & etc.
After 40+ Days of preparation , we are opening Kommerciality to the public. Site will be fully launched on AUG 25 2012.
If you have any doubts or questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Kommerciality Team.

As the admin explained to me the current pre-launch stage doesn’t mean that Kommerciality is not functioning properly or quite limited. Quite the opposite, everything is working perfectly well and you can deposit and withdraw as usual. The only thing the pre-launch means is a kind of testing period when the admin tries the system and accepts deposits with a $2,000 maximum which will be raised once Kommerciality is properly launched in a couple of days. For now you can already make investments via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve (if they ever get back online that is). Since Kommerciality is running off a licensed PHP flux script you are only allowed to invest in $10 units which will also buy you 1,000 ad credits which you can use inside the member’s area to advertise your site or service. In addition to some advertising exposure you will obviously get paid interest on your investment with Kommerciality. The current plans offer 5% for 30 days (for investments from $10 to $100), 4% for 50 days (from $110 to $290), 3% for 90 days (from $300 to $590) and 2% for 200 days (from $600 to $2,000). The principal is already included in the earnings and is not returned on expiry. You have to withdraw your interest daily from your member’s area and will be paid within 24 hours. Kommerciality is properly SSL protected and is hosted on a dedicated server protected by the leader in DDoS protection Dragonara. So I’m quite satisfied with both the overall quality of the program and the amount of planning and effort spent by the admin to create Kommerciality. I hope it will truly pay off and that the program will be a popular choice among investors.

The full review of Kommerciality will be on MNO by tomorrow, so stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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