September 2012 Archives

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 Beware! MTResults has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Hope the weekend’s been going well for you so far. It’s been slow enough up to now as far as news stories are concerned, but we’re into September now (as I’m sure you didn’t need me to tell you!) and that traditionally means an upturn in the online HYIP business, so fingers crossed we’ll be seeing some good quality programs emerging in the coming weeks. Not that we don’t have a couple of good ones around at the moment of course. One program that’s done well for its members up until now has been MTResults which celebrates a full month online today. Not great in the grander scheme of things you might think but for a short term HYIP offering the plans they do, they’ve put a decent number of people into profit by now so in that regard I suppose MTResults can probably be considered a success by many.

To mark their first month online today I have an interview with Tom, the admin of MTResults. He explains in his own words how it all works and the plans that are available, which include both daily and on expiry payment options of 6.5%-7% for 20 days, or 125% after 10 days. If you like what Tom has to say about his program and would like more information, then you can start by reading the original review of MTResults which was first published on MNO here.

1. Hi Tom, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in MTResults.

Hello Paul. My name is Tom Pierson, the Chief Executive Officer of Max Trading Results Limited in Seychelles. I have been running different companies in financial field as it is quite related to my degree as MBA in Finance.

2. Can you give us some background information on MTResults? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

We gathered as a group since 2008 when it was just me and Jeff and we expanded gradually during these 4 years. Employed traders from around the world (who works online for us only and managing our accounts).

We comprise of 3 directors including myself, 2 support staff and 4 traders. The other directors are: Jeff as Managing Director and John as Accounting Manager. I myself do the supervising part and marketing.

Today, Sunday September 2, 2012 is our one month anniversary (started on August 2, 2012) and we are proud of it.

3. What plans are available to investors in MTResults? Explain them in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you accepting at the moment?

There are 3 plans we offer at the moment. 6.5% daily for 20 calendar days making it total of 130% including principal. The minimum to start in this plan is just $20 and maximum amount is $5000.

In Plan B the investor would earn 7% daily for 20 calendar days with total return of 140% including the principal, meaning 40% profit. The minimum for this plan is $5001 and maximum $20,000.

The other plan on offer is a bit different with 125% after 10 calendar days. It means you can’t withdraw earning daily but you will earn 125% after 10 days have passed. For this plan, the minimum to start with is $75 and maximum amount is $5000.

We currently accept LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay. We are going to introduce EgoPay today as a new feature for our investors.

4. How secure is the website of MTResults? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

We are on a completely dedicated server from Staminus with them providing DDoS protection as well (through their reseller,

To protect the members’ accounts, we use SSL verified by GeoTrust. Also a few more precautions such as: Brute Force defender, which would block an account if the password were entered wrong for 4 times. Members can’t change their e-currency accounts from inside their profile and need to contact us to do it for them after providing security details. Users are also able to activate PIN code for browser and IP change.

5. What kind of script is your program running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

Our website is running on a Licensed GoldCoders script. We use this script as it is the user-friendliest and also easy to run by administrator. It is not easy to be hacked if you know how to protect it.

6. Can we see any statistics regarding the site? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

I would prefer not to disclose this data but I can tell you we have more than 450 active members with deposits (considering already 1 cycle is over) and it is growing everyday when our investors realized we are here to stay for long.

Our investors could play an important role in our business just by posting their payment proofs in forums.

7. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

We have provided our full contact information including: Phone, address, email, and contact form.

During next week, we would implement our Live Chat service with 24/7 support.

8. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

We process withdrawals instantly since we started. But sometimes we may need to reload our accounts or even sometimes the API doesn’t respond to the request sent from our server. We receive emails immediately that what has happened even though we have already mentioned this might happen in our FAQ and withdrawal page.

This has happened before and will happen in future as well, I just want members to appreciate the situation and don’t worry.

9. How have you been promoting the program so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

We have our own promotional strategy just like any other company. We believe in steady and slow growth to be stable and healthier. We started with few monitoring websites and banners and expanded it to more in our second promotional strategy stage after our first cycle has finished.

This strategy would be going on with increasing our exposure everyday/week by adding new banners/monitors/forums.

In our business, persistency is the most important factor to remember.

10. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

Basically we operate in different fields with the help of our partner companies on the island. As we stated in our website, Offshore investment (company formation, real estate for foreigners in the island,…) and also Forex trading and Sure betting which is done by our traders, are our activities to able us make money for ourselves and members for more than 4 years now.

11. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Anything in the review you may not agree with or wish to comment on? If you had just one more thing to say to the unconvinced about the merits of putting their money into MTResults what would that be?

I should thank all our members and my colleagues in Max Trading Results Ltd for their hard works and supports. We are happy of our Instant withdrawals, stable income and excellent support to our members.

We have been online for a month now without a single complaint and we are proud of our performance so far. I can assure you, you’ll hear more about us in near future and hope no one would regret not joining us earlier.

That’s about all for today guys, except of course to say thanks a lot to Tom for taking the time and trouble to answer the questions about MTResults and to say I hope all you found it helpful in making a decision about whether you think the program is worth joining or not. If yes, then good luck to you in making a profit.

Before I finish for today I just wanted to say that given all the recent and continuing problems with LibertyReserve which show no signs of going away and if anything are just getting worse, tomorrow I think it’s time to have a longer article looking into the cause and affect. No matter what your opinion of LibertyReserve is, in fact whether you even use them at all or not, there’s no denying now the negative impact it’s having on the industry. Not just programs and their admins but the earning potential of individual investors who make up the industry. The article will naturally be about my own thoughts on the subject, though what I’m hoping for is that after tomorrow all MNO readers can take part in a discussion and express their own opinions on what is a very serious and dangerous situation for all of us.

So stay tuned for that and see you all tomorrow. Enjoy what’s left of your Sunday everyone!

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