September 2012 Archives

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Beware! TureProfit has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! For the main part of the update tonight I’m going to take a look at a fairly longstanding program in the HYIP industry called TureProfit. I think at least some of you will definitely know who the program is at least, as they have been plying their trade on the net for no less than nine whole months now. Why exactly it took TureProfit that long to come to MNO for monitoring I don’t know, there’s plenty of others listed there right from day number one after all, so I can’t say why the admin wasn’t interested before now. But anyway, let’s take a closer look at the program, its plans, and additional features to see what you think of it and if it might be a suitable addition to your portfolios.

But despite the fact that TureProfit has been online for as long as it has, you still wouldn’t really describe it as “old” in the HYIP sense of the word. The thing about them is their investment plan – there’s only one of them – is paying a very low rate of interest, runs for a far longer term than the average program, and doesn’t return your principal on expiry so therefore don’t have to worry about that expense as the first investor’s plans start coming to an end. There’s both a positive and a negative side to this, as on the bright side it shouldn’t be too difficult it shouldn’t be too difficult to sustain long enough for a good section of members to profit, but then on the other hand it may not be so attractive to a lot of industry players, taking either too long to mature or just not paying enough to make it worth the risk. Then again every investor is different so others will of course see the merits of what TureProfit have on offer to members.

So for the plan itself, it costs a basic $10 minimum to join TureProfit and as I said there’s only one plan. It runs for a term of 50 weeks, during which TureProfit pay you a weekly interest rebate. That rate is 8% on all deposits, regardless of how big or how small it is. This adds up to 400% in total by the time the plan expires, however as TureProfit will not be returning your principal on expiry you can look on this as 300% net profit.

In practical terms that means for a $100 investment TureProfit will pay you back $8 per week. You would earn back an amount equal to your first investment after 13 weeks, which means you break even, and start collecting the profit from that point on. Your final return comes to $400, but as TureProfit are counting your original hundred as part of that then $300 is your actual profit. Nice money, that much can’t be denied, but is waiting almost a year to get it a bit off-putting to potential investors? That’s up to you I guess.

One of the main advantages to TureProfit of course is that they include all the major payment processors, which these days is basically becoming a minimum expectation of most serious HYIP players and a prerequisite for the program achieving any kind of genuine success. You’ll find SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve all listed. Other good news is that all payments are processed instantly, except those to EgoPay which are still handled manually. You will still need to sign in to your TureProfit account and make the request. You should see the money in your e-currency accounts in under a minute, except in the case of EgoPay where the TureProfit admin promises to have all transactions completed within 24 hours.

As regards the security and design of the program, TureProfit runs off a script under license from GoldCoders which I imagine most of you will have recognized anyway. They also feature SSL encryption from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. TureProfit is hosted on a dedicated server by AntiDDos which I believe has become both a popular and a dependable choice when it comes to providing quality protection against DDoS attacks to online HYIPs. Their record is better as some of the more established names anyway. If you need to get in touch with the TureProfit admin with any further questions or account related issues then you can reach him by filling in your details on the online support ticketing form and submitting it.

Regarding the business side of the program, or at least what they are alleged to be involved with anyway, TureProfit are simply republishing claims copy/pasted from older online HYIPs in the past. Therefore as is usually the case I suggest any newbies reading this to join the experienced players and ignore all of that and proceed as you normally would with any online HYIP and be careful how you spend, and always keep your selections as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



The admin of the above reviewed TureProfit sent a long-winded newsletter today informing everyone of their site being back to normal after 12 hours downtime. You might remember that I was quite concerned about that on my blog last night and especially by the fact that the hosting provider of TureProfit was slow enough to react. Anyway, it looks like our worries were exaggerated as they are back online now and paying instantly once again. Here is the latest newsletter from TureProfit in full:

TureProfit News – Our site returned to normal.
You received this letter, because you are our membership. Perhaps you have noticed in the past 12 hours, our website is not accessible. This brings inconvenience, we apologize. In fact, when we find this problem, has been actively find the reasons. Our team 24 hours online enthusiastically answers questions of all investors . Here, I am very grateful to my team, at the same time we also thank all our investors to trust. Maybe this is just our response to emergencies in a small episode. We also continue to contact our service providers, eventually, they help us to fix this problem. Our website can again access. You can login to your account, ask your interest payments, there will not be any problem.
In this case, we note that Paul Abramson who is famous admin of has been concerned about our site progress, to this, we thanks for. We also see some monitor sites display our project has problem. Do not worry about these, we believe that the state will soon return to normal. Because our website is now normal.
Once again please accept our apologies.
Best regards,
TureProfit CEO”.


Having successfully finished two investment cycles of 8% for 20 business days and now entering its third cycle Finvance (reviewed here) is enjoying enormous success among MNO readers which recently propelled it to #2 on my Premium list rankings just behind runaway leader NewGNi. No wonder then in the latest newsletter this morning the admin spoke of 6,000 active investors which may well be true because they accept all the popular payment options including EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. The admin of Finvance Mark (interviewed here) also reminded about the possibility to exchange your LibertyReserve profits to EgoPay or SolidTrustPay and withdraw to those payment processors completely free of charge and promises to make more exchange options available soon. Finvance also mention the timeframe for processing pending withdrawals which is currently 24 hours and if exceeded you’ll need to check your payout details more carefully and possibly correct them. The full version of the latest official newsletter from Finvance can be read below:

Finvance welcomes 6000 investors
We would like to announce we have reached a significant milestone; 6000 active investors. Finvance now has 6000 active investors invested daily into our 8% daily plan in all four major e-currencies: Liberty Reserve, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay.
Since we have welcomed many new investors since our last newsletter, we would like to mention a couple of items to our members.
We currently offer on a permanent basis, Liberty Reserve to STP or EgoPay exchanges at a 0% exchange rate. This means an even exchange. You may contact us if you are interested in taking part if you do not already.
We are currently working towards offering full exchange services at a time when we deem our team is able to handle the addition of it to our ever growing daily payout processing.
This leads me to our last item which is our payout schedule. All payouts are processed currently within 24 hours to all four e-currencies: Liberty Reserve, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay. If your payout has exceeded that time frame, then more than likely you do not have account information in your Finvance profile that is accurate or it may even be blank. Please put the appropriate account information for withdrawals into your Finvance profile and then re-submit your withdrawal request


HourHour (reviewed here) is the only hourly paying program on MNO’s Sticky listing. It’s been running for 15 days now and successfully completed a full three cycles of the 1% for 120 hours plan. Even the first investors in the 150% after 240 hours plan have also profited. I think the program has the potential to grow even further as I can see they made an impressive start. With so many payment processors accepted – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – and payouts processed instantly (except for EgoPay) HourHour has carved a niche for itself from the shorter term HYIPs. It takes a lot of effort to run a successful program and keep it afloat and I believe that so far the admin of HourHour Kirk has been doing really great. He always updates the members about any e-currency downtime so not to spread any panic if the payouts are not processed instantly which is very important for this type of HYIP’s survival. And he sends occasional updates too, the last of which was dedicated to the important matter of withdrawals. Included were minimum withdrawal requests and things one has to do in order to change an account number in HourHour which cannot be done by anyone for security reasons. I must say I already used this service once or twice and Kirk was always fast and helpful. Regular members of HourHour are also treated well so I hope the program continues for a long time. Here’s the latest newsletter in full:

About Withdraw
Dear HourHour Members,
Today I want to talk something about withdraws. You know that we offer instant withdraw for Libertyreserve, Perfectmoney, and Solidtrustpay, while it is manual for Egopay. We want to remind all members that the minimum amount you can withdraw to your Libertyreserve and Perfectmoney account is $0.01,while $0.5 for Solidtrustpay and $1 for Egopay. And don’t forget to fill in your e-currency account when register your account. If you have forgotten to fill in it or filled in a incorrect account, please send a support ticket to us with your username, correct e-currency account, and your answer of your secure question, so that we can update it for you. If you still have any question, please feel free to contact us by phone,live chat and support ticket.
Best Regards, Kirk Walter
CEO HourHour.


Bull&BearCapital has been monitored on MNO for about five weeks now. They offer 3% for 58 days while in a few weeks we might see the first members getting paid from the second plan offering 200% after 58 days. If you want to read more about the program you can click here and read my full review which is a bit outdated now as recently they added two more payment processors to PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve in SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. While SolidTrustPay was added a week ago the payouts were not instant till today just like LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. EgoPay was just added as a new payment processor today following their ever growing popularity. Moreover, the admin of Bull&BearCapital recently requested an interview from me which I will be sending to him tomorrow, so hopefully soon we will be able to learn more first-hand about the program’s main features and his plans for the future. For now let me show you the two latest updates from Bull&BearCapital announcing STP instant withdrawals and EgoPay addition as the fourth payment processor:

Bull&BearCapital – STP Instant payments
Hello, finally we have fixed SolidTrustPay instant payments. If anyone is having problem with instant payment, please send us support ticket including your username.
More good news – EgoPay will be added within 2 days.
Stay tuned for more good news.
Best Regards.

Bull&BearCapital – EgoPay Added
Hello. Finally is added to our payment processor list. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this newest payment processor.
You can make deposits trough member area.
Best Regards.


Please read this section of my news thoroughly even if you’re not a member of TheMoneyGalaxy. It contains some very important information from EgoPay which I will tell you a bit later. First, allow me to start the news with the latest update I can see today on TheMoneyGalaxy‘s website:

Egopay payments currently on hold
To all investors and partners We want to change Egopay deposit method, Egopay payments are on hold for next 48 hours. we will reopen it within 2 days. Regards.

So, if you read my update on the situation with TheMoneyGalaxy‘s EgoPay and Payza accounts you might know that the admin was blamed for using stolen funds, funding EgoPay from the funds which were submitted from stolen credit cards in Payza. I already reported such incidents which resulted in multiple account blockages in the system last week and it seems that the problem didn’t go away because today on the Live chat with EgoPay’s Fraud prevention department representative I found out (quite surprisingly!) that now up to 90% all the funds coming from Payza funding to EgoPay accounts are from stolen credit cards! And since they used to be submitted instantly the crooked admins like the one running TheMoneyGalaxy took advantage of this and filled EgoPay with hundreds of thousands in stolen money which is not supposed to be there in the first place and has to be returned to its rightful owners. The admin of TheMoneyGalaxy tried to explain this as someone coming to his program and depositing $150K which he gladly accepted, but even if it’s true, and I really really doubt it, he should have thought in the first place why someone like that would have put such huge money in an online ponzi-game. Basically this was an attempt to launder stolen money which eventually resulted in blocking both TheMoneyGalaxy‘s Payza and EgoPay accounts and freezing over $200,000 according to the admin.

That’s why I suspected TheMoneyGalaxy was a scam and moved it to Scam status. I must sayI have successfully resolved my issues with both EgoPay and the admin of the program who paid for the listing on MNO via a different payment processor now. Unfortunately, it looks like those $200K are gone now as they will be reversed by Payza and returned to their rightful owners against the committed credit card fraud. I guess that is the right thing to do, however, after I asked the admin of TheMoneyGalaxy Michael about how it would affect his program he told me that it wouldn’t affect it much and the program would continue to pay to others. However, seeing the latest news update on the website I believe he’s still hoping to get his funds back from EgoPay which I doubt is going to happen. Anyway, the withdrawals to EgoPay are supposed to resume within the next two days and also within that period the admin promised to bring a new payment processor on board – BitCoin which is supposed to replace the not accepted Payza anymore.

As for the EgoPay account holders, I was told in the Fraud prevention department today that EgoPay does everything possible to stop this enormous flow of dirty money from Payza by implementing now a waiting time before you make a deposit from your Payza account (before that all the transactions were performed instantly) and by allowing some time to approve every exchanger to anyone who wants to move funds out of EgoPay and buy any other e-currencies. As they told me EgoPay has already allocated extremely high resources on filtering fraudulent transaction from Payza and if any of your transactions within the system were put on hold please allow some time for them to investigate where the money was coming from. I hope that the new rules will put a stop to that reversals and will make EgoPay a truly irreversible and convenient to use payment processor in the future. I will be monitoring the situation with EgoPay closely and will report any significant changes if I get more information on that. In the near future I’m even planning to make an interview with EgoPay’s administration and so, if you can any questions you would like to know you can submit them to me via the Support form.

As for TheMoneyGalaxy, despite the admin assuring me that there was nothing to worry about and that they would be able to cope with the situation which is apparently out of their control when we talk about the frozen EgoPay funds the situation is still unclear. Now putting all the EgoPay withdrawals on hold for two days the program is apparently looking for to solution of this unfortunate situation which I believe they brought on themselves accepting such funds in the first place. Will they be able to continue and will TheMoneyGalaxy keep paying to all the members? Only time will tell. At the moment, since the program is paying to all e-currencies except Payza and EgoPay I will temporarily moved it back to Paying status on MNO, but I will monitor the situation closely, so please report to me about any delays of processing your withdrawals if they come. So far, I want to finish with the words someone left as a comment for TheMoneyGalaxy (reviewed here) on my monitoring page:
I dont care that they are criminals until they pay me and others.
I guess that is the view about the HYIP industry shared by the majority of the investors, so I will just go with the flow, shall I?


Unfortunately, I had to move CornWealth to Problem status on MNO today. The program has apparently become another short-lived scam with a lifetime barely reaching ten days. The first reports about the payment delays appeared today and I can confirm that I myself haven’t been paid for over 24 hours. Of course, such a short life makes me guess that it was the admin’s intention to run a fast scam which he did. I don’t believe many people deposited but if you did please accept my sincere commiserations. Please beware of CornWealth and don’t join!


A brand new program was added to MNO’s Premium list – AtlanticVision. The program only launched two days ago and offers quite a simple investment plan paying you from 5% to 8% daily returns (depending on the amount invested) for a duration of 25 calendar days. The minimum to invest starts from $10 which will be accepted via all four popular payment options – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay. Please note that your original principal is already included in the daily payouts and will not be returned on expiry, thus making the plans quite sustainable in the long run. I like quite the layout and the fact that the script AtlanticVision is running off is totally customized which I believe is always a good indication of experience. The security is also good and the website of AtlanticVision is properly SSL-secured by Thawte and is hosted on a dedicated server with the protection provided by Koddos. My first impression about AtlanticVision is generally positive and I will share more thoughts on this program and analyze the investment plans in my review which is coming soon. Meanwhile, you’re welcome to check out the site for yourselves and the welcome messages posted by the admin in the news section of AtlanticVision announcing the launch of the program:

Company Start
We are happy to inform you with this brilliant news. AtlanticVision Business Group is from now on officially launched and is ready to serve our online clients. You are more than welcome to join our ranks of smiling faces by submitting your new account and placing your first investment with us. We hope for long-standing and transparent cooperation with you. We would be grateful if you could give us a chance to serve you.
Kindest regards,
AtlanticVision Business Group”.

Merchant Services Enabled
We are excited to tell you that from today on we can accept investments and process payments using fast and convenient digital payment processors including Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, Solid Trust Pay and Ego Pay! You do not have to contact our treasure department for investing since you may now send us your investments in a matter of seconds. This will obviously increase our world presence since we may now cover much more audience since we have become more convenient to use.
Kindest regards,
AtlanticVision Business Group”.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HourHour, TheMoneyGalaxy,  IntraFunds.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, FinvanceProfitableSunrise, RightFive, EurexTrade, YachtWealthClub, PlexCapital,  TheBig5Bull&BearCapital, BensonUnion, PipsFund, CornWealth, DiamondAsset, ProsperaNova.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, BGTGroups, Alconoil (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds, AoGo, StallionGold.

That’s everything for today, guys. See you on MNO tomorrow when hopefully the interview with the admin of RightFive Steve will be ready for publishing!

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