Oct 5th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! MonetaryClub has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi all! Not a great deal of news today which is a bit odd for mid-week at this time of the year, but before I get to what stories I do have to report, I want to look at a new short-term HYI game that was launched about nine or ten days ago. It’s called MonetaryClub and if you’re a fan of programs like this it might be worth your while taking a look. It’s not exactly a new program in relation to the length of the plans, and this type of program is quite high risk, but there have been numerous cases where programs almost identical to MonetaryClub have for whatever reason proved widely popular, so you never really know what can happen next. Then again that’s half the fun of playing the HYIP industry for you I suppose.

Once you sign up with MonetaryClub what you’re going to be presented with is quite a wide array of plans. Some are pretty good and are worth a gamble, others are a bit unfeasible to say the least, but if you use the right strategy then it’s totally achievable to get MonetaryClub to work in your favor. Plans range from those that pay you by the day to those that pay on expiry, so let’s see which of them might suit you the best.

The first of six plans in total runs for a term of just 1 single day. So it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to verify that it is indeed paying as numerous investors can testify to that. You can join for a minimum deposit of $10 and for anything up to a sum of $500 MonetaryClub are returning 103% on expiry, principal included. If you’re prepared to spend a little extra then you can expect the rates to increase as follows:
From $501 to $1,000 will earn you 105%, and deposits between $1,001 to $5,000 will get 110%.
Higher rates are available for larger deposits which you can see in the MonetaryClub members area. There is no maximum spending limit and the highest rate they offer is 130%.

Then we come to a daily payment plan. The term runs for 2 calendar days so you can expect two separate payments that will also count your principal. Anything between a $10 minimum up to $500 will earn you a daily payment of 54%, or 108% in total. And just like the other plans MonetaryClub will make slightly higher payments to those investing more and more amounts. The rates include:
57% per day on $501 to $1,000 (114% total), and 62% per day for $1,001 to $5,000 (124% in total).
Larger deposits are accepted with no maximum and a top rate of 75% per day could apply, which again you can see from your account area if interested.

Similar in style to the first plan, MonetaryClub‘s third plan returns to on expiry payments and runs for 5 calendar days. The rates, when broken down to a per day basis, are only marginally better than the first plan. In fact by reinvesting in either of the previous plans for consecutive cycles would give you a return of only a few cents less than this one for most small to medium investors, so all you really gain is the convenience of not having to withdraw every 24 hours. But anyway, the plan works like this – for a $10 minimum deposit up to a $500 maximum you get paid 120% interest, principal included, on expiry. For a larger deposit you can expect to earn 140% on deposits from $501 to $5,000. Higher rates up to a 330% maximum are available to larger deposits which you can check from inside your MonetaryClub member’s area.

The fourth plan then in turn runs for 10 days, working along the same lines as the previous ones paying interest with your principal included on expiry. Assuming there were any takers for this one when MonetaryClub first opened (though I wouldn’t really be surprised if it didn’t, carrying such a high risk for what’s not a major improvement on the profit per day ratio as the one or two day plans) they should be due a payout around now, so if you’re one of them do get in touch and share the experience. If you actually get anything, that is! So for a $10 minimum investment you are offered a payout of 150%. This applies to anything up to a $500 maximum. Other rates include 220% on deposits from $501 to $5,000 though I really can’t see that working. Higher rates up to a 500% maximum are available to larger deposits which can also be viewed from inside your MonetaryClub member’s area.

Next on the list are two more on expiry plans which to be blunt have very little make them look attractive for anything other than amusement purposes. While I have little doubt that the plans listed above will make a decent return for a lot of you – indeed this has already been the case for the last week and a half – I’d be a bit more surprised to more than a handful (if even that) profit from the others. Certainly not on a consistent basis anyway. So your next option runs for 20 calendar days at the end of which MonetaryClub are offering one single payment that includes your principal. It costs $10 to join and for anything up to $500 you are offered 350% interest on expiry. Larger deposits are offered larger payouts with 420% offered to between $501 and $5000, and you can see the higher rates which go up to 800% in you MonetaryClub account area if you’re interested.

Also included purely for your information is MonetaryClub‘s final plan which runs for 30 calendar days. It costs a $10 minimum to join, and offers an on expiry payment of 500% for anything up to $500. For deposits between $501 and $5,000 you are offered 550%, and can check your MonetaryClub members area for anything over and above that.

Your choice of payment methods include all the main popular processors with SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney in use at the moment, which is unlikely to expand. MonetaryClub are making manual payouts which have to be requested from inside your members account area. It’s not specified how long you need to wait, but my own payment was received not that fast but in under 24 hours.

I have to say I was a bit wary of MonetaryClub‘s design and security features at first. The program is running off something that looks very like a GoldCoders script but it isn’t licensed. I asked the admin about this and he says that on the grounds that he doesn’t trust GoldCoders (I have no idea what kind of history he has with them) he’s using a modified version. I can’t really confirm that but from inside your account area, yes, it does look a bit different. It’s hosted on a dedicated server by Snoork who I have to say my very limited experience with has been negative. Not me personally I mean, I’m talking about the small number of HYIPs that I’ve monitored that used them. They all had problems to some extent so if they want to start hosting HYIP websites they really need to wake up to the fact that DDoS attacks are a widespread and common occurrence in this business. The program does have an SSL-secured connection however. You will also find various details relating to things like total amounts of money deposited, paid out, number of members, et cetera on the home page. Customer support if you have any questions for the admin is available by filling out the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page and submitting it. MonetaryClub are also maintaing Facebook and Twitter pages.

Texts are copy/pasted and can be seen used word-for-word by several other websites that are older than this one. Needless to say the rates being offered are not realistically going to be found anywhere else outside of online HYIP based gambling games anyway, so don’t waste your time looking for alleged business interests which are unlikely to exist. That’s as you know always how I suggest you approach any program if you do decide to get onboard. However recent examples of very similar HYIPs would suggest that MonetaryClub and programs like it can do very well and successfully run for a huge number of cycles (cycles of the shorter term plans that is, personally I’d avoid the longer term ones). Of course like most businesses, HYI related or otherwise, this success will hinge on cash flow so the newer it is the better your chances though I don’t believe MonetaryClub have gotten all that popular just yet so there may well still be room for them to grow. Just don’t go crazy with the spending, know your limits and stick to them rigorously, and try to protect yourself by keeping any investment with MonetaryClub (or anybody else) as a smaller part of a wider portfolio.



Today certainly the most troubling news for any investors in PrimeX7 was the decision taken by the admin to disable investing in the hugely popular 107% after 1 day which he mistakenly described as a 7% forever plan on his first day online. I guess he didn’t really deal with a GoldCoders script before and is possibly even some kind of newbie who doesn’t realize that any change of plans, especially on the first days online (PrimeX7 has been online for four day only!) would look troubling, amateurish and kinda sloppy and alarming to experienced investors. Fairly speaking though he did his best not to spread panic by quickly explaining that he didn’t mean to hurt existing investors in the now defunct 107% after 1 day plan featured in my review (click here to read it) the only one worthy of any attention! Everyone who made a deposit will be paid under the old conditions, however those who want to be paid daily will now have to choose another less profitable plan paying only 7% for 23 days. Well, compared to the remaining three investment plans paying on expiry – 157% after 7 days, 207% after 14 days, 267% after 21 days, 307% after 28 days – this new plan definitely doesn’t stand out and won’t attract as much attention as the old 107% plan did. I think it’s a huge mistake by the admin to disable it now and it can seriously affect the program’s growth in the short term. And unless the admin has some reserves to pay existing members PrimeX7 might face some cashflow issues pretty soon. I would suggest that changing plans never, or at least very rarely, benefited any program and I truly hope that the admin knows what he’s doing by making such drastic changes. Let’s see how it develops over the next few days, after the most popular plan gets axed by the admin. I’ll be very interested to observe the situation on MNO and will report if more changes are announced soon which we may as well expect knowing the admin’s fickle nature as indicated by these two updates you can read below:

Update for 7% daily Plan
Due to many requests, including the review from MNO (http://www.money-news-online.com/), we have decided to make a change to make you and everyone happier with our service.
Many want 7% daily over greater period than just 1 day. we accept your desire and make change according to your wish.
To make it more profitable for you we change the 7% daily for 23 days which is 161% ROI. This is a conservative plan to ensure long term dependence upon our service for your financial gain.
For those who are already in the 7% daily plan, you will be entitled to the new plan too.
If you have further question, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you.
PrimeX7 Admin”.

#2 Update for 7% daily Plan
A huge fed back were received just after I sent out the first version of the update 7% daily plan. I’m sorry that some of you feel that way.
Reviews and many members agree that having 7% daily for a longer period is more desireable and profitable for you. You still receive same 7% after 1 day, and you will now continue to receive 7% many days after
After serious review after reading MNO’s review, we also reviewed member’s words. Their understanding that our plan was setup this way from the beginning was what attracted them to this plan in the first place. Having it work the way it was had caused confusion and influx of support tickets
So now here is the solution
– Those who are on the 7% daily plan will remain the same and possible to withdraw after the daily plan is due (which mean still the same as before, nothing have changed)
– 7% daily is closed on the home page but it is still active in the system for member who is in it
– New 7% daily plan for 23 days is open
We are so sorry for all the inconvenience that we have bought it in this few hours.
Learn a big lesson from this careless mistake. Please accept our apologize.
However, there have nothing to worry. We are still online, we treasure our member, we care your investment. We are still a healthy paying PrimeX7.
PrimeX7 Admin Team”.


What I like most about SkyCrown is that the admin doesn’t stop to make small but necessary improvements to his program to make every investor feel a dynamic which many programs simply lack. It’s quite important to note that mainly due to this approach SkyCrown (reviewed here) has already managed to reach Top 10 most popular programs on Premium Listing on MNO where the program was only listed 11 days ago. The fast payouts made from Monday to Saturday on the 3%-3.5% for 50 business days plans also helps maintain such a view and is an important cornerstone of every successful program. SkyCrown accepts PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. Recently PexPay was added which is now reflected in the SkyCrown banners some of which you can also see on the MNO monitoring page. With the guarded approach the admin of SkyCrown Nick takes towards LibertyReserve couldn’t deposit via LR until Xchanger.org stepped in and offered totally free of charge exchanges from LibertyReserve to PerfectMoney which any member of SkyCrown can make as long as you create a PM account of course, which will only take you five minutes. The latest newsletter from SkyCrown is below:

Recent Updates
Dear Members,
We hope everything is going as planned for all of you this week. It certainly has been a very good week for us so far, with our growth rate starting to intensify visibly.
Small improvements and tweaks were also made today, to help us manage our constantly expanding member base a little better and faster.
The PexPay logo has been added to our advertising banners today, in order to raise awareness regarding the fact that we also accept PexPay as a payment processor.
Xchanger.org has been officially added to our partnerships page, as the 0% fee Liberty Reserve to Perfect money exchange option introduced last week was definitely a good idea.
The customized Xchanger.org widget we mentioned at the beginning of this week is still in the making and will be completed as soon as possible by the Xchanger.org programmers.
On behalf of the whole team, I wish you stress-free investing and a relaxing weekend.
Warm Regards, Nick Seltzer
Online Identity Manager
SkyCrown Capital Management”.


Nubcoyu is to be reviewed on MNO this weekend but it looks like the admin is already enthusiastic about joining MNO’s Premium List along with the ShoutBox which has already become a place for the admins of quality programs as well as the investors to discuss the good and bad points about any program listed on MNO and shared opinions with each other. I’m glad my ShoutBox helps connect both investors and admins and am happy to see that more and more people seem to realize it too. Anyway, Nubcoyu has been put on Paying status on my monitor after I received the first withdrawal on the 1.4% for 200 business days which is their only investment plan. LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and EgoPay are the processors. Nubcoyu “finds a new home” on MNO according to the admin and I hope it will be for a long time bringing profits for many investors. Here’s what he said about this and about my site as a whole:

Nubcoyu Finds It’s New Home at MNO
Dear Valued Investors,
We are excited and honoured to have joined the Premium Listing of one of the best and the most well-known HYIP blog and monitor with fastest reaction towards status changes, Money News Online, a.k.a, MNO. We also have joined its shoutbox and will gladly regard that as our new home for support. MNO is a good community for quality investors and HYIPs and also is a notable place for knowledge exchanges. You’ll find us active at the MNO shoutbox a lot of the times so feel free to also join us. And of course, don’t forget to check out other interesting programs being added on weekly basis on MNO and remember to diversify your portfolio.
Regards, Nubcoyu Administration Team”.


I myself had some difficulties in accessing the website of TureProfit last night once again. Today however it’s back online and the admin was quick to assure me that everything is back to normal now and that even the SSL had been properly installed. I remind you that for a couple of days TureProfit suffered from very extensive DDoS attacks which weren’t brought under control until after they hired BlockDos to deal with it. The admin also said this was most likely caused by TureProfit‘s jealous competitors and would not happen again in the future. In the latest newsletter posted on the website TureProfit reminds everyone that it had been running for 300 days and never failing to pay on the 8% weekly for 50 weeks plan via LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay and PerfectMoney. Let’s hope the matter is closed now and that they will continue for just as long. Here’s the latest news from TureProfit (reviewed here):

TureProfit News – Upgrade our DDOS Protection system.
Now that you have received this message, because you are our membership. You may have noticed in the past few hours, our website is not accessible. In this regard, we apologize. First we get the service provider on the responses, due to hardware failure. Next, our website suffers a great DDoS attack. Through comparison, we choose blockdos as our partner, their service is professional and efficient, truly prevent DDoS attack. As you see, our website has returned to normal.
We will further upgrade our DDOS Protection system, may cause the website transient off-line. don’t worry, we will give you provide our most professional service. Once again thank you for your trust, we have been online for 300 days, never make investors disappoint. We will be more powerful.
If you have any questions, don’t forget to contact us.
Best regards,
TureProfit CEO”.


PipsFund (reviewed here) has a referral contest started among its representatives who you can find in the special page on their website divided by the countries they represent. I must say that there are quite a lot of names there, and of course representatives get higher referral commissions. For everyone else PipsFund pays 2% for 120 calendar days with principal returned on expiry to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay accounts which are usually paid very fast after submitting a withdrawal request.. Being online for over 40 days I’m pleased to see that the first investors scooped their first profits already. So to encourage the international representatives and add a little incentive, the admin of PipsFund Jerry is launching a contest with high cash prizes just for representatives who attract the investors with highest grossing deposit amounts within the next four weeks. The five lucky winners will be announced on October 30th when they can claim their prize via any payment processor of their choice.

For more results from its advertising efforts on MNO Jerry also requested an interview to be sent which I will do tomorrow. So, if you have any interesting questions you would like to submit to Jerry please don’t hesitate to contact me within the next few hours with them. I believe that by maintaining a high advertising profile PipsFund will be able to last longer which is the ultimate goal especially for the current investors of the program some of whom have already reached their break-even points. Here is the latest news announcing the referral contest posted on the website today:

In order to get our representatives system started, PipsFund is launching a contest to inspire you! The concept is pretty simple, first prize goes to the representative with the biggest amount in referral commissions within the next three weeks. The number of referrals you have is not important for this contest, we are focusing on the total earned in referral commissions.
This contest starts today, October 4th and runs until October 30th, when the winners will be announced. You can see the prize table below:
Position Prize
#1 $500, #2 $250, #3 $100, #4 $50, #5 $50.
Prizes will be sent to winners PipsFund account and can be either invested or withdrawn to any e-currency of their choice. If you have any questions concerning this contest, don’t hesitate to contact our support team. We wish you all good luck!


Another program I am sending interview questions to tomorrow is CEmobility (reviewed here). The program is quite new and has been paying for only seven days. The investment plans include 6%-8% for 25 business days and 3% for 70 days which CEmobility accepts via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from a $20 minimum. I believe there is only one interesting feature about this program that clearly distinguishes it from others – a daily raffle where five lucky members get a $20 bonus to their accounts which they can withdraw any time. Even my account was rewarded in the first one. The lucky winners are mentioned in the daily newsletters the admin of Cemobility sends to his members on a daily basis. Here is the last two emails from yesterday and today to give you an example:

Congratulation!!! The amount of deposits had already reached $10,000
The amount of deposits had already reached $10,000 yesterday. According to our promise, there are FIVE winners from now on. The winner who makes deposits reach $10,000 is included among them. As following is the winners today:
1. ladykoyoma (40$), 2. ethen227, 3. pinfomedia, 4.luckykn867, 5.ishpnd095
Please leave a message on our FaceBook, and share the happiness to all friends.

Congratulation!!! we drew the winners just before!!!
The amount of deposits had already reached $10,000. According to our promise, there are FIVE winners from now on.The winner who makes deposits reach $10,000 is included among them. As following is the winners today:
1. Alex5862, 2. gajendrabithura, 3. nisargaa, 4.mikrocloud, 5.mkhirod
Please leave a message on our FaceBook, and share the happiness to all friends.


ForexBank was moved to Problem status on MNO. Unfortunately at the time of writing the payouts are made selectively and not all members are getting paid. In addition, the admin has removed the rating page from his site completely which means he’s fully aware of the problem but is not going to do a damn thing to fix it. Of course those of you who joined on the one day on expiry plan on the day ForexBank was just added to MNO should be in profit provided you didn’t redeposit, but for those who were unlucky the game is over. I believe ForexBank only managed to last for eight days which is certainly not a very good result, but was enough to bring profits to the first fast and lucky investors. So, please beware of that and do not invest in ForexBank anymore and the program is a scam with confirmed selective payouts now!


Today a brand new short term program was added to MNO’s Premium List which I must say I’m pretty excited about. It is called UniversalFinance and is paying 23% for 5 days and 109% after 1 day. The thing that can make the program more stable than others is that the daily plan is offering more sustainable returns and you can deposit the minimum of $20 to earn 15% pure profit at the end, while those who want to make fast profits need to invest at least $500 in the one day plan. All the popular payment options are accepted including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay. Payouts have to be requested from your account and are promised within a 24 hour maximum. The site itself looks very nice with non-standard graphics and comprehensive information available in two languages – English and Russian. As a native Russian speaker myself I can confirm it’s done by a professional translator and literally flawless. Anyway, everything indicates a lot of work was put into making UniversalFinance more appealing in comparison to other fast profit programs. The major attraction is the script which is quite unique and never seen by myself before. UniversalFinance is also properly SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server with AntiDDoS protection. The admin Rob left a short welcome message you can read while getting acquainted with the site’s main features. A more detailed review will be posted on MNO in a few days:
My name is Rob Berson and I would like to introduce and invite you to the new investment program – UniversalFinance.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: RoyalUnionTheMoneyGalaxy, IntraFunds, ProsperaNova.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, Finvance, RightFive, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade,  TheBig5, FelminaAlliance, PlexCapital, SkyCrown, Bull&BearCapital, PipsFund, BensonUnion, MonetaryClub, ProfitTrusted, PerfectFinanceJustTripler, ROInvest, ForexEarn, DiamondAsset, SiriusUnion, TureProfit, OdoFx, UniversalFinance (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, PrimeX7, Alconoil.
From MNO Basic list: StallionGold, 10For25AdsDepositProfessional (the first payment received).

That’s all for tonight. See you tomorrow with a full review of SiriusUnion and the regular daily news and updates from the HYIP industry!

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