Oct 8th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! Nubcoyu has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! To finish off the weekend my second update for today has all the main news stories from the programs I monitor, which wasn’t much and about average for a Sunday, plus a closer look at a newly launched long term HYI program with the unusual name Nubcoyu. Well, maybe not that unusual. It’s a Japanese name, that of the admin, who has decided to name the program after himself. No false modesty there then! The program launched about three weeks ago though once you see the investment plan you’ll agree that in the grander scheme of things it’s still fair to treat this one like it’s new. But it’s a simple enough concept and only has one single investment plan that pays you the very same rate of interest regardless of how big or small your deposit is. So you’ll either like Nubcoyu or you won’t, but there’s nothing in the middle. At least it makes for an easy review if nothing else because as a result there’s not a whole to analyze either.

So in order to join Nubcoyu you will need to have at least $10 to spare as that’s the minimum required for a deposit. It’s quite a lengthy investment term as well by the way, with the plan running for 200 business days which is 40 weeks. During that time the admin is offering you a daily payment of 1.4% made every day from Monday through Friday. A lot of longer term HYIPs tend to return your principal on expiry, however you should note that Nubcoyu is NOT one of them. They are including your principal as part of the daily payments so whenever you receive you’re final 1.4%, that’s it. You’re out. So it adds up to a total return of 280%, out of which 100% was yours to begin with and the other 180% is net profit.

To put that in a more practical form, we’ll pretend you’ve invested a nice easy number like $100. In return for that Nubcoyu will pay you back $1.40 every day from Monday to Friday for the following 40 weeks. You will earn back an amount equal to your original deposit after 72 days, which means you can’t possibly lose money and start earning pure profit from that point on. You will eventually complete the term with a total of $280, a figure which includes your initial hundred. Nubcoyu have no upper limit placed on deposits so you’re free to spend as much as you like provided it’s over the $10 minimum. Just don’t take that as a green light to go a bit nuts with the check book and spending more than you can afford.

The choice of payment processors is just about OK for now, but hopefully is about to improve in the not too distant future. Currently Nubcoyu will take deposits via either EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. Alright for now but the admin assures me SolidTrustPay is on the way. He’s just waiting to pass their verification process which if you already have an account with them will know is quite strict on the background checks carried out on the documents submitted and can take a month or more. But at least the ball is rolling as they say, so if this is an issue for you then it shouldn’t be too much longer to wait. But whenever STP finally does make an appearance then I’ll make sure you hear about it right here on MNO first. Payments from Nubcoyu are made manually and will have to be requested from inside your members account area. Once done you are required to allow the admin up to 48 hours to complete the transaction, but do keep in mind that you won’t be earning on weekends.

The Nubcoyu website is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by Koddos. The website also has SSL encryption and is running off a script that’s licensed from GoldCoders. If you have any questions for the admin then you’ll see a variety of contact points listed, including a telephone number, an e-mail address you can write to directly, or the usual online ticketing form you can fill in and submit via the program’s contact page. Also listed is a postal address, but due to the shall we say questionable legal status of online HYIPs in most countries (running them I mean, not joining them so the rest of you don’t need to worry!) then this is highly unlikely to be more than a collection centre for mail. But one way to connect with the admin that you won’t find listed on the Nubcoyu website is the MNO shoutbox which is somewhere you will find a number of admins from MNO monitored programs from time to time. You’ll see Nubcoyu there too and he can be quite talkative sometimes, so if you see him there don’t be afraid to ask any questions or just share your own experience. That’s what it’s there for, after all.

And that’s about it really. There’s not much else to say about Nubcoyu other than the usual warnings to anyone less experienced than the average MNO reader in the playing the HYIP field that you are advised against looking into any alleged business interests held by the program or claims made on their website about how the entire operation is being financed. 99% of HYIPs will have some kind of story behind them and 99% of them will be nonsense of the highest order. The remaining 1% will just not have the patience to lie to you and tell you straight out it’s a game and not to play if you don’t like it. For the record, and I mention this purely for your own information, Nubcoyu have a list of business activities as long as your arm and basically includes almost anything you can think of doing online to make money, though strangely enough the only activity NOT to make the list was to actually run online HYIPs, lol! To the admin’s credit however he does say quite explicitly on the Nubcoyu website, and this is a quote, “never, ever invest more than you can afford to lose!” And that’s some pretty sound advice that I would like to echo. Always stay within a sensible spending limit, you have plenty of choice in this industry so if there’s something you don’t like then by all means use your right to stay away from it, and if you really so want to be an industry player then protect yourselves from heavy losses by keeping a wider more diverse portfolio.



I think you might remember from my introduction of UniversalFinance posted a couple of days ago that the program has a bilingual version of its website available in English and Russian. I believe the professionally made Russian version was a very good addition from the beginning as the Russian speaking market for short term HYIPs like UniversalFinance is very broad as per my evaluation but many of the people in Russia and CIS countries are still struggling to understand the rules of any HYIP site if it is written in English. So for such people it’s a really nice personal touch and has now been extended so that the program’s Live Chat will also be available in both English and Russian now. The support is promised to be online 24/7 so it will be really convenient for if you have any problems or questions regarding your account.

Please note that the full review of UniversalFinance will be on MNO tomorrow. Now I’ll just remind you that they pay on two investment plans – 23% for 5 calendar days and 109% after 1 calendar day. Payment processors accepted by UniversalFinance are LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. The minimum starts from $20 and in order to make a deposit in one of the plans you have to fund your account by clicking the button Add to Balance and go to your payment processor to confirm the payment before being able to allocate your available funds into your chosen investment plan/s. The latest newsletter from UniversalFinance is below:

UniversalFinance – Short Update
We are really happy to announce that Live Support is now available in Russian and English languages. Available 24/7. Soon more great features and languages will be added. Stay tuned for more.
Best Regards. UniversalFinance.


As you know, earlier today I published an interview with the admin of ROInvest Craig which if you’re interested you can find here. Craig gave a comprehensive explanation of his investment plans and the advertising strategy he is using to gradually promote his program. It’s really a different approach and hopefully it will pay off for him and all the members of ROInvest and will result in running the program for a longer time. If you haven’t read my review of the program published here I will just remind you that ROInvest accepts SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and LibertyReserve into several investment plans – 1.7%-2.7% for 50 business days (principal back), or 3.5%-4.5% for 50 business days (principal included). All the payments are usually processed instantly and automatically after you make a withdrawal request in ROInvest except for EgoPay payouts which are processed manually and within 24 hours. The latest newsletter from ROInvest announcing the interview on MNO can be read it in its entirety below:

ROInvest Update
Dear ROInvest members,
We have had our interview with MNO published now and you can read that here:
Big thanks to Paul of MNO for that.
Just a note with withdrawals:
Everyone needs to put their details in the back office of their account before we can process withdrawals.
In the next couple of days we will lift the limit of the max LR spend for each person. As we continue to grow we will keep you updated every step of the way.
Have a nice weekend or what is left of it anyway.
Admin Farid”.


SolidTrustPay which remains the most popular payment processor for MNO readers announced that tomorrow their offices will be closed and will resume work on Tuesday morning. This is due to the Canadian holiday of Thanksgiving which is celebrated tomorrow, so please allow extra time for any pending transactions.

By the way, tomorrow is not only a holiday in Canada but also in the US which celebrates Columbus Day. So please note that some HYIPs will use this as a convenient excuse to not credit your earnings. Especially it applies to programs paying on business days only. But I guess the admins will announce it further tomorrow if this will affect their investors, so stay tuned for more news updates on MNO about this.

But anyway, I would like to send my best wishes to all American and Canadian readers and wish them the very best for the holiday with their friends and families. Below you will find the latest official update from SolidTrustPay regarding their working schedule:

Office Closure: Thanksgiving, Oct 8 2012
As our Canadian customers already know, the upcoming Monday, October 8th, is the Canadian Thanksgiving. As such, our offices will be closed for the day.
As this is also a banking holiday, we would like to remind all customers to add an additional day to processing times for deposits and withdrawals.
We look forward to returning to regular business hours on Tuesday, October 9th.


Unfortunately today two programs went to Problem status on the MNO monitor. They are Bull&BearCapital and Alconoil, so please do not invest there anymore.

The reason for both was confirmed selective payouts from my referrals. It looks like Bull&BearCapital and Alconoil only pay monitoring sites while ignoring the needs of real investors. This is really convenient for both admins as their expenses are cut significantly and for the crooked monitors that will display Paying status as long as they themselves are paid. The admins of both Bull&BearCapital and Alconoil were contacted by me today and asked to pay the outstanding payments to my referrals. Both mails were ignored and I haven’t received any response for them so far. That alone brings me to the conclusion that both sites are scams now. While Alconoil couldn’t manage to survive even one full 25-day cycle, Bull&BearCapital showed much a better overall result and lasted for 50 days thus making reasonable profits for some investors. In any case, the result for any HYIP is the same as we can see – they stop payouts and forget about their obligations towards their members. It’s a sad side of the industry which is unfortunately necessary to accept.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: RoyalUnion, TheMoneyGalaxy, IntraFunds, ProsperaNova, ProfitaLimited (the first payments received).
From MNO Premium list: Finvance, ProfitableSunrise, FelminaAlliance, PerfectFinance, SiriusUnionPipsFund, MonetaryClub, BensonUnion, ProfitTrustedROInvest, ForexEarn, UniversalFinance, OdoFx, TureProfit, Nubcoyu, AWTC (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin.
From MNO Basic list: 10For25AdsDepositProfessional, StallionGold.

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. Please check out MNO tomorrow for all the latest updates from the programs monitored on my site and a more detailed review of UniversalFinance. See you all then!


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