Oct 12th, 2012 Archives

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 Beware! AgroFinance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! Before this evening’s main news update which is actually quite short, I want to start with a look at a brand new short term program called AgroFinance which has just joined the MNO Premium List. In terms of investment plans it has quite a lot in common with a number of popular HYIPs that we’ve seen in recent months so it will already have a familiar feel for a lot of you. You’ll see what I mean in a moment when I tell you about the plans, some of which are pretty handy if you act quickly enough and are looking for a modest return on a modest deposit – the main advantage to AgroFinance being that it’s fast. Other plans are a bit less feasible but as long as you play sensibly then you stand a fair enough chance. But if I’m making this sound like a typical generic short term HYIP, well, maybe it is in terms of the investment plans but I have to say that the AgroFinance website is far more professional looking and better designed than most of their competitors. And when there’s so much competition in the market now, particularly for this type of program, that could really benefit them I think.

What you’re presented with on first entering the AgroFinance website (by clicking “enter” on the homepage) is a selection of mostly short term plans paying on expiry. There’s also a couple of longer term options which are unlikely to get much attention from the more experienced HYIP players, and while I don’t like to start on a negative note, they’re probably right. I’ll get to those in a moment but they still wouldn’t put me off the shorter term plans which have the potential to be quite lucrative if you know how to play the game.

The first of no less than ten available plans runs for a term of 1 day. Interest on your investment is paid on expiry so in other words you invest today and get paid tomorrow. You can join for a $10 minimum deposit and for anything up to $300 you will get a payment of 105% which includes your principal, meaning your actual profit is 5%. For larger deposits the following rates apply:
$301 to $500 gets 106%, from $501 to $1,000 gets 107%, and from $1,001 to $2,500 gets 108%.
There is a maximum limit of $100,00 on investments (for all intents and purposes no upper limit in practical terms) and a top rate of 125% is offered. See the member’s area for details if interested.

AgroFinance’s second plan also pays on expiry, though after a term of 2 days. You will again only be required to make a $10 minimum deposit in order to participate and for anything up to $300 a return of 111% is offered. That includes your initial principal making the profit 11%. For those prepared to make larger deposits there are higher rates available, calculated as follows:
$301 to $500 gets 113%, from $501 to $1,000 gets 115%, and from $1,001 to $2,500 gets 117%.
Again there is no real maximum limit on investments (though officially it’s still $100,000) and a top rate of 160% is offered. See the member’s area for more details on that.

The third plan runs for a term of 4 days, and and again makes one single payment on expiry. You can join for a minimum deposit of $10, and for anything up to $300 earn a return of 123%. Than will includes your principal so it’s a 23% net profit.
If you are prepared to spend between $301 and $500 then the rate increases to 127%. Deposits from $501 to $1,000 are offered 132%, and from $1,001 to $2,500 are offered 136%. Higher rates of a maximum of 235% are offered to higher deposits with a maximum spend of $100,000. See your AgroFinance member’s area for the figures there.

Next up is an on expiry plan runs for a term of 6 days. As you can see the risk is slowly but surely increasing, but in financial terms it doesn’t have to be that big a deal unless you make it one. Reason being the minimum deposit is still only $10. An investment up to a value of $300 will earn you a payment of 136%, or 36% profit. And just like the other plans AgroFinance will make slightly higher payments to those investing more and more amounts. The rates include:
142% on $301 to $500, 150% for $501 to $1,000, and 160% on $1,001 to $2,500. Larger deposits are accepted with a top rate of 325% which again you can see from your AgroFinance account area if interested.

Without trying to deliberately cut this review short or appear like I am being unfair to this program more that any other, I have to say that the remaining plans in AgroFinance are unlikely to be of any great interest to experienced HYIP players. Usually I know I would at least go through all of them and spell out the basic facts such as minimum requirements to join and what the ROI was, no matter how ridiculous or unfeasible the plan happened to be in reality. The thing with AgroFinance though is that there’s just too many of them. There’s ten plans in total, all of which have their own subdivisions underneath them in turn, and I honestly think I’d be doing more harm than good to the program if I continued listing off the remaining plans in the same manner. Really, I’ve described the only ones you should genuinely take seriously, and by going through the rest I think I’d only be flooding you with information that you’d probably be better off without (as it would serve as nothing more than a distraction).

You can however sign up for an account in AgroFinance completely free of charge, no obligation to deposit, and view the remaining offers from inside your members area. But just to give you an example, there’s plans offering 1200% interest in a week, and 8000% to 8888% in 88 days. For your information the remaining plans include 180%-570% after 12 days, 210%-750% after 16 days, 350%-1600% after 32 days, 1200%-3300% after 64 days, 500% after 3 days, and 4700%-5000% after 72 days. Now, quite clearly the only one going to make any money from those ones is the admin should any newbies decide to join, but most MNO readers are well aware of this and will avoid anyway. In this case I just think it best to skip the whole thing because I don’t want to distract you from AgroFinance‘s genuine plans which actually aren’t bad if you know how to use them properly.

Your choice of payment methods is reasonable, though not without room for improvement. Currently EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are in use which is something I think is unlikely to change. AgroFinance are making manual payments to members so remember to log into your private account area and make the request immediately once your chosen plan has expired. Once done the admin asks you to allow up to 24 hours for him to make sure all transactions are completed.

On the design and security side of things, AgroFinance is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is also hosted on a dedicated server by AntiDdos with an SSL-secured connection from Comodo. I think it’s been fairly well established by now that they’re a fairly solid and dependable hosting provider so there’s little danger of the website suffering any severe downtime. Customer support if you have any questions for the admin is available by filling out the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page and submitting it.

Recent examples of very similar HYIPs to AgroFinance would suggest that it can be popular and successfully run for a good number of cycles (cycles of the shorter term plans that is, as I said you might prefer to avoid the longer term offers). However there’s been more than a few examples of programs using a similar set-up that have failed to sparkle as well, so take nothing for granted here and assess each program individually. Just because it looks like one or another program guarantees nothing, neither success nor failure.

The AgroFinance homepage alludes them being involved in the management of agricultural land and resources. There is nothing available that would prove that but I think you should know by now that few businesses other than online HYIPs offer the kind of returns being paid here. But overall it appears more original than many similar HYI programs and I’d say a bit more work went into this one than average. How long AgroFinance can sustain itself for is anyone’s guess so keep your spending limits sensible and always try to keep a diverse portfolio.



FixedMonthlyIncome is the oldest investment project on my monitor and listed there for about 600 days now. It’s been paying 10% monthly on deposits made via LibertyReserve and Bank wires. Although it looks like not many players are interested in such low monthly returns and high investment minimums you need to remember that the investment period in FixedMonthlyIncome is very flexible and you can request your principal back anytime. In the most recent newsletter posted on their website it was reported that the program has now 13,000 investors who will gladly share their testimonials with others. And one such 45 second testimonial can be found on YouTube apparently submitted by someone from the US who is really satisfied with the service provided by FixedMonthlyIncome and encouraging everyone to try it out. The changes on the FixedMonthlyIncome will be made very soon and I will report about it here at a later time, meanwhile you can watch the YouTube testimonial and read my full review of the program here:

Video Testimonial
Dear valued customers,
We continue working on problems with our site that have recently emerged and once again we express our gratitude for your patience and understanding. We were glad to see that such events do not influence the effective performance of our investment strategy and, accordingly, the result that each of more than 13,000 investors from 94 countries around the world receives every month.
As promised, we started implementing a program on development of our online presence. This program includes changes made on the site, changes in customer support and development of Public Relations.
Here you can find the first video testimonial of one of our investors:
Best regards, FixedMonthlyIncome Inc. Customer Support”.


The admin of Nubcoyu announced the recently published review of his program on MNO (click here to read) in the latest newsletter sent after he was released from hospital and paid all the pending withdrawals on the 1.4% for 200 business days plan. Nubcoyu accepts EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney starting from $10 and never hides the fact that it’s a ponzi based game which is truly appreciated. The admin also mentioned that fact in the newsletter sent today and asked investors to only deposit money they can afford to lose. That is exactly what I was talking about on MNO all the time and I am glad that we share the same point of view with Nubcoyu:

Nubcoyu Reviewed By MNO!
Dear Valued Investors,
We’re glad to be reviewed unbiasedly on MNO a few days ago. As many of you might already know, MNO is one of the best monitors out there with very accurate information and first-hand response to red flags. For more information, please visit the MNO website’s Nubcoyu review page:
Once again! Here’s our warning. HYIPs are nevertheless ponzi schemes. Although we’re trying to make it at least semi-ponzi, do participate in risks and never invest more than you can afford to lose!


Apparently as a reaction on my review of BYW30 published on MNO last night (click here to read it) where I criticize the site’s appearance the admin promised to change his website and make it more appealing. The question remains what prevented him from doing so before launching BYW30 in the first place and making such a bad impression on investors. Anyway, at least he realized that some changes are needed for his website paying 26%-30% for 4 days, 5%-8% for 30 days, 1.5% for 150 days to STP, EP, LR and PM and he’s going to implement them at some point. I look forward to seeing that and will report here as soon as I see any improvement:

Greetings to one and all!
BYW30 is proud to send out a new newsletter to our members, after over 3 days of serving our customers. As such, we are pleased to dedicate this huge success to every member of BYW30, who is the real cause for the same.
We have to admit that, our members have been the guiding force and support for us all throughout the way, and we hope and believe to see the very same from you throughout the future journey.
Due to the increasing popularity, and the non-stop and continuous growth of BYW30, we have decided to make some major improvements for our website, both in terms of technical and security aspects.
As many of you already know, we have been working on a more professional and superior design for our website, and we were expecting to give BYW30 a totally cool change. We change withdraw method to payout auto and instantly. You may get your money without waiting !! Lower risk and safety. (Except EGOPAY, EGOPAY Auto withdraw API is not implemented.)
Broaden Your Wallet 30% Daily!

In the second newsletter from BYW30 issued a couple of hours after the first, the admin warned against creating multiple accounts and said anyone found doing so will be banned without a refund. I believe this is a necessary step against referral cheaters, so be careful and never create multiple accounts in this or any other HYIP:

Dear members
Don’t Use Duplicate account.
After check account IP, we find some members open lots account.
We don’t allow multiple account. Please check our FAQ.
May I open several accounts in your program?
No. If we find that one member has more that one account, the entire funds will be frozen.


It comes as a surprise to me and many other readers of MNO today when the UniversalFinance website was inaccessible. There were no obvious signs of a scam as many were paid right up until the very moment the site went online, so it was clear something was not right with the site itself. It appeared later that the domain of UniversalFinance was suspended without any prior notice and any attempts to contact the domain registrar in order to clarify the situation by the admin Rob didn’t lead anywhere. Eventually, he gave up and admitted that he failed to run the website successfully although it was his intention on which the original script and interesting site design pointed to. The program only managed to last for eight days which was still enough to make profits for the very first investors in either the 23% for 5 days or 109% after 1 day plans. Obviously the damage has been done already and even if the admin wanted to he wouldn’t be able to resurrect his program within a matter of mere hours which would be required to maintain paying status on forums and monitors. As we can see from this example, even sometimes good intentions can be ruined by a very unexpected event, so we should always remember to invest only what we can afford to lose. It’s the golden rule of every successful investor and should always be strictly adhered to!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: SiriusUnionRoyalUnion, ProfitaLimited, ForexEarn, IntraFunds, TheMoneyGalaxyProsperaNova, AgroFinance.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, Finvance, RightFive, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliance, SkyCrown, PerfectFinancePipsFund, ROInvest, MonetaryClub, BensonUnion, DiamondAsset, TureProfit, AWTC, Nubcoyu, ProForexUnion (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: PrimeX7, UFOWin, BYW30.
From MNO Basic list: 10For25Ads, DebtReliefLimited, StallionGold, TradingFxInv, DebtReliefLimited, AfriInvestment (the first payment received).

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