Oct 14th, 2012 Archives

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 Beware! CarbonDeals has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! To finish off the weekend, and I hope you all had a good one, I want to look at another of the most recent additions to the MNO monitoring page. This time it’s a program called CarbonDeals which offers investors an interesting combination of short, medium, and long term plans. This can be a tricky one to pull off, and I know I’ve said that before, but with this one I do get the feeling the admin has just about got the balance right so hopefully it could be a potential hit. We’ll see soon enough in the coming weeks anyway, but for now (and of course I do have all the day’s main news stories coming up in a few moments) let’s see what exactly CarbonDeals have available for you and what other features the site has. There might be something you like in there as they’re certainly trying to bring in as diverse an audience as possible.

Apart from the various terms, generally speaking there’s a good spread of investment plans available here anyway. They might be widely diverse in nature, but one thing they all have in common is affordability. All of CarbonDeals plans can be joined for a basic $20 minimum so no one is prevented from joining their first preference plan. But basically it’s just a case of you deciding what you think you can realistically expect to gain by joining the program and how fast you would like to achieve it. I mean you might think the longer term plans might carry a higher risk in CarbonDeals but in financial terms you’re only talking about $20 so it needn’t be that way unless you choose to spend more than you were able to afford in the first place.

So let’s start with the shortest term option which is called The Clean Fuel Plan (you’ll notice they all have energy related themes). This one runs for a week and makes one single payment on expiry. Like I said the minimum deposit is $20, and the maximum for this plan is $500. On completion of the term the return is 108%, principal included. So that’s your own money plus 8% profit in one payment, or to put it another way invest $100 and get $108 back seven days later.

Your second choice, called The Efficient Energy Plan and also costing $20 to join, runs for two weeks. CarbonDeals then makes two weekly payments of 10% each before returning your principal on expiry. So that’s a total return of 120%, or 20% net profit. The same $100 invested here would see you get paid $10 per week for two weeks, and then have your initial hundred returned. Maximum spend for this plan increases to $5,000.

Next on the list is a daily payments option called The Gas Recovery Plan. This one runs for 28 calendar days with CarbonDeals paying you a 5.2% interest rate per day on all deposits between a $20 minimum to a $5,000 maximum. For this plan CarbonDeals are counting your initial principal as part of the daily payments so don’t expect it to be returned this time. Payments by the time the plan comes to a close should add up to 146% in total, or 46% net profit. So we’ll say for a $100 deposit here you would get back $5.20 per day until reaching $146 in total four weeks later. You should break even after 20 days and start counting the profits after that.

CarbonDeals fourth investment plan is another daily payments option, though running for a slightly longer term this time of 42 calendar days. It’s called The Biomass Plan. Minimum spend remains an affordable $20, and although the daily interest payments are a bit less this time, there’s going to be more of them so ultimately it’s a more profitable plan. Assuming the program survives that is. The rate is 4.2% per day, with CarbonDeals already counting your principal as part of that. Total payments should then add up to 176%, out of which 76% is net profit. So for a $100 deposit you would be hoping for a repayment of $4.20 per day, reach the break even point after 24 days, and complete the term with $176 in total. The maximum investment limit remains capped at $5,000.

Following that is another daily payments plan that runs for 56 calendar days called The Hydro Power Plan. You can join for a $20 minimum deposit, and in return expect a 3.8% daily return. Again CarbonDeals reduce the daily payment but since they make more of them the final profit goes up. This time the final return adds up to 212% in total, a figure which includes your original principal. So your $100 here gets you back $3.80 per day up to a value of $212 by the term’s completion, you breaking even on day number 27. CarbonDeals keep their conservative $5,000 upper limit on investments for this plan.

And finally we have The Wind Power Plan which runs for 70 calendar days. Spending limits are again within the $20 to $5,000 bracket and in return for your investment CarbonDeals are offering you a daily return of 3.6% interest. Your initial principal is counted as part of these payments which means you break even 28 days into the term, and complete it with a final return of 252%. Or for $100 that would mean a daily payout of $3.60 every day until you reach $252.

It’s a widespread practice in the HYIP industry now for any program that wants to be taken even remotely seriously by investors to have a complete list of all the popular payment processors in place right from the start. I have to say it’s a welcome development in the industry and I’m pleased to see CarbonDeals are one such program. I mean I wouldn’t praise them (or anyone) too much for it as it should be a bare minimum requirement for experienced industry players anyway, but it’s nice when the admin knows this and takes care of it before the launch. So at the moment CarbonDeals are accepting deposits via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payouts to members are made manually by the admin and need to be requested from inside your CarbonDeals private account area. Once done you are asked to allow up to 24 hours for all transactions to be completed. Compounding incidentally is not an option, so I’m relieved that we won’t be seeing any unnecessary complications on that front.

As far as the security and overall design of CarbonDeals goes I guess I’d be mainly positive. The program has a very well made and professional looking design and runs off a modified but licensed ProBiz script with full SSL-encryption of both public and private members only areas for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting on a dedicated server with support and protection from DDoS attacks by BlackLotus. If you have any reason to contact the CarbonDeals admin with any further questions or account related issues then you may do so by either filling in your details on the online support ticketing form and submitting it, or by simply writing directly to the e-mail addresses listed on the contacts page. One is for support related issues and the other for all other contact. CarbonDeals have a postal address in Sweden, and although I myself have no way of verifying this I do know from experience that the only addresses you’ll ever see listed on HYIP websites are no more than mail collection points at best, and that’s even if they do in fact exist at all. Accompanying the postal address is a telephone number which you are free to try if you want to speak to someone in person.

So far the feedback I have received from my own readers has been mostly positive so I can only take that as a good sign knowing that a lot of you have been playing the HYIP industry as long as you have. The content and texts on the CarbonDeals website are not entirely original however. Some of it is (I think) but large chunks of it (I know) are a straight copy/paste job from other websites. Therefore there’s not much point in me detailing the alleged business activities of the CarbonDeals admin for you here as I wouldn’t suggest you put too much faith in it. For the record it does have some interesting reading anyway if you’d care to have a look out of curiosity, but I wouldn’t really go any further than that with it. Otherwise all I have left to say about CarbonDeals is to treat it like any other high risk anonymous HYIP and set yourself a sensible and affordable spending limit that you won’t be in trouble for if you lost it, and if joining CarbonDeals at all then try to keep them as part of a well diversified and varied portfolio.



The above reviewed CarbonDeals apparently had some issues with crediting accounts in the program via LibertyReserve for the last 24 hours. Just a few hours ago the admin of the program Peter issued an update informing members of a successful resolution:

LibertyReserve processing problems resolved
Dear Members,
The LibertyReserve processing problems we have been having the last 24 hours causing only some deposits to process have now been resolved.
Thank you all for the patience and prompt problem reporting.
Best Regards, Peter Neperus


Against all odds Finvance (reviewed here) is still on top of the HYIP hierarchy and is just right behind NewGNi in the #2 spot on MNO’s Premium list. With thousands of investors depositing millions of dollars (and I actually can believe that looking at the amount of ref commissions received from my downline) Finvance has been paying for exactly ninety days now which comprises three full cycles of the 8% for 20 business days. The minimum to invest there is only $20 and payment processors accepted include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. The payments are usually made within 24 hours (maybe up to 48 hours for STP withdrawals), but the main attraction of the program is a built-in internal exchanger where you can easily and totally free of charge exchange e-currencies. So for instance if you have some STP funds and would like to exchange it to PerfectMoney simply make an investment via STP and then withdraw your profits via PerfectMoney (for example). Sweet, isn’t it? I guess the novelty attracted a lot of investors from all over the world and puts Finvance on top of the investment world by attracting over $3 million according to the admin Mark (read my full interview with him here). Finvance has managed to achieve a lot which I believe would be impossible without the members’ support and I feel that Mark totally understands this and mentions it in every newsletter as well as answering some of your questions. This latest one issued today is no exception and Mark emphasized the utmost importance of submitting the right e-currency accounts in your profile to ensure payments are made promptly and on time. The full newsletter from Finvance is below:

Finvance breaks 20,000 active deposits
Our team at Finvance is ecstatic to announce that we have broken the 20,000 active deposits barrier going into the fourth cycle. Finvance currently hold’s over $3million in active current deposits. Thank you for your continued support to make Finvance the top investor’s choice.
With a record breaking week, we would like to go over several important aspects of Finvance to make it the most efficient investor experience you have.
Finvance pays 8% daily for 28 calendar days with interest earnings on business days (Monday through Friday – 20 days of interest). Finvance accepts four e-currencies: Liberty Reserve, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and EgoPay.
To ensure the processing of your withdrawals, please make sure that you have correct information in your Finvance profile for your withdrawal. A few tips are outlined below:
SolidTrustPay account withdrawals are sent to your SolidTrustPay username. Your username is what should be in your profile. If it is incorrect, fix it and cancel and re-submit your withdrawal.
PerfectMoney account withdrawals should begin with a Capital U or E (USD or EUROS). If it is incorrect, please fix it and re-submit your withdrawal. Please make sure your account number is properly formatted as well with no extra spaces or blanks as it will cause your withdrawal to fail.
If you have a missing deposit, please email us a simple email with your Finvance username and your complete transaction details for the missing deposit. This will help make the manual credit a smoother and quicker process.
Mark. Finvance.


Please note that there will be no payments processed to members of IntraFunds (reviewed here) on Monday and Tuesday due to an “important trip” being taken by the admin Jacob. This is more important than paying his members? I know, I know! “We heard it all before and that is a sure sign of an imminent scam” – I can hear investors shouting it at their computer screens already. I would hope it might only be a smart marketing trick as if Jacob really returns on Wednesday and the payouts do resume on both investment plans that would be the best advertising for IntraFunds which is currently paying 25% for 5 days and 2% for 60 business days + principal back via LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay and PerfectMoney. Surely if that happens there will be an influx of members and will hugely promote the program which is still not that popular. On the other hand, it might be an excuse and we cannot say with 100% certainty that IntraFunds will come back on Wednesday at all. We need to also consider that most probably very few investors will make any deposits during those two days. scared by the thought of a pending scam, and that will also add to the admin’s problems of paying out more than he takes in. Members have every right to voice their concern in that case and we can’t blame them for sharing their worries on forums. I think such drastic measures as the account suspensions threatened by Jacob to those who spread panic are unlikely help. He might also have some good intentions in mind and have some personal business to attend to, but at the same time in the age of computer technologies it’s really hard to believe that the payouts cannot be made from any point of the world provided it has an internet connection. I can’t believe there aren’t plenty of hotels in Cincinnati with a good Wi-Fi connection, all he needs after that is a laptop. I travel myself around the world and work at the same time without any issues, so I find it really hard to believe he can’t do the same in a major US population center. I mean Cincinnati isn’t exactly an Arctic exploration camp or anything! In any event, I will let you judge the intentions IntraFunds by reading the latest newsletter below:

Out of Town
I would like to inform you that I will be unavailable on the 15th and 16th of October due to an important trip to Cincinnati. For those who would like to get paid before me leaving for the trip, please request you withdrawal no later than 10:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time [-5:00 GMT]).
All withdrawal requests after that time frame will be processed on Wednesday. I am very sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you but this trip is very important to me and I don’ think giving you whatsoever reason would even mean anything because most of you won’t believe it, so I rather keep it to myself.
People who think I’m running, you are completely mistaken, otherwise I wouldn’t be processing today’s pending withdrawals averaging around $1,500.00. I already explained to all investors that if I was to shut down the program, I would give you an advance notice of at least 1 week.
So if I was to make a short summary, I will NOT be available on the 15th and 16th of October due to an important visit to Cincinnati. I will try and answer tickets from my smartphone but I can’t guarantee you that.
All those who are going to spread rumors and post lies will have their account suspended and I will not tolerate that. If you were to mislead people, I will stop you from doing that.


According to the admin of AWTC his program is enjoying a lot of success after being online for only a week with an unlikely 450 members. Tomorrow PexPay joins to the list of payment processors which currently has only LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay. AWTC has plans of 4%-4.5% for 35 business days and 10% for 11 business days. The admin addressed some common questions which may be beneficial for anyone who didn’t read my review of AWTC which you are welcome to do now here:

First Week News from AWTC
Dear All,
One week of operation is over and we take the pride of serving more than 450 members with more than 70% of them having invested with us. We are grateful of our growth progress and hopefully it will be continued for the days to come.
For the first week news, apart from the statistics, I am going to give a great news especially to the PexPay users. Starting from Monday October 15, 2012 we are going to accept PexPay as one of our payment processors.
And here are the answers to the most questions we were asked in our first week of operation:
Q) What time do you process the withdrawals?
A) We do the withdrawals everyday several times depending on the number of pending cashouts. Usually when there are more than 20 cashouts pending, we start processing them. Sometimes it may be 6 times daily and in weekends might be in 2 batches only. If you miss a batch, you should wait for the next one.
Q) Do you pay 7 days a week?
A) The interest is added to your account 5 days a week being Mon-Fri but we pay the withdrawal requests everyday, even in weekend. If you couldn’t withdraw your earnings during the week, don’t worry, we are here to help in weekends too.
Q) Why don’t I receive the Log in PIN?
A) You receive the log in PIN when you want to sign in to your account from a different IP. If so, please wait for a few minutes before trying to log in again. Sometimes it may go to your spam folder. If still you don’t get it, send a support ticket to check the email registered to the account.
We are looking forward to having you on board with us and feeling the difference.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any help. Our live chat support operates 24/7 and your support tickets will be answered within a few hours up to 24 hours.
Thank you.
Regards, AWTC Administration”.


MonetaryClub (reviewed here) has been online for 19 days and listed on MNO’s Premium list for 12. This might first look like it’s not a very impressive achievement but if we look at the program’s plans we can see that MonetaryClub already reached 19 full one day cycles which is really incredible. MonetaryFund take LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay for plans that include 103%-130% after 1 day, 54%-75% for 2 days, 120%-330% after 5 days, 150%-500% after 10 days, 350%-800% after 20 days, 500%-1200% after 30 days. Tomorrow the first investors in the 20-day plan should be paid so I hope that goes ahead as planned. Recent success of MonetaryClub are highlighted in the the latest newsletter from the admin Jesse issued today as seen below:

MonetaryClub Inc. 19 Days Online – Updates
Good day to you! I would like to update everyone about the status and progress of MonetaryClub Inc. Since you are a valued investors of our company, we want to regularly update you about your investments with us.
Since MonetaryClub Inc. began its life online last September 25, 2012 and now MCi (MonetaryClub Inc.) is 19 days online and going stronger than ever. If you notice several traffic ranking sites like Alexa and HYIPRank, MCi is ranking higher and higher daily. If you check Alexa, http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/monetaryclub.com , the traffic ranking is really going upwards.
HYIPRank on the other hand shows MCi as the top 1.
We want to officially invite everyone to join our official Facebook Group http://www.facebook.com/groups/monetaryclub/
Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/monetaryclubinc
Like our Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/monetaryclubinc
We invite you also to post on the forum: http://www.moneymakergroup.com/Monetaryclub-Monetarycl-t421852.html
If you have suggestions and recommendations, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Much Regards, Jesse Snyder”.


The strangely named Phinanci was listed on MNO’s Premium listing tonight and the admin also purchased a Sticky option for one month straight away. So, what can I say about this one? It started over two weeks ago and offers two simple investment plans of 120% after 20 calendar days for a $10 minimum and 3% for 50 calendar days for a $50 minimum. Note that the original principal is already included in your daily returns and will not be returned on expiry. Phinanci accepts all the popular payment processors including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The withdrawals have to be requested and are promised to be processed within a 48 hour maximum. The program is running off a licensed PHPflux script and is secured by Comodo SSL. Phinanci is hosted on a shared server with another currently defunct program from 2006 (I guess it might as well mean that the site has a dedicated server at the moment). Both hosting and DDoS protection are provided by BlackLotus which is a familiar enough name in the HYIP industry. My overall impression from first glance at Phinanci‘s website is quite positive. It has an unusual layout, comprehensive FAQ and investment guide containing all the necessary info about the investment process and active Facebook and Twitter accounts. More about Phinanci will be in my detailed review next week.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: SiriusUnion, IntraFundsRoyalUnion, ForexEarn, AgroFinance, TheMoneyGalaxy.
From MNO Premium list: Finvance, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliance, PerfectFinanceROInvest, PipsFund, MonetaryClub, BensonUnion, AWTC, ProForexUnion, CarbonDeals (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: PrimeX7, UFOWin, BYW30.
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds, 10For25Ads.

That’s it for today, guys. Please note that tomorrow I’ll be busy with some personal business and will not have a news update, but I will be publishing an interview with the admin of SkyCrown which I received a couple of days ago. So in any case please check out MNO for more information on that. See you then!

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