Oct 16th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! SkyCrown has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and looking forward to plenty of new opportunities (fingers crossed!) for the coming business week. Looking back over the last couple of days I must say it was a lot busier than usual for news stories in the industry considering things generally tend to slow way down on Saturdays and Sundays, so I hope that indicates the current upturn will continue a while longer. Plus the fact that good stories far outnumbered the bad ones is always a welcome development! But anyway, one recently launched program which I believe will soon be at the forefront of the current industry boom is one called SkyCrown which is a name I know many of you are already familiar with, and if you’re not, well, I think you will be soon.

To find out why SkyCrown are fast becoming one of the most popular new programs in the industry you can start by reading my original review of the program first published on MNO here, but before that I’m pleased to share the following interview with Nicholas, the SkyCrown admin with you. Aside from the investment plans that pay 3%-3.5% for 50 business days which Nicholas explains in more detail for you below, it’s a more extensive interview than usual and he goes into some of the finer points about SkyCrown‘s set-up and organization. So let’s hear what he has to say!

1. Hi Nick, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in SkyCrown.

Hello Paul, my name is Nicholas Seltzer and I am the Online Identity Manager for SkyCrown Capital Management. My main assignments are the company’s marketing and advertising strategies, online reputation and image management and last but not least, in-depth online investment market research.

2. Can you give us some background information on SkyCrown? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? (How long have you been online? )

I am not the only one behind SkyCrown. We are an experienced, dynamic and highly motivated team, ready to tackle everything this industry can throw at us.

Withdrawal requests and indirect funding transactions are processed in two daily sessions by Laura, our senior account manager.

Zachary ensures good customer interaction and feedback by managing the Live Chat support and daily traffic reports.

David is our technical officer, always ready to step in and assist with potential issues.

Looking at our domain name information, you can see SkyCrown.com was registered in late 2010.

The entire management team, me included, have been greatly impressed and influenced by the giant that was Genius Funds at that time and by what it meant to so many people.

After its downfall, motivated by the sheer awe Genius inspired and by its success, we decided to bring the same level of professionalism and commitment back to the industry and even exceed it someday.

That’s how SkyCrown Capital Management came to be. As time passed and we advanced with our project slowly but surely, we noticed the online investment industry was going along at its own sinusoidal pace, as it usually does, but it was lacking the magic of those amazing times between 2008 and 2010.

3. What plans are available to investors in SkyCrown? Explain them in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you accepting at the moment?

That’s a good question. I’m also working my way to some “Smart investing tips” newsletter in the future, but I’ll also describe the guidelines here now.

We offer 2 plans:

Nimbus Prime offers a 3% daily return rate and Excelsior Max offers a 3.5% daily return rate for 50 business days (50 total payments, made from Monday to Friday, along a total duration of 70 calendar days). Neither Nimbus nor Excelsior return your principal investment on expiry. The total ROI rates we offer are 50% and 75% respectively, along the 21/2 month period.

The amount limits per single investment are $25 to $5,000 for Nimbus and $250 to $10,000 for Excelsior.

We also offer 8 investment slots, 4 for each of our plans. This means you can only have a maximum of 4 Nimbus and 4 Excelsior active investments at any one time.

We have set up this system in part to keep things balanced and give each and every one of our members a fair chance at profits and also to ensure our company’s stability for a longer period of time.

However, that is not the only reason for the investment slots. These can also be used by smart investors to put their money to work even harder and why not, to have that extra bit of strategic fun. There are several very effective slot-investing strategies that I will describe in our future newsletters.

Some can associate this idea to compounding, but from the customer feedback we’ve had so far, the kind of investor attracted to slot strategies is quite different from the aggressive and negligent nature of compounding seekers. Less compulsive behavior and far more enjoyment are also distinguishing characteristics of the slot strategist.

4. On the subject of payment processors, a lot of people will be interested to hear about your attitude to LibertyReserve (which I happen to share). So can you explain to readers:

a) What exactly is the problem here? Why exactly would you prefer not to deal with them and how much is based on personal experience rather than just stories told by others?

Paul, to be honest, I have never had problems with Liberty Reserve at the time I was using it more often up to one year back. Maybe I will use it again in the future, who knows? Maybe, on a personal level, I am a risk taker. Again, who knows?

But when it comes to business it’s a whole different matter. It’s about acceptable risk percentages. To put it mildly, the risk level of dealing with LR is more than we can tolerate for SkyCrown.

We are all businessmen here, so if that bank over there happens to like sticking its hand into its clients’ pockets from time to time, that’s ok, as long as I don’t have to go along with it. That kind of permanent stress would also affect my performance and thinking abilities as a manager.

Our official answer to this same question remains very much accurate and fresh I’m afraid:

The safety of our members’ funds and stability of our operation are paramount to us as a company.

We decided to exclude the notorious Liberty Reserve from our accepted e-Currencies list due to their ongoing track record of security flaws, poor customer service, blatant abuse and even theft of user funds. Recent events have fueled this opinion we already had even more, making the risk of jeopardizing our entire activity by dealing with Liberty Reserve unacceptable.

b) LibertyReserve are, like it or not, still a massive company that are almost impossible to avoid in the HYIP industry. So what are you doing about investors who would like to join SkyCrown but simply refuse to leave LR? How are you enabling them to invest with you?

Liberty Reserve might be still considered a standard in the industry strictly from a number of users point of view. However, when factoring in net worth per user and the amounts transacted and more importantly invested by these users, Liberty Reserve is not that big anymore, offering not even an attempt at member protection/refund. Liberty Reserve remains the solution of choice for smaller transactions and for those to whom anonymity matters more than the safety of their funds, which is, in itself, saying a lot.

We chose to accommodate a LR to PM deposits at 0% exchange fee through Xchanger.org as a service to our members and prospective investors, but under no circumstances did we adopt this exchange feature expecting to greatly expand cashflow.

It’s still too early to think this way right now, but my reasoning is the following:
Isn’t a truly great investment opportunity well worth the bother of converting Liberty Reserve to Perfect Money for free?

So, as long as we do our job well and hold true to our promises, we’ve got nothing to fear.

5. How secure is the website of SkyCrown? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

We are fully covered on the technical side.

Our website is hosted on a dedicated server provided by BlackLotus Communications, a reputable and extremely helpful protection provider. They seem to have stepped up their overall service and customer support quality in recent months, which is pretty rare from an established hosting business. Also, BlackLotus is well known for mitigating real DDoS attacks very professionally and rapidly.

Right now we have a 10Gb 6Mpps DDoS protection plan, which we are ready to step up to 35Gb immediately and even more if the need arises.

The SkyCrown website engine is loosely based on a well-known commercial script.

The original script merely served as orientation and foundation for the programmers.

It can be a daunting task to pitch such an intricate investment-related website infrastructure to a firm of web designers without a practical example.

Our website engine is privately developed, from the ground up to fully comply with the highest standards of safety, functionality and accessibility, under non-disclosure agreements and with security warranties.

6. Can we see any statistics regarding the site? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

I will go against customary habits and tell you our straight numbers at this moment,
as rounding them up would generate no real advantage. Right now we have around 800 members, with a little over 50% being active investors, which is a very good percentage to have this early on.

As I have already stated in the 1 month anniversary newsletter I sent to our members this week, so far everything is going according to plan and I would like to thank everyone for the support and the vote of confidence.

Even if we have been confronted with an unexpected level of public enthusiasm, despite our modest advertising campaign, we are very pleased with our current results and will by no means allow ourselves to get carried away, as our goal extends well beyond the upcoming winter and well beyond the next winter after that.

The level of determination we are currently at can only be maintained with both feet firmly on the ground. That is exactly how we intend to keep our management policies in the future.

7. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues? Can you also tell us a bit more about the Live Chat feature, specifically if it’s a 24 hour service, or if not then what are the best times to find an operator there?

Members can reach us through e-mail, live support and telephone.

The Live Chat feature doesn’t have fixed hours just yet, as neither do our members who need assistance. Usually, Live Chat inquiries are of a more urgent nature and need addressing right away. Therefore, we are still assessing what the best livehcat operation schedule would be. Until then, the program is spread across the day, with me also monitoring the live chats and being able to step in if my assistance is requested or needed.

Given that Zachary is in the United States and I am rather busy in the morning and also take a few hours lunch break every day, the best hours to get your questions answered live would be 12:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. GMT. But you will very often find someone online outside these hours.

8. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

The most common questions are, even if quite simple, very common :

Do I get my principal back on expiry?
The answer is no, which is also clearly explained on several instances of our website. However, given the exaggerated rates certain investment programs have trended to, the question is more than understandable.

Do we offer compounding?
No, we do not. But you can reinvest your accumulated profits in a free slot.

Where is the affiliate link ?
Inside your member area, click on the “Affiliation Summary” link to the left.

How do I perform the LR to PM exchange?
Select LibertyReserve and click submit deposit. You will get very detailed instructions.

What are the investment slots?
Every member account has 8 available investment slots. 4 slots for Nimbus and 4 slots for Excelsior investments. Each slot can be used to initiate a new investment of the respective type. The number of slots is fixed and free slots cannot be reassigned to the other investment type.

The most common problems are:
– members who forget to invest after having deposited
– members who do not bother to consult the frequent questions section OR the investment offer page before asking the most basic of questions on Live Chat.

Laura and Zachary do not mind the added stress and manage the problematic situations gladly and effectively, but it would surely be nice to see more people paying a little closer attention, as it’s their money involved.

9. How have you been promoting SkyCrown so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

The strategy behind our global marketing plan is to demonstrate that SkyCrown Capital Management is an investment firm that can help clients earn stable and high income without undertaking serious financial risks. We plan to slowly intensify our promotional campaign starting next year, using a more modern approach.

Advertising will also take place outside hyip-related sites. We plan to cover online newspapers, investment forums and search engines. This will be done to give our company a wider and more diverse exposure.

Nevertheless, we will never spend money on unnecessary, underperforming, misrepresented performance or even worse, blackmail.

10. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

SkyCrown Capital Management goes an extra mile to bring the world’s best investment opportunities to the common investor. Comparable returns are otherwise available only to either full-time professionals or investors with a very high net worth.

We invest in companies and help them develop, basically. Any experienced business owner knows that an infusion of cash at the right time is worth its weight in gold.

At the same time, a poorly timed or poorly judged decision to support a company can start raking in losses even from day one.

It’s not an easy investment field and work can be quite labor-intensive at times, but our investment division is made up of true experts who enjoy what they do and live out their careers every day.

Our main industry sectors of interest are information technology, healthcare and renewable energy.

11. How do you plan to develop and improve SkyCrown in the future? Do you have any plans for the coming weeks and months?

We do have a great deal of improvements, upgrades and surprises for our members in the months to come. But these are all things that will surely come and that everyone will get to see.

What I would like to offer now is a little insight in what SkyCrown means to us,
the people behind it:

The SkyCrown project is about much more than just money. It’s about bringing the old magic and the excitement back. it’s about giving our full attention, dedication and creativity to a project that is our own. It’s about our members feeling our full involvement radiate through an otherwise impersonal computer screen, filling their hearts with hope and making good on our promises.

We are motivated enough to start a small revolution if we must. Our main drive is not money, but a need for the marketplace to validate our contribution.

While we all have always wanted wealth, we are driven more by our need to contribute and be acknowledged consistent with our own potential.

We really think SkyCrown will make a difference!

12. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Anything you fell potential or existing members should know? Also if there was anything in the review you may not agree with or think needs to be clarified then feel free to say what you like about that here too.

Looking back at this interview, I realize I haven’t felt this full of energy in a while.

In the future, SkyCrown may very well have a weekly editorials section or blog, written by yours truly.

Thank you very much for your attention and for your patience.

On behalf of the SkyCrown collective, I wish you all a good week and stress-free investments.

Thanks a lot to Nick for that and I hope you find it not just interesting but entertaining as well. The main reason for publishing interviews on MNO is not so much to promote the program as such but to help readers make a decision (either one way or another, the choice is yours) as to whether you think SkyCrown would be a useful addition to your online portfolios or not. We all take the alleged business interests behind online HYIPs with a pinch of salt, but these interviews are really about seeing how the admin handles himself, explains his program to potential investors, and just generally show off his level of communication skills and professionalism. Some do a better job than others as we know, but I think Nick did reasonably well with SkyCrown here. So I’ll just finish as usual by wishing him good luck with his ongoing efforts to make SkyCrown into a major industry player and of course best of luck to any readers here prepared to take a chance on them and gamble a few bucks. This won’t actually guarantee you anything but as the industry is hitting its peak now I guess this is as good a chance for this to happen as you’re ever going to get.


Three new projects are joining MNO today. The first is called FinanceCore and joined my monitor this morning on Premium Listing. Launched only a few days ago FinanceCore only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, however, in their FAQ section the admin promises to add more payment options over time. The investment term is in the range of 20-40 calendar days, so we can describe FinanceCore as a medium-term program. Plans can be divided into two categories – those returning original principal on expiry (1.7 for 20 days, 2% for 25 days and 2.2% for 30 days) and those that include it in the daily payments (4.5% for 30 to 40 days). The minimum to invest starts from $10 in some of the plans and withdrawals are paid within a 24 hour maximum on request. FinanceCore is running off an original and custom script but very similar to GoldCoders, so members will not have any difficulties navigating the site. FinanceCore is SSL-secured by Thawte, hosted on a dedicated server by an unknown provider as for some bizarre reason best known to himself the admin refused to name it but mentioned that it’s properly DDoS protected. I can’t really confirm that though. More details will be in MNO soon, but meanwhile the first introductory message from the admin can be read below:

FinanceCore project
Administration announces the opening of the investment project. The procedure of cooperation with our business partners has been worked out very carefully, and we can say with confidence that each registered user will be offered the most favorable conditions, as well as security guarantees for their investments.
Our users also have access to FinanceCore customer support service, where our experts provide consultations and help you find answers to any question.
The project FinanceCore offers mutually beneficial cooperation to individuals interested in reliable financial investments and a stable passive income. We are always happy to see you among our business partners. We invite you to go through our registration process, which will only take you a few minutes!


The second program, this time joining MNO’s Standard Listing, is called FastEarn. As the name implies FastEarn which just launched today provides you with fast cash in several on expiry plans with various terms and rates of interest – 104%-120% after 1 day, 133%-300% after 6 days, 155%-800% after 9 days, 210%-1400% after 15 days, 450%-3000% after 25 days. The minimum to invest in FastEarn starts from $10 via SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Since the program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script payments have to requested from your account balance and once the request is done the money should be in your e-currency accounts in no more than 20 hours as specified in the program’s FAQ page. The site of FastEarn is SSL-secured by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server provided by Koddos with DDoS protection. All in all, FastEarn looks quite average and there is nothing sensational about it. The more detailed overview of its features and investment plans will be posted in my review soon, so stay tuned for that, guys!


Perhaps, the most interesting addition to my Premium List today is ProfitClicking. The program started more than a year ago and according to the admin has a whopping 2 million members and 75 support staff since February 2011. Looking at the website I can believe it, as this is one of the most interesting and at the same time complicated websites I’ve seen in the industry for a while. It will take me a bit more time than usual to familiarize myself with all the features and put together a proper review by Thursday, but for tonight I would bring some of the basics about ProfitClicking to your attention. In a nutshell, you need to sign up, update your e-currency accounts and then fund your wallet in the program first by using either LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay or even Payza (the program positions itself as an advertising site and therefore you buy ads so it’s not considered an investment or HYIP site). Once you have some cash in your balance you can purchase ad packs for $10 each and start earning interest which will be 2% on weekdays and 1% on weekends. The investment term is 88 days and the maturity of your adpack is at 150% which will give you 50% net profit. Please note that in return for having your account in ProfitClicking credited properly you need to surf at least 3 sites daily, but the good thing here is that you are allowed to surf more sites to cover the days when you’re unable to get online. Please note that recently it was reported about the delayed payouts from ProfitClicking on monitors and forums that can reach to 10-15 days so be aware of that before joining and be patient. Despite that, the program is still paying at a pace it can manage having so many members to deal with. They even recently entered the top 500 most popular websites in the world according to Alexa. ProfitClicking is hosted on a dedicated server by one of the HYIP industry’s leaders BlockDos and surely that’s helping them to break all the traffic records. There will be a lot more to talk about in the upcoming review of ProfitClicking on MNO soon, but for now I will just say that it will take you a lot of time to get through all the features and understand how it all works. The program also issues daily updates and starting from today I will be publishing them on MNO I am officially monitoring them now. Here’s the newsletter for today:

Daily Update For October 15th, 2012
Member Update
Profit Clicking’s Top Money Makers
Top earners at Profit Clicking had made nearly one million dollars! Do they have hundreds of referrals? Some do, but most don’t. Take a look at the chart at: http://www.profitclicking.com/media so you can see what we mean. Of our top twenty earners, several only have two or three referrals! Recruiting is not required! You will, however, notice a big difference in the “Referral Commissions” column for the individuals who have more referrals.
The best thing you can do right now is to buy new Advertising Packages and assisting others in doing the same. Those are the two ways to make an incredible amount of money at Profit Clicking!
 ProfitClicking provides the opportunity to generate income that is indefinitely sustainable! Just ask any of those on the Top Twenty list!
Pay It Forward
The Profit Clicking “Pay-It-Forward” System is so easy! All new members are given a “$10 free value”. This allows them to immediately buy their first Ad Package, and start earning up to 2% per day! When you invite prospects, let them know that with Profit Clicking they don’t need to pay to join – We pay them!
Alexa Ranking Breaks the 500 Mark!
Remember, the lower the Alexa ranking, the more traffic the website gets. ProfitClickings ranking keeps dropping – it’s now under 500! That means that more and more people are interested in the opportunity to make money online, and they recognize ProfitClicking as a way to do it.
Facebook’s Sunday Success Story Spotlight Member
The first ProfitClicking member to be spotlighted is Dan Andrews. See his success story on our Facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/notes/profit-clicking/sunday-success-story-spotlight-member-dan-andrews/510229925655893
I am really thrilled with the results of ProfitClicking! ~Dan Andrews
Miss the Live Conference Call?
A recording of the first Live Call with Frederick Mann is located near the top of your Dashboard! If you missed it, you can listen to it now! DOC’s Thursday’s Call was also recorded, and will be posted on the ProfitClicking site this week. If you can’t attend the calls Live, make sure to listen as they are posted. It is important to always be “in the know.”
After all, ProfitClicking is the program “everyone in the know” joins. Be sure to tell your friends and contacts about us before they get scooped up under someone else.
Here’s To Your Success!
ProfitClicking Executive Team

To close I would like to warn about two programs moved to Waiting status on MNO today – RightFive and IntraFunds. Due to the delayed withdrawals further investments in either are not recommended. Further details will be in my blog tomorrow along with the full review of Phinanci and all the latest news from the industry. See you then and good luck with your investments!

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