Oct 18th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! 4FXInvestment has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi all! If you’ve been a long term reader on MNO, or just a long term follower of the online HYIP industry in general I suppose, you’ll notice how every now and then a program like 4FXInvestment emerges. That’s the one I’m reviewing before today’s news incidentally, just in case the headline didn’t give it away. But when I say “programs like this”, what I’m referring to is online HYIPs with long term histories that have been online sometimes for as long as a full year, but without anyone ever really being aware of them. Then, all of a sudden, there’s a complete overhaul and the program gets redesigned from top to bottom with a completely new – usually shorter term – set of investment plans and a sudden surge in attention from investors who seemed blissfully unaware of the program’s very existence until a couple of days previously. So 4FXInvestment is one such program.

Their online history stretches back to January 2012 when the site was first launched, though at that point 4FXInvestment had little more than its name in common with the program we are looking at today. But for the benefit of anyone not aware of these tactics, this is something you’ll see happen occasionally in the industry, where a HYI program is opened but almost immediately buried so that as few investors as possible will discover it. The admin will then leave it pretty much on auto-pilot, perhaps paying to just one or two monitors but deliberately hiding it from regular players. The idea here is that when the time is right the admin can either sell it as a “going concern” or else throw himself head first into a full on promotion of the program, using this ten month long proven payments record as the greatest single asset and selling point. Never mind that you’re unlikely to find more than a handful of real people that were actually paid by 4FXInvestment, the fact is that the forum threads are there and the monitoring record is there and the payment proofs are there, for all to see. It was just kept as quiet as possible before now. Then the program, in this case 4FXInvestment, is ready with it’s new identity and it’s new plans to finally start accepting new members on the strength of this supposedly established reputation.

It’s not that big a deal, and I remember several such programs becoming quite successful (genuine success that is) by using this tactic. And for what it’s worth this incarnation that 4FXInvestment have rebranded themselves as is actually something kinda positive in my opinion, and has every chance of being a stand out hit even without the online history. I’ll take a closer look at the main features for you here so you can find out a bit more about the program and you can see if there’s something there you like, but as usual I think we should start with the investment plans. 4FXInvestment is a short term HYIP with four options open to you, though to be more exact it’s really just one plan with four different variations depending on how much you are prepared to gamble. Three of the four options are unlikely to get much attention due to the high cost of joining as we shall see, but I’ll go through them all for you anyway.

First off you can join 4FXInvestment for a $10 minimum spend, so the high costs I just mentioned need not necessarily apply to you if you don’t want. The plan then runs for a term of 10 business days (two weeks), during which 4FXInvestment will make a daily interest payment to members. The rate of this payment is 11%, made every day from Monday to Friday, and it applies to all deposits from the afore mentioned $10 minimum right up to a $2,000 maximum. Your initial principal is included as part of those payments and so will not be returned. That means your total payouts will add up to 110%, or your own money back plus 10% net profit.

Or to put it another way, for a $100 investment, for example, 4FXInvestment will pay you back $11 per day for the next ten business days, until you have accumulated a total of $110. Pretty simple, eh? Though with a $2K max I guess that’s going to be where the majority of investors start and finish with 4FXInvestment.

For the bigger spenders however, 4FXInvestment are offering a daily rate of 11.5% per business day, also for the same 10 business day term, on all deposits from a $2,001 minimum up to a top value of $8,000. Your principal is counted among the payments so your total payments which add up to 115% contain your own money plus 15% net profit.

Maybe that option will get a few takers if 4FXInvestment can establish a reputation for dependable payouts (keep in mind that the idea of them as a short term HYIP is quite a new one so the reputation they created for themselves prior to this doesn’t really apply), but the remaining plans are included here pretty much for information purposes only. For a minimum investment of $8,001 up to a maximum of $30,000 4FXInvestment offer 12.5% interest per day for 10 business days, principal included. This leaves you with a net profit of 25%.

And finally for amounts between $30,001 and $200,000 4FXInvestment offer 14% per day for 10 business days, principal included. Total profit would be 40%, though I can’t help but suspect that if someone really spent that kind of money the only one likely to really profit would be the owner. Anyway, that’s purely hypothetical as it’s unlikely to happen (though if it does please do it under my ref link, lol!).

Payment options are decent enough. 4FXInvestment don’t quite gave all the most popular options but there’s a fair enough spread for you anyway, with SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve all included. STP was only a more recent addition since I assume the program’s overhaul, but that’s the most significant one as it’s sure to attract the bigger spenders. Payments are made instantly by 4FXInvestment but will need to be requested from inside your private members account area. Once done you can expect to see the money in your chosen e-currency account usually within a couple of seconds, but under a minute or two at most.

As far as the design and security of 4FXInvestment goes, this is where they really excel and where the recent reinvention (if that’s the right word) of the website is perhaps most obvious and also most necessary. It runs off a licensed GoldCoders script but one that’s been largely modified to suit the program’s needs and it looks really special and barely unrecognizable from the original version when inside the member’s area. The 4FXInvestment website has GeoTrust SSL-encryption throughout, and is in both public and private areas for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server with BlockDos protection who are one of the best known and respected names in the industry now with many years experience behind them. If you have any further questions or account related issues for the 4FXInvestment admin then there are several points of contact. First is the traditional online ticketing form where you simply fill in your details and click submit. Alternatively you can write directly to one of two e-mail address also listed on the contacts page. 4FXInvestment have a postal address listed in the US though due to shall we say questionable legal status of HYIPs in America I doubt you’ll find anyone directly connected with the program there if you walked in unannounced. Accompanying the address is a telephone number which we are told is manned for a couple of hours each afternoon (GMT) if you would like to speak directly to a representative of 4FXInvestment. You’re free to check out their Facebook page as well if interested. Just one other point I would like to make about the technical side of 4FXInvestment is that they have a “toolbar” you can download to your computer for use in your browser. The decision to do this is as always entirely up to you, I just feel I should make it clear that I personally would not recommend you download anything from an online HYIP, not just this one, but any of them. Personal security on the internet is too big an issue these days to be treated lightly and as the use of this toolbar will have no affect on the profitability of 4FXInvestment or the safety of your deposit, it’s best to play it safe and skip on this particular feature.

Texts and website content appear original which you might expect for such a snappy and well presented program, though as usual in typical HYIP fashion there’s not a whole lot of substance behind the assertions that 4FXInvestment are the ForEx based investment firm they say they are. Or anything even resembling it for that mater. Of course it’s entirely up to you how much of anything you choose to believe and how far you would like to research this by yourself. But I am guessing I could save you a lot of time by suggesting you keep 4FXInvestment filed under “online HYIPs” until something more solid and verifiable is offered by them. So that means setting up a sensible spending limit that you will not cross no matter what and that won’t hurt you if you lost it, and of course if joining 4FXInvestment then it’s best to keep them a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. It’s much more effective in the long run that way and much more beneficial to the individual investor.



Finvance (reviewed here) keeps growing steadily with more and more members joining their 8% for 20 business days plan via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. So with all this expansion the admin of the program Mark (interviewed here) keeps issuing important reminders from time to time. The most common question put to Finvance is seemingly the payout schedule. So in the latest newsletter Mark again covers the subject for about the millionth time and also encourages you to vote for the program on as many forums and monitors as possible and help overcome the last bad voting/spam attack probably launched by competing admins. Finvance deserves our full support as such dedicated and professional admins capable of running the program successfully for three and more cycles have to be recognized and appreciated for their hard work. This is beneficial for both the individual investors of Finvance and the HYIP industry as a whole. So please help keep Finvance alive and kicking by supporting them in as many monitors as possible as suggested in the latest update from Mark below:
Finvance Newsletter
To our investors and thousands of new investors who have joined Finvance:
Please refer to the payout timeline below:
Liberty Reserve Withdrawal Requests: Up to 24 HOURS
Perfect Money Withdrawal Requests: Up to 24 HOURS
EgoPay Withdrawal Requests: Up to 24 HOURS
SolidTrustPay Withdrawal Requests: Up to 48 HOURS.
Additionally, with the huge popularity of Finvance, it has attracted some jealous competitors who have been posting negative votes on many monitoring websites. We ask the tens of thousands of members we pay out each and every day to take some time to vote positive on your favorite monitors. You can find a quick and easy access list of monitoring websites here:
Mark. Finvance.


With every day the admin of Nubcoyu (reviewed here) surprises me more while talking about the income streams from his online and offline ventures allegedly used to pay the members 1.4% returns for 200 business days returns via EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. In addition to the limited offer of a 5% bonus on every investment in the program (available till November 25th) the admin told us more about his personal life and expanded a little bit on his DVD sales business which generates a significant income now. The detailed description of the business allegedly run by Nubcoyu almost had me believing it, so read this newsletter below and judge by yourself if it’s true or another fairy tale:

5% Lucrative Bonus For Every Deposit Starting October 25th! And Decision To Conquer J-POP Niche
Dear Valued Investors,
We, Nubcoyu Team, would like to thank you everyone for your strong support and trust with your hard earned money. We are deeply pleased with the success of our project.
As most of you might already know, I have a daughter named Miyako. She’s 17 years old and is turning 18 this coming October 25th. In Japan, we hold 2 important ceremonies (1 in some areas). The first one is Seinen-shiki (Lit. Independent Age Celebration, if you like) held when one turns 18 and another is Seijin-shiki (Lit. Adult Celebration) held when one turns Hatachi (20 years old). On this 25th of October, it’s my dearest daughter turn. In additional to holding a memorial Seinen-Shiki, I’d also like to use this opportunity to accredit every dear investors with an extra 5% of their deposit for one whole month until 25th November 2012
The process will NOT be automated. I will be the one checking the deposits and accrediting the bonus myself, so the result might not be instant.
I’d like everyone to wish her best luck as soon, she’s going to “part away” from our family. She’ll soon discover her own path of life and will be independent on her own. The high school graduation ceremony is upcoming this March and it kinda makes me want to cry. I might be on of the luckiest father out there one may say.
Decision To Conquer The J-POP Niche
After assessing sales of pirated DVDs in Bann-Mor District of Thailand (You’re welcomed to visit! Our shops are just the opposite of The Old Siam Plaza on the Tri-petch road, so never hesitate to buy some cheap DVDs from us!), we’ve discovered an excessively huge sales of J-POP DVDs. The counts are as follows:
Music: Approx. 80 discs per day
Softwares: Approx. 20 discs per day
Games (PC, XBOX, PS3, etc.): Approx. 40 discs per day
Movies: Approx. 25 – 30 discs per day
We were surprised with our sales of Music category, so we took a deeper look into the music sales:
Approximate sales data: (Numbers rounded off to the nearest 5)
Korean Girls Pop: 20, Japanese Girls Pop: 40, Thai Pop: 15, Classic: 5, Others: 10
Impressive sales in J-Pop niche! especially those from AKB48!
Our Decision
We’ve decided to please the collectors of these DVDs of J-Pops by importing licensed DVDs, including posters, figmas, goods, keychains, accessories, etc. into our new shop next to our old ones. We’re now making a deal with locals to expand our areas of operation, which will be reported soon!
Our best and the most requested song from our results: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEVq_Bx7_KY
Hope you enjoyed the newsletter
Now, let’s get promotion going! We’re going to introduce local representative features very soon. And according to our estimation, STP should be well in the oven now, so stay tuned!
Regards, Nubcoyu Administration Team”.


The admin of PrimeX7 apologized today for the delayed payouts which resulted in his program being moved to Waiting Status on MNO for a few hours, until the payouts resumed. PrimeX7 was first reviewed on MNO here and the current investment plans include 7% for 23 days, 157% after 7 days, 207% after 14 days, 267% after 21 days, 307% after 28 days. PrimeX7 accepts all the popular payment processors – EgoPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay – and usually processes payouts manually within 24 hours of request. In the latest newsletter the admin encourages members to “like” his program on Facebook and boasted about purchasing a banner ad on one of the investment forums which according to him will make PrimeX7 stronger in the long term. Here is the latest news containing all the links you might need:

Two excited Update
Just two things would love to update our members.
First of all, we have added a direct link to our Facebook Page on the PrimeX7 Homepage, please give a click and a LIKE and feel free to share with your friend.
Second, we have Purchased a TEN (10) days banner advertisement slot in DTM (DreamTeamMoney). Your payment is very important for us to be stronger and stronger, you can find the direct link here http://www.dreamteammoney.com/index.php?showtopic=159701
Have a good day.
Cheers, Admin – Blue”.


A very interesting program called Tivsol (the abbreviation stands for Total InVestment SOLution) joined MNO’s Premium list immediately after launching today. This is a hybrid HYIP and autosurfing site almost forgotten now but which used to be a very popular thing in the industry in bygone days. Anyway, for anyone looking for higher and faster returns Tivsol offers 5% for 30 calendar days in exchange for surfing 10 sites for 10 seconds each in automated mode (just switch it on and allow it to run by itself). Please note that on this plan you have to surf every day for the duration of your investment term and your original principal won’t be returned on expiry. If you don’t like to surf then you can choose another investment plan paying 3% for the duration of 90 calendar days and the return of the principal on expiry makes it even more lucrative than the surfing plan. The minimum to invest in the either plan is $10 through LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay and OKPay. Note that in order to invest you have to fund your account in Tivsol first and then allocate the funds accordingly. In order to be paid you have to submit a withdrawal request once you have at least $1 in any e-currency and payments are made manually within 24 hours. It’s refreshing to see that Tivsol is running off a licensed Gotenks script which is pretty rare in the industry nowadays now. I’m happy to see it in action again as in my honest opinion it was always one of the better options available on the market. Tivsol is properly SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server protected by BlackLotus, so the security is reasonable. More about Tivsol will be in my detailed review soon so stay tuned for that. For now please read the welcome message posted on Tivsol‘s website today commemorating its launch:

Welcome to Tivsol!
We the staff of Total Investment Solution (Tivsol) welcome you to our official website. Clients and promoters from all around the world are free to join our classic structured advertising and earning program.
The website has various pages and we recommend you read through them for better understanding, while you do this if you have needs to want to speak with our customer support personnel you are very welcome to use any of our customer support communication means for further clarifications.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: SiriusUnion, RoyalUnion, AgroFinance, TheMoneyGalaxy, Phinanci.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, Finvance, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, SkyCrown, PerfectFinancePipsFund, CarbonDeals, MonetaryClub,  BensonUnion, DiamondAssetAWTC, ProForexUnion, Nubcoyu, FinanceCore, 4FXInvestment.
From MNO Standard list: PrimeX7, UFOWin, HotBestFund.
From MNO Basic list: 10For25Ads, DebtReliefLimited, StallionGold, RoiChoice, RoyalAdz, AfriInvestment.

That’s it tonight. See you on MNO tomorrow when I’ll have two updates starting with an interview with the admin of AgroFinance which is becoming a popular short term program now (read my review of the program here), followed by a review of another recent short term addition to my monitor FastEarn. And of course it all gets spiced up with the daily news and updates from the HYIP world. So stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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