Oct 28th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! Finnexia has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Hope you’re all having a nice weekend so far and looking forward to some new opportunities for the week ahead. If you live anywhere that put their clocks back an hour like I had to then that means one thing – winter is almost here, but so too is Christmas, and right about now would be a good time to make a little extra money before the annual slowdown that hits the industry in December. You might think it’s a bit early to think about things like that, but I can promise you it’s on the way and that experiences industry players (a bit like squirrels when it comes to the winter, lol!) will know that if you’re trying to score a quick buck in time for Christmas then November could well be an easier time to do it than the following month. Anyway, I guess we’ll be dealing with that as we go during the next few weeks, but for now I want to start this evenings news update with a very simple long term HYIP that’s recently been added to the MNO monitoring list called Finnexia. They’ve only been online a couple of days (not sure but I think Thursday was the launch) so it’s still a brand new program. As usual we’ll also get to the day’s main news stories soon enough too, but first we’ll see Finnexia‘s main features, there might be something in there you like.

First off all the investment plans, and this is the easy part because Finnexia only has one of them. So it’s easy for me to write about and even easier for you to decide. You’re either going to like this one or you’re not, so it’s a straight up choice of either play or pass. You can join for a minimum deposit of $10, and the investment term runs for 100 calendar days. During that time you are offered a daily interest payment of 3.5%, regardless of how much you invest. By the end of the term that means your payments should add up to 350% in total. Please note that Finnexia will not return your initial principal.

To put that in monetary terms let’s say you spent $100 joining Finnexia. In this case they should pay you back at a rate of $3.50 per day after that. At that rate you can expect to break even, ie earn an amount equal to the initial deposit, after 29 days which is exceptional considering how long the full term runs for. 100 days later and you should have withdrawn $350 in total. Maximum spend is $50,000 by the way, and like I said the 3.5% rate applies no matter how big or how small your deposit.

Payment options are about as good as anything else you’ll see in the HYIP industry at the moment, with Finnexia being another program to understand the importance of having all the main processors included right from the very beginning. Currently their transactions are handled through either SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. Payouts to members are made manually by the Finnexia admin, so you’re going to have to request it from inside your private members account area. Once done you will then need to allow anything up to 24 hours for the transfer to be fully completed.

The design and security of the website while on one hand being pretty basic with nothing out of the ordinary, is still decent enough and up to a more than acceptable minimum industry standard. Finnexia is running off a script under license from GoldCoders and there is an SSL encrypted version available for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The hosting provider is BlackLotus who have many years experience handling online HYIPs by now, and they are keeping Finnexia on a dedicated DDoS protected server. Not that there’s anything overly complicated going on here but if you do happen to have any further questions for the admin or just any account related issues then you can get in touch by filling in your details in the online support ticketing form and submitting it via the contacts page. The Finnexia website also comes with a built-in Live Chat feature (which opens in a separate window) though this is not a 24 hour service and there is nothing to indicate during what hours it’s available, or indeed if it’s ever available at all.

There’s not much to say about the background to Finnexia really, mostly of course because Finnexia don’t offer any. They describe themselves simply as an “investment program” which in my book is just another word for online HYIP. But I imagine most of you would have known this, otherwise why you would be reading this website, right? And just like any other online HYIP there are no guarantees in Finnexia so do remember to act accordingly. Set yourself a spending limit that you can both afford and afford to lose, and if joining Finnexia then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Phinanci (reviewed here) is exactly a month online today and listed on MNO for two weeks. I wouldn’t say it’s gotten all that popular yet and not many MNO readers are joining. Phinanci take deposits via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay or EgoPay. Despite that Phinanci proved to become a viable program when the first investors already in profit from the 120% after 20 calendar days plan while those in the the 3% for 50 calendar days should profit shortly. In the latest newsletter issued today the admin reports 1,000 members who joined the program already, promised to add new features including Live Chat, credited some members’ accounts with “surprise prizes” and announced a new testimonial contest. Here’s the update from Phinanci in full:

1 Month Online
Today Phinanci celebrates 1 month online with flawless performance and unstoppable payments.
Closing in on 1000 members and with more than $50,000 paid back to everyone in earnings already, we are growing bigger and stronger each day. We are extremely happy to be a part of such success and we would like to thank each one of you for helping us achieving such great results. Especially our “old school” blog members who have shared Phinanci with their readers are high on the contribution list. Thumbs Up!
So what’s next?
We have new features coming up, like Live Chat where members will be able to address their issues and get the resolved instantly. As with all growth, the level of support must also increase to suit all members needs.
Our first contest has received a fantastic response and we are proud to announce the winners: goldendigger; nautilus83; moneyrocks; hemsagar; Phoenix14; easywang; surfer57; surfluv; ebusiness; wbrightfl; luifer; humdgz; pstovall; moneyup; kunteppei; tahoaquoc; antant; hunattila; mohamedzamorano; Stef26; cyberdigi; bobby120; justcantlose; Armynu; mshort; zainirye.
Please check your payment accounts for a surprise prize – congratulations!! We are planning to have similar contests running on a monthly basis and perhaps a few more around Christmas time for us all to celebrate this cosy get-together time of year. Easter and other holidays will also have special themed contests.
Testimonial Contest
Our next contest is about sharing testimonials with everyone. You will find a link to submit a testimonial within your account area. Share your experience so far with Phinanci and automatically enter into a draw between the best-written versions. Submit as poems, ponderings, jokes, fairytales or anything that takes your fancy to make your testimonial special and the best will win awards ranging between $5-25 directly sent to their payment processor.
We have a nice uplifting surprise coming up in the New Year 2013. We are planning ahead of time and want to be able to accommodate our ever-growing membership base to the fullest of our potential, which is still to be seen and experienced.
Our layout and design
We have received a fair amount of comments regarding our design, so we have decided to address this to all members for reference.Our liquid layout is easy to read and navigate and all out containers are completely based on that viewpoint, rather than the initial container block. It moves in and out when you resize your browser window, so that the page is constantly “filled”. Consequently, every fixed pixel-base layout becomes “scalable”; the content area always remains within the layout box as it is supposed to be and there is no change of producing overlapping boxes as we have seen in the pervious generation of web-browsers.
Regards, Team Phinanci.


You might remember the admin of Nubcoyu who modestly named the program after himself has hired a “young and cute” girl (according to his own words!) Misaki to help with customer support. Today I was asked to create a new ShoutBox username for Misaki which I did (who can say no to young and cute girls after all!) and so now you can talk to her on the MNO ShoutBox while she helps the admin answering support tickets and as far as I can see from the following newsletter cook his dinner, do his laundry, clean his house, and probably walk his dog if he has one. I admit that such talent and versatility from Miss Tanaka deserves some appreciation! The program offers a 1.4% for 200 business days plan and paying to EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve within 48 hours of request. Tomorrow you can read the full interview with the admin of Nubcoyu where you can read more about this fantastic program and its multiple income sources. Meanwhile here’s the latest masterpiece from Nubcoyu (reviewed here) introducing his newest member of staff:

Misaki To Work As Our New Support Staff
Dear Valued Investors,
Sunday Siesta! I hope you guys are enjoying your Sunday with your loved ones or your friends. It is always nice to relax your body and mind to its max in order to take on the creepy Monday and the rest of the week.
As I’ve announced in the Nubcoyu Friday Issue 3 (Be sure to read it if you haven’t), we’ve hired a new staff for Accounting and Human Resources department of Nubcoyu Team. Her name is Misaki Tanaka, and as all of you might have known, she couldn’t speak a word of English. Then you might be asking why am I having her work as a support staff? The answer is; I want her to learn the hard way. Yes, that’s my absolute answer. In the future, she’ll have to help me a lot with my work where English skills are essential. Since Misaki has just graduated from her high school just a few months ago, she is very new to any kinds of jobs. From my past experience, I’ve realized that the best and the most effective way of learning something is to “Learn as you do it”. Might be difficult, but I’ll put her at work right away.
So from this point on, she’ll be doing the following jobs:
– Payout dear investors
– Help me with replying to support emails
– Be our chat operator at MNO (Money News Online)
– Calculate cash flow and arrange our investment portfolios both online and offline
– Cooking, cleaning and washing (eh?)
She’ll also get her personal email at nubcoyu.com domain, which is: m.tanaka@nubcoyu.com
You can send her support emails regarding anything concerning our site, except technical things or major issues (that’ll have to be contacted to me directly). Please be sure to use simple English as she’s having no clue of English as of now. I hope that I will not hear her reporting sexually harassing emails just because she’s young and cute.
Currently, Misaki is attending an intensive English course with Ms.Lica from USA privately at our rental office everyday. She’s trying her best at it and we shall see her improvements and how it works out.
Regards, Nubcoyu
Follow Us On Social Network!
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nubcoyu.inc
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nubcoyucom”.


It looks like SolidTrustPay is still inaccessible in some parts of the world and I guess that is the reason why some admins still cannot pay via this payment processor. So despite the weekend DiamondAsset (reviewed here) which usually pays 1.8%-2.5% for 120 business days issued an update today apologizing for the delay with STP payouts. The admin promised to process all pending withdrawals as soon as he’s able to access the site again and asked members for patience. Payouts to EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are not affected and are processed by DiamondAsset as usual and within 24 hours. Here is the latest news:

Reason For STP Pending Withdrawals
Dear Client,
This update is strictly for those who has pending withdrawal(s) on SolidTrust Pay. You may have notice that SolidTrust Pay website has been down for more than 24 hours and that’s the reason why all withdrawals via STP are still pending. We will process all pending withdrawals as soon STP website is UP.
Thank you choosing DiamondAsset.
Regards, DiamondAsset Staff”.


InvFuture returned online after being down for 24 hours shortly after launching and severely tarnishing the initial perception of the program by investors who already made deposits into the program’s 7%-8% for 20 business days plan via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. I will still leave InvFuture on Waiting status as I can’t confirm they resumed payouts because it only pays on business days. Check out MNO tomorrow when hopefully the status of InvFuture will be clear. Here’s the latest update from the program not explaining why the admin never replied to emails yesterday and not mentioning what the real reasons for last night’s downtime were:

Dear Members
We had finished server upgrade, and change to a new hosting company. Principles of work with our company are: transparency of relations with clients,
stability and reliability guarantee, the minimum size of the commissions and
high level of service, advanced technologies.


Today two programs – Finvance and PipsFund – experienced some downtime due to similar issues their hosting provider BlockDos. This forced an upgrade to their servers causing a temporary propagation issue so were not fully accessible around the world.

As for PipsFund, it was already announced on the program’s Facebook page that they were going to change hosting provider to BlockDos over the weekend and that that might cause some downtime as happened today. Unfortunately nothing can be done at this moment to speed things up except sit and wait until the site is fully available in your location. Obviously the admin of PipsFund Jerry (interviewed here) will be able to access the site at which point I hope he resumes payouts on the 2% for 120 days with principal back on expiry via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. The last available update from PipsFund (reviewed here) claims they’ll be fully accessible in 48 hours maximum but it might be sooned, so let’s hope for the best:

Dear investors,
We done an upgrade to Blockdos.net and upgraded also our server, so now we need to wait for the propagation to be completed. It will be done within 12-48 hours. Our support and tech teams are working non-stop. Some of the deposits were not added instantly, we will add them all as soon as possible. We know about every issue, our tech. team is monitoring site every 20 minutes.
Sorry for inconvenience and have a nice weekend
Regardless, Jerry Huggins”.

Some members of Finvance were also concerned by the site’s downtime today even though the admin Mark (interviewed here) already warned about it in previous updates. From the latest messages on MNO ShoutBox Mark reported a severe attack on BlockDos’ DNS infrastructure which prompted them to update the DNS servers which in turn caused the downtime. As you might imagine Mark also can’t access his panel while the site is propagating and will be only able to send a newsletter to members once it’s fully back online. I remind you that Finvance (reviewed here)  is paying 8% for 20 business days plan for 105 days already which made it one of the most successful and large programs of 2012. One welcome update for the fans of the free exchange service in Finvance between STP, PM, LR and EgoPay – the system will resume as soon as the site comes back online, so you can take advantage of the 0% fee exchanges in Finvance once again. Here’s the latest message from Mark posted on MNO ShoutBox tonight:

Hey everyone, DNS is still propagating for most of the world. Will send newsletter once we can send it out. Also the exchange system maintenance is complete, so it will be put back online tonight which should help clear a lot of the backlog for us from the downtime.


Today the long-anticipated program called Frmoeg from Jacob, the former admin of IntraFunds, finally launched and was listed on MNO’s Standard listing within the first hours. I must admit that the situation with IntraFunds was handled as well as could be hoped for after its closure with members refunded which rarely happens. The question comes to mind why Jacob launched a second program if he himself was at a loss from the first one (since some members got profits and others were refunded their original deposit). Does it mean the second program will become a fast scam like happened in many many cases I remember in the HYIP industry? Well, we can only speculate on this as everything will be clear very soon and we see if Frmoeg is a success or fails like IntraFunds did due to bad planning and some really strange decisions taken by its admin. On the About Me page of Frmoeg Jacob explains why he launched a second program and that it’s going to be his last. Please read below as it’s really interesting and you should consider it if you’re thinking of joining:

My name is Jacob Uvarov and I am the founder of Frmoeg. Many amongst you already know me from my previous program. Unfortunately, Intra Funds was a total failure and it did not meet investors expectations nor did it meet mine. There were plenty of factors that made my other program a failure such as; excessively high return on investment, unreliable third-party script and most importantly, lack of experience. I do believe that the experience I have gained on my first venture will help me succeed this time.
I would also like to mention to all of you that as promised, I have issued refunds upon closure of my old program. I’m a true believer in God and I do believe that if you steal money from people, there will be a day where someone returns the favor.
Let me make this clear to everyone. This will be my last program in this industry and if things do not go as planned, I will simply shut down the program and issue refunds as usual. I do not owe anyone anything, nor you people owe me anything. I’m here to make some money just like you, but please let us keep this place clean, shall we?

Frmoeg (which is a weird abbreviation for Fei-Ranis Model Of Economic Growth) is offering two investment plans but due to a twist perhaps again caused by the admin’s bad planning I can only recommend investing in one which is paying 5% for 30 calendar days, principal included. As for the second plan it pays 20% weekly for the duration of 6 weeks with no principal back which makes it totally worthless even considering the offer of compounding which is only available in the weekly plan which makes it the only difference from the daily plan. The minimum in both plans in Frmoeg starts from $20 via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. Withdrawals have to be requested by members and are processed within 24 hours except on Sundays which is a day off for the admin I believe. Frmoeg is running off a licensed script from ProBiz and the site is properly SSL secured. Another serious concern I have is that Frmoeg is hosted on a shared server from CloudFlare which in the age of routinely massive DDoS attacks on better hosting providers than this one is simply not enough in my opinion and is just asking for trouble. Just check out what happened with InvFuture recently who also had the misfortune to host a site there and you will see what I mean. Despite everything I sincerely hope that Frmoeg will stay online and will become more successful than Jacob’s previous effort. The full review of Frmoeg will be posted on MNO next week, so stay tuned, everyone!


CaspianCapital is a short term program launched two days ago that joined MNO’s Premium listing today. It’s got one daily plan paying 20% for the duration of 7 calendar days (for a minimum of $10) and a variety of other plans paying on expiry of your investment term – 110% after 1 day, 130% after 5 days, 180% after 10 days, 280% after 15 days, 380% after 30 days. It’s interesting that the minimum to deposit starts from a certain amount in every plan in CaspianCapital while the rate of interest doesn’t change depending on the size of your investment. Withdrawal requests are processed manually by the admin within 24 hours and can be requested to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or EgoPay. Other features are quite typical for this type of program, with the site properly SSL secured by Comodo, hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus, and running off a licensed GoldCoders script. I believe the program has a good chance to become a success and run for a long time provided there will be no interruptions with cashflow caused by downtime or the payment processors. So, please be sensible and only invest amounts you can afford to lose. CaspianCapital will be fully reviewed on MNO next week!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: Phinanci.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, FelminaAlliancePerfectFinanceCarbonDeals, Tivsol, 4FXInvestment, ProsperaNova, FinanceCore, ProForexUnion, LLLtd, MajesticProfits, Finnexia.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, FastEarn, RoyalAdz, Frmoeg (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: CheeseCashHippoWin, InvestLand, XtremeRichness (the first payment received).

That’s all for tonight, guys. As I already mentioned I’m taking a day off on Monday but you can able to read the interview with the Nubcoyu admin and check out the latest statuses of the programs on my monitoring page. More news and two more reviews of new programs on MNO will be published on Tuesday, so stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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