05/01/2013. ZionFinance Review and Daily News from the Industry
Beware! ZionFinance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello all! Hope you’ve all been enjoying the first weekend of the year, just in case anyone needs to relax after a holiday that is! The online HYIP industry which never really stops completely in the first place anyway seems to be moving towards a full recovery after the annual December slowdown. Nothing that wasn’t unexpected of course, as I guess most experienced investors will have been both expecting and looking forward to a very busy January. Already I have a couple of new programs to tell you about over the next couple of days, starting today with a program first introduced on MNO last night called ZionFinance. It’s a short term program, but you should keep one thing in mind before continuing which is that it’s not an entirely new HYIP, just a new addition to my monitoring site. ZionFinance has in fact been online for about the last seven weeks or so, first coming online around mid November. I imagine some of you will have at least heard of them already, if not actually familiar with them, so before we move on to today’s main news stories I want to take a closer look at ZionFinance‘s investment plans and other main features. The admin seems to be stepping up his promotional efforts after the holidays so let’s see if he has anything there that you think might be worth joining.
There’s three plans in total for you to choose from. They all have their own individual merits though for myself I’d have to say I definitely do have a preference towards one of them and I’ll tell you why in a moment, but two of them make daily interest payments while the third makes just one payment on expiry. You can join any all of them for a $25 minimum, and ZionFinance base what they pay you on what you’ve invested in the first place, or in other words the more you spend the better the return, (and the higher the risk too, naturally).
So the first of these is called The Standard Plan and runs for a term of 12 calendar days. As I said it’s a $25 minimum investment, and in return for anything up to a $9,999 maximum ZionFinance will repay you at a rate of 3.5% per day for the duration. At the end of the term these payments will add up to a total of 42%, at which point ZionFinance promise to return your initial principal. So the stated return of 142% is actually your own money plus 42% net profit.
Should you decide to invest a little more then ZionFinance are offering 4.5% per day on deposits from $10,000 (unlikely, I know, but the choice is yours) up to $24,999 giving investors a total return of 154% which includes the original principal (so that’s 54% profit), and for even larger deposits the rate goes to a maximum 5.5% per day on amounts from $25,000 to the maximum allowed by ZionFinance of $50,000. This would allow a final return of 166%, which ZionFinance again return your principal leaving the investor with a net profit of 66%.
Next up is my own preferred option, The Express Plan, which runs for a term of 8 calendar days. ZionFinance are also making daily interest payments here, and charge a minimum $25 to join. For anything up to an investment of $9,999 you can earn 15% interest per day, adding up to 120% on expiry, except in this case things are a little different as ZionFinance have already counted your principal as part of the payments and so will not be returning it as a separate payment. That means your final return consists of your own money plus 20% net profit. I think experienced HYIP players will see immediately why I would favor this plan over the others – it carries the lowest risk, returns your principal faster, and for the term involved is still a very respectable return. Yes, I’m aware that other plans pay a higher return, but if you want to be a successful player in this business you need to accept that this is a worthwhile sacrifice, with the risk versus return ratio always an important factor to look in to when deciding which plan is better.
Like all HYIPs ZionFinance will naturally welcome anyone spending more money, so if a deposit between $10,000 and $24,999 appeals to your inner gambler then a daily rate of 17% for 8 days is offered. This come to 136% in total, principal included, or 36% net profit. And for anyone looking to spend between $25,000 and ZionFinance‘s maximum allowed $50,000 the offer is 19% per day, principal included, adding to 152% by the end of the term.
Finally something a bit less appealing but to be fair to ZionFinance a plan they have successfully completed several cycles of by now, The Premium Plan. This one takes a completely different direction, making just one single payment on expiry of a 14 calendar day term. This is a high risk to be sure, but one that paid off for the first investors and in financial terms one that doesn’t have to cost you more than the $25 minimum requirement to join. For anything up to $9,999 ZionFinance offer a payment of 160%, principal included, which is 60% net profit. For anyone interested in going past that the rate is 180% for amounts between $10,000 and $25,999, and 200% for anything between $25,000 and $50,000.
Though I wasn’t personally monitoring ZionFinance myself, and I am open to correction on this, but to the best of my knowledge payments to members have went smoothly up until now. I can’t say how long this might continue, but at least their track record is OK. As is their list of payment options which as more and more of you have come to expect, includes all the popular options. SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve are all included, with payouts being made by the admin manually. This involves you logging into your private account area in ZionFinance and making the request, but after that you shouldn’t expect to be kept waiting any more that 24 hours before seeing your money.
Moving on to design and security, ZionFinance is running off a licensed GoldCoders script which gives it an almost universally recognizable and familiar appearance, though what you actually think of GoldCoders is entirely up to you. The website is SSL encrypted by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions, and hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos. And further questions or account related issues can be addressed to the ZionFinance admin by filling in your details on the online contact form and submitting it through the support page. Also you’ll see a built-in Live Chat feature though no information as to what time the admin can be found logged in there during the day. There’s an icon indicating phone support but this leads you nowhere and doesn’t actually do anything, but at least ZionFinance has been made more accessible by the admin now making it available on Facebook and Twitter for further exposure.
Website content and texts appear original which is enough to put ZionFinance in almost an elite minority in the HYIP industry these days, though having said that there’s next to no useable information contained there. We are told the program is an “investment fund that invests cash in gold”, which to be blunt couldn’t really be any more vague. Possession of gold by itself of course does precisely nothing to ever earn you a single cent. Granted the market value of it has been rising, but that doesn’t earn you any interest and only means you make a profit on condition you find a buyer, so you never make a penny before that happens. Of course I shouldn’t even be saying this as I don’t want to give anyone the impression I actually believed a word of it in the first place! So as always the bottom line here is the same – ZionFinance is an online HYIP until they do something better than this to prove otherwise. There are no guarantees, a high risk, and a limited lifespan. Getting in and out at the right time are essential to making a profit, unfortunately these things remain totally unpredictable. Therefore always stay well under a spending limit you can both afford and afford to lose, and if joining ZionFinance at all then only do so if keeping them as a small part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Two important things emphasized by AlphaCapitalFx in their latest newsletter today include firstly the first cycle of the 107% after 7 calendar days plan was completed. Investors were paid profits to their SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts, and I hope anyone joining the 5% for 31 business days plan will do just as well. The other point was to include a link to the review on MNO (click here to read it) in the same newsletter. I’ll be looking forward to the admin Steve’s answers to the interview questions sent earlier tonight. So please watch out for that if you wish to learn more about AlphaCapitalFx. The full update is below:
“First Milestone achieved
Good day Sir,
I am happy to announce that AlphaCapitalFx achieved first milestone successfully.
first cycle of Dampier Plan ( 107% After 7 Days ) completed today, itself. Still many more to come.
As I promised in last news letter that famous blog Money-News-Online will review us. The Review has been posted on blog last night.
You can read at http://money-news-online.com/blog/2013/01/04/04012013-alphacapitalfx-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry/
Happy weekend.
Best regards, Steve Allen
Admin AlphaCapitalFx”.
We all know that some HYIP admins use all sorts of stories about their time in the investment markets before opening online with a new investment strategy after “years” of research and development. StallionGold (reviewed here) is using an imaginary third anniversary celebration which will lead to a corporate event next Monday and will effectively eliminate all earnings for that day. I remind you that StallionGold has been paying on the 1.5%-4% for 100 business days with principal returned in four instalments since early September 2012 which has no connection with any anniversary they might be celebrating, let alone a three year one referred to in the newsletter. Anyway, please be aware that next Monday will not be a business day for StallionGold members, therefore no interest will be paid on that day. Deposits are still accepted via EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney (with the very recent PexPay addition) and withdrawals are almost always either instant or at least prompt. So I have high hopes that Tuesday will see them resume work as usual and wish them all the best for their “anniversary” celebrations on Monday. Here’s the latest update from the admin of StallionGold (interviewed here):
“Anniversary Celebration
Dear investors and website visitors, on January 7th StallionGold Ltd. is celebrating its third anniversary since its official establishment and of the exciting journey in making the prosperity possible for so many individuals and organizations. We are truly happy being able to make positive difference in financial lives of our clients. Kindly note that due to this internal company event, no profits will be credited to user accounts for the day of upcoming Monday, January 7th, 2013.”
In an update from the admin of Nubcoyu (interviewed here) today it’s said that withdrawals to PerfectMoney might be delayed. Withdrawals to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and LibertyReserve are unaffected as he has enough reserves, but anyone using PerfectMoney might have to wait wait. e-Currency exchange requests shouldn’t take too long though and I believe by Monday everything will be back on schedule. Nubcoyu (reviewed here) offers investments in the 1.4% for 200 business days plan with withdrawals usually processed within 48 business hours (Monday to Friday). The admin apologises that the situation was entirely down to his own forgetfulness, and explains everything below:
“PM Withdrawal To Be Slightly Delayed
Dear Valued Investors,
I’d like to inform everyone of slight delays of PerfectMoney payout delays due to my fault of completely forgetting to exchange the cash to PM due to focusing mainly on the more popular choices like LR and STP. Please don’t feel left behind, I’ve just initiated the exchange process and should be completed within 12 hours. To be honest, we only have $4.92 remaining in PM so please hold on a bit.
Once again, I’d like to apologize for overlooking the PM balance.
Regards, Nubcoyu”.
One of the longest standing programs on the MNO Standard List, UFOwin, has been moved to Problem status on MNO due to confirmed selective payouts and the admin’s failure to explain them. Their banner’s were removed from MNO so as not to encourage anyone to join. Apparently, after running this lottery based game for about a year, the admin seems uninterested in maintaining the program, and possibly even abandoned the site altogether. There were two confirmed complaints about non-payments from the program which were not dealt with, so for me UFOwin is a scam now. Please do not participate in this lottery anymore! You have been warned!
The first program added to Premium listing on MNO today is called SafeguardWallet. It’s a brand-new project officially launched today of which the admin left a short message on the site:
“SafeguardWallet Now Online
SafeguardWallet is now online and accepting investor deposits via Liberty Reserve and PerfectMoney.”
The only investment plan offered by SafeguardWallet will possibly prove a popular choice with investors as you can get 18% for 8 calendar days and so a net profit therefore of 44% which is not bad at all for such a short term. Unfortunately, as the admin admits, the program only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney deposits starting from $10, so I’m not sure if SafeguardWallet will really obtain widespread popularity. Although there’s always a possibility the admin will add more payment options in the future, I tend to doubt it. Please note that the original principal will not be returned on expiry and that the withdrawals are promised to be made within 24 hours of request. SafeguardWallet is running off a licensed version of ProBiz script, is properly SSL-secured by Comodo, and hosted on a dedicated server by Staminus which also provides DDoS protection. I’ll have a better review by Monday when I can check it out a bit better, so stay tuned for that!
The second program came to MNO only after two months online and it’s called BankPaying. The most important thing about this one is that you should know straight away they originally started with higher paying investment plans. However the admin decided to reduce the interest, so currently all members (old and new) are paid 2%-2.3% for 80 calendar days with the principal included. I believe that from 60% to 84% net profit after less than three months is still a decent return and hopefully BankPaying stay afloat for a bit longer. Deposits start from a $10 minimum via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay. Despite some contradictory info on the website regarding the withdrawal time, most are instant while on the FAQ it says it could take up to 48 hours. BankPaying is running off a licensed version of ProBiz script and the site is SSL-secured by GlobalSign. Unfortunately the server used by BankPaying is shared with several other websites by CloudFlare. I’m not sure that’s such a good choice, but we’ll see soon enough. More on BankPaying will be in the review next week.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CashROTOR, UsdTrading.
From MNO Premium list: StallionGold, ProsperaNova, Mox, ProForexUnion, DiamondAsset, BensonUnion, TureProfit, Nubcoyu, Stravia, ReferToWealth, EpicRoyalFund, GISolutions, AlphaCapitalFx, ZionFinance (the first payment received), AlevrasInvestments (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, TheInvestmentBank, Money&Credit.
That’s about it for tonight, everyone. Please enjoy your weekend and please don’t forget to vote in the polls on the MNO TalkBack page if you haven’t done so already. Your opinion really matters and every vote counts, so please have your say and name the most profitable program for you of the last 12 months. Also don’t forget to check the new MNO Games page and find your favorite one to play with and then cast your vote on MNO TalkBack to share your thoughts on the new feature. I’ll be looking forward to hearing your opinions, and as the new HYIP season is warming up I hope you to visit MNO again tomorrow when I’ll have a full description of AlevrasInvestments plus all the latest news from the HYIP industry and its biggest programs. Stay tuned, folks, and see you all then!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jan 5th, 2013. Comment.