Jan 30th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! GoldenPayment has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! It’s been a slow enough day for news this Wednesday which is kind of unusual for mid-week at this time of year especially as it’s been a slow week in general, but nothing to complain about either. Plus the fact that there’s no shortage of short, medium, and long term HYIPs springing up all the time now so there’s enough to keep us all occupied anyway. One of those new programs is called GoldenPayment, a high risk high ROI program that just launched a couple of days ago which I want to take a closer look at before the days news stories.

At first glance GoldenPayment may look very similar in style to a lot of the shorter term HYIPs that became popular over the last couple of years in the industry, but when you look into them a bit closer it’s actually a lot simpler and offers far less variety in the plans. If you know the type of program I mean then you’ll see what I’m talking about as I describe the plans individually, but at least they’re all affordable because you can sign up for a $10 minimum, meaning in financial terms anyway that GoldenPayment need not be all that much of a high risk unless individual members decide to make it so. As is always the case in this business there’s always a degree of risk, and the longer the term the bigger that risk gets. So please factor that into you decision if looking at a plan to deposit in.

For your $10 investment the first of four investment plans pays on expiry of a term of just 1 calendar day. So in other words join today and get paid tomorrow. The rate paid to all members is the very same regardless of the size of their deposit and is calculated at 105%. GoldenPayment are including your payment as part of that, so it’s your own money back plus 5% profit. Maximum spend is $50,000.

The second plan comes at the same price – a $10 minimum up to a $50,000 maximum – but runs for 3 calendar days. GoldenPayment are offering to pay back all members on expiry of the term, with a 120% return. This includes your own deposit in the payment, so this time it’s your own money plus a net profit of 20%.

Next on the list is a plan running for 7 calendar days. For this GoldenPayment are offering a one time on expiry payment of 150%, which also includes your own principal. So that’s 50% net profit and the amounts deposited need to be anything between the same $10 minimum and $50,000 maximum.

And lastly a plan that most experienced investors are likely to avoid, not because of the cost which remains an affordable $10 but because of the unlikelihood of there being any success with it. The term runs for 15 calendar days with GoldenPayment offering a quite unsustainable 325% payout on expiry, principal included. If the admin manages to come up with this kind of money just once then I’d be impressed. But to sustain it week-in week-out? Pardon my skepticism but I doubt that’s likely. Still, it’s your money and your choice, and GoldenPayment will take anything up to $50,000 if you are willing to accept all of that.

Unfortunately I have to say that payment options are a major letdown to say the least. Then again having said that it hasn’t stopped the first investors from making a profit in the program by getting in early enough. So to be fair once you accept it’s a gamble before getting involved in the first place you should also accept there’s no refunds if things don’t quite go your way. So just don’t spend too much if that bothers you. GoldenPayment accept LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney only. Payments are made manually by the admin and so need to be requested by members from inside their GoldenPayment private account areas. After doing so the admin requires you to allow anything up to a 24 hour maximum for him to make sure that all transactions are processed fully.

If the GoldenPayment investment plans remind you of so many others that ran in the industry in recent years then so too will the design. The program runs off a licensed GoldCoders script which most will spot instantly anyway, and is also SSL secured to give safer transactions. Hosting is provided by Staminus who are keeping GoldenPayment on a dedicated server. If you have any further questions, account related issues that need to be dealt with, or just want to make some suggestions to the admin then the only point of contact with him is by filling out the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page. Customer support is also something of a disappointment I have to say, not because of the options but because it’s quite misleading. For instance a banner that announces “Live Support” does absolutely nothing more than refresh the contacts page when you click on it, taking you nowhere, and a link you might expect to take you to a GoldenPayment Twitter profile leads only to the Twitter homepage and not to any account. It’s pretty pointless putting the links there at all in the first place if you’re only going to hope that nobody ever clicks them.

At this stage there’s probably very few of you actually expecting to find some kind of business plan in operation behind GoldenPayment. It would be naïve of anyone to believe it but if you really want to look further into it then the program claims to be investing in gold. Anyone who knows that business however will remind you that the importance of it is overstated, because while it’s widely accepted that the market price of the commodity has increased, actual ownership of the product does not earn you any money whatsoever. Profiting from it is 100% dependent on you securing a buyer willing to pay you the market price, which is itself no easy task so forget about that being true. Texts are a straight copy/paste job used in older online HYIPs in the past anyway so even the newbies are unlikely to believe any of it. So for your own safety use GoldenPayment only as a smaller part of a wider investment portfolio, and always always stay within sensible and affordable spending limits that you can comfortably afford to lose if things don’t work out for you. There’s no denying that some people have already made a nice profit from it so don’t be afraid of taking the gamble, but do remember to treat it like a gamble at the same time.



The first program that joined MNO’s Standard listing today is called CashHub which is a short-term project launched two days ago. The program offers one daily paying plan of 38%-60% for 3 days depending on the size of your deposit and four on expiry plans with the interest paid at the end of the term – 104%-125% after 1 day, 132%-370% after 7 days, 170%-700% after 15 days, and 250%-1500% after 30 days. The minimum starts from $5 but can reach $50 depending on plan you opt for. All the famous payment processors are accepted by CashHub including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. Withdrawals have to be requested from the available balance in your member’s area and are promised to be processed within a 24 hour maximum. My own first withdrawals were processed very fast today, but I’m sure it’s going to stretch out as CashHub grows. The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, so no surprises there. The site is SSL-secured by Comodo and is running on a dedicated server by Koddos which also provides DDoS protection. Please stay tuned for a more detailed review of the program to be published on MNO next week at the request of the admin.


The second program – AvaFunds – just launched today and looks more impressive and sustainable in the longer term. The admin not only purchased Premium, but also added his program to Sticky listing on MNO which usually indicates serious intentions in keeping it high profile from the beginning. Anyway, AvaFunds is running off a licensed ShadowScript which requires you to fund your e-wallet first before allocating funds to the preferred plan under the Investments tab. You don’t have much of a choice in AvaFunds as there are only two variations of the same plan paying you between 15% to 16% interest for the duration of 8 calendar days. The minimum to invest starts from $15 and the following five payment processors are all taken – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. The site looks nice at first glance, is SSL secured by GeoTrust, and hosted on a dedicated server by a new company MaxAntiDDos with BlackLotus protection against DDoS attacks. All in all, I believe AvaFunds could have everything that determines a successful program provided the admin is serious. More on AvaFunds will be in the upcoming review to be posted tomorrow!


Profitable2013 became the third program to join MNO’s Premium listing tonight straight after its launch. The program offers two investment plans – 105% after 5 calendar days (for investments between $10 and $100) and 10% for 12 calendar days (starting from a $50 minimum). The choice of payment processors accepted by Profitable2013 is pretty good with SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, EgoPay and PerfectMoney all in use. The program runs off a licensed GoldCoders script and the withdrawals have to be requested from your account and are promised to be processed within 24 hours. Profitable2013 is hosted on a dedicated server by LiquidWeb and is protected against DDoS attacks by Koddos. The site is also SSL secured by GeoTrust. More on Profitable2013 can be read in a more detailed review to be published on MNO in a couple of days.


And finally, the fourth program joining MNO’s Standard listing tonight was PureIncome. In my opinion, the project that was launched just a few days ago is way too over-complicated with a lot of investment plans available including shares and bonds that can be bought starting from $10 via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, or, for a higher minimum, direct bank wires. I’ll tell you more about them in my upcoming review of PureIncome planned for the weekend, as for now I’ll just say that they pay up to 2.3% on every calendar day with an option to get your principal back on expiry of a 180 calendar day term. The PureIncome website contains some comprehensive information on the different investment plans, the differences between them, and all the other info you need to know. The profit is accrued every day at the same time and you’re free to withdraw it anytime after that. PureIncome is running off a custom made script, is hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus, and is SSL-secured by Verisign. If there’s anything there you don’t understand then please wait for the more detailed review to be posted on MNO in a couple of days.


Please note that two more programs have been moved to Problem status on MNO tonight – InstantlyPay and GISolutions.

The admin of InstantlyPay used the excuse of allegedly adding SolidTrustPay in order to disable instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – the only two payment processors the program still accepts. If you ask me, that lame excuse has absolutely nothing to do with reality and he is obviously lying. Why would you need to disable instant payouts to LR and PM if you’re working on introducing STP? And secondly, this is the most laughable excuse I’ve heard recently from a HYIP admin as LR and PM deposits are still accepted fine, and the implementation of STP doesn’t seem to interfere with that process at all. In any case, InstantlyPay is most probably a scam already, so I would advise you to stay away. It could barely last one 5 day cycle after coming to MNO. Apparently the admin is an amateur who doesn’t know what he’s doing and is trying to find any possible excuse for scamming. But I think readers are smart enough to realize this and don’t give another penny.

The second program to have been moved to Problem status on MNO is GISolutions. That was a total failure and the project managed to survive only for slightly over a month and thus put the majority of investors at a loss with its 3% daily interest. The admin just stopped paying without providing any excuse today and the payments have been pending for over 24 hours now, of which some readers already submitted complaints to me. I tried to contact the admin for an explanation but failed to get a response from him. I’ll keep you updated if I have any additional information on the fate of GISolutions by tomorrow, however I would suggest not to hold your breath and move on!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky listProForexUnion, MGProfit, OilOfAsia, VFinance.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, SureInv, 40Daily, StallionGold, TureProfit, DiamondAsset, BensonUnion, 4FXInvestment, Stravia, AIOFinance, VisitAd, GoldenPayment, Xgolding, BerkeleyFinanceGroup, Black&WhiteFund, HurricaneAssetsADSolid.
From MNO Standard list: AirCargoXpress, TradExFund,  CashHub (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: XtremeRichness, PerfectForexInvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank, FinanciaLtd.

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. See you tomorrow and remember that I’m going to post twice starting with the interview with the admin of 40Daily and continuing later on with another review plus the daily news from the HYIP industry. Stay tuned and see you all tomorrow!

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