Feb 5th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! RoyalIncome has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! The program I’m looking at before this evening’s news update is one you may have noticed moving around a bit on my monitor in recent days. It’s called RoyalIncome and is a short term HYIP that’s been running for the last week now. Despite some recent issues with the payouts these have now resumed and the program has been returned to Paying Status on my monitor for now. So let’s see what RoyalIncome is all about and what they have to offer investors, and see if you think you’d like to take a chance on them.

So to start with as I already said, RoyalIncome is a short term HYIP. It has four investment plans in total, all of which make just one single payout on expiry. The first of these, and I’ll guess the most popular, runs for a term of just 1 calendar day. So in other words join today and get paid tomorrow. You will need a minimum of $20 to join which is slightly above the industry average, and in return RoyalIncome are offering to pay you back 104% the following day if you invest anything up to a maximum value of $1,500. This includes your principal so is basically your own money back plus 4% net profit on top. Higher rates are offered to larger deposits and are calculated as follows:
105% for amounts between $1,501 and $3,500, 115% for $3,501 to $5,000, and 120% on $5,001 up to the maximum allowed $25,000.

The second plan sees RoyalIncome pay on expiry of a 3 calendar days, and can also be joined for a $20 minimum sign-up. Anything up to $500 this time gets you a return of 114%, with your principal as part of that payment. So it’s your money plus 14% profit for yourself. If you want to make a bigger spend then RoyalIncome are offering the following:
115% for deposits between $501 and $2,000, 140% for anything from $2,001 to $2,500, and 162% for $2,501 up to a maximum limit of $35,000.

Next on the list is a plan that sees RoyalIncome pay investors on expiry of a 5 calendar day term. The minimum deposit stays at $20, and for anything up to $1,000 you can earn 130%, principal included. So that’s your own money plus 30% net profit. For bigger deposits RoyalIncome are offering as follows:
132% on anything between $1,001 and $2,500, 140% for $2,501 to $5,000, and 230% on $5,001 to a top limit of $45,000.

And finally what is still at the time of writing the only one of RoyalIncome‘s investment plans not to have actually completed a cycle just yet, so even if anyone was brave enough to join on day one they’ll still be waiting to make a withdrawal, is a plan running for 9 calendar days. Obviously you can see as the plans are progressing the risk gets higher and higher so I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this one has yet to find a single investor, but having said that it would still only set you back a $20 minimum to join. At the end of the term RoyalIncome are offering a payout of 150% on any deposits up to $1,000. This only accentuates the risk of course due to being even less sustainable that the previous plans, but it’s entirely up to you whether you think it’s a risk worth taking or not. Larger deposits are being offered the following rates:
170% on anything from $1,001 to $2,500, 300% on $2,501 to $5,000, and an even more unfeasible 500% on $5,001 to $60,000.

A difficult task maintaining those plans for any substantial length of time to be sure, but while they’re going on at least the payment options are OK. All the popular processors are available to spend with, including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payouts are promised to be instant, though they haven’t always been which resulted in an earlier problem which has now been resolved. To be fair payouts are instant a lot more often than they’re not, but if you find yourself waiting for yours then you are asked to contact the RoyalIncome admin.

On the design and security side RoyalIncome is up to a decent standard, with hosting on a dedicated server with the support of protection of BlockDos. There’s an SSL connection for an extra layer safety, and the website runs off a script under license from GoldCoders. If you have any further questions or account related issues then the RoyalIncome admin can be reached by filling in your details in the online e-mail ticketing form and submitting through the contacts page. You’ll also notice a telephone number you can try if you’re really expecting anyone to answer, and a postal address which I imagine is more of a serviced office as opposed to where you’d find the RoyalIncome admin working out of were you to visit.

Texts are copy/pasted, which is no big deal to experienced players but just in case any newbies are tempted to believe there might actually be something more substantial backing up the payments in RoyalIncome – don’t. It’s a high risk HYIP and needs to be treated as such, and that means not going past a spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose, keeping your expectations realistic, and if joining RoyalIncome then only keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



It’s funny that though I’m going to review FinanciaLtd on my blog only tomorrow it seems that the administration decided to change the investment plans once again. Just a week ago they offered 20% to 30% for the duration of 6 calendar days (depending on the size of your deposit) while now you can get 30% interest paid for 5 calendar days starting from $25 minimum. There are still four payment processors accepted in SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney, and everything else remains the same. Radical changes to investment plans in itself is usually considered as not a very good sign, and I’m not sure how FinanciaLtd can justify yet another change, especially that it’s done almost clandestinely without any official announcement on the site. Anyway, it’s only up to you if you wish to join FinanciaLtd or not, I don’t give any recommendations here, and the only thing I can do is to deliver you an up-to-date description of the project by tomorrow. Hope they don’t change them again before that!


Two more programs might be in trouble today and I would not recommend investing in either of them at the moment – AlevrasInvestments and DiamondAsset.

As for AlevrasInvestments, I’m simply sick and tired of all the excuses made by the admin for not processing withdrawals to LibertyReserve either in instant or manual modes. He swore to fix the issue many times and now possibly gave up on that and stopped any payments whatsoever. So I have moved it to Problem status.

DiamondAsset has pending withdrawals not processed for over 24 hours. It might be a false alarm as such delays happened before and every time the admin managed to come back and pay them. I hope that this will only be a delay here too, and not an end to the program. I have already contacted the admin, but feel it necessary to mention the delays on my blog tonight and gave you a heads-up on any possible unfortunate outcome that could befall DiamondAsset soon. Anyway, check the status of the program tomorrow and see if it changes to Problem or back to Paying as I’m willing to give a few more hours for the admin to resume payouts.


The admin of Nubcoyu (interviewed here) reported accessibility problems with STP and therefore a temporary inability to pay the pending withdrawals there. I can confirm that I was paid by Nubcoyu to SolidTrustPay last night and see that the admin caught up on most of the payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay which are the three other payment processors in the 1.4% for 200 business day plan. Having been online for about five months already and changing status from Paying to Waiting due to withdrawal delays on MNO several times, I believe the admin is to be commended for still processing the payouts at all. For those who are concerned about the pending SolidTrustPay payouts, the admin promised to keep a close eye on what’s happening and report again if he has any further updates for all the members of Nubcoyu (reviewed here):

Slight Delays With STP Withdrawal
Dear Valued Investors,
Hello everyone! It’s Umezawa here. I’ve got a little announcement for our dear members. For some strange reasons, we’re experiencing Bad Gateway Error when we’re trying to log in to our STP account. Until the problem is solved, there isn’t anything we can do because we’ve tried on many computers and different internets. Could be the DNS propagation problem, who knows. So, please expect some delays in the STP withdrawal. I’ll be staying up all night and keep a close watch on the situation, so please don’t worry.
Regards, Nubcoyu


As promised by the admin of PremierLeagueProfits Tony last week all the deposit bonuses to those who met the required terms have been added to the main deposit and would now start earning on the 1% for 180 business days or 7% for 30 weeks plans both returning the original investments on expiry. I would like to remind you that PremierLeagueProfits accept deposits starting from $10 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, and for more information you can read my review here. This is the last message from Tony:

All Bonuses Added
We have completed adding the $10 thank you bonus to all investors, as you all know our profits are determined by our betting activities and every now and then we are likely to be in a position to give you a little extra. We hope you appreciate and enjoy the bonus and that you will continue to support the program by bringing in new referrals as many of you have done already.
Tony Admin.


Some of you might have noticed GoldenPayment (reviewed here) was not accessible for several hours today and apparently was under DDoS-attack. As in the previous email newsletters issued for the last couple of days, the admin of GoldenPayment Dennis (interviewed here) took another opportunity to remind us of the e-currency exchange for new deposits are available in all directions and with 0% fees. To take advantage of that offer you need simply to deposit in any of the offered investment plans – 105% after 1 day, 120% after 3 days, 150% after 7 days, 325% after 15 days – via LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, or PerfectMoney. After that you need to contact the admin as specified in the newsletter and provide all the necessary information and the direction of the exchange you need. Please refer to the latest newsletter for more information on that:

GoldenPayment DDOS attacks
Thank you for your patience today during several DDOS attacks against GoldenPayment. This is the nature of the industry. We will get caught up on all emails shortly. Thank you again for your patience.
Reminder, for free currency exchanges for all four e-currencies we accept, please make sure your email has the correct subject line and the contents of the email include all relevant information.
Also as SolidTrustPay and EgoPay are new to GoldenPayment, we will have a special announcement regarding both in another newsletter shortly!
Below you can find all relevant details to free currency exchange at GoldenPayment:
SolidTrustPay to Liberty Reserve – 0% Rate Even Exchange
SolidTrustPay to Perfect Money – 0% Rate Even Exchange
SolidTrustPay to EgoPay – 0% Rate Even Exchange
EgoPay to Liberty Reserve – 0% Rate Even Exchange
EgoPay to Perfect Money – 0% Rate Even Exchange
EgoPay to SolidTrustPay – 0% Rate Even Exchange
Liberty Reserve to Perfect Money – 0% Rate Even Exchange
Liberty Reserve to SolidTrustPay – 0% Rate Even Exchange
Liberty Reserve to EgoPay – 0% Rate Even Exchange
Perfect Money to Liberty Reserve – 0% Rate Even Exchange
Perfect Money to SolidTrustPay – 0% Rate Even Exchange
Perfect Money to EgoPay – 0% Rate Even Exchange
To take part in this beta test, you just need to make a deposit, and then send an email to admin@goldenpayment.net with the transaction information as well as the e-currency you request and your username. Your deposit then will be converted to that e-currency.
Best Wishes, GoldenPayment.


StockEvoTrade just opened its doors to online investors a couple of days ago and today joined Premium Listing on MNO. One look at the site’s design was enough to catch my eye with everything also explained perfectly well. All the popular payment processors are accepted including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and the withdrawals are promised to be done instantly with the exception of any errors in payment interfaces that can occur from time to time. There are different investment plans available but only one will suit the majority of investors with $10 minimum – 7% for 20 days, while three others have significantly higher minimums and paying 8.5% for 18 days, 10% for 16 days, and 12% for 14 days. Please note that your original investment is already included in the payments and therefore will not be returned on expiry. StockEvoTrade is running off a totally custom made script which I have never seen before that’s a sign of good quality for any new project with a serious administration. The site is SSL-secured by GeoTrust and hosted on a dedicated server by Koddos. I’ll have more info on StockEvoTrade in a few days so meanwhile you can check out the website and see if you like it. The welcome message from the admin posted straight after the launch is below:

Here We Go
Great news guys! We have just opened the ability to create investments and have already experienced higher than expected flow of investors coming. Looks like this point of no return have been so waited by our valued customers and we are proud to start meeting everyone’s expectations from now on.
If you are new to our website, feel free to study all the material we have about our field of business, our investment solutions offered and our affiliate program. You can also get your FREE account right away, in just few minutes and put a start to your financial prosperity.
Stay tuned for more updates soon!
The StockEvoTrade Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky listProForexUnion, MGProfit, OilOfAsia, BerkeleyFinanceGroupFinanciaLtd.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, SureInvStallionGold, 4FXInvestment, BensonUnion, Nubcoyu, VisitAd, Stravia, PerfectForex, GoldenPayment, RoyalIncome, Xgolding, Black&WhiteFund, FatProfit, Profitable2013ADSolid, RewardsWeekly, HurricaneAssets, StockEvoTrade (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: AirCargoXpress, AustralianBusinessGroup, TradExFund, PremierLeagueProfits, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, EasyGrowth, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Fxen, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank.

That’s all for tonight, guys. See you all tomorrow with a review of FinanciaLtd and all the daily news from the HYIP industry!

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