Feb 11th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! AxiomInvestingGroup has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and looking forward to some new opportunities. Hopefully, fingers crossed, we’ll come across a couple of good ones. To start the new business week I’m taking a closer look at a recently launched longer term HYIP called AxiomInvestingGroup which was added to the MNO monitor late last week after starting up on the last day of January. Whatever type of program you’re into though there’s certainly no shortage of choice around at the moment, so let’s if you think there’s anything special about this one to make AxiomInvestingGroup worth adding to your portfolio.

So what you’re offered on joining AxiomInvestingGroup is what’s basically one investment plan divided into four categories based on how much money you’re prepared to risk. But it will only cost you a $10 minimum to join, and that puts you into what’s called The Newbie Plan. Running for a term of 100 calendar days, all deposits up to a maximum value of $399 are offered a daily interest rate of 1.5%. by the end of the term those payments add up to 150% in total, at which point AxiomInvestingGroup promise to return your principal on top of that. So the 150% is the net profit.

And that’s more or less how things continue, with AxiomInvestingGroup simply making bigger interest payments on larger deposits. The Professional Plan for example which is open to deposits starting from $400 offers a daily rate of 2%. The term remains unchanged at 100 calendar days, so your payments add up eventually to 200%, and then AxiomInvestingGroup should add your original principal on top of that. Maximum spend is $1,999.

I imagine that puts the remaining two plans outside of most investors price range with the third option, The Expert Plan, costing $2,000 to join. For 100 calendar days AxiomInvestingGroup are offering members a daily payment of 2.5% interest. By the time you get the final payment this will have amounted to 250%, which is considered your net profit as AxiomInvestingGroup promise to return your initial principal then. The top investment allowed for this plan is $5,999.

And lastly for players prepared to go in with $6,000 or more with no upper limit, AxiomInvestingGroup offer 3% interest every day for 100 calendar days. This adds up to 300% by the end of the term, when your principal is then added to that.

Something else you need to know about the investment plans that’s very important is the early withdrawal clause. With the term running for as long as it does, longer than three months in fact, the idea of committing your money to a HYIP admin for such a lengthy term might put off some potential members. So AxiomInvestingGroup will allow you to ask for your principal back and leave before the term’s completion. Think about it carefully though because this feature come with a 30% fee. So if you’re leaving early for any reason be sure to do some calculations first. I mean if you’re going just because the longer term doesn’t suit you it’s still possible to take a profit with you when you go, but do it too early and obviously you’re going to lose money which makes joining AxiomInvestingGroup at all in the first place pretty pointless. So just make sure you plan it right.

Other than that the payment options are all up to a good standard, with AxiomInvestingGroup taking all the popular processors. You can use any of SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. Payments are made manually by the admin and will need to be requested from inside your AxiomInvestingGroup private members account area. Once done you will need to allow up to 24 hours for the transaction to be completed. Just be aware of the fact that payments are not processed at the weekend. Yes, you do still earn interest on Saturdays and Sundays, but you will need to wait until Monday before those particular withdrawals can be processed. Bank wires are also available, but you will have to contact the AxiomInvestingGroup admin for more information about that as a totally different set of rules (minimum transaction limits, processing times, etc) will apply. By the way, compounding is also offered for anyone looking to deliberately increase the risk. You just need to set the rate yourself when depositing.

On the design and security side of things, the first thing I noticed is that the website is bi-lingual. It’s in English and Russian which will be helpful to a lot of users, and it’s not just a funny auto-translated version either but rather a proper version. AxiomInvestingGroup is running off a unique script custom-made just for them. The website is SSL encrypted for safer browsing and more secure transactions, and hosting is on a dedicated server with the support of GeniusGuard. There have already been instances of the site going offline due to sustained attacks, so I do hope the admin has made arrangements for a more advanced level of protection if he is to avoid this happening again. If you have any further questions or account related issues then there are a number of points of contact. You can mail them directly at at the e-mail address listed, or else by creating a support ticket which you can track yourself by signing in to your account. For Live Chat support you can try them on their Skype account, though it’s not specified what working hours are being kept there. AxiomInvestingGroup have their own members forum as well which might prove handy of the program ever gets popular. Fans of social networking sites will find AxiomInvestingGroup maintaining profiles on Facebook and Twitter, and rounding off the list is the telephone number though again there’s no information as to what time the lines are open or even if anyone ever answers at all. A postal address is also mentioned but these things are generally best ignored, tending to be serviced offices for message forwarding and not where you find the program physically located.

The website content and texts appears to be original. A little bit far fetched mind you with some spurious claims that investors can’t possibly lose money (that’ll be a first!) accompanied by claims that AxiomInvestingGroup are involved with everything from oil and gas to real estate. All very nice but nothing we haven’t heard before and certainly nothing you can independently check out and verify for yourself. Just words on a computer screen and I suggest you leave it at that. Treat AxiomInvestingGroup as you would any other online HYIP, which is with caution, realistic expectations, and an acceptance of the high risk. That means staying well beneath a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose, and keeping them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse investment portfolio.



It took the admin of Xgolding seven long weeks to feel the need to contact investors and share his thoughts on the project’s development. Launched over last Christmas, Xgolding flew under the radar and was largely unnoticed by a wider audience. The investment plan from the beginning included 2% for 150 business days with the original principal returned on expiry to the same payment processor you joined with – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, or EgoPay. According to the admin who finally issued quite a lengthy update tonight, he presented it as if it was his initial plan in the gradual development of Xgolding and promised to be more active from now on with updates on a regular bi-weekly basis. The admin William also shared some graphics showing the gradual growth of the program and asked members not to take Xgolding lightly considering all the fly-by-night scams the industry is inundated with sometimes. Here’s the first big newsletter from Xgolding (reviewed here):

7 weeks online – Xgolding
Dear investors,
It is a pleasure to let you know that Xgolding is celebrating seven weeks of online activity and the health of our investment pool is just neat. With over 1300 registered members and a bit over 150 thousand dollars in investments which allowed us to allocate funds in some industrial funds and already collect some profit, the total amount of investments is growing faster than the number of people joining us as you can see in the graphics here , this shows that even though we keep a rather stable growth level measured in terms of new accounts, people are investing bigger and bigger sums in Xgolding. Our first week was a little slow, probably because of Christmas and New Year’s eve holidays but 2013 definitely brought a lot of power to Xgolding and we are sure this will be a great year for all our investors.
We see this result as an increase of trust in Xgolding, which is strongly appreciated. In a few weeks we will have our first investors collecting pure profit and we expect the curves you saw earlier to sharply develop to the top.
Also, we have just hired four online marketing specialists to help promoting Xgolding. From now and on, you will certainly see our advertisements in popular blogs, forums or monitors you visit. We decided to wait a few weeks before launching this type of campaign to understand how the industry works and decide which would be the best strategy. Our goal is to double our membership and triple our total in investments in the next 6 weeks. We will be sending you bi-weekly newsletters with our status so you can follow our results.
Since we’re talking about marketing, we would like to thank all our investors who have been actively promoting Xgolding, over 50% of our membership has been directly referred by an active investor and even though these rates are pretty satisfactory, we want bigger numbers and will soon be launching new promotional material and opportunities for those interested in promoting Xgolding. You will receive more information about it in our next newsletter.
Trust is a delicate subject and it takes time to truly trust someone and, of course, the same happens to your investments; it is absolutely natural that you are scared of investing and so were we when we first started investing in strangers’ companies but time teaches you how to feel when you have a good opportunity. Some investors already trust us, some will trust us in a few weeks and some never will. This “feeling” of a good investment will come with time and you will realize how Xgolding is a good opportunity like many of you have already realized. What we’re trying to say is; take your time to build your trust and confidence in us but inform yourself from experienced investors and gurus, they know what they do and they know Xgolding is a long runner; joining the run or watching it pass by is entirely up to you.
As usual, if you require any assistance concerning your Xgolding account, don’t hesitate to contact our support team, we will be glad to answer you. We will see you again in two weeks!
Best regards,
William J. Leder”.


ForkStrategy started just a week ago meaning the first investors in the shortest possible 115% after 15 days plan are still a week away from profiting. That didn’t stop the admin from praising the first success of ForkStrategy illustrating it with the first results from the arbitrage betting which his program is allegedly involved. With over $30K already supposedly invested the future looks bright and the admin encourages everyone to try one of the investment plans which along with the short-term 15-day plan also include the more profitable 150% after 30 days and 200% after 45 days plans via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. Along with many charts showing the first results of its betting strategy ForkStrategy also mentioned the review of published on MNO (click here to read it) which will hopefully give you a better understanding of how the project works and if the plans suit your needs. Below is the full version of the first newsletter from ForkStrategy:

Amazing start for ForkStrategy
Dear investors,
ForkStrategy has been online for some days now and we would like to share some of our recent activity with you. As I write this message, our program has 300 registered investors and over 30k USD in investments.
The status of our investments in the past week couldn’t be any better, we found many of arbitrage opportunities and made a lot of benefit since we first started ForkStrategy. We don’t have a fixed daily goal in terms of return on investment but so far we made enough to paid all your profits and built a reserve of almost 20% of our investment capital, this money will be used as a reserve in case we have a bad week but so far, there is nothing to worry about.
The table below show some of our top placements in the past two weeks, we placed over 80 bets since ForkStrategy was launched. As you can see, we had a few placements with profits of 20% which is a huge profit for this type of investment. It was the perfect start we were expecting!
With the league of champions happening in Europe right now, we have many opportunities to explore in the next few weeks. Important matches like these are available on all brokers and there is always a sure bet to be found. In the table below you can see some of currently placed bets for events happening in the next week. The amounts allocated on which pair varies in function of how much we have in each bookmaker and how profitable the bet will be. In general, 75% of our investment capital on each bookmaker is placed for a future match and 25% is sitting waiting for a new opportunity to appear.
Nigeria won the Africa Cup of Nations this week and will now be participating in the 2013 FIFA Confederation Cup in Brazil. Even though we didn’t have any bets on this match of the ACN, this was a very important fact and we are eagerly waiting for the Confederation Cup.
Also last week, ForkStrategy was reviewed by Paul from Money News Online and you can read his opinion by clicking here, Paul is one of the most respected HYIP bloggers and his positive opinion about our program is a proof of the hard work we put into creating our website. Also, we listed our website in over ten monitoring websites and we have a paying status in 100% of them.
Thank you for being a loyal investor of ForkStrategy, we look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards, Mark Flecher


I must say that for the first month online ADSolid (reviewed here) proved itself a viable project with stable instant payouts processed to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay. You may also notice the flags of different countries in the top right corner of the website and wondered what it was all about. Well, it means the language the site is available in which up to today was only English. Chinese and Korean have now been added which will certainly make ADSolid more appealing to audiences there. I believe in the near future we can expect to see more languages added to help ADSolid spread its wings in more local investment markets. I remind you that the program pays 1.2%-2.1% for 150 days with the interest credited on business days only and the principal returned on expiry. Today I’m also sending an interview to the admin of ADSolid who kindly agreed to answer some questions. This will hopefully help you better understand how the program works and what advantages are there to joining ADSolid. A short message announcing the Chinese and Korean translations was made on the website earlier:

We have just launched localized sites for Korean and Chinese! We hope that our investors and advertisers from Asia will find it much easier working with the site.


It looks like Nubcoyu (reviewed here) is back to normal and the admin (interviewed here) is overwhelmed by the approaching Valentine’s Day celebrations and promises many new contests with great prizes and a Valentine’s Promo Offer. First of all, for the the next couple of days everyone who makes a new deposit into the 1.4% for 200 business days plan for a $10 minimum via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney is entitled to a 7% deposit bonus. Enough to sweeten any deal I think. Nubcoyu which has been running for more than five months doesn’t stop there and we are promised more contests and this coming Wednesday expect another Nubcoyu magazine which I will definitely re-post on MNO. So stay tuned for more surprises, and read about the current ones below:

January Results Announcement, February Round & Valentine Promotion Offer
Dear Valued Investors
Happy Valentine! I can smell roses from your computers (lol) At least here in Japan, most women are crazy about making their best chocolates for their special someones. This time too, I have something special for our special investors.
(1) January Round’s Contests Results
Referral Contest:
1st Prize ($100): Skimo2012 – $558.38, 2nd Prize ($50): casanotaNY – $477.13, 3rd Prize ($25): SiamKrabiNY – $438.12
Nubcoyu iDeas (Prize: $50):
Thank you Zotya for fantastic ideas! I will surely share it with everyone in the upcoming Nubcoyu Magazine Issue 12!
(2)February’s Round Announcement!
February will also not miss the great competition! Once again, NY returns with the competition, but this time with a more interesting one!
2.1) Referral Contest
Again, we’re back with the regular referral competition! Let’s see who can beat our champion Skimo2012 this time!
1st Prize: $100, 2nd Prize: $50, 3rd Prize: $25
2.2) Nubcoyu iDeas
Again, submit your money making ideas and blueprints to ideas@nubcoyu.com! We want to see more and more ideas on money making! The prize for the chosen one is $50
2.3) Nubcoyu Arts
Create a Fan Book Fanpage cover art for Nubcoyu! Your cover will stay on our FB Fan Page for a month! Remember, DO NOT add links on the art and be sure to make the cover relevant!
(3) Valentine Promotion For Everyone!
This general promotion is not limited to FB group members, but for everyone! For those who invest during 12th February – 14th February will get a special 7% bonus to ALL deposits. Where does the number “7” come from? It comes from 14/2 = 7 LOL! Also, 7 is a lucky number in most cultures. We NY team sincerely wishes every couples a sweet valentine and a life long relationship!
This is all for today’s newsletter! The NY Magazine #12 is to be followed up on Wednesday!
Regards, Nubcoyu Umezawa
Nubcoyu Administrator


The administration of FelminaAlliance announced the first three members to allegedly win $200 to $1,000 in cash prizes to their accounts for spreading the word about the program and its 19+ months of payments. Plans with principal returned on expiry include 0.8%-1.4% for 90 business days, and 1%-1.6% for 180 business days. FelminaAlliance accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay starting from a $20 minimum. I can still share the $10 promo coupon codes which you can use as part of your investment amount in FelminaAlliance if you consider investing there at any point in the future. As per the latest newsletter from FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) a new contest for the best promotion of the program has been started already. The rules are in your member’s area should you wish to try your luck:

[FelminaAlliance] Official Newsletter
We would like to inform you that the 3 winners of last week’s Best Promo Contest have been selected. The lucky winners have received $1000.00, $500.00 and $200.00 respectively.
Let us remind you that the Best Promo Contest for the next week has already started, everyone is invited to participate.
You can find detailed terms of the contest inside your FelminaAlliance account.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Best Regards,
Marketing Department,
FelminaAlliance Inc.


Please note that I would not recommend joining StockEvoTrade at the moment due to one simple reason – the instant payouts that were previously made to all e-currency accounts have suddenly stopped. Well, it’s specified in the terms and conditions of StockEvoTrade that such instant payouts are not processed instantly all the time, and in case they fail the admin reserves the right to process them manually. However, there was no official announcement made by the admin to tell us this, and no pending payments have been made as of yet. I’m afraid that StockEvoTrade has turned into a quick scam after only being online for seven days. I will give the admin till tomorrow to complete the pending withdrawals as I don’t want to misjudge him, but at the moment the situation with StockEvoTrade doesn’t feel right and the current Waiting status on MNO might change to Problem by tomorrow morning if nothing changes. Please stay away from StockEvoTrade for now, guys!


The newest addition to MNO’s Premium Listing today is WealthyRush, a short-term project. The program actually started four days ago and so far has been paying fine on all the four payment processors accepted from a $5 minimum – SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve and EgoPay. WealthyRush has multiple plans and the withdrawals processed within 24 hours of request. These include 104%-120% after 1 day, 42%-50% for 3 days, 200%-250% after 7 days, 250%-400% after 10 days, 400%-800% after 14 days, 700%-3000% after 28 days. WealthyRush is running off a licensed GoldCodes script, SSL-secured by Comodo, and hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus that also protects it against possible DDoS attacks. After the first four days the admin issued a newsletter just after coming to MNO and asked investors to support the project on various investment forum threads. Links are featured prominently in the latest newsletter re-published below and a full review of WealthyRush will be here very soon:

WealthyRush – First Newsletter.
Hello Wealthy Members!
This is the first newsletter of WealthyRush and I just want to let you know about our advertising campaign, every day we’re looking for good places to advertise WealthyRush to ensure our steady growth, yesterday we bought sticky thread in major forums like MMG, TG, MMG we observe that our threads are very active, thanks you all for posting your payment proof and show people that we are really paying our members.
Today it’s our 4th day running and the very popular MNO has been also added in our monitoring list, it’s very important to vote on monitors so as soon as you have some free time vote for us in monitors, you can find the most important monitors at our rating page.
Here is the list of forums where our site has sticky thread:
Thanks everyone for reading, Paul


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky listProForexUnion, MGProfit, OilOfAsia.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, SureInv, FelminaAlliance, StallionGold, TureProfit, 4FXInvestment,  BensonUnion, VisitAd, Stravia, PerfectForex, GoldenPayment, Black&WhiteFund, Xgolding, Profitable2013, FatProfitRewardsWeekly, ExpressProfitShares, ADSolid, WaldmanDiamond.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome, AxiomInvestingGroup.
From MNO Basic list: MoneyPlanet, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Fxen, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank, SmartChoiceInvest (the first payment received).

That’s all for the news for today, guys. See you tomorrow with a full review of WaldmanDiamond and the lateely up to you. illustrating it with the first results from the arbitrage betting which his program is allegedly involved. With over $30K already supposedly invested the future looks bright and the admin encourages everyone to try one of the investment plans which along with the short-term 15-day plan also include the more profitable 150% after 30 days and 200% after 45 days plans via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. Along with many charts showing the first results of its betting strategy st updates from the HYIP industry. Stay tuned for that and see you all tomorrow!

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