Feb 25th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! ForexPlaza has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and looking forward to finding some new opportunities for the new business week. I have a couple of new additions to the MNO monitoring page that I’m going to be looking at in closer detail for you over the next few days, starting today with a short term HYIP called ForexPlaza. This isn’t exactly a new program, far from it actually as it’s been online for almost three weeks now, and resembles a good number of other programs with the style of plan made available. I don’t really know why it took the ForexPlaza admin so long to be listed here (maybe financial, though I’d be more hopeful it’s part of a strategy of slower more stable growth) but at least he comes with a proven track record up to this point. So before we get to the day’s news events let’s take a closer look at what’s on offer.

Starting as usual with the investment plans, ForexPlaza have the usual mix of on expiry plans for varying terms, getting more and more risky the more you spend. Some are quite good and have put a good number of members into profit having completed several cycles by now, while others are probably best avoided. Which is which is what you have to decide, but the minimum investment required to join is for the most part (with just one exception) very reasonably priced and affordable to most. So you really don’t have to take much of a financial risk unless you freely make it that way yourselves.

So the first plan pays on expiry of a term of just 1 single calendar day. You can join it for a $10 minimum and for anything you to $500 earn 105% on expiry – in other words join today and get paid tomorrow. The payment will include your principal so that’s a 5% clear profit for yourself. If you would like to make a bigger deposit between $501 and $1,000 then the payout will be 106%. Deposits from $1,001 to $5,000 are offered 107%, and for information on anything larger than $5K I suggest you see the ForexPlaza members area.

The second plan pays on expiry after a term of 5 calendar days and is also open to deposits from a $10 minimum. This time anything up to $500 should get you a return of 125%, principal included, or a profit of 25%. Not a great deal more than reinvesting in the one day plan for five cycles, but if you like the convenience of not having to withdraw every day then fine. Just remember that you will in fact earn less here than you would by reinvesting the total, ie full principal plus profits every day for five days than you would in this plan, so I really don’t see any way the increased risk here is justified. Larger deposits from $501 to $1,000 receive a 132% payout this time, and deposits from $1,001 up to $5,000 are offered 138%. Information on anything more than that can be found in the ForexPlaza members area.

ForexPlaza‘s third plan can also be joined for a $10 minimum, paying on expiry of a term of 10 calendar days. Payouts include your principal and include 155% on the minimum deposit up to a value of $500, 170% and deposits from $501 up to $1,000, and 185% for amounts between $1,001 and $5,000. ForexPlaza don’t stop taking money at a mere $5K of course, but if you want to see what their offers are then check out the members area. Again however I can’t see the risk taken by members joining this plan as worth it if you consider it as a “risk by day” basis in comparison with the earlier plans and what your final average earnings per day are between them.

The next plan sees the admin offer a return of 350% on deposits from a $10 minimum up to $500. Payment includes your initial principal and the investment term runs for a period of 20 calendar days, payment again being offered on expiry. The rate offered on amounts from $501 to $1,000 is 470%, and from $1,001 to $5,000 is 600%. For anything larger than that you should check the ForexPlaza members area for details.

Even more risky is ForexPlaza‘s fifth which runs for 45 calendar days before paying on expiry. For a minimum spend of $10 up to $500 the admin offers an almost impossible return of 800%, principal included. For a deposit between $501 and $1,000 the offer is an even less likely 1200%, while amounts above that up to $5,000 are offered 1700%. For what’s being offered to amounts over and above $5,000 then please see the ForexPlaza members area.

And finally an even tougher payment to meet will be from ForexPlaza‘s sixth plan which runs for a shorter 8 calendar day term, but also offering one single payment on expiry that includes the investor’s principal. Deposits from a $3000 minimum (which is significantly more than I’d be willing spend on this myself if I absolutely had to join) up to $100,000 are offered a return of 888%. See the ForexPlaza members are for more information on larger deposits if interested. Perhaps the admin is looking to exploit the belief (by which I mean superstition) held by some people that the number eight is supposed to be lucky in much the same way as a lot of internet poker and casino websites also contain an 8 in their names. However I can assure you the most likely person to get lucky from a deposit here will be the admin. Don’t agree with me? Well, it’ll cost you $3,000 to prove otherwise and it sure ain’t coming out of my pocket!

The payment options are pretty good, or at least the equal of any similar style program. ForexPlaza are accepting all the popular processors with SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve making up the list. Payouts to members are made manually by the admin and will need to be requested from inside your private ForexPlaza members account area. After doing this you are asked to allow up to 12 hours for the transaction to be completed, which is pretty fast by any standards so I hope it’s a schedule the admin is able to keep up with. It certainly doesn’t seem to have been a problem for anyone up to now though so let’s hope that’s how things continue.

On the technical side of things the ForexPlaza website is SSL secured by Comodo in both public and members areas for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server by Koddos with support and DDoS protection also provided by them, and the project is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. For any further questions for the admin or any account related issues you have that need dealing with you can get in touch with ForexPlaza by a variety of methods. To start with you can fill in your details on the online customer support form on the contacts page and submitting it. If you prefer you can simply e-mail the ForexPlaza admin directly at the address listed (which is likely to end up in the same inbox anyway no matter which way you choose). Also included are a telephone number which you can try if you’re expecting someone to actually answer, or a postal address located in Cyprus. From my own experience these tend to be serviced offices used for correspondence only, and not where you find anyone actually working out of. And finally completing the list of contacts is the Live Chat feature where you can get your most pressing questions answered in real time when you find an operator free there to help you.

Website content and texts, what there are of them, do appear original but give little in the way of any real useful or practical information. As the name implies the lien of business ForexPlaza are allegedly involved with is ForEx trading, but as is generally the case with online HYIPs we are offered no solid evidence of this. As always the decision to believe any of this is entirely up to yourselves anyway, but for the benefit of the newbies most experienced industry players will be skeptical at the best of times. Returns like those offered by ForexPlaza however would make you particularly dubious about this being available from currency trading. So as is always the case if you are making a deposit with ForexPlaza make sure it’s one you can comfortably afford to lose, because while the program might have an established track record to date (in comparison to similar short term HYIPs I mean) it can’t go forever. Be realistic in your expectations, base your spending on what you can afford rather than what you would like to earn, and if joining then try to keep ForexPlaza as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



MajestiCrown is now ranked as #1 on Sticky Listing on MNO which is the highest possible position on my list. It has been achieved only in 12 days online by instant payouts to SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney and of course the enormous popularity of the program among readers. MajestiCrown offers from 3.2% to 3.5% returns for a duration of 90 business days with original principal returned on expiry. You can read more on that in my detailed review of the project posted here. By the way, today EgoPay was added to the list of payment processors and like the others payments there will be processed instantly. The admin is not stopping there and is hoping to improve things with the latest addition of nine representatives who can assist you in your local area. That will be especially useful for people with difficulties understanding English and would like to have things explained in their native language. The list of representatives will expand over time and even now the admin of MajestiCrown in his latest newsletter invites those who wish to help others in better understand how the program operates in their native language in exchange for some benefits offered as a reward. To find out more about that and on how to apply please refer to the full version of the latest newsletter from MajestiCrown that I’m re-publishing below:

Good news to investors using EgoPay for their investments. We have added EgoPay to our payment processor list. Payment processors accepted by MajestiCrown – Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, Solid Trust Pay, Ego Pay. All withdrawals processed instantly.
Representative page is updated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of them.
A representative – is an authorized customer support advisor that can help you solve some of your account-related problems, answer general questions and lead you through the process of depositing and withdrawing funds. However please note that if you are facing a technical glitch, a representative that is serving you will have to contact us for problem resolution. It may take some time, and for this reason we ask you to be patient as representatives do not have direct access to our system.
Want to volunteer to be our official representative in your country? That is always appreciated. As a gesture of thanks for supporting our company and helping out other users that do not speak English very well, you can qualify to such benefits as increased affiliate rate, prioritized support at our customer support center and more. In order to become MajestiCrown’s official representative and to obtain further details on benefits and advantages of being a representative.
If you want to became representative in your country, please send us a support request.
Our FaceBook page – http://www.facebook.com/MCFinancial
Thats it for Today guys.
Best Regards


If you didn’t have a chance to read today’s interview with the admin of CostaAlliance Elyssa you can do so by clicking here, plus you can also read my review of the program where I explain the 7% investment bonus paid immediately after depositing at least $10 into the 7% for 21 days plan via your choice of SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, or EgoPay. According to the latest newsletter from CostaAlliance sent last night, the program has over 1200 members after just 10 days online. A decent achievement provided it’s true. I guess it has something to do with a very lucrative investment plan and pretty fast payments along with the great support that so far has been provided by the admin. We’ll see the first members in profit in CostaAlliance in a few days from now, and I hope that my recent interview with Elyssa will help her achieve her goal and attract more investors. I just want to add that you should ignore EgoPay’s downtime reference posted in the newsletter as their website is now fully back to normal after being offline almost all day yesterday due to some technical difficulties. The rest from CostaAlliance can be read below:

CostaAlliance ~ NewsLetter#3
Greetings CostaAlliance member,
We hope you have had a great weekend thus far.
We are glad to announce that CostaAlliance has over 1200 members now and is nearing the 1000 active investors mark.
We are honored to see this steady growth in our program and hope that our alliance would progress with every step of the way.
Our ultimate aim is to turn this program into one of the reputed online investment programs of the year. A lot of work and time is being spent each day in taking us closer to this goal.
Today, due to some technical glitch in the EgoPay website, some EgoPay profits are still in queue for processing. As soon as operations resume at their end, they will eb processed. Otherwise, payouts will be processed anywhere between a few minutes to 3 – 4 hours – this remains our status till today.
If you require any guidance, please contact us and we will be glad to assist you.
Regards, Elyssa Hamad
for CostaAlliance


An incredible achievement from another short-term program was reached by GoldenPayment who recently celebrated their first month online. This wouldn’t sound so great if you didn’t know that GoldenPayment pays on four plans with very high returns compared to others – 105% after 1 day, 120% after 3 days, 150% after 7 days, 325% after 15 days to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, or EgoPay. Please note that even on the longest possible plan there were two full cycles completed meaning that those who took the risk would have done well. GoldenPayment is just another example of how a perfect short-term program should be run. The program recently survived DDoS attacks and upgraded their servers to continue this amazing performance and I’m glad to have such a quality program listed on MNO. Of course nobody can predict for how long a program like GoldenPayment can continue, let alone recommending investing in it, but as we can see there truly are some gems among the programs listed on MNO, some of which went almost unnoticed. Last night’s newsletter from GoldenPayment can be found below and if you wish to know more before joining you can read my review here or my interview with the admin Dennis here:

GoldenPayment Newsletter
We’ve made it to our first month online. Thank you for your continued belief in GoldenPayment and the services we provide. With almost 400k in deposits and almost 3 thousand members, we are growing at a great rate in this industry.
Earlier today we did suffer from some network issues with our hosting provider, but those are now fixed.
All payouts are being processed, apart from EgoPay due to EgoPay.com being down. All other withdrawal requests for Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, and SolidTrustPay are unaffected.
Thank You, GoldenPayment.”

And just today Dennis issued another newsletter dealing with today’s connectivity issues on BlockDos servers which caused some temporary downtime. The site is back online and paying at the moment, however I highly doubt his claims that members deposited $500K in deposits while just last night it was reported of “only” $400K. Seriously, that is simply impossible! Well, HYIP admins often tend to exaggerate the stats and I guess the admin of GoldenPayment is no exception. In any case, the most important part of the newsletter is the site is back to normal now and everyone should thank the hosting provider for a job well done and the admin for constantly updating his members:

BlockDOS Connectivity Issues
Thank you for your patience earlier today. We did not suffer another DDOS attack, but BlockDOS had some network connectivity issues to sort out. They are true professionals in the field and keep GoldenPayment online during multiple DDOS attacks per day that happen against our site. These attacks go unnoticed by you our users due to the quality of service they provide to us.
Our popularity is growing and thank you for that continued support as we go into month 2 of GoldenPayment. We are close to 500K in deposits with over 3000 members in four of the major e-currency processors online, Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay.
Thank You, GoldenPayment.


ForkStrategy (reviewed here) doesn’t seem to be popular among MNO readers at all, despite of an easy to use website, sustainable investment plans paying 115% after 15 days, 150% after 30 days, and 200% after 45 days and fast and timely payouts to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Even after the successful completion of the first 15-day cycle a few days ForkStrategy failed to attract much attention. I guess that happened due to so many fast scams we saw during the month of February and a general mistrust to programs where you have to wait for over two weeks to get anything back on your investment. Anyway, the slow but steady growth of ForkStrategy could be what makes it last for longer, and I hope the admin is fully aware of that and intends to keep it going.

Today I received another newsletter from ForkStrategy‘s admin Mark where he promised to post more results from their arbitrage betting activities which allegedly fund their high returns to investors, posted some recent stats that included 800 members, gave updates on the advertising options and representatives program that is going to launch in a few weeks from now. You’ll find more info on the recent progress of ForkStrategy in the newsletter re-posted below:

ForkStrategy news
Dear investors,
We decided to send you a quick newsletter to answer the most asked questions we received from you and to comment on a few changes in our website. As you may have seen, from Monday to Friday, we are publishing several forks /arbitrage opportunities that we found during the day and the average profit on that day, we started this service last Thursday and so far the page received thousands of the visitors, there is a link to it on our main page. We will also publish screenshots of our bets as many of you requested, we are only waiting for confirmations from a few brokers concerning copyright issues before publishing them at the website, it should happen shortly.
Some of you asked for some details about our current status since we mentioned we already have some investors in profit and as of today, we have about 60 thousand dollars in total investments and 800 registered members, around 13% of them in profit and a reinvestment rate of about 75%, which means that 3 out of 4 investors in profit reinvested at ForkStrategy.
We are very satisfied with the current bounce-back and our cashflow remains in a very healthy situation.
Last week our program was reviewed and we scored 88/100 which is an outstanding result and places us as the second most popular program in their website, you can find a link to the review in our partner’s page. We have also renewed several ad campaigns this week and our marketing specialists have been studying a few offline promotion possibilities to spread the word about ForkStrategy to people who never invested online before.
Some of you asked why we don’t have a representatives system at ForkStrategy and actually, it has been predicted from the very beginning but we will only open it once we have at least 2000 registered investors otherwise it might have a negative effect on promoters with a small advertisement budget. We will give you more details about it in a few weeks when we expect to reach the goal I just mentioned and launch this extra feature.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us as usual!
Best regards, Mark Flecher


The very first official newsletter from the admin of Black&WhiteFund Tony was sent today. It was aimed at commemorating the first month online when the program put a lot of investors in profit from the 11%-14% for 10 business days for a $10 minimum via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, or EgoPay. From my past experiences with Black&WhiteFund (reviewed here) I must say that usually payouts are processed quite fast to all processors so I can’t complain. In fact the program has been performing superbly so far. For how longer Black&WhiteFund is going to last is another question, but I hope the admin’s intentions would be to run it for as long as possible and this previous month online is only the first of many:

One Month Online :: Black&WhiteFund
Dear Valued Members,
This is our 1st monthly newsletter to stay in touch with you and inform you about Black&WhiteFund Ltd updates.
We are pleased to announce than we are online more than one month now. We have completed two cycles of our investments plans and members have earned 140% within 10 business days. Many more cycles still to come. Also, we received huge traffic to our website during the last one month. It is all because of your confidence in us. Keep promoting and earn up-to 7% referral commissions.
Please always inform us if you want to see any improvement in our services or want to add some feature. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you see any problem or issue relating to payments, website access or general questions.
Thank you and have a good day;
Tony Martin, Black&WhiteFund Ltd


The admin of MalaysianINC added another useful feature to help investors determine whether a payment processor accepted by them – be it EgoPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, or SolidTrustPay, – is up or down. That is a very important thing to know, especially if you are an investor of MalaysianINC and therefore expect to be paid within 5 minutes as usually happens. Unfortunately, sometimes payment processors go offline for one technical reason or another, which will make your withdrawal to go to pending status to be processed later. To find this new feature simply look at the bottom of the main page of the MalaysianINC website and you will see the green lights displayed next to each processor’s logo if their site is online and function properly. If there’s a problem with one of them then you see a red light. Plain, simple, and a really convenient feature for investors I think! I just want to remind you that to find out more about MalaysianINC and its investment plans you can always check my review published here. In a nutshell plans include variable daily returns credited on business days only with the principal returned on expiry – 1.62%-2.06% for 15 business days, 1.81%-2.18% for 30 business days, 2.15%-2.43% for 60 business days, 2.63%-2.95% for 120 business days. Here’s the short update regarding the new feature posted on MalaysianINC‘s website today:

Innovation! E-currency status indicator was added!
We added indicators that show the presence of E-currency website online. Green light means that the site of the E-currency is available for transactions now, red light – temporary difficulties with access to the site of the E-currency.


It was extremely difficult today at times to access the HurricaneAssets website, apparently under DDoS attack on their servers. The admin even posted an apology of sorts today, explaining the situation:

DDoS Attack
HurricaneAssets Inc. are experiencing temporary technical difficulties due to enormous Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attack. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.

At the time of writing I was able to access the HurricaneAssets website, requested my regular payment and was successfully paid to PerfectMoney. The program offers a number of investment plans with payments processed to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and more recently to SolidTrustPay and EgoPay accounts, but basically in a nutshell include 0.9% for 30 business days, or 1.1%-2.4% for 150 business days with the principal returned on expiry. For more info on HurricaneAssets please refer to my review published here.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrownOilOfAsiaProForexUnion, PerfectForex, AirCargoXpress, GSAOnlineInvestments (the first payments received).
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, SureInv, FelminaAlliance, StallionGold, TureProfit, GoldenPayment, Nubcoyu, FatProfit, AXAIndustries, CostaAlliance, RewardsWeekly, ADSolid, HurricaneAssets, MalaysianINC, ForexPlaza, EmpireFinanceGroup (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome, AxiomInvestingGroup.
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, XtremeRichness, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Fxen, Money&Credit, VenturInvest, TheInvestmentBank, ZenithUnion (the first payment received).

That’s all the news I have for tonight, guys. Please vote on my TalkBack page and speak your mind about the interviews with HYIP admins which I often do on my blog. That will help determine how or if it affects your investment decisions and ultimately improve my work for your benefit. The poll will be open for a few more hours, so don’t miss the opportunity as tomorrow I’ll most likely have another one. I’ll see you tomorrow for a review of a new project called GSAOnlineInvestments and, of course, the regular news updates from the HYIP industry. See you all then!

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