Mar 8th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! RFIGroup has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Friday again so I hope you’re all looking forward to a couple of days off and taking it easy. No such luxury for me I’m afraid though I am really enjoying my short stay here in Barbados I’m continuing work as usual as I have an enormous amount to get through for my blog. So I’ll carry on today with a long term program that’s just been added to my monitor called RFIGroup. Now, it might be a new addition to my monitor but isn’t exactly brand new as a program. When you see the length of the investment plans however you’ll agree that RFIGroup is still very much in its early stages yet. I guess some of you will probably have heard of them somewhere along the way before today, either on other monitors or on any of the main forums but the program has very much been flying under the radar so far. The admin seems to think the time is right to step up his advertising campaign so you may well be seeing a bit more of them in the coming weeks and months. But we’ll start today with a more detailed look at RFIGroup‘s investment plans and other features, and see if there’s anything there you might like to see added to your own portfolios or not.

Before I get to the investment plans I have to say that a lot of the initial comments I’ve gotten from readers would suggest a lot of people are finding RFIGroup overly complicated, and if I’m honest I’d have to say I can certainly see why many of you would come away with this first impression. The thing is though that if you look into the program in a bit more detail you really won’t find anything that’s not in countless other online HYIPs so it’s kinda hard to put my finger on exactly why people are saying this. But it just seems to me that in a deliberate effort to look more professional and to distance themselves from “the HYIP industry” RFIGroup have sacrificed two very important qualities essential in building that all important good first impression – simplicity and clarity. But don’t worry about any of that you, because I’ll talk you through the main features in plain understandable terms as we go along – the only way I know how!

As I said at the start RFIGroup is a long term investment program and they offer members five plans to choose from. The difference between this and most other programs doing the rounds right now is the total contrast between the plans. Three of the five are traditional style plans common among longer term HYIPs, but the remaining two plans run for a term set by the individual investor which I must say is quite an original and innovative development. The minimum term simply has to be of at least one day in length, and after that it’s entirely up to you whether you leave after one day or never leave at all. These plans aren’t quite as profitable as the ones with the fixed terms, but what you lose with the interest rate you gain with the convenience and control over your own deposit.

You can join RFIGroup for a minimum deposit of $10 which is about the industry average these days. For this you are put into what’s called The Certum Portfolio, and this will run for 100 business days (20 weeks). While this is going on RFIGroup will pay you a daily interest payment of 1% every day from Monday to Friday. It’s quite a simple calculation therefore to work out that by the end of the term you will have doubled your money, as RFIGroup promise to return your principal on expiry. It does take quite a long time to profit form this one though, around five months or so at 1% per day, five days per week, and you don’t see any profit whatsoever until your principal gets returned as total interest payouts will only equal your initial deposit at 100%. Maximum spend allowed here is $1,999 making it the most affordable of the regular style plans, though I suspect won’t be as popular some of the lower paying options that allow you to get your profits and get out faster.

The second plan, called The Optimal Portfolio, runs for 130 business days (26 weeks, or about six months) and costs a $2,000 minimum to join, which I guess straight away puts it outside the financial reach of a lot of potential investors. For the duration of the term RFIGroup are offering members a daily interest payment of 1.6% from Monday to Friday only, and their deposits returned on expiry. Payments should add up to a total of 208% which is net profit once your principal gets added to it though at that rate you would have reached the break even point 63 days into the term. Maximum deposit allowed here is $9,999.

RFIGroup‘s third option will set you back a cool $10,000 to join and is called The Utilis Portfolio. The plan runs for 150 business days (30 weeks) and sees RFIGroup offering members a daily interest rate of 2% paid Monday to Friday only, on deposits up to a $500,000 maximum. That would allow you to break even 50 days into the term, and complete it with payouts totaling 300%. RFIGroup then promise to return your principal on expiry leaving that as your net profit.

For the remaining two plans RFIGroup change direction completely, and I’d have to say it’s probably with these that the real potential of the program lies. Whether you want to call them short term, medium term, or long term is entirely up to you because you decide the term you want to join for. It’s pretty pointless therefore me giving you any examples of how a deposit there might work for you. There’s simply too many variables but I’ll give you the basics that you need and you can then do your own calculations based on what you are looking for.

So we continue with RFIGroup‘s fourth investment plan, called The Aggressive Growth Portfolio (quite a mouthful!) and can be joined for a $10 minimum deposit. You will be paid a daily interest rate as long as you remain a member here, and whenever you decide you’ve had enough, RFIGroup will return your principal. The actual payment itself is variable so might be different from day to day. Generally speaking you’d be looking at 0.8% per business day as an average. RFIGroup do list the preceding payments over the previous five days, which at the time of writing fluctuate only slightly between 0.7% and 0.9% per business day. It won’t give you an exact figure but will at least allow you to take a ballpark guess at what you might earn over term of 10 days, 20 days, a month, a year, or whatever it is you’re looking to join for. Of course you’re also free to join with no particular exit date in mind and just continue collecting the interest payments while the program still feels safe to you. Maximum deposit here is $999.

The final option which is open to deposits upwards of $1,000 works pretty much the same way, except that for the larger investment RFIGroup is offering a larger interest rate to go with it. It’s called The Conservative Growth Portfolio and it also makes daily interest payments, on business days only, for a term of your choosing. The rate will again be variable, but current information suggests you’d be hoping for an average of 1.5% per business day. Results over the previous five days indicate fluctuations from 1.4% to 1.6%, so while you might not hit on the exact figure to the cent, you can hazard a pretty good guess as to what an investment here might return for you. Or indeed instead of picking a fixed date to request your principal back you could always just go with the flow as it were, and trust your instincts to tell you when to get out (though that might be a more suitable tactic for experienced long time industry players. RFIGroup‘s maximum deposit for this plan is $10,000.

There’s just a couple of other quick points I want to make about the investment plans before we continue. RFIGroup will allow deposits in either dollars or euros. I’ve described them in dollars for the sake of keeping things simple and because I know that’s how most readers work, but just be aware that the alternative is there for you if you prefer. The second thing I wanted to say was that compounding is allowed should you feel the need to increase the risk of your own accord in exchange for the chance of a higher payment.

RFIGroup‘s payment options are I have to say a bit disappointing. Nothing that can’t be fixed or improved later mind, but I can only describe the program as I see it in front of me on any given day. And today it’s disappointing. Payments are limited to just PerfectMoney or LibertyReserve. Payouts are instant so that’s some consolation at least, so you just need to log in to your private RFIGroup members account area, make the withdrawal request, and you should hopefully have the cash in your LR or PM account in under a minute. Bank wires are also accepted but as that will entail an entirely different set of rules, such as minimum transaction limits, payment schedules, etc, it’s best you contact the RFIGroup admin directly for information on that.

On the design and security side of things it’s something of a mixed bag, but overall I’d be positive. To start with the program has an excellent website, very professional looking and unlike most of what you see in the industry. I have to say though that it’s a little heavy on the graphics and that might cause it to load a bit slow depending on the quality of your internet connection. But despite that the RFIGroup website is SSL secured by Comodo and running off a totally unique and customized script. Something of note to non-native English speakers by the way is that if you think the RFIGroup website overly complicated than you can fix that by clicking the Language Box in the top left hand corner. This will give you a professionally written translation into several different languages and hopefully make the whole thing a lot easier for you to understand. The area where I can’t help but have the slightest doubt about RFIGroup however is with their hosting provider. Currently they are with a previously unknown provider in the HYIP industry called Webzilla. Now, ordinarily I’d have no reason to think this isn’t a perfectly good company in the non-HYIP business world, but the rules are completely different here and I’m unaware of what kind of track record they have with dealing with daily, repeated, and intense attacks constantly aimed at their servers. The RFIGroup admin seems to have some doubts as well because he’s gone so far as to say he has DDoS protection from BlockDos which is of course possible without being hosted directly by them, but I can find no evidence that this is the truth and that BlockDos have any dealings with RFIGroup at all.

For any further questions about the program you think haven’t been covered here or any account related issues you need to have dealt with, the RFIGroup admin can be contacted through several channels. First you can fill out the online ticketing form and submit it via the contacts page, or else just write directly to the e-mail address listed there. RFIGroup also have a Live Chat feature, though I’m unaware of when, if ever, it works because I’ve never noticed any operators there myself. You might also wish to try their phone support as they have a number listed on the website. RFIGroup have a postal address as well, but given that they offer company registration documents (which can be purchased online) in the Seychelles but a business address in Hong Kong, I think that tells you what you need to know about the authenticity of both. For a more personal experience you might want to try RFIGroup‘s list of regional representatives. As far as I can see this is still limited to CIS countries but they do have open applications for more positions so if you have any experience with this kind of thing you might want to get in touch with the admin and see if he wants someone in your area.

The website content and the texts are, just like everything else with RFIGroup, highly original. All in all it looks like a very well thought out website with huge potential to become one of the next leaders among long term programs, especially now that some gaps are unfortunately but inevitably opening up. I’m in no position to verify the business activities claimed by RFIGroup though most of you will know I have very little interest in looking too deeply for things I’m unlikely to find by now so I would suggest you do the same. Treat RFIGroup as you would any other online HYIP and never, ever, no matter what the offer, spend more money than you could comfortably afford to lose. And if joining RFIGroup at all then please do so as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



ProForexUnion undoubtedly remains one of the most popular programs among readers and a highly profitable one too. It’s on its sixth month online now and seems simply unstoppable paying on three different investment plans with principal return on expiry – 1.2% for 20 days, 1.7% for 30 days, 1.9%-2.4% for 60 days. For those months ProForexUnion won many fans who pushed it to the #3 spot on MNO’s Sticky listing which the admin today extended yet for another month. Payments to investors are usually processed pretty fast and the choice of payment processors is very broad. Not just the popular processors like SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve, but also more unusual choices like Qiwi, LiqPay, and PexPay. ProForexUnion recently started accepting direct Bank wire transfers, Visa and MasterCard transactions, and many deposits directly from the Russian and Ukrainian based banks. The connection with the Russian speaking world is very strong, and the results of the latest photo contest posted on ProForexUnion‘s specially allocated page today show that the vast majority of the winners bearing Russian and Ukrainian names. If you haven’t participated in the contest you might want to congratulate those who did and enjoy looking at their pictures following the link posted in the most recent newsletter from ProForexUnion (reviewed here):

ProForexUnion. Winners!
Competition on the best photo ProForexUnion is over! We congratulate winners! You can familiarize with results of competition on our site or on Facebook and Twitter
Sincerely, yours The ProForexUnion team.


The first newsletter issued by the admin of WorldGemsInvest Daniel this morning gave a link to the recent review posted on MNO recently (click here to read it). I’m also hoping to publish an interview with Daniel, so you will be able to find more interesting things about the program first-hand. I remind you that WorldGemsInvest pays from 1.25% to 2.4% for a duration of 120 calendar days with original principal returned on expiry. The payment processors accepted starting from a $10 minimum are SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay. A compounding option was not initially allowed, but the admin changed his mind after allegedly receiving a lot of requests from investors, and so added it. In the first newsletter Daniel went as far as inviting investors to visit the jewellery fair in September in Bangkok where he claims his program is trading. I’m afraid he’ll be alone there, as I don’t see any reasons for going somewhere so far to meet a HYIP admin. Anyway, the latest news from WorldGemsInvest can be read below:

Newsletter #1 WorldGemsInvest
Hello to all dear members,
This is our first newsletter!
We would like, before all, to thanks all of our members for their support and their interest into our program!
In just two weeks, we have hundreds of active members, we receive hundreds of emails a day and our reputation is growing up day by day, and all that because all of you, so thanks.
Firstly, on March 2, ended the Bangkok Gems & Jewellery Fair, which is a meeting point of all gemstones specialist dealers or buyers.
It’s a dynamic place to conduite good business and network with over 1.200 EXHIBITORS in 16 key product categories and Thousands of international jewellers and traders Pursuing supplies.
This is really the biggest gemstone shopping market, and it’s happen in Bangkok.
It was very dynamic and enthusiastic and we got a command of more than 3700 articles (all categories combined, like loose stones, or crimped, etc. …
This is very good for you and us!
It is organized twice a year, in March and September, so we hope to see you there next time in September for a special meeting or we will arrange a buffet for team members and investors!
Do not hesitate to send us an email to reserve your place, it’s completely free (except cost of flying ticket).
Also, about our program itself, everything is running well, we did not encounter any technical difficulty for now, everything is perfect.
Some news also, that you see maybe on your members account is the activation of compounding.
We lock this possibility before because we thought that members like to withdraw their profits everyday and make sure they are satisfy of that, but we got a huge demands of compounding activation, that we do it.
So now you can use compound on your active deposit, please use it conscientiously.
Also, Paul, the admin of had publish its review on WorldGemsInvest on his website, so do not hesitate to go read it! It is very objective! Follow this link:
This will be all for today,
We remain at your disposal at any time by email or phone
Cheers, Daniel


For some reason I haven’t been able to load the website of GSAOnlineInvestments (reviewed here) all day today. It was fine at the time the admin sent his newsletter outlining some issues with PerfectMoney payment processor that prevented processing automatic payouts due to which both deposits and withdrawals to PM were suspended. The program was therefore left with only LibertyReserve for their investment plans with the original principal returned on expiry – 0.75% for 15 business days, 1.25% for 20 business days, 1.75% for 30 business days, 2% for 50 days, 3.5% for 90 days. GSAOnlineInvestments is currently still not loading for me, and I don’t really understand the latest newsletter regarding PerfectMoney deposits, as for me this payment processor was working fine all the time. Anyway, in in the interests of readers’ safety I made a decision to put GSAOnlineInvestments to Waiting status on MNO until they are back online. Here’s the latest bizarre email from the admin I received today:

GSAOnlineInvestments. Perfect Money
Dear investor, within several hours Perfect Money system doesn’t work. Therefore we notify you that for this reason of payment of percent and reception of deposits is temporarily suspended! As soon as the payment system will earn, we will restore payment of percent and reception of deposits.


The admin of the recently demised FatProfit decided to play dirty today and bleed some more deposits from investors. If you remember I issued a warning on my blog three days ago, after the site just vanished into thin air. It made no sense at all to scam like that while paying instantly till the last minute online. I also imagined that the admin might try to get the site back, but expressed my concern that the damage was already done and nobody was going to invest there. So, I believe he decided to bring the site back on a cheap hosting and blame his old hosting provider BlockDos for extorting money from him. Of course, to make it sound plausible you need to promise to pay to all the existing members as he did in the latest newsletter issued straight after FatProfit came back online. Of course, it’s just a promise that costs not more than his crooked conscience as all the instant withdrawals were switched off for some reason and the existing pending requests are promised to be paid within a week (!). I don’t know who he’s trying to fool with all this nonsense, but I suppose MNO readers are smarter than this and will see the scam coming from a mile away. Please note that FatProfit remains on Scam status on MNO and no further deposits there are recommended – avoid it like the plague! Here’s the latest news (should we say lies!) from them:

About Downtime And Payment
Hello everyone,
We were under a huge DDoS attack by because we refused to continue to use their service. Now we have used a better DDoS protection service and we are back. And all withdraws will be processed manually in the next 1 week. And we will change it back to instant withdraw a week later. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Sincerely, FatProfit Admin


Please note that no further investments are recommended in PerfectForex as the program was moved to Problem status on MNO monitor today after successfully paying for over seven weeks. We can consider such a long timeframe as an overwhelming success and I can’t praise the admin enough for running such a great program with over 50 (!) completed cycles for its 104%-125% after 1 day plan. Unfortunately as usually happens eventually he started to play smart and returned some members’ deposits back to their accounts before they reach 24 hours required to complete the withdrawal. Actually, that complicated the process for sending me proof of non-payment for readers affected by that. I remember somebody sent me his account details a couple of days ago and I was not able to verify that he was not paid because I only saw his withdrawal request pending for a few hours which was not enough to justify the Problem status for the program. Anyway, PerfectForex paid promptly to all my referrals until today when I was able to actually verify delayed pending withdrawals and finally moved PerfectForex to Problem status on MNO. Yes, in this case the program was close to perfect and I wonder what an industry we could have if more admins lasted so long.


InvestiField is a brand-new project that launched just today and was straight away listed on Premium listing on MNO. The program looks very promising at first glance providing instant payouts to all the popular payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay on all the withdrawals less than $500 while manually paying the higher amounts. The investment plans in InvestiField include three options with different minimums to invest, payments on calendar days and the principal returned on expiry – 2% for 30 days, 2.5% for 60 days, and 3% for 90 days. The site itself looks really nice, with SSL-security by Comodo through, licensed script by GoldCoders familiar to the majority of HYIP investors and the hosting on a dedicated server with the DDoS protection provided by the always impeccable BlockDos. All in all, InvestiField looks quite an interesting project and I look forward to bringing you a full review next week. For now you can check it out by yourself and also read the welcome message put on the website by the admin of InvestiField announcing its grand opening:

InvestiField Limited Grand Opening
Hello dear visitors, today we are proud to announce that our investment platform is ready for business. Now everyone can become an investor of InvestiField and benefit from the alternative energy and green environment investments. We are starting a massive marketing campaign and our team will keep improving the service day by day. InvestiField Limited is a financial company incorporated in the United Kingdom, employing more than 250 staff members worldwide.
Our investment offer is designed to suit everyone with different investment capitals and goals. We are working with most popular digital e-currencies such as LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay. InvestiField website is hosted on a dedicated server with the highest security and technology standards, to protect your assets and ensure a smooth operation of the investment service.
Join us today and start earning for yourself while helping us moving technology breakthrough forward. InvestiField – finance your dream!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrownOilOfAsiaProForexUnion, AirCargoXpress, LucraFund, BriscoFund.
From MNO Premium list: SureInv, StallionGold, TureProfit, AXAIndustries, 4FXInvestmentBensonUnion, TrackInvest, Black&WhiteFund, RewardsWeekly, MyFxCapital, ADSolid, HurricaneAssets, MalaysianINC, SphereINV, HytexAG, MasterEarn, <a/a href=”″>WorldGemsInvest, EmpireFinanceGroup, ZenithPay, RFIGroup, BlueFxStorm, MoneyBox, InvestiField (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome, SwiftMoney.
From MNO Basic listPayTrade, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, VenturInvestMoney&Credit, ZenithUnion, TheInvestmentBank, SwissInvestFund.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Have a nice weekend, but don’t forget to check out MNO tomorrow for more news and updates from the industry and a full review of a very promising new short-term project LucraFund that launched just a couple of days ago, but already got a lot of investors from my readers. Stay tuned and see you all then!

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