Beware! MoneyBox has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! Hope you all had a nice weekend and are ready to get started on the new opportunities that might come our way this new working week. One long term program to recently join the MNO monitoring page if an unusual project called MoneyBox. It’s not really a brand new program having been online just under a month, mid February to be exact, but due to the fact that the MoneyBox website was only available in Russian for much of its early history would mean that a lot of you won’t be aware of it yet. The Russian speaking HYIP users, (and that’s a sizable community for anyone who doesn’t know!) seem to be quite enthusiastic about it if what I read on Russian forums is anything to go by. In fact it’s been one of the most widely discussed programs on those forums but the admin has decided it’s time to take MoneyBox “international” and see if the US/Canada/Europe audience that make up most of the MNO readers are interested as well. So let’s see what they’re all about and if you like what they have to offer.
There’s only one investment plan in MoneyBox but they’ve put an unusual twist on it. You can join for a minimum of $10 which is around the industry average, and in return investors are offered a daily interest payment. The thing is that MoneyBox has no fixed term whatsoever, so once you join it’s entirely up to you when you leave. A day, a week, a month, or anything else. You simply request your principal back and leave, anytime. The rate is calculated at 1.5% per day, and that rate will apply no matter how long or short you stay a member of MoneyBox or no matter how big or how small your principal – there’s no upper limit placed on deposits.
It’s pretty much impossible to look at any real practical examples of how that might work because there’s as many variables as there are investors. But we’ll say just to take a template a $100 deposit in MoneyBox would yield a daily interest payment of $1.50. The only thing that remains now is to establish what your goals are. Either earn a fixed amount you have in mind (do your own calculations on that) or else just go with your instincts as it were and stay with MoneyBox for as long as you feel comfortable.
On the face of it there’s a lot to like about this plan and it must be said that this level of flexibility is usually unheard of in the industry. But that carries certain dangers with it as well. For instance what happens if there’s some spark that causes members to panic, like an unexplained delay in payouts, or a hacked account, or a DDoS attack that leads to some unexpected downtime? What if an incident like this causes too many members to demand their money back all at the same time? I mean even a successful bank wouldn’t hold more than 10% or at most 12% of its members funds in cash at any one time, so the odds of an online HYIP surviving a big rush to withdraw everything and leave would be minimal. I’m not trying to worry you unnecessarily here, I’m guessing most MNO readers are well versed with the risk they place themselves in by gambling like this, I’m only trying to emphasize the utmost importance of stability in all aspects of MoneyBox and a high cash reserve to go with it. You do understand that this is equally applicable to all other HYIPs you join as well of course, it’s just that the need for it is more obviously acute here.
As it stands right now the payment options for members are disappointing, and if the admin is really serious about bringing MoneyBox to the wider more international audience he’s clearly hoping for then he’s going to have to do something about that sooner or later. MoneyBox are currently using only PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. Bank transactions are available though only through some Russian banks at this stage which is unlikely to be of much interest to you but I can assure you these are some very reputable names. On the plus side however payouts to members via the payment processors are made instantly. You simply need to log into your private MoneyBox members account area, make the request, and you should have the money in your account in under a minute. This applies to withdrawals of $200 or less by the way, but if that was 1.5% interest it’s highly unlikely many investors would be making withdrawals bigger than (or anything approaching!) that.
On the design and security side of things, the MoneyBox website is fully SSL encrypted in both public and private members areas by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection of DDoS-Guard. The script being used to run MoneyBox is under license from a provider called H-Script which may not be all that well known in the industry but I have seen it in use before and can tell you there’s really nothing all that difficult in it, just a different appearance to the majority of HYIPs you’d be used to dealing with but the information and functionality are more or less the same. The MoneyBox website is entirely bilingual with both Russian and English versions accessible. For any further questions you might have for the admin or account related issues you can get in touch by filling in your details in the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page. For Live Chat support MoneyBox offer a Skype account as well as an ICQ number. They don’t explicitly state what time of the day, if ever, you might find an operator there though it might be worth you’re while just taking a quick look before you go filling out the e-mail support form.
Texts and website content are all original, though keep in mind weren’t actually written in English in the first place. Despite being original there’s still next to no information about any kind of sustainable business plan supporting the payments beyond one single mention that MoneyBox trades in “the securities market”, whatever that’s supposed to mean. So as always for the benefit of those new to the online HYIP industry, follow the more experienced players and don’t waste your time looking for evidence of something that’s not there. Treat MoneyBox as you would any other anonymous online HYIP which means fixing a sensible and affordable spending limit which you will not go past no matter what. And is joining MoneyBox at all then try to keep them as part of a diverse and well balanced portfolio.
MajestiCrown (reviewed here) remains the most popular project on MNO is currently ranked at the #1 spot on my Sticky listing out of nine programs there. And I can clearly see why it’s gotten to that point. First of all there’s the instantly processed payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. Also I never missed a single payout on the 3.2%-3.5% for 90 business days with principal return on expiry plan for its first 26 days online. The admin also purchased a lot of advertising from the beginning to make MajestiCrown more visible than other programs in a highly competitive market and also keeps improving while sending regular updates to his clients. Today another newsletter was issued informing everyone about the change of phone number where everyone can reach the support and discuss any questions for the admin. He said the change was necessary due to so calls and to handle more operators. The admin also placed registration info from the UK, however, for me it is not needed as such certificates can be bought cheaply and anonymously online and they don’t give a company any right to offer financial services for which you need a license. So just treat MajestiCrown as a regular risky HYIP venture and only invest amounts you can afford to lose:
“MajestiCrown – Phone number changed
Due to many calls, we have changed our phone number which can handle more operators at one time. If you have any questions, please call us. Soon there will be more languages available for phone support.
+44 (0) 7031891764
Registration Number: 08391928
Address:16 Saint Martin’s Le-Grand
London, United Kingdom
Best Regards”.
Further improvements were made by the admin of ADSolid Timoleon (interviewed here) for the last week. As you might know, the site of ADSolid has always been multi-lingual and accommodates languages including Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Chinese and French. During the last few days there were two more languages added – Portuguese and German, and now all the flags signs located on top of each page of the ADSolid website are active. That means that almost anyone can read the site in their own language and will understand everything. By the way, I myself found the site overcomplicated so if you’re still not that sure what it’s all about even after reading my original review of ADSolid (published here), I will tell you in a nutshell that the program accepts all the popular payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay – starting from $10 and direct bank wires obviously with a higher minimum to invest. ADSolid will pay you from 1.2% to 2.1% daily (depending on the invested amount) for a duration of 150 calendar days with the interest only credited on business days and principal returned on expiry. One of the most attractive features of ADSolid is instant payouts to all the payment processors, meaning when you request your withdrawal you will see the money in your e-currency account within seconds.
Expanding its advertising campaign ADSolid also introduced the new flash banners among its promotional materials to better spread the word about the program that has been paying for eight weeks already. And finally, a demo depositing option will be added to the member’s area in the near future, so you can try out the best investment strategies without spending a penny of his own money. Well, I must say all the recent improvements of ADSolid are quite significant and they prove that the admin is taking his project seriously enough. All the latest news from ADSolid posted for the last few days below:
“March 5, 2013 9:56 PM
We have just launched localized site for Portuguese language!”
“March 6, 2013 10:37 AM
We have just launched localized site for German language!”
“March 9, 2013 6:08 PM
We have added demo deposits of $500 for each member in our program! As well we have added the demo deposits for new members. How does it work? With the demo deposit you can see how our program is working – you can try different strategies for compounding and so on. The demo deposit is just as real one with an exception that you do not receive profit from it and the deposit will not be returned at the end of the demo position. The e-mails from the project which are associated with the demo deposit will have a note “TEST POSITION”, so you will not be confused. Also, you can remove this deposit if you need to. This function will be enabled in the near future.”
“March 10, 2013 8:27 PM
We have added a cool new banners for advertising. You can find them in your account on the page advertising.”
It’s hard to believe it but TureProfit are around for 450 + days now. The program was launched in December 2011 and is still paying fine on its popular 8% weekly for 50 weeks plan. The first deposits on expiry were returned to investors a few weeks ago and the program keeps paying week after week marking it as a very significant achievement even for such a long-term project like this one. I must say that the admin takes every opportunity to advertise TureProfit as a stable project that won’t fail like any other program, but in fact it’s just a smart marketing trick aimed at earning the trust from of both experienced and novice investors. With the recent collapse of such giants as ProfitableSunrise and FelminaAlliance TureProfit (reviewed here) finds itself in #2 place in MNO’s Premium listing and I believe it was well deserved judging by its performances. By the way, in most cases withdrawals from TureProfit are processed instantly to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts, however, even if some cases they go to pending status you should expect to be paid well within a 24 hour timeframe. In one the latest updates posted on the site the admin of TureProfit also reminds us of the need to double check the e-currency accounts you deposit from due to a lot of fake sites around trying to capitalize on the fame of TureProfit and scam you, so be very careful and only spend in the accounts listed below:
“Successful operation for 450 days.
Today we are pleased to report our each investor here that our project has been successfully operating for 450 days. Our project has become a leading one in this field, hundreds of thousands of investors concern about us every day. As the chief executive officer of this project, I and my team, although we are very busy every day, we feel so fulfilled, and sincerely feel happy and proud for this. We firmly believe that our project will has a better tomorrow. According to our plan, we have started our new advertising. We expect our project to spread every corner of the world.”
“Security alert!
When you depoist, please always check our Only LibertyReserve account: U2200344, only PerfectMoney account: U2138684, Only EgoPay account:, Only SolidTrustPay account: tureprofitcom. Do not invest your money in fake account or fake sites.”
StallionGold was hit by some previously unheard of incident when their main domain was stolen. How that’s possible is beyond my understanding, but I guess hackers have a way. In any case, a domain name must be registered with proper details of the person who does the registration, and if the StallionGold admin did it personally it will not be too difficult for him to restore it in the near future. Meanwhile, many investors of StalionGold felt stranded when they were unable to access the site today and after some research I could find only one update on the official Facebook page informing everyone that the site will be available on the new .net extension soon. Here’s the message:
“Hello dear clients, our domain name has been stolen, we do everything possible to restore it, website will be available at soon, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience it may cause.”
When you check the domain name you can see a maintenance notice so hopefully it’s a good sign that the administration of StallionGold is actually working hard to bring things back to normal on this new domain:
Welcome to the new home of StallionGold! This website is under maintenance. Please come back later.”
For now I have decided to move StallionGold to Waiting status on MNO where it will stay for a couple of days until hopefully the situation will normalize and the site will re-appear. Due to the nature of the issue, it’s still not advisable to make investments with StallionGold on the first day back online, unless you see confirmations of processed payouts which are supposed to be instant. In any case, in a couple of days the situation will be clear and we will all see the outcome. I’ll keep you informed of that right here on MNO.
Many investors experienced another huge blow when one of the most promising new programs LucraFund stopped payments being only on its fifth day online. The program had a really great set-up with an original and unique script, five payment processors accepted, BlockDos protection and instant payouts in place. The admin was surely experienced and he knew what he was doing by creating such an expensive project with a lot of advertising thrown away straight after launch. This was probably his intention to create the buzz around the project and get some fast money by stopping payouts even before the first cycle was completed. That’s what he did today by stopping instant payouts and then admitting that LucraFund was done. Even though he stopped payouts the deposits are still accepted as usual and it didn’t prevent him from displaying fake monitoring logos on his rating page including that of MNO. Please note that straight after I found out about the pending payouts in LucraFund I have moved the program to Problem status on MNO and issued my warning straight away. Of course, it will be cold comfort to those who lost money in LucraFund and the program has been a huge disappointment for me personally. This incident just proves once again that anything can happen in the HYIP industry and one of the most promising programs could become a scam within an hour without any possible reasons and without the admin even letting you all break-even in his program. Again, please be aware that LucraFund has stopped paying and do not invest a pennt in that fast scam anymore!
There are some more decent admins in the industry who create projects not to scam investors fast but rather they will fight the difficulties and keep their programs online. Take GSAOnlineInvestments as a perfect example of a hard working admin. Despite script issues affecting their automatic payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and work to fix the error lasting for a couple of days the site returned today and the admin paid all the pending withdrawals. No further announcement was issued regarding the resumed payouts and work of the site, but investors saw actions speak louder than words. GSAOnlineInvestments (reviewed here) resumed payouts today on all investment plans with principal returned on expiry of each – 0.75% for 15 business days, 1.25% for 20 business days, 1.75% for 30 business days, 2% for 50 days, 3.5% for 90 days. Moreover, the admin also processed the payouts for the missing earning days while the site was down due to script issues. So congratulations to GSAOnlineInbestments investors who backed the right horse and will enjoy their profits from the program much longer.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrown, OilOfAsia, ProForexUnion, AirCargoXpress, SphereINV, EliteBank, GSAOnlineInvestments, BriscoFund, MoneyBox.
From MNO Premium list: SureInv, TureProfit, AXAIndustries, BensonUnion, TrackInvest, RewardsWeekly, MyFxCapital, Black&WhiteFund, ADSolid, MalaysianINC, BlueFxStorm, HytexAG, WorldGemsInvest, RFIGroup, InvestiField.
From MNO Standard list: SwiftMoney, AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, VenturInvest, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, Fxen, ZenithUnion, TheInvestmentBank, SwissInvestFund.
That’s all the news for today, guys. Hope you enjoyed it and I will see you all on MNO tomorrow with a review of already one of the most popular short term projects around paying you 133% return in only three days – SphereINV – plus all the daily news from the industry as usual, so stay tuned for that and see you all then!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Mar 11th, 2013. Comment.
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