Mar 13th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! SwiftMoney has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! For the second update for today, as well as all the news stories I want to take a closer look at one of the new short term additions to the MNO monitoring page called SwiftMoney. It’s almost a brand new program, having been listed on my monitor the day it first opened which is just short of a week ago now. I’d have gotten around to it earlier if I didn’t have so much other work to get through first, but so far it’s been a decent performer, has completed multiple cycles of its first shortest term lower risk plan, and therefore put a lot of people into profit before today. So before we get to the day’s news events let’s take a closer look at SwiftMoney and see what’s on offer.

Starting as usual with the investment plans, SwiftMoney have the usual mix of on expiry plans for varying terms, getting more and more risky the more you spend. Some are quite good and like I said have put a good number of members into profit having completed several cycles by now, while others are probably best avoided. There’s five plans in total and the minimum investment required to join each of them is very affordable to most at just $10. So the only real risk you take in financial terms is really up to yourself.

The first plan pays on expiry of a term of just 1 single calendar day. You can join it for a $10 minimum and for anything you to $500 earn 105% on expiry – in other words join today and get paid tomorrow. The payment will include your principal so that’s a 5% clear profit for yourself. If you would like to make a bigger deposit between $501 and $1,000 then the payout will be 106%. Deposits from $1,001 to $2,000 are offered 107%, and for information on anything larger than $2K I suggest you see the SwiftMoney members area.

Things get extremely riskier very quickly with SwiftMoney, though the second plan which pays on expiry after a term of 7 calendar days is due to complete its first cycle tomorrow, so let’s see how that works out before really judging the program. It’s also open to deposits from a $10 minimum. This time anything up to $500 should get you a return of 140%, principal included, or a profit of 40%. Not a great deal more than reinvesting in the one day plan for seven cycles, but if you like the convenience of not having to withdraw every day then fine. Just remember that you will in fact earn less here than you would by reinvesting the total, ie full principal plus profits every day for seven days than you would in this plan, so I really don’t see any way the increased risk here is justified. Larger deposits from $501 to $1,000 receive a 145% payout this time, and deposits from $1,001 up to $2,000 are offered 153%. Information on anything more than that can be found in the SwiftMoney members area.

SwiftMoney‘s third plan can also be joined for a $10 minimum, paying on expiry of a term of 15 calendar days. Payouts include your principal and include 205% on the minimum deposit up to a value of $300 (note the slight variation on quantities this time), 235% and deposits from $301 up to $1,000, and 275% for amounts between $1,001 and $2,000. If you want to see what their offers are on higher deposits then check out the members area. Again however I can’t see the risk taken by members joining this plan as worth it if you consider it as a “risk by day” basis in comparison with the first plan and what your final average earnings per day are between them.

The next plan sees the admin offer a return of 310% on deposits from a $10 minimum up to $200 this time. Payment includes your initial principal and the investment term runs for a period of 25 calendar days, payment again being offered on expiry. The rate offered on amounts from $201 to $500 is 360%, from $501 to $1,000 is 415%, and from $1,001 to $2,000 it’s 500%. For anything larger than that you should check the SwiftMoney members area for details.

Even more risky is SwiftMoney‘s final plan which runs for 50 calendar days before paying on expiry. For a minimum spend of $10 up to $100 the admin offers an almost impossible return of 600%, principal included. For a deposit between $101 and $300 the offer is an even less likely 700%, for deposits between $301 and $1,000 it’s 850%, while amounts above that up to $2,000 are offered 1000%. For what’s being offered to amounts over and above $2,000 then please see the SwiftMoney members area.

The payment options are pretty good, though not quite the equal of most similar style programs and not quite a complete list. Still, it’s probably going to be enough to keep most regular investors happy for now. SwiftMoney are accepting most of the popular processors with SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve making up the list. Payouts to members are made manually by the admin and will need to be requested from inside your private SwiftMoney members account area. After doing this you are asked to allow up to 16 hours for the transaction to be completed, which is pretty fast by any standards and I hope it’s a schedule the admin is able to maintain.

On the technical side of things the SwiftMoney website is SSL secured by Comodo in both public and members areas for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server by Koddos with support and DDoS protection also provided by them, and the project is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. For any further questions for the admin or any account related issues you have that need dealing with you can get in touch with SwiftMoney by filling in your details on the online customer support form on the contacts page and submitting it. There’s nothing else such as Live or Telephone support but it’s questionable how effective these things often are in programs such as SwiftMoney anyway, for instance many websites may have them included but with the admin never having any intention of actually using them, thinking they just look good and leaving it at that.

Website content and texts, what there are of them, do appear original but give little in the way of any real useful or practical information. It’s claimed that SwiftMoney‘s main business interest is ForEx trading though as is generally the case with online HYIPs we are offered no solid evidence of this. Returns like those offered by SwiftMoney however would make you particularly dubious about those kind of profits being available from currency trading in such a fast time frame. So as is always the case if you are making a deposit with SwiftMoney make sure it’s one you can comfortably afford to lose. To be fair a good number of very similar programs have had some decent results in the past, and it’s always a possibility that this one will be joining them (though we’ll only know that for sure in the coming weeks). Be realistic in your expectations, base your spending on what you can afford rather than what you would like to earn, and if joining then try to keep SwiftMoney as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Last night, just after publishing the review of SphereINV on MNO (click here to read it) the admin sent a newsletter containing the link to my article on his program. I’m really grateful for this, as SphereINV has a lot of members who might be curious to find out more details about the program which pays 133% after 3 days via all the popular payment options – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. The program has currently passed a whole week online and successfully completed two full investment cycles, so the first investors should be well into profit. Here’s yesterday’s newsletter regarding my review:

SphereINV Newsletter
Thank you investors for accepting SphereINV into your portfolios and sky rocketing the site to the top of the industry in just a week. We’ve surpassed a thousand members and 100K in deposits in that time.
Please take a look at a review that Money News Online has posted today about SphereINV. You can read it here:
Thank You, SphereINV

Today saw another newsletter from SphereINV. In it the admin reminded that it’s very important to check if the e-currency account in which you’re about to request your withdrawal from the program is correct. He admitted that there are dozens of members listing incorrect accounts in their profile and in this case the money could go to somebody else’s account or would not be able to be processed at all. You can easily check and edit your e-currency accounts associated with SphereINV by clicking on Edit Account tab in your member’s area. If your accounts are correct note that all the withdrawals from SphereINV will be processed within a 24 hour maximum. Here’s the latest info from the admin:

SphereINV Payment Processor Info
SphereINV Members,
There are about 40-50 accounts with deposits that have incorrect payment processor information or have blank profiles. Please double check your account information, so that when we process withdrawals, your withdrawals are not skipped.
Thank you SphereINV members


A really nice and professional video presentation can be viewed on the AirCargoXpress website today if you prefer visual screening to reading my review (published here) or interview with the admin Dylan (published here). The video has only three and a half minutes long, but is packed with useful information about the program and its investment plans – 2%-3% for 10 days, and 3%-4% for 15 days with principal back on expiry – accepted SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve for a $5 minimum. AirCargoXpress has already proved itself by paying investors for about three months and is still going from strength to strength, providing fast payouts and a perfect service. A couple of videos were submitted by AirCargoXpress representatives from Brazil and are available in Portuguese on the website’s representatives with more video reviews from other representatives coming soon. I must say that I’m really impressed by the admin’s achievements in running AirCargoXpress and providing investors with profits for such a long time and hope that it continues. If you wish to help improve the project, you can always contact the admin with your suggestions and answer the questions that was offered by him in the latest newsletter published below:

Greetings Dear Investors,
We would like to share good news related to AirCargoXpress. Our HD video review is published on our website as we promised and you can view it by following this link:
We also included some of video reviews that has been created by our representatives. Currently there are two brazilian reviews available on representative page:
We are expecting to see more video reviews made by our representatives soon. Our team is currently working on professional video for our affiliate program, it will teach you how to attract people and how to work with your referrals in order to get better results. It will be available for your attention within next few weeks.
As you remember, we mentioned that we’ll provide you with a chance to express your thoughts on improvement of AirCargoXpress through questionnaire in the last newsletter. If you’ll have some free time fill it out and mail to We’ll be glad to take it into consideration for further improvements.
1) Are you satisfied with our support and/or how would you like us to improve it?
2) How would you like to be rewarded for being our loyal investors?
3) What would motivate you to invite your friends or family to our investment company?
4) How AirCargoXpress can motivate you to post your withdrawals and deposits on monitors and forums?
5) Do you have any suggestions for improvement of accessibility features?
6) Do you like our current plans and would you like any features added for you to enjoy our investment company more?
7) Are you taking advantage of our recently added representatives? Are they helpful and do you have any suggestions on improving this field?
8) Would you change anything in personal cabinet?
9) How satisfied are you with our affiliate program?
10) Do you have anything in your mind that you would change in our company’s visual appearance?
Thank you for your time answering our questions. We really appreciate support you provide and we’re happy to continue our professional development.
Best Regards, AirCargoXpress team


ProForexUnion (reviewed here) seems to never stop making improvements. Plans include 1.2% for 20 days, 1.7% for 30 days, 1.9%-2.4% for 60 days, all with principals back on expiry. Today it was announced that both Visa and MasterCard are accepted, so you can make deposits via your credit card as well, something unheard of in the HYIP industry. By the way, if you’re into them ProForexUnion also accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, LiqPay and Qiwi payment gateways, with the possibility to invest via a direct bank wire or internet-banks based in Russia and the Ukraine. And now, after almost six months online ProForexUnion also offers investments via internationally recognized cards with the help of ExpressMerchants payment system. Hopefully, that will boost the membership of ProForexUnion and we will see it paying promptly and on time for a long time to come. Here is the latest announcement:

ProForexUnion. New merchant – VISA MasterCard
Dear investors ProForexUnion! We have added a new merchant “VISA MasterCard”
Select in your account VISA MasterCard
Sincerely, yours The ProForexUnion team.


EgoPay was finally added by the admin of BlueFxStorm today after more than a week of waiting. Members can now join the 15% for 10 days plan via EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney starting with a $10 minimum. All in all, the program was well received by investors and is already close to the end of its first investment cycle with many investors already in profit. I believe I contributed to the growth of BlueFxStorm in popularity as well, because the recently published review on MNO (published here) was also mentioned in the admin’s newsletter today. She (the admin’s name is Tessa) also reminds us all the withdrawal requests are processed within 24 hours, so please be aware of that and do not contact them if your withdrawal request is still within this timeframe. You can see that BlueFxStorm has started a more aggressive advertising campaign already with a couple of banner spots purchased on MNO and other websites, and more monitoring services added to spread the word about the project. Here’s the latest newsletter in full:

BlueFxStorm update and Egopay has been added
Just wanted to update you, that we have added Egopay and it is ready to accept deposits now. Sorry to keep you guys waiting, but we ran into problems with the SCI earlier which caused the delay.
We are also really pleased to see how BlueFxStorm has grown and has been accepted really well by investors so far since its launch. However, it seems sometimes members worry about withdrawal requests being delayed. Its actually not delayed, as our policy is to process all requests within 24 hours or less, so this means sometimes requests might be processed as fast as 1 min, however at times it might take longer or as much as 24 hours.
We would also like to announce that we have been reviewed by MNO and have started our initial advertising campaign.
You can read the full review here:
We also have another review coming tomorrow, and also a few more in the coming week.
We have added a few more popular monitors too, so if you are looking for good RCB, head over to our monitoring page here:
Last thing I Want to mention is please support us. Support your own program, in forums and blog, as we try our best to bring you good profit.
Thats it for today,
Yours truly Admin Tessa Anais
BlueFxStorm Inc.


I’ll just keep this one brief because it seems an almost weekly if not daily occurrence by now – Nubcoyu (reviewed here) are undergoing technical difficulties. Well, to be more exact it seems that certain members are getting hacked, not necessarily to their immediate accounts in Nubcoyu but because they insist on having the same password for multiple programs. This is most definitely a foolish and dangerous thing to do as any experienced player will agree. The password for one gets compromised and before you know it it provides a back door into every other program you’re in. Please note that under the circumstances I am going to keep Nubcoyu on Paying status for the moment, but would not necessarily agree it’s a good idea to go there with new deposits until the admin (interviewed here) steps up the security features. The latest newsletter from Nubcoyu outlining this is below:

NUBCOYU Infested with Erroneous Accounts and Withdrawals Reset
Dear Valued Investors,
As for the past 3 days, I’ve been handling over 20+ cases of accounts which are compromised and had their passwords and payment processor accounts modified. I’d like to ask the users to cooperate with our security measures before the transition to the more secure script in the near future. We’ll now cancel all the pending withdrawals until the latest date. Users are then required to change their passwords and re-check the payment processors details before re-requesting the withdrawal. Also note that please expect up to 3 business days in order for the payouts to get processed. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused and we’re planning to implement better security features. However, according to the clients I’ve handled, their accounts in other programs that shares the same log in detail as Nubcoyu are also hacked. Please DO NOT use the same set of passwords for every online programs to ensure your best securities. For those who still haven’t got their accounts rectified, please visit our FB Group and leave your details there so I’ll be able to assist you. Oh, another busy day…
Regards, Nubcoyu


Please note that after waiting for two days of any news from StallionGold regarding their stolen domain on .com and subsequent move to .net address I have decided to move the program to Problem status on MNO due to a total lack of communication from the admin. It’s sad that such a good project like StallionGold that paid to everyone for over six months has to go like this, paying instantly till its last hour online. However, we should always be aware that the HYIP industry is a highly unpredictable area where everything can happen, so don’t forget to only invest what you can afford to lose.


I’ll start the list of new programs joining my Premium listing today with EliteCapitalClub – a promising medium term program with instant payouts that launched only yesterday. EliteCapitalClub offers one investment plan paying 12.5% interest for the duration of 12 business days (Monday to Friday) and principal already included in the daily payments, so your profit will be 50%. EliteCapitalClub has a memorable layout in black, white and yellow, an interesting script provided by ArtWeb, SSL-certificate by Comodo and hosting and DDoS protection by BlockDos. The admin promises instant withdrawals (or in some cases up to 24 hours manually) to your LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, or EgoPay. Deposits start from a $20 minimum and you can also compound your earnings to receive higher profits. Since opening the program the admin of EliteCapitalClub has been quite active and there are already three updates posted in the website’s news section. The first announced the launch, the second announced about the opening of the official Facebook page of EliteCapitalClub, and the third dealt with the first technical issues in Firefox and some other browsers which is currently being rectified. The latest updates from EliteCapitalClub are below:

Project start
Project start EliteCapitalClub is now open to public. We welcome you on our website and also announce the official opening of EliteCapitalClub. Please feel free to browse our website, to contact us for any kind of help and guidance, and of course to join to our investment program.

We are available on
We have launched our official page on, the leading social network in the world. On it, we will be posting daily updates about our operations, services and news. Everyone is invited to visit and LIKE us.

“Wrong form certificate”
Some of our users have encountered a problem when entering their accounts or when saving the Personal Parameters page – they get a “Security: Wrong form certificate” error. Our technicians are currently trying to find out the reasons why this error appears. This error appears most often in the Mozilla Firefox browser. To avoid getting this error, try changing to another browser.
We apologize for the inconvenience you’ve experienced!


The second program to be introduced on MNO tonight – SwissInvestFund – has been listed on Basic status on MNO for about two weeks. Today the admin decided to upgrade its listing to Sticky / Premium on MNO and that means that SwissInvestFund will be reviewed and possibly interviewed on my blog soon. The upgrade coincided with the addition of SolidTrustPay as a payment option today after four weeks online, joining LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, PexPay, and EgoPay. As for the investment plans offered by SwissInvestFund there are several of them to choose from. A $10 minimum will get you 1.6% profit for 90 calendar days and principal back on expiry. A $251 minimum gets you 2% daily for the same term. Finally, for larger investors with $501 and more there’s a plan paying 4.8% for 30 calendar days available, however in this plan the principal is not returned on expiry. Other features in SwissInvestFund include an original and custom-made script which is extremely user-friendly and convenient to use, the site itself is SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by Koddos. Withdrawals are processed by the admin manually and you should allow a 24 hour maximum to be paid. Compounding is available on the first two plans. In today’s newsletter the admin also mentioned the hiring of local representatives so if you’re willing to assist others in your local area and promote SwissInvestFund in exchange for certain benefits you can apply for the position to the address listed in the latest newsletter below. A more detailed review of SwissInvestFund will be on MNO very soon:

Compounding, Local representatives and Solid Trust Pay
While you had amazing weekend we worked a lot to bring some really nice features to you, these three features were asked from very start and now we bring them all together in one “update”.
Investors asked for compounding feature from very first day, almost every day there is at least two people who ask for compounding feature, and today we added it. You will notice how easy is to invest with this feature, it is so easy like everything else on our investment platform. We are happy to receive user feedback that lot of them say that this is most-easy-to-use investment platform what they have ever used until now. Even you do not plan to invest, just check out how well this feature is integrated in interface and how nice this feature is. Also would like to mention that compounding is available for both plan “BASIC” and “ADVANCED”. It was possible to add this feature only where we pay principle back. We know that someone will ask: why there is no such feature for “PREMIUM” plan? Answer is simply – “PREMIUM” plan already offers comparatively big interest rate and you can earn a lot with it already, and of course another reason is that we as well as you want all payouts to happen solid and smooth.
Second thing is that we start to hire local representatives, as you will read later in our investment website every local representative will get some Payment Processor Info/a/abenefits and we think they will be key to longer success. Just visit provided link below and do not think twice – apply!
And last thing what was asked every day countless times is Solid Trust Pay payment processor. Making documents ready took more then we expected, but waiting is over and starting from today we start to process payments and investments also with Solid Trust Pay what definitely is one of the most used payment systems today.
For now it is all what we want share with you, and we want just say that this is not everything and we aim to bring lot more in near future.
SwissInvestFund – most trusted name in investment industry.
Have a nice evening and rest of the week,
SwissInvestFund team


And the last addition to MNO’s Premium listing today is ChessInvestment. The program just started today and accepts investments to three plans – 5% for 30 days, 7% for 20 days, 10% for 13 days. The first plan is available for smaller investors for a $10 minimum, while the second and the third plans have higher minimums. SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve are the payment handlers. Please note that due to peculiarities in the custom made script ChessInvestment runs off it’s important to know that after making a deposit you’re then required to allocate the funds by clicking on Make an Investment tab in your member’s area. After that your investment is activated and you will start earning then. Payouts are to be made within 12 hours maximum. ChessInvestments keep Facebook and Twitter accounts and even its own Youtube channel where you can watch their videos. The site is hosted on a DDoS protected server from BlackLotus, but unfortunately is not SSL-secured yet. The full review of the project will be published on MNO soon, and you can check the website yourself and see the welcome message from the admin below:

Welcome To Revolutionary Earning
Welcome! It is with great enthusiasm we officially open ChessInvestment after months of processing, we now have a fully baked program which provide short to mid-term earning opportunity to the general public.
By opening ChessInvestment to outside investors, we intend to increase our investment capital and thus have a stronger business portfolio. You can become a a a part of ChessInvestment with as little investment or as much as you desire and cashout your earnings on a daily basis. We also offer you a second source of income if you chose as our affiliate system gives you the opportunity to invite new people to join your network at ChessInvestment, In doing this you would be able to earn as much as 6% in levels.
I invite you to take a few minutes of your time to explore our website and understand what we do and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team who are ready to receive your questions and guide you through the process of becoming an investor at ChessInvestment. I hope to see you as a part of our team very soon.
Welcome ! Every Move Puts You In Profit


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrown, SphereINV,  OilOfAsia, ProForexUnionAirCargoXpressEliteBank,  GSAOnlineInvestments, BriscoFund, SwissInvestFund, MoneyBox.
From MNO Premium list: SureInv, AXAIndustries, 4FXInvestment, BensonUnion, TrackInvest, Stravia, Black&WhiteFund, RewardsWeekly, MyFxCapital, BlueFxStormADSolid, MalaysianINCInvestiField,  WorldGemsInvest, ZenithPay, MasterEarn, EmpireFinanceGroup, RFIGroup, EliteCapitalClub.
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: XtremeRichness, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, Fxen,  ZenithUnion, TheInvestmentBank.

That’s all for tonight guys. Hope you liked reading and if so then I’ll be posting twice again tomorrow. First with the recent interview with the admin of WorldGemsInvest, and later on with all the days news stories plus a closer look at a program called InvestiField. So stay tuned for that and see you all then.

Welcome ! Every Move Puts You In Profit

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