Mar 16th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! EliteCapitalClub has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Hope you’ve all been having a great weekend so far, whatever you’re getting up to. Being Saturday there’s a bit less news to report on than usual, though there are a couple of updates you might be interested in so I’ll get to that in just a moment in the news section. Before all that however I want to start with a closer look at a very promising new Program coming to my monitor called EliteCapitalClub. I say it’s promising (without saying that actually guarantees you anything – it doesn’t) because from experience I know that what they are offering online investors very often turns out to be quite popular. EliteCapitalClub is a short/mid term HYIP with just one investment plan, but also benefits enormously from it’s simplicity and lack of complexity which helps make it appealing to both new and experienced investors alike.

The plan works like this. You can join for a $20 minimum deposit, and the term runs for 12 business days (Monday to Friday), which is a little over two weeks. During this time EliteCapitalClub will pay you back a daily interest rebate of 12.5% of your initial principal. By the end of the term that will add up to 150% in total. Your principal will not be given back as EliteCapitalClub have already counted that as part of your payments, so it’s your own money back plus 50% net profit for yourself.

To put that into monetary terms, let’s suppose you invested $100. EliteCapitalClub would then pay you back $12.50 per day, Monday to Friday only. You would break even (earn an amount equal to your deposit) eight business days into the term, and complete it earnings totaling $150 which is made up of your own initial hundred plus $50 on top in profits. EliteCapitalClub allow a maximum deposit of $50,000, and the same 12.5% interest rate applies to all investors no matter how big or how small. Just one other thing you may wish to be aware of before joining is that EliteCapitalClub will allow compounding if for whatever reason you prefer to increase the existing risk even further in anticipation of a higher final return. Set the rate yourself when joining.

The choice of payment options open to members is pretty comprehensive in the sense that they’re including all the most popular industry options, which to be blunt is kinda what you’d be entitled to expect as a minimum standard from any HYIP wanting to be taken seriously. EliteCapitalClub are taking deposits through your choice of SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve, so there’s no real need or expectation that this will be changed. Payouts to members are made generally speaking made instantly, though will still need to be requested from inside your EliteCapitalClub private members account area. Once you’ve done that you should see your money in your preferred payment processor account in less than a minute. In the event that instant payments aren’t available (which can happen from time to time for various reasons such as replenishment, technical issues, security, and the like) then payments will be made manually by the EliteCapitalClub admin. You should then need to allow anything up to a maximum of 24 hours for all transactions to be completed. Just keep in mind that the program doesn’t actually work at the weekend, there’s nothing to stop you from requesting any outstanding payments you didn’t get around to withdrawing during the week.

On the technical and design side of things the EliteCapitalClub website looks pretty good. While I must admit I’m not that familiar with the script, I still quite like it. According to the admin it originates from a developer called ArtWeb who I believe (though wouldn’t be 100% sure) are responsible for a product better known as H-Script which I have seen in use though it is pretty new. It does have quite a unique and interesting appearance, though remains easy to navigate and user friendly at all times with a memorable layout. For an extra layer of security the entire EliteCapitalClub website, both public and private areas, is SSL encrypted by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is by BlockDos who are widely acknowledged as the best of an albeit small group of service providers willing to accommodate HYIP related websites. They have EliteCapitalClub on a dedicated server so downtime issues, if any, should be minimal.

Any further questions, queries, or comments can be put to the admin either by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page, or else by just writing directly to the listed e-mail address. Also available is a telephone number which you can try if you expect someone to actually pick up. It’s clearly stated that phone support will only be available during business hours, though unfortunately does not specify in which time zone. Interestingly EliteCapitalClub are one of the very few programs (in fact the only one I can think of off the top of my head right now though there may be others), to provide multi-lingual customer support. I believe the phone lines are exclusively English but the customer support form can be completed in either English or Russian, so that’s one thing that’s going to provide a boost to the program’s numbers. Most recently EliteCapitalClub have joined the growing number of HYIPs taking advantage of social media networks and have opened their own Facebook and Twitter accounts so you can find them there as well. And finally the EliteCapitalClub website does have a Live Chat widget though I can’t say I’ve noticed it actually working at anytime since I started monitoring the program.

The website content and texts seem original and allude to the program somehow being involved in that old traditional HYIP admin’s favorite activity ForEx trading, where nothing can ever possibly go wrong, lol! In reality of course there’s very little to suggest EliteCapitalClub is anything other than a high risk online HYIP that requires an ever increasing flow of cash to stay afloat. So don’t treat the program as anything else, and obviously the number one rule is to protect yourself first in any program you sign up for. So always start by establishing a sensible spending limit based on your own personal circumstances and what you can comfortably afford to lose without getting into trouble, and if joining EliteCapitalClub at all then try and do so as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



The admin of SphereINV which is a short term program paying on a 133% after 3 days plan confirmed today that he had received questions for the interview on MNO and will do his best to reply to them as fast as he can. So hopefully by tomorrow I might be able to publish it on my blog and we will find more interesting information about the program that managed to survive for 10 days already paying such high returns to members via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. In today’s newsletter the admin reminded about the $1 minimum withdrawal threshold for all STP withdrawal requests and said that physically he couldn’t process such a tiny withdrawals as that is not allowed by the payment system. So, if you have such a withdrawal please cancel it and re-submit as soon as you have at least $1 in your balance. It’s also necessary to always keep an eye on what account you’re making your withdrawals to, so ensure the accuracy of your e-currency account names and change them if needed in the Edit Account tab of your member’s area. Everything else seems to be going along smoothly in SphereINV and all the payouts are processed in a timely fashion. In the latest update the admin also thanked a few monitors for doing a good job and MNO was among them. Here’s the latest from SphereINV (reviewed here):

SphereINV Withdrawals
We wanted to clarify a few things for our members. We still have a number of users who don’t have accurate information in their account profiles for their withdrawals. Please double check this. Also almost 30 accounts have withdrawal requests in SolidTrustPay that are less than 1.00. SolidTrustPay has a minimum of a 1.00 transaction. Please re-submit a withdrawal request for 1.00 or more if you have one.
Thank you for all the emails about participating in the referral contest! We enjoy your support of SphereINV as the top short term investment program out there!
As of the writing of these emails, all withdrawal requests have been processed for Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay.
Also we wanted to point our a few monitors who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in providing professional timely services to SphereINV.
These four always are providing great services to the investor community and always accurate and timely!
May you enjoy your weekend!
SphereINV Administration


As their previous hosting provider MaxAntiDdos was named by the BriscoFund admin having the worst support ever it was decided to move the site to a new hosting. Even though it took some time to change the servers, it was obviously worth it, as the site is back online finally after two days of struggling with the old servers and propagating to the new ones. Now BriscoFund (reviewed here) is hosted by CloudFlare which is I believe a much better choice over MaxAntiDdos whose so called support was described as almost non-existent. Anyway, the investors of BriscoFund can breathe easily now and keep investing in the 1.6%-3.5% for 250 days with principal returned on expiry plan via the four most popular payment processors in the industry – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. BriscoFund has been running smoothly for about two weeks now and that incident shows that the admin takes his program and its stable work seriously judging by his fast reaction to the issues with the old hosting. Here is the latest news from BriscoFund regarding the hosting change:

Moved to a new host
First I’d like to welcome all members as this is my first newsletter. I’m not very good at writing so it’s not going to be long. We had problems with the former host so we needed to move to a new host and that is why we had downtime yesterday. Now all problems are gone and site is back online. If you find any issue not fixed please let me know immediate and i will do my best to fix it fast. I also want to thank Paul for his review and for posting in his shoutbox yesterday about our issues. Thank you all for your support.
Amanda. BriscoFund.


As you remember from my review of GSAOnlineInvestments (published here), generally the program really impressed my with its multiple feature and various investment plans on offer though the only major criticism was in regards to the limited choice of only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney as payment processors. Although the admin is not going to add more payment processors in the future, in the last update posted today he mentioned the possibility of adding direct bank wire transfers to the program soon. That was apparently the best idea that was so far submitted for its currently ongoing contest for best improvement ideas for the GSAOnlineInvestments website. Surely the addition of such popular payment options as SolidTrustPay and EgoPay would have benefited the program to a much higher degree in terms of growth in membership, though the bank transfers wasn’t a a bad idea by itself, as every expansion means growth. This is especially vital for a program that recently spent a few days offline and was even buried by its own investors before managing to resume Paying Status after some severe script and database issues. I remind you that GSAOnlineInvestments pays you on various different investment plans with the initial principal returned on expiry of each – 0.75% for 15 business days, 1.25% for 20 business days, 1.75% for 30 business days, 2% for 50 days, 3.5% for 90 days. Here’s the latest update from GSAOnlineInvestments‘ website today:

First idea!
Dear investors, by results of the first round of competition of ideas, we allocated one idea and it is opportunity to make a contribution by means of a bank transfer! Soon we realize this opportunity, watch news!


AxiomInvestingGroup (reviewed here) also decided to add more bank wire options, however the option of Sberbank transfer will be available only to Russian and Ukrainian residents. Considering that the program has a very distinctive Russian origin with the version of the website in Russian being flawless unlike its English counterpart, I can possibly expect more Russian based bank wire transfer options coming in the future. Very convenient for the investors of AxiomInvestingGroup from there I’m sure. You can of course still make investments via all the main four popular industry payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay – starting from a $10 minimum into the 1.5%-3% for 100 days plan with the principal returned on expiry. Please also note that technical work will be undertaken on the website later tonight, so AxiomInvestingGroup might be inaccessible for you for some time. That was another subject of the latest newsletter from the program which I am going to re-post below:

News AxiomInvestingGroup
Some important news:
1. Due to technical works on our site withdrawal March 16 will not be available from 21-00 to 09-00 London time.
2. For investors from Russia and Ukraine, a new payment system is connected – Sberbank. Details in a private office.
Best regards, AxiomInvestingGroup


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrown, SphereINV, AirCargoXpress, BriscoFund, MoneyBox, SwissInvestFund.
From MNO Premium list: SureInv, AXAIndustriesTrackInvest, BensonUnion, StraviaRewardsWeekly, InvestiField, MalaysianINC, WorldGemsInvest, EliteCapitalClub, HytexAG, ZenithPay, MasterEarn,  RFIGroup, ChessInvestment, NorthlandOpps (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: SwiftMoney, AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: SuperWithdraw, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, Fxen, TheInvestmentBank, ForboEstate, DiamondProgress.

That’s it for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading MNO and return tomorrow when I’ll have a detailed review of SwissInvestFund accompanied with the regular news and updates from the programs monitored on MNO. See you then, everyone!


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