Beware! SwissInvestFund has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello all! Let me start the second update for today with some holiday greetings. I’m not sure how many readers I have in Ireland (a few, though not many) but for whatever reason it seems at this time every year for one day of Guinness fueled madness the rest of the world from Alaska to the Sahara pretends to be Irish, so any one celebrating St. Patrick’s day here’s hoping you have a wonderful time! Whenever you decide it’s time to get back to business I want to continue with a more detailed look at a program called SwissInvestFund which after being monitored on MNO for a while has just upgraded their listing from Basic to Premium/Sticky. The upgrade just so happens to coincide with some other improvements to the program so I guess the admin has decided that now the name of SwissInvestFund is a bit more established and stable that the time might be right to take the program forward to a new and expanding audience. SwissInvestFund is a long term HYIP by the way so you can also describe it also as a relatively new program, so let’s take a look at their plans and other main features and see if there’s anything there you like.
SwissInvestFund have three investment plans to choose from, though still contains more variety than you might think. Of the three available plans the most affordable will set you back a $10 minimum deposit to join, and It’s called The Basic Plan. Running for a term of 90 calendar days, SwissInvestFund offer members a daily interest payment of 1.6% for the duration before returning your principal on expiry. Payments would add up to 144% which is net profit once you get your initial deposit back.
To put that in monetary terms, let’s say you put a nice round figure of $100 into this plan. SwissInvestFund should then pay you back $1.60 every day for the next 90 days. You break even (earn back an amount equal to your original deposit) 63 days into the term which means you can’t possibly lose anything from that point on. You finish the term with payments coming to $144 at which point SwissInvestFund will then add your initial hundred to that again. Maximum deposit is $250.
For slightly more ambitious players SwissInvestFund have The Advanced Plan. This works more or less along the same lines as the first plan, except that the figures increase. For one thing the minimum deposit is now $251, though the term remains unchanged at 90 calendar days. In return for joining here SwissInvestFund are prepared to offer you a more generous 2% daily interest payment, meaning you break even 50 days into the term and complete it with payments coming to 180% in total. This can then be considered profit once your principal is added to the final amount as promised.
For the third plan SwissInvestFund change their tactics somewhat. In what’s more of a medium term option this time, The Premium Plan runs for 30 calendar days and requires a minimum deposit of $501 to join, and in return offers a daily interest payment of 4.8%. The other major departure for SwissInvestFund on this plan is that they are counting your principal among the payouts and so that will not be returned in a separate payment at the end. Therefore your payments will add up to 144% in total, but unlike the first plan includes your own money there so it’s 44% net profit. So while on one hand no, it’s not exactly as profitable as either of the two previous options, there’s still the distinct advantage that you are in profit a lot faster (just 21 days to break even to be exact). So if you can afford the minimum deposit SwissInvestFund have I think done enough to make this plan a serious alternative to their longer term options if this is what you prefer.
One of the recent improvements to SwissInvestFund that I mentioned at the top of the page includes the expansion of their payment options. SolidTrustPay has been added to their list of accepted processors joining EgoPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, and PexPay to make it a pretty comprehensive list, or at least what you should expect from a program looking to be taken seriously by serious investors. Payouts are managed manually by the admin and so need to be requested from inside your SwissInvestFund private members account area. Once done you are then asked to allow anything up to 24 hours for all transactions to be completed. Just one other point you may wish to be aware of in the plans is that compounding is allowed in the first two plans (the 90 day ones) but not in the third.
As far as the design and security features go, SwissInvestFund is running off an original and custom-made script which is extremely user friendly, easy to navigate, and convenient to use. For an extra layer of protection the website is SSL secured by Comodo in both public and private members areas for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and DDoS protection of Koddos.
For any further questions you might have for the admin or any account related issues you have to be dealt with you can get in touch by either filling out the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page, or else by trying the Live Chat feature whenever there’s an operator there. SwissInvestFund are also joining the list of long term HYIPs recruiting a group of regional representatives from among existing members who, in exchange for certain benefits, will act as customer service operators to provide support in their local areas/languages to other members. The hiring process is ongoing so if you have any experience with this line of work and want to try it again here you should contact the SwissInvestFund admin to talk it over and see what’s on offer. SwissInvestFund also list a postal address though I suggest you ignore this as they generally tend to be serviced virtual offices (when in fact genuine at all) and not someplace you can expect to find anyone connected with the program physically working from.
Texts and website content while original are also a bit disappointing insofar as they serve little practical purpose and explain little about the workings of SwissInvestFund as an investment program. Not that I’d suggest paying too much attention to it anyway you understand, but it is quite vague. So as always don’t treat this as anything other than what it is – an online HYIP – with all the risks that go with it. That means setting yourself a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose, keeping your expectations from the program realistic, and if joining SwissInvestFund at all do consider keeping them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
SphereINV (reviewed here) is on its fourth investment cycle now consistently paying investors on a 133% after 3 days plan from a $10 minimum via all the popular payment processors – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. So far the withdrawals have been processed in a timely fashion and the waiting time never exceeded 24 hours of making the withdrawal request. Today the admin Elvira further expanded the promotional efforts by giving an interview to my blog which was published here. Hopefully this will help SphereINV last longer and bring more profits to its investors. The latest newsletter from the program can be found below:
“SphereINV Interview
Members, Paul from Money News Online has posted an interview with our head administrator, Elvira. Please take a look at the following link:
We are continuing to make huge waves in this industry as the top short term investment out there! We are paying 133% after 3 days. After 3 days, an investment matures and 133% will be available in your account. This means 33% of profit.
We accept Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, Solid Trust Pay, and EgoPay.
Thank You, SphereINV Administration“.
There was some disturbing news sent late last night from the admin of OilOfAsia Adam. Apparently the program is now one payment processor short as the admin’s STP account there was restricted until he provides additional verification documents. He mentioned to me that a lot of funds were allowed to accumulate there which he cannot touch to process withdrawals anymore until the verification process is fully completed. So for the sake of both investors of OilOfAsia and the program itself I hope the issue will be sorted out soon, as, according to Adam, he has all the necessary documents to pass the verification and get the SolidTrustPay account back to normal. Fortunately the payouts to other payment processors were not affected and I was paid to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney today within a reasonable timeframe. I sincerely hope that it will all be sorted with SolidTrustPay, as in my opinion OilOfAsia (reviewed here) still has a lot of potential to continue paying on the 3% for 75 business days with principal back on expiry which it has been doing for over two months already. And quite successfully, I must say, as the program has already reached #1 spot on Sticky listing on MNO. Let’s see what happens in the new business week, but for now please note that no deposits are accepted via STP and no withdrawals can be processed via this payment processor until the account limitation is lifted:
“OilOfAsia Ltd News
Dear members,
please note that there will be delay with SolidTrustPay payments because they asked us to pass another verification and hopefully as soon as they approve our docs we will be able to process STP payments again. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payments will be processed as usual.
Regards, Adam. OilOfAsia.”
The recent interview with the admin of WorldGemsInvest Daniel published on MNO this week (click here to read it) was the main subject of the latest newsletter sent to members today. Also mentioned was the upcoming new features that the admin is currently working on and will be presented to investors within the next few days, plus the short downtime of the site was briefly mentioned and that everything had been fixed by the time of writing. WorldGemsInvest is paying to all the popular payment processors including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay and accepts deposit starting from a $10 minimum to a 1.25%-2.4% for 120 days plan with the initial principal back on expiry. The full review of WorldGemsInvest can be found here, and the latest newsletter in its entirety below:
“Newsletter #2 Technical issues & MNO interview
Hello, dear members !
As you can see today, the website was inaccessible for a short moment, because of a small problem on our server. No worries to have, our IT expert handle the problem, and everything is better now.
For news, some of you had seen, I had an interview with Paul, Admin of, you can quietly read it at the following link:
In addition, we have some new features will be added on the website during the following days, stay tuned!
We remain at your disposal for any further informations,
Best regards. Daniel”.
I don’t know who exactly asked the questions for the interview with RFIGroup‘s PR manager but everyone can read the interview now posted on the website. The news about that was published on their website a few days ago, but somehow I missed reporting it so I want to mention it now. You can read the full interview with Roger (oops, sorry, I meant Ronald) Moore at the link provided in the latest update posted on the website of RFIGroup:
“RFIGroup has started a public dialogue. Read an interview with our PR manager
It is very important for us to be closer to our customers, to hear you and your questions and share the success of RFIGroup with you.
Our PR manager Ronald Moore gave the first interview on behalf of the investment department of RFIGroup. During the interview he told the readers about the business of RFIGroup, dynamics of its development, plans of the company and many other interesting things which can be to learn straight from the mouth of the representative of RFIGroup.
Read the interview, be in touch with us, send us your offers and claims, and we will build a successful and prospective investment company together.”
The full review of RFIGroup can be found here and I must say I’m so far really impressed with the program’s performance after two weeks on MNO and flawless instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which are still the only two payment processors accepted by the program – its one major drawback for potential investors. The profit RFIGroup pays is at a very conservative rate, so it will take you a lot of time to even break-even – 1% for 100 business days, 1.6% for 130 business days, 2% for 150 business days. Of course your original principal in RFIGroup then gets returned, but those plans are still not as attractive as the two other plans giving you an opportunity to define your own investment term and withdraw your principal at anytime when you wish to do so. The Aggressive Growth Portfolio is the most attractive investment plan, in my opinion, and it only has a $10 deposit minimum, so pay close attention to it guys, if you consider investing with RFIGroup.
I’m pleased to see that the seemingly endless script issues ChessInvestment encountered from day one appear to be fully resolved now. It’s excusable since it runs off a customized script created specially for the program and probably it was not tested properly before the launch. In any case, it’s good that the admin admitted that the problem was there and did everything possible to ensure it’s now working smoothly. It should be appreciated by investors as the admin of ChessInvestment just showed his dedication towards fixing a serious bug that would have left other admins helpless. Since everything is ok now, and even SSL was finally installed, I will be able to finally do a detailed review of ChessInvestment on my blog by tomorrow. Within the first days of monitoring on MNO ChessInvestment showed great potential by attracting a lot investors to plans including 5% for 30 days, 7% for 20 days, 10% for 13 days via all the major currencies – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. The withdrawal requests are processed by the admin quick enough as well, and apart from the now resolved script issues everything seems to be going well. Here is the latest daily newsletter:
ChessInvestment News Update for March 16th, 2013
It is true that we are only few days online. However, we have been able to attain success of a 90 days+ program, this is not to mean that all have gone smoothly, it implies that our members have been very supportive, and our team is equal to the challenges of providing the best of online investment solution to the global internet community.
Anyway let us not sing too much praises; we have had issues with referral commission withdrawals and earnings, but they have all been rectified, and we do not envisage this problem again. We run off a costumed script which has never been used in this industry hence we seek your cooperation, should you have any challenges, our dedicated support personnel are online on various websites, forums and live chat answering emails and fixing all issues, do not hesitate to contact us. In this coming week, we would be releasing documents on how to best understand our website and its features.
We continue to gain ground daily. Our advertising strategy is to gradually secure a positive and lasting presence. We would not be spending all the millions in a quest for fast penetration, but we will spend a reasonable amount of dollars on targeted presence.
Withdrawals are processed within few minutes, for today, all daily requests have been processed to your payment processor accounts. We are requesting that member support us on forums and blog as this is the only way we would gain real trust by prospective investors, as ChessInvestment family, it would be great to have you give us realistic and honest support to have us serve you better.
We remain a provider of the best investment services online.
ChessInvestment ; Every Move Puts You In Profit.”
If you’re a long-time reader of MNO and the member of Nubcoyu (reviewed here) you might remember that the program had constant issues with payouts which were delayed many times already. That alone forced me to change the status of Nubcoyu to Problem numerous times, just to put it back to Paying status once the payouts resumed, which they always did. So I’m quite relieved that the admin Nubcoyu (interviewed here) finally decided to put an end to such delays and stretched the payout timeframe from the original 48 business hours to 7 calendar days which is still ok to me, considering the program is paying on a 1.4% for 200 business days plan and the minimum available for withdrawal is $5 via any accepted payment processor – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. I hope that stretching the payout timeframe will be eventually beneficial for Nubcoyu and its investors as it will allow him to restore the tainted image of the program which it got by regular payout delays. The admin himself named some bad investments and delayed returns from piggybacking on other programs which Nubcoyu – a fact the admin never hid from his investors. So, please remember that the new payout timeframe allowed and is now featured in Nubcoyu‘s FAQ is 7 calendar days.
Nubcoyu would not be Nubcoyu without an epic newsletter which has also been sent. Topics include the new Facebook worldwide channel, an upcoming script upgrade to enhance security and the program’s overall performance, the first steps of the admin in sports betting, and of course, more weird and colorful stories such as the purchase of a DVD store and a crocodile farm (!) with the investors money and the latest events from the life of the admin’s daughter which he always shares with the readers of his newsletter (hopefully with his daughter’s full consent, lol!). The full newsletter is below:
“NUBCOYU Magazine Issue 13: Recession
Dear Valued Investors,
Greetings everyone! I’d like to thank you everyone for your patronage and support for our NY family. We’ve grown this far all thanks to everyone’s efforts and encouragements and I’d also like to work harder than before for our overwhelming success in the future.
Today we’ve got some good and bad news, but let’s start with the bad ones. So get prepared for our today’s magazine.
Part 1: Site’s Report
1. Recession and Withdrawal Terms Modified
With the recession of the online marketing industry (not limited to HYIPs), about 4/7 of our portfolios are be stranded amongst payout queues. Some of the most prominent programs in the industries where we invest in are being struck with the technical problems and are not to return anytime before the 20th. The other one is being attacked by the Indian hackers and is going down for maintenance. As the result, our online external income flow is being slowed down, causing the sort-of cash flow issues for us. Since we liquidize the money, it’s not like we keep the money idle in our payment processors or anything. So we’d rather call this cash flow blockage rather than negative cash flows.
We want to remain here and pay every of our investors until and ensure that no one loses any capitals, we’d like to modify the payout terms in order to allow us more time to rebuild the portfolios and supply more cash from the offline business counterparts.
The current cash supplies for the NY are:
1. Remaining online portfolios
2. Chicken Rice Stands
3. DVD Shops
4. Adult Stores
5. Anime Shops
6. Sports betting (outsourcing)
As the result, we’d to change the payout term to 7 calendar days in order to make sure that everyone gets paid smoothly and fluidly while not losing their monthly income. At the same time, it gives us more space for our business to grow and recover from the losses.
2. NUBCOYU WorldWide Channel
You can receive FREE updates and notifications on events LIVE via the Nubcoyu Official Facebook Group which can be found here:
3. Compromised Accounts and Counter-Security Measures
We’ve been handling 20+ compromised accounts cases and are still providing help towards our beloved members. As announced before, we’ll soon be upgrading the script for our current system to a more secure and flexible platform, with hybrid system integrated. Please look forward towards it everyone.
Part 2: Nubcoyu Other Updates
1) Nubcoyu To Engage in Sports Betting
I’ve recently come in contact with our partner, Jackie Patryn who agrees to help us out with the sports betting in order to even further build our external income. I personally don’t have any knowledge myself, but will be leaving the matter to our friend Jackie. I’ve tried with $100 and will be waiting to see the results. Should you have any questions or would like to inquire any services from Jackie, please contact him via Skype: jackiepatryn
2) Acquisition of a DVD store and crocodile farm in Khongaen
My close colleague in Thailand has recently offered me to invest in his coming venture of building one and only DVD store in the province and his crocodile farm. I’ll be looking into the matter and see if it’s worth the value for our NY external income system. We’ll be sharing the photos on Facebook so look forward to it!
3) My Daughter Graduated From High School
As a father, I can’t be happier that my dear daughter has now graduated from Hatachi Senior High School and will be heading to the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University coming this September. She’s done a great job as a student and as my daughter and I can’t be prouder of it. I’d like everyone to congratulate her on her first success!
That’s all for today’s newsletter. I hope you all understand the situation and give us the cooperation!
Regards, Nubcoyu Umezawa
Skype: nubcoyuadmin”.
I rarely mention the scammed programs on MNO after they are already gone, but in this case I simply cannot ignore the email from the admin of BlueFxStorm received late last night. The program that lasted only one cycle paying 15% for 10 days saw the admin claim it was not his intention to scam, and promised to refund supportive members of the program who posted their payouts on forums and monitors. If you’re one of such members please post about that in the appropriate section of the MMGP forum the link to which you can find in the newsletter published below for a chance to get a refund from BlueFxStorm:
“Sorry for closing the project so soon, it wasn’t our intention. We have had very successful projects in the past, but I guess you cannot replicate the same success every time. Near the end of the 1st cycle, I had to make a constant daily loss to let the initial investors into profit and it became impossible to run it any longer. If you are at a loss and if you have shown support by posting in forums during the projects lifetime, I will try to recover some of your money. It’s not a guarantee, but i will try…
You can post at mmgp thread with your username or just reply to this email.
Tessa Anais”.
Unfortunately, the admin of SwiftMoney proved to be a totally unresponsive and not caring much about the members of his program. So I had to move the program to Problem status on MNO tonight until the issue with a missing deposit from one of my referrals is resolved and would not recommend any further investments in SwiftMoney until it is. Here’s the whole story that made me change the status of SwiftMoney on MNO monitor.
One of my referrals told me yesterday that her deposit was not credited properly. She made the deposit via SolidTrustPay and tried to contact the admin to report the issue and have her deposit properly credited. The admin seemed to be deaf and blind and never bothered to reply. So my downline complained to me and I wrote to the admin of SwiftMoney on her behalf too and got no reply either. For more than 24 hours now, by the way. I think this awful attitude doesn’t deserve Paying status on MNO, and I have decided to move them to On Hold Status until the issue is dealt and would not recommend investing there, as though the payouts are still being made your deposit might just disappear without a trace and the admin will not care a damn thing about it. Beware and don’t invest in SwiftMoney until further notice please!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: OilOfAsia, MajestiCrown, SphereINV, ProForexUnion, AirCargoXpress, EliteBank, GSAOnlineInvestments, MoneyBox, SwissInvestFund.
From MNO Premium list: AXAIndustries, TrackInvest, 4FXInvestment, BensonUnion, Stravia, RewardsWeekly, InvestiField, MalaysianINC, EliteCapitalClub, ZenithPay, ChessInvestment, NorthlandOpps.
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: SuperWithdraw, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank, ForboEstate, DiamondProgress, 12ProFinance (the first payment received).
That’s all for tonight, guys. Please check out my blog tomorrow for the full review of ChessInvestment and the latest news from the HYIP industry! See you all then!
Filed under Daily News, Interviews by on Mar 17th, 2013. Comment.
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