Mar 19th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! OptiEarn has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! To continue with the new programs joining the MNO monitoring page, before we get to tonight’s news section I want to take a closer look at another interesting longer term HYI program called OptiEarn. This is a brand new program which is only online since yesterday and joined the Premium Listing section on my monitor immediately, so if it’s going to be a success those who benefit the most are the ones joining early. It doesn’t have to be right now of course (or at all for that matter if you don’t like it) and there’s no immediate urgency with longer term programs. If you’re more comfortable sitting back a while and seeing how OptiEarn go about building a reputation for themselves and establishing a reliable payments record then that’s OK. In the mean time I’ll go through the plans and other main features of the program for you here and you can see what you think. Maybe there’s something in there you might like.

To start with OptiEarn only have one basic investment plan. With a $10 minimum to join it’s quite affordable, and has a maximum limit of $100,000. All investors regardless of how big or how small will receive the same interest rate, which is 3% per business day for a term of 70 business days (14 weeks). Payouts should eventually add up to 210% in total. On expiry of the term OptiEarn should then return your initial principal, leaving this as your net profit.

So let’s put that in more practical terms and pretend you join OptiEarn today with a $100 deposit. Everyday after that you will be paid $3 interest until you have eventually accumulated $210 in total. OptiEarn will then add your original hundred on top of that, though the most important statistic in my opinion is how long it takes you to break even – ie earn back an amount in interest payments equivalent to your investment. You should do this 34 business days into the 70 business day term, and from that point on there is never any personal danger to yourself losing your own money. Considering that’s less than half way through the full term it’s really not bad and relatively fast compared to many others.

Apart from a straight forward, uncomplicated, and no nonsense investment plan which is always welcome, particularly in longer term HYIPs, OptiEarn also have a comprehensive list of payment options. Well, they have all the most popular ones anyway which I guess is sort of a minimum expectation of more and more investors these days, who see the choice as important even if they’re always using the same one all the time. At the moment OptiEarn are taking deposits through any of SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. So as you can see there’s unlikely for there to be much demand or expectation that the list be expended as it wouldn’t really be a significant improvement on things. Or at least not by all that much anyway. Payouts to members, made from Monday to Friday only remember (though there’s nothing to stop you from requesting one over the weekend), are made manually by the admin and so need to be made from within your private OptiEarn members account area. Once done the admin then requires that you allow anything up to 12 hours for the transaction to be completed and the money to be received to your e-currency account. That will be a pretty impressive schedule if the admin manages to maintain it, and although the program is only a very recent addition to the MNO monitor so far things have went smoothly. Fingers crossed that’s how they’ll continue I hope.

Just one other thing you might wish to take note of regarding the investment plan is that OptiEarn have made compounding available and is allowed at any level. So if you really feel the need to increase the risk what’s already a gamble in anticipation of a potentially higher payout (or higher loss if it doesn’t work out!) you can use it by setting the rate to whatever level you think is reasonable when you join and make your first deposit in the program.

On the design and security features of the OptiEarn website I guess you could say it’s solid enough, certainly up to an acceptable standard anyway. First off all the website is running off a script under license from GoldCoders so straight away will have a familiar feel to it for most of the regular industry players. In addition to that there’s an extra layer of security as it’s also fully SSL encrypted by Comodo in public and private account areas for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is by BlackLotus who are keeping OptiEarn on a dedicated server, though the actual DDoS protection is provided by BlockDos.

For any further questions you may have for the admin not covered here, there’s quite a good choice of channels open to you for getting in touch with OptiEarn. For a start there’s the usual customer support form where you just fill in your details and and submit it through the contacts page. For anything more pressing, or indeed if you just don’t want to wait and prefer to have your questions answered in real time you will find a telephone number also listed on the contacts page as well as the website having a built-in Live Chat feature where you can discuss anything related to the program with the operators there. According to the OptiEarn admin both of these features are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. I can’t really vouch for that myself at this early stage as I’ve only just started to monitor the program and it is still very new, but if that turns out to be true then it’s even more impressive considering that as an online paying HYIP OptiEarn officially only work on business days. Fans of social media sites may be interested to check out the profiles on Facebook and Twitter also being maintained by OptiEarn. There hasn’t been much activity (none actually) on either network just yet, but as I said the program is still brand new so that’s to be expected. Hopefully the admin will know how to make the most effective use of such tools as unfortunately their value seems absolutely lost on a huge number of his fellow admins.

As for the alleged business activities that are supposed to be supporting these payments, I’m afraid I’ll have to suggest you ignore any of this. Experienced industry players know to do that anyway, but for the benefit of those new to the industry the texts and website content are largely a straight copy/paste job and used identically, word-for-word, in several other online schemes. Not that it means you can’t make any money from OptiEarn you understand, just that it makes the claims about working in “ForEx, gold, silver, and precious metals” to be a lot less likely. And of course the UK registration number the admin seems so proud of can be bought anonymously online for a couple of dollars by anyone who wants one, company or not. So treat OptiEarn as you would any other online HYIP, and set yourself a sensible spending limit that you will not go past no matter how tempting. And if joining OptiEarn at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



SphereINV (reviewed here) is undoubtedly the most popular short-term program on my list paying on a 133% after 3 days plan for 13 days already, which means it successfully completed four full cycles. This is quite an achievement for SphereINV and its admin Elvira (interviewed here), considering that such high returns paid on all the deposits starting from $10 via the four main payment processors – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. The payments from SphereINV are also processed quite fast and nobody has complained yet. Plus the program has a very profitable three level affiliate program with 5%-2%-1% commissions. This topic was actually the main subject of the last newsletter from SphereINV, and I believe it’s a good thing because good referrers contribute significantly to a program’s growth by their constant promotional efforts which undoubtedly should be rewarded. So to find out more about the affiliate program in SphereINV please check below:

SphereINV Affiliate Program
We have received many questions just in the 48 hours about our affiliate program and what it entails. We offer a three level affiliate program that all members can participate in. There is no requirement. For your direct referrals, you will earn a 5% commission off all their deposits. For the referrals of your direct referrals, you will earn a 2% commission on all their deposits. Lastly, for the referrals referred by your direct referrals will earn you 1% commission on all their deposits. Every member of SphereINV qualifies to participate in the SphereINV affiliate program. Your referral link can be found in your account panel. All you need to do is give this link to your friends, family, and associates.
Thank You, SphereINV Administration


Despite my harsh attitude on the issues with not crediting a deposit from my referral and even briefly moving his program to Problem status on MNO because of it, the admin of SwiftMoney didn’t take it personally. Quite the contrary, today he seems to have wakened from his weekend hibernation and posted the link to SwiftMoney‘s review which I posted almost a week ago which you can find here:

Plz read MNO reviews about SwiftMoney

Moreover, the admin also asked to upgrade his program from Standard listing straight to Sticky listing which is the highest level, landing straight away on the #7 spot out of the eleven programs currently featured. If you don’t want to read my review of SwiftMoney I’ll just remind you that SwiftMoney has been running for 12 days paying to SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney on the following on expiry plans – 105%-120% after 1 day, 140%-450% after 7 days, 205%-1200% after 15 days, 310%-2500% after 25 days, 600%-5000% after 50 days. Apart from the recent incident with my referral all payments from SwiftMoney are processed fast enough, and sometimes I receive them even within minutes of requesting.


The admin of EliteCapitalClub was also so nice as to put the link to my recent review of his program on his website. The admin said a few good words about my blog in the news section which accompanied the link to the review (you can read it here). I believe I have covered all the main things you need to know in that review and you won’t regret if you check this out. For those who for some reason prefer to abstain from reading my review, I would like to remind you that EliteCapitalClub is a new program that accepts investments starting from $20 minimum to the single investment plan – 12.5% for 12 business days (Monday to Friday) with no principal return on expiry and 50% net profit at the end of your investment term. The payment processors accepted by EliteCapitalClub include SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve and the payouts in most cases are processed instantly. Here is the latest update taken from EliteCapitalClub‘s website:

MNO review.
We here at EliteCapitalClub are extremely proud and happy to announce that, a detailed review of our program has been published by Paul, on his blog, which is the largest platform from where you can get detailed news and other matters concerning the HYIP industry. The answers for most of the common questions that you will have can be found out in the published review. We proudly invite everyone to take a look at the published review here,


BriscoFund‘s admin Amanda gave investors a scare today as she sent me a newsletter earlier this morning asking me to publish on MNO as she was unable to do it herself. Here it is just for your information:

Our domain has been hacked and nameservers changed to i can’t access the site for now…i’m doing my best to recover the domain…if i can’t do this fast then i’ll buy another domain similar and move the site there but it will cause a little downtime.
Please tell everybody about this as i can’t send a newsletter yet.
We’ll be back as fast as possible and everything will be ok. Thanks for your support and patience.

I hope there was nothing serious in reality and the admin possibly forgot her domain password herself, as everything was back to normal within a couple of hours with the new re-assuring newsletter issued instead and sent to all the members of BriscoFund as the admin apparently took back control on the domain name. Here’s the latest newsletter:

Problems fixed
Earlier today our domain area has been hacked and nameservers has been changed. We managed now to take over control again on our domain and change nameservers back but we will have a little downtime in some areas. We also made all payouts now. Thank you for all your support and understanding.
Amanda. BriscoFund.

I must say that this little accident didn’t affect the payouts in BriscoFund which are still made promptly on the 1.6%-3.5% for 250 days plan with the principal returned on expiry accepted via four major payment processors – EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. A more detailed review of BriscoFund can be found on MNO here.


Unfortunately there’s trouble on the horizon for four programs listed on my monitoring this evening. There’s a definite problem with one which is TrackInvest, but due to the same admin being responsible for running two programs his second one, Black&WhiteFund, is joining them (though I have some unconfirmed reports about that one too so it was only a matter of time before it was moved anyway). It started today when I was contacted by no less than two of my referrals in TrackInvest saying that they had overdue payments, one to LibertyReserve and the other to PerfectMoney. So I contacted the admin immediately after confirming the members in question were in my downline and verified their complaints – which were indeed genuine. A nonchalant response from the admin (which confirms he is definitely aware of the situation by the way) followed, promising to address the problem as soon as possible. A full 12 hours later and no action has been taken despite my reminders, therefore I have no choice but to move TrackInvest to Problem Status on my monitor, and that’s where it’s going to stay until all members in my downline are paid in full.

The situation with Black&WhiteFund may be a bit less clear cut to many readers, however in case you weren’t aware of this (except I just mentioned it above) the admin of TrackInvest is the same person behind this program. Therefore it’s inevitable that with the collapse of one will cause problems for the other as entirely justified bad tempers and suspicion are focused on the very same admin. Moving Black&WhiteFund to Problem Status therefore is partially a preventative measure as to be strictly accurate I didn’t have any complaints from my own personal downline which is the criteria I’d normally use for removing a program’s Paying Status. Though like I said, there are bad reports circulating on the forums and as I’m fully aware that when one program goes the other has to follow very soon – a fact bizarrely denied by the TrackInvest admin when I asked him about it by the way! – I guess the writing is on the wall for Black&WhiteFund as well now so it’s better to cut your losses and forget about any further investments in that one as well.

Also moving this evening is ZenithPay which goes to Waiting Status. Please do NOT confuse this with ZenithPay by the way, which is still very much a paying program in good status on my monitor. ZenithPay however have failed to make an outstanding payment over 24 hours now, and no response from the admin when I wrote asking why. The thing is that the payment in question is due to my SolidTrustPay account which is unusual, because when an admin scams this is generally the last processor to be affected because they tend not to make it easy for scammers to get money out. Therefore I have some faint hope that it’s just a technical glitch, though unfortunately the admin’s total silence on the matter would suggest otherwise. I’m going to leave it on Waiting Status for the moment therefore, though if the payment isn’t completed by tomorrow then ZenithPay will join TrackInvest and Black&WhiteFund on Problem Status.

Also on Waiting Status pending a more definite move tomorrow is GSAOnlineInvestments. This program you might remember featured automatic payments to members so should require no further action from members other than joining. Payments are made (or used to be made!) to your e-currency without the need to ask for them, however today’s payment was missing. Once again I would prefer to think this is a technical fault in the GSAOnlineInvestments website so am giving them the benefit of Waiting Status rather than Problem Status for the moment, but unless this is settled within 24 hours I’ll have no hesitation in downgrading them further. So please check tomorrow’s news update or my monitoring page for further information on all four programs, but whatever you do do not invest in them until they are back on Paying Status and an explanation received from the admins as to what exactly is going on. You have been warned!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrown, SphereINV, ProForexUnion, AirCargoXpress, EliteBankSwiftMoney, BriscoFund, SwissInvestFund, MoneyBox.
From MNO Premium list: SureInv, AXAIndustries4FXInvestment, BensonUnion, Stravia, InvestiField,  RewardsWeekly, MyFxCapital, ADSolid, EliteCapitalClub, MalaysianINCWorldGemsInvest, ChessInvestment, HytexAG, MasterEarn, EmpireFinanceGroup, RFIGroup, NorthlandOpps, OptiEarn.
From MNO Standard list: AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: SuperWithdraw, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit,  TheInvestmentBank, 12ProFinance, ForboEstate, DiamondProgress.

That’s all the news I have for you tonight, guys. Unfortunately, not all of it was positive, but that’s the HYIP industry for you, and you can never predict what’s going to happen. My general task is to report the news and recent updates from the programs monitored on MNO and I believe I’m doing it well even if the news itself isn’t good. Tomorrow please expect a review of ChessInvestment provided the program is back with their new provider, as it’s leaving the old one after a series on unexplained downtimes. This was the reason I delayed the review yet again tonight so hopefully (some day!) I’ll finally get to post it. Thanks for reading and see you all tomorrow!

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