Beware! ElegantForex has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! It’s the weekend again so I hope you’re all looking forward to a couple of days off if you have any plans. I still have a couple of new programs to get through here on my blog of the next couple of days so I hope you’ll find at least some time to check that out. I want to finish the working week with a look at a brand new program, more of a short to mid term HYIP, called ElegantForex which just joined the Premium List on my monitor shortly after launching on Wednesday of this week. So let’s take a look at the plans and the other main features and see if you like the look of it and think ElegantForex might be worth adding to your portfolios.
So the first thing I guess you’ll be looking for is the investment plans, and ElegantForex have three of them. These fall under two separate categories and involve daily interest payments and single payments on expiry. All are quite lucrative and while some are less affordable than others I wouldn’t say they cost outrageous money either, certainly affordable enough to keep up a decent level of enthusiasm from the members anyway. The first option then costs a $10 minimum to join, about the industry average or thereabouts. The term runs for 20 calendar days, during which ElegantForex make a daily payment of 7% interest on all deposits up to a maximum value of $499. your initial deposit is factored in as part of the payments so by the end of the term your earnings, which come to 140% in total, contains your own money plus 40% net profit on top.
To put that in simpler terms, let’s say you put $100 into this plan. ElegantForex should then repay you $7 per day until you’ve gotten $140 back. Pretty straight forward, right? A more important statistic of course is the break even point, which is when you earn back an amount equivalent to your investment. You do this 15 days into the 20 day term.
For a larger deposit starting from $500 ElegantForex have a slightly more generous interest rate, while the plan does run for the same 20 calendar days. The rate is 7.5% per day, eventually adding up to 150% by the end. ElegantForex again factor your principal into the payments so it won’t be returned in a separate individual payment. So that’s your own money back plus 50% net profit. Maximum spend is limited to $20,000, though I doubt that’s a realistic number for very many people to come up with, especially to play with HYIPs.
ElegantForex‘s third plan changes direction somewhat, with the term running for a shorter 7 days but just one single payment made to members on expiry. The minimum cost of joining is $50 and on completion of the term you receive 120% of your money back, or 20% profit. So in other words spend $100 and ElegantForex give you back $120 a week later.
For you choice of payment options, all the popular payment processors are accepted by ElegantForex including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. So there’s no real need to change much there. Withdrawals are made manually by the admin and so you will need to log in to your private ElegantForex members account area and make a request. Once you’ve done this the admin asks you to allow anything up to a 24 hour maximum for him to ensure all transactions are completed.
Looking at the design and security features of the program, ElegantForex does look a very nicely made website I must say. ElegantForex is running off a unique and very comprehensive script, though I think most users will find it very familiar. Reason being it does bear more than just a passing resemblance to GoldCoders, and in fact I must admit I had mistaken it until the admin corrected me. But it’s definitely unique. The website is SSL encrypted for an extra layer of security, and is hosted on a dedicated server supported by BlackLotus. DDoS protection however comes from BlockDos. If you need to get in touch with the admin for any further questions or account related issues to be dealt with then you can contact ElegantForex either by filling out the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page, or else just by writing directly to the e-mail address listed. You’ll also notice a postal address but this is unlikely to lead you anywhere, as if it’s genuine it’s still only likely to be a serviced office and used for message forwarding.
As the name implies ElegantForex‘s chosen line of business is allegedly trading on the ForEx markets. Like the script the texts are original, though are by no means extensive and don’t really prove all that much. So basically don’t look too deeply into the program as you’re unlikely to find much. Treat ElegantForex as you might any other online HYIP, meaning you should always stay well under a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
For the last 36 hours the admin of SphereINV Elvira (interviewed here) was especially active and sent out three newsletters to the members of her program. I must say that SphereINV (reviewed here), being the short-term investment project paying on a 133% after 3 days plan, has to work this way and issue frequent updates to maintain a constant positive cashflow to ensure all the payouts to the existing members to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve are paid promptly and on time. So far, during its first 16 days online and five completed investment cycles the admin never disappointed her followers and provided constant growth along with dependable payouts. To maintain interest for such a long time you need something special to motivate the best referrers and promoters and the admin fully realizes that. After the enormous success of the first referral contest that lasted for five days and rewarded the top ten active referrers in the program, a new contest started last night. That was announced in a special email from SphereINV where even the bigger prizes were offered to the top 25 active referrers (compared to the top 10 last time). The prize money has also been increased and now SphereINV offers $150 cash to each of the top 25 promoters with the most active referrals in their downline – only those with an active deposit in the program count. The lucky winners will be announced next Tuesday and the current referral stats can be viewed on the specially allocated page linked to in the following newsletter if you’re interested:
“SphereINV Referral Contest #2
Thank you to all those who participated in our first referral contest for $100 prizes to the top ten referrers. We would like to announce our second referral contest. The top 25 active referrers will receive $150. The top 25 referrers of ACTIVE status (a depositing member) will receive $100 into their accounts for withdrawal on Tuesday, March 26th, 2013. You may follow rankings here during the duration of the contest:
Thank you for participating and skyrocketing SphereINV to the top of the investment ranks!
Welcome to all our new members this week as we are in the midst of our sixth cycle paying 133% after 3 days into four processors, Liberty Reserve, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay.
Thank You, SphereINV Administration”.
In two more newsletters from SphereINV posted today the admin reminded about the Facebook page and asked everyone to be more active there and use it to connect with fellow investors. You will find today’s newsletters re-posted below. SphereINV recently reached #2 position on MNO’s Sticky listing out of 11 projects listed there, which is a clear indicator of its enormous popularity among readers:
“SphereINV Facebook Page
We’d like to invite new investors as well as long term member to our Facebook page. We would love for everyone to participate in conversation with other members as well as us.
Please take a look at our Facebook page here:
In addition to our Facebook page invitation, we would like to mention a few things that we have received dozens of emails about lately from new members. All investments mature after 3 days. This is when your interest will show up in your account. There is no issue with your deposit. Interest does not show up daily, but at maturation; the end of the three day cycle of investment. At the end of 3 days you can then withdraw or re-invest any amount.
Thank You, SphereINV Administration”.
“SphereINV Withdrawal and Interest Practices
Hello SphereINV Members,
We are going to go through a few points that we receive many questions about.
First, SphereINV is a 7 day a week company. Interest is added 7 days a week and withdrawals are processed 7 days a week.
All investors earn 133% after 3 days regardless of the time of the week.
To our SolidTrustPay members, please make sure your request is at least $1.00 or it won’t be processed due to SolidTrustPay set minimums of $1.00 for transfers.
Also, please make sure your SolidTrustPay account is in your SphereINV profile and is not an email address. SolidTrustPay accounts for transfers are your login username for SolidTrustPay.
Thank You, SphereINV Administration”.
I was surprised that Adam – the admin of the current #1 program on MNO OilOfAsia – was able to sort out his verification issues with SolidTrustPay and after a few days on hold his STP account was fully restored and is functioning properly now. That effectively means that all the pending withdrawals to SolidTrustPay had been paid and that SolidTrustPay is now accepted again, along with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. If you haven’t read my review of OilOfAsia (posted here), I remind you that the program takes deposits starting from a $25 minimum and pays 3% for 75 business days with the original principal back on expiry. As OilOfAsia has been online for 66 days the first investors must be in a good profit and are now reaping the rewards. The admin recently also extended the advertising campaign on MNO and all the banner spots and Sticky listing on my site are now booked till May which is surely a good signal to investors. The restoration of SolidTrustPay is yet another sign of the admin being serious and gave investors cause for relief.
In other news from OilOfAsia a minute long video presentation of the project is now available on YouTube which is reportedly filmed in their London office (even if their presenter has a decidedly non English accent). Note that their support phone number has been changed again and you will find it in the newsletter. I would like to warn you though that an incorporation in the UK, having a virtual address and a re-directed phone line with a UK code will not cost more than a few dollars and is done totally anonymously (read the article here on how easy it can be done), and doesn’t mean OilOfAsia is a legit company compliant with any laws and regulations. Such tricks are used by many admins, but experienced investors and all the readers of MNO should be aware of that, only invest the amounts they can afford to lose, and treat all the programs like regular high risk HYIP ventures:
“OilOfAsia Ltd News
Dear members,
first of all thanks for being loyal during this not easy week. As I promised we will do everything to fix problem with SolidTrustPay and I am happy to say that problem is resolved now. Our SolidTrustPay account is active and all pending SolidTrustPay payments are processed. Those who didn’t requested yet, feel free to do this now. Anyway I would like to say thanks to SolidTrustPay team for understanding our position, from now SolidTrustPay deposits are accepted again.
I also want to congratulate all, we successfully passed two months online mark. Thanks for being part of OilOfAsia Ltd, with your help we made this project the most popular online program in the industry with already thousands of active investors. Recently we filmed video report in our London office, feel free to check at our YouTube channel:
Please also note that we changed our UK phone support number, now you can reach us by calling +442838666026.
Yours, Adam Dhaliwal, OilOfAsia”.
InvestiField (reviewed here) surprises me with its unprecedented growth reaching the #4 position on MNO’s Premium listing after just two weeks online. Apparently, MNO readers were not the only ones who noticed the huge potential of InvestiField paying instantly on the three investment plans with principal back on expiry – 2% for 30 days, 2.5% for 60 days, 3% for 90 days. Reportedly about 9,000 members already joined InvestiField to enjoy instant payouts paid to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney accounts on deposits starting from a $10 minimum. Other noteworthy features in InvestiField include Live phone support available 24/7 with a UK based number and a validated Comodo SSL certificate. If you want to find out more about them please refer to the first official newsletter below:
“INVESTIFIELD #1 Newsletter – 22. March, 2013.
Dear valued investors,
We have some great and big news for you all to share!
March 22nd, 2013 is a major milestone for us at InvestiField, as it marks the second week since we have brought our system online. With the great success that the program has had thus far, we see this is being only one of many major achievements to come as we continue to strive to serve our valuable investors better and provide them with the best returns possible.
At the moment we are proud that our client base has approached 9000 total registered accounts, with 5200 active users. Our communication with people and variety of acquaintances results in good benefit for you and new good source of profit based on equity investment for your friends.
At InvestiField we have always promoted transparency and communication. In order to gain investor trust and confidence InvestiField provides 24/7 English live chat and phone support. We’re looking forward for adding more languages within our support department soon. Call us anytime at +44 20 3290 6667!
The most important announcement this time is the addition of our EV SSL – the green address bar. It provides immediate trust – your transactions up to $250,000 are insured, providing a risk-free investment environment! Our company business and website security has been fully validated by Comodo. Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate also offers the highest available levels of authentication and protection of sensitive data.
At the end, InvestiField wishes to thank all investors and promoters for their trust in our program as we aim to grow our business in the effort to continue to serve you better all the time. Have a great weekend!
Best Regards, Brandon Richardson. InvestiField.”
If you remember, I was quite concerned a week ago when the admin of AirCargoXpress Dylan (interviewed here) suddenly introduced a new limited investment plan (available to the program’s members only for 5 days) paying 7% for 5 calendar days with the initial principal returned on expiry. Well, apparently I was wrong in my assumption, as even after it expired AirCargoXpress continues payouts and I don’t have any complaints about unpaid withdrawals from readers yet. However I haven’t got any confirmation from those who got paid from the plan either. So if you benefited from this please let me know via email or on the MNO ShoutBox. At the moment AirCargoXpress continues with the two original plans – 2%-3% for 10 days, and 3%-4% for 15 days with the original principal returned on expiry. I myself was paid on expiry of one of my investment plans in AirCargoXpress and confirm that the payment was processed fast enough as usual. From other news we can see in yesterday’s email from Dylan, he talks of the testimonials he was going to add today and the continued promotion on popular blogs and monitors, including MNO. You can support the program that has been paying flawlessly now for over three months by submitting a vote on MNO and other forums and monitors. Here’s the latest news from AirCargoXpress (reviewed here):
Greetings Dear investors,
We would like to notify you that it’s only 12 hours left till our plan is discontinued. We had a lot of questions if we’ll continue this plan or extend it. Unfortunately we’ll not be able to do so even though we received some requests to do it.
You still have a chance till the end of 21st March (11:59 PDT) to invest in it for maturity period of 5 days. After that it’ll be discontinued.
We’re hoping you enjoyed our limited time offer and will continue your road to success with us!
In other news:
We’ll be adding testimonials on March 22st in order for you to be able to post your comments about our company and express your feelings. We assume you have a lot of great words to say about every aspect of our great company.
As you might have already noticed we also continue our promotion on respected monitors and forums such as MoneyNewsOnline, TalkGold, HyipExplorer, PopularHyip etc.
Don’t forget to post payment proofs since it helps our with us company grow. You can find our monitoring page here:
Kind Regards, AirCargoXpress”.
SureInv (reviewed here) continues its unrivalled reign on top of MNO’s Premium listing regularly paying investors on three plans – 5% for 30 business days, 4% for 45 business days, 3.5% for 60 business days – for over four months now. SureInv accepts deposits from a $10 minimum via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Up to recently payments were only processed on Monday to Friday, but last week it was officially announced that they’d be done on Saturdays too. So now Sunday is the only day off for the admin TJ who, in my honest opinion, is doing a perfect job in promoting his program. The last step in this process was the launch of SureInv‘s own regional representatives program. If you don’t know about that yet, I can tell you that you can find people from your local area who would be able to explain better about the program and its benefits in your own language or in more comprehensive terms. The list of representatives along with their contact phone numbers and email address (as long with the languages they speak and countries they are located) are published on a specially designed page on the SureInv website. You can find out more about that in their latest newsletter below:
“News 22. March 2013
Hello all
We are very glad to announce that our Regional Representative Program is in full swing.
So far 29 Reps from 16 countries are listed on our program page, which you can access from the top bar or the bottom of any front-end page on SureInv.
For some countries more than one regional representative has been selected, for several reasons. First of all these countries have a huge potential and therefore we feel that there is enough space for the market to be developed by several individuals and secondly, some of our Reps are already being very successful in referring clients to us in the past.
If your country is not represented yet and you are interested in joining our team, please feel free to contact us.
Finally a reminder that payments are now processed on Saturdays as well. If you like to get paid on Saturdays, please make sure that your request your payment before 12:00 GMT. Payments are processed just once, anytime after 12:00 GMT.
And that’s all from me today.
Enjoy your weekend and best regards, TJ”.
EaglesInvestment is the newest project from my list. It just launched yesterday and joined MNO’s Premium listing today. The program pays from 1.8% to 4% for a duration of 180 business days and principal returned on expiry or earlier for a 25% fee. Although it says withdrawal requests are processed manually within two business days, I got paid instantly for the first time (not sure if that will continue). The minimum to invest is $10 and the deposits are accepted via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. EaglesInvestment looks really nice and it was certainly created to impress. It has a lot of original texts, SSL Comodo extended validation seal, and hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected Staminus server. However it’s unusual that for such a well designed website as EaglesInvestment to be running off a licensed GoldCoders script. Although it is a nicely modified to suit the program’s purposes I was still surprised to see it there. I’ll have a more detailed description of EaglesInvestment soon, but for now I’ll leave you with the welcome message from the admin posted on the site yesterday:
“EaglesInvestment LLC officially opened
We are proud to present you the start of EaglesInvestment on line project. We sincerely hope that giving secure opportunity to every one interested in future technologies with positive price-earning ratio. We want to make you confident that all our efforts, experience and due diligence acquired for years will give good results in vast ocean of internet projects. As well we are proud enough to claim being the first ones to start a project of that kind.”
Please be aware that MyFxCapital was moved to Problem status on MNO today due to confirmed delays with payouts to my downline. The admin stopped answering emails as well, and it looks like he’s paying only to monitoring sites now and selective small payouts to regular members. I can’t say that MyFxCapital was a complete disaster, as the project managed to run for over three weeks making it successfully complete three investment cycles and bringing profits for several investors. However as we all know, all good programs come to an end at some point, and I guess the time for MyFxCapital is now. Please stop all investments there and do not waste your money due to confirmed complaints and the removal of the rating page from MyFxCapital‘s website. You’ve been warned!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: OilOfAsia, SphereINV, MajestiCrown, ProForexUnion, AirCargoXpress, ADSolid, SwiftMoney, OptiEarn, SwissInvestFund, BriscoFund, MoneyBox.
From MNO Premium list: SureInv, AXAIndustries, InvestiField, BensonUnion, RewardsWeekly, EliteCapitalClub, MalaysianINC, ChessInvestment, WorldGemsInvest, ChessInvestment, NorthlandOpps, ZenithPay, HytexAG, MasterEarn, RFIGroup, EmpireFinanceGroup, 306BZ (the first payments received), ElegantForex (the first payments received), EaglesInvestment (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: SuperWithdraw, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, 12ProFinance, TheInvestmentBank, ForboEstate, DiamondProgress, PrimeLookUp, ForexShare, SixDaysProfit (the first payments received).
That’s all the news for today, guys. Hope you enjoyed it. See you all on MNO tomorrow with all the latest updates from the monitored programs and a full review of 306BZ that could become a new short-term hit soon!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Mar 22nd, 2013. 4 Comments.
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