March 2013 Archives

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Beware! SwissInvestFund has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! If you were reading last night you might have noticed that I said it was doubtful that I’d be publishing this evening, but there’s been a couple of developments to make me change my mind on that. Though I’ll be continuing with the news tomorrow, for tonight I have a new addition to monitor to introduce, plus the following interview received from the admin of SwissInvestFund. That’s the name of a promising long term HYIP that’s been online a little bit over a month. So not exactly brand new, the plans are long enough for it to still be considered a fairly recent program. However it’s still been long enough for SwissInvestFund to put a good number of their early investors into profit already on one of their plans. These include 1.6%-2% for 90 days (principal back), or 4.8% for 30 days (principal included). The admin’s name is Jackob and before we hear him explain the finer details of his program, I’ll just remind you that if you like what he has to say and would like some further information, you can find the original review of SwissInvestFund that was first published on MNO here.

1. Hi Jackob, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in SwissInvestFund. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?

Hi, first of all thank you for this amazing opportunity to share information with readers from MNO. My name is Jackob and I’m administrative assistant inSwissInvestFund, my daily routine is to reply e-mails every day for investors and communicate with advertisers.

2. Can you give us some background information on SwissInvestFund? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

SwissInvestFund has been online more then one month but our offline investment platform is operating since 2010. There is several teams what are working on our investment platform, you will find out more about them in following questions (see question 10.), also we receive some help from our offline investment platform specialists.

3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you currently accepting?

Actually payment options whatSwissInvestFund accepts is one of our key to success, because we can target big amount of potential investors, and for now we accept, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay and PexPay.

Information about plans:

Plan “BASIC” as you can understand is first plan where you can invest starting just from 10$ and you get 1.6% daily interest payments. After 90 days we pay your principal back. Let’s say you invest 100$ in “BASIC” basic, every day you receive payments of 1.60$ for 90 days, so it is 144$ plus 100$ what we will pay back in end of the term. It turns out that if you invest 100$ in “BASIC” plan you get back 244$, what in reality is not just 1.6% daily profit, but you get 2.71% real daily profit. Also, we offer compounding feature for this plan where you can increase your profit from your investment, you must check information what calculator provides you before you make an investment.

Plan “ADVANCED” is like middle between “BASIC” and “PREMIUM” plan, you can invest in this plan starting just from 251$. In this plan you will get 2.0% daily interest payments. Also like in “BASIC” plan after 90 days we will pay your principal back. Let’s say you invest 300$ in plan “ADVANCED”, every day you will receive payments of 6.00$ for 90 days it is 540$ plus 300$ what we will pay back in end of the term, so if you invest 300$ in “ADVANCED” plan you get back 840$, what in reality is not just 2.0% daily profit, but 3.11% real daily profit.Also, we offer compounding feature for this plan where you can increase your profit from your investment, you must check information what calculator provides you before you make an investment.

Plan “PREMIUM” starts from just 501$ and you receive payments of 4.8% daily for 30 days, actually this plan is most easy to understand, for example if you invest 1000$ in “PREMIUM” plan you receive 48$ payments every day for 30 days. It will make 1440$ for you just in 30 days.

4. How secure is the website of SwissInvestFund? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

SwissInvestFund runs custom script (see question 5.) and we are highly secure, we are hosted on dedicated server by koddos, and also they are ddos protection providers for us.

5. What kind of script is SwissInvestFund running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

SwissInvestFund script is made by our security team from scratch what was our choose to provide elite class service to investors, as anyone knows scripts what are available for now in market are not that safe and usually there comes out lot of bugs and problems for those who operate investment platform. We spent 3 months to develop it and test it, we have used some methods to test our script what government institutions use, it was quite pricely, but it definitely will help us and will help our investors to trust us. Using custom self made script is definitely most beneficial for anyone from this industry.

6. Can we see any statistics regarding SwissInvestFund? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

We do not provide any statistics because of security reasons, but our weekly newsletters provide some information, just need to follow them. Every day we are really happy about people support, they claim that this is most easy-to-use investment platform what they have ever used before and it is true, we put big effort to make this program to be usable for anyone both experienced and new investor. Existing users play big role to bring new members in, they bring 60% of new active members right now.

7. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

There are several methods to contact us and our friendly staff is ready to assist you as soon as possible. First of all you can contact us by regular post by following address:SwissInvestFund, Rue du Rhone 98, CH-1204 Geneve, Suisse. Secondly you can contact our qualified live support. Third option is to use contact form in contacts section.

8. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

People contact us a lot, for me seems like online support team do not stop working whole day.SwissInvestFund haven’t experienced problems so far, there was one bug, but it got fixed instantly. Common questions (approximately 96% of them) what members ask are the ones who are provided in FAQ. We would recommend people to read, but we understand them as well that in investment field is so much information that you simply can’t read all of it.

9. How have you been promoting SwissInvestFund so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

Actually from the start we started big advertising campaign, banners/paidsticky forums/paid listings, but found out that most of this advertising do not really bring back real investors, so we started to advertise on some different not that known ways and and it really payed back. Also now we see that biggest advertisers is our members what bring 60% of new active members in, we are really thankful them for that. We think that it is because of our flexible referral system, what provides referral commission like no other.

10. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

We have system that out money after deposited is “forwarded” to our accountants after that there is 3 main rotes where money goes, fist of them is advertising team, what buys advertisements both banner type and monitor listings, but also some nontraditional ways of advertisement what you haven’t seen before in this industry, but since we cant show up all the information for now it is all what I can expose about this team. Second route is traders team, team includes stock market traders and market researchers what together invest money on various stocks mainly from Asia stock markets, because for now there we gain most of the profit. Third rote is response team, money goes for theirs salaries etc. they keep alive our discussions our Facebook group, etc. All of this makes elite combination what brings profit back.

11. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

There is one myth in this industry what I want to talk about and explain, what people do not understand and they get fooled all the time. When our team started SwissInvestFund we got big wave of negative attention, that we are hosted on koddos, not on some high end hosting like BlockDos. Of course I agree and there is no doubt that BlockDos is way better, BUT, you must understand that it is admin (person/team/whatever) who is behind the project, and if he is fast scammer he/she/whatever will scam you anyway either there is Koddos/BlackLotus/BlockDos. Readers, please take a look at the project how it looks and then judge it, better hosting will not guarantee anything it will just guarantee better reviews for investment platform owners in blogs, if it is industry’s copy&paste maybe better do not risk.

Thanks a lot to Jackob for that, and if you’re not already a member of SwissInvestFund then I hope you found it interesting or helpful in explaining the program’s workings. Good luck to the admin in his efforts to promote it among the widest possible audience, and of course best of luck also to all the investors there in making a profit. Let’s hope there’s many many more successful months in front of SwissInvestFund like this first one which is almost complete.


The only program to join MNO’s Premium listing tonight is called Financa. The project started just a few days ago and is offering just one plan paying 3% for the duration of 75 business days and your original principal returned on expiry. The minimum deposit accepted via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve is $20 and despite the claims on the website of instant withdrawals it’s not actually true. The admin told me that “instant” in this case actually means “fast” and he promises to pay manually within 12 hours, and in some rare cases asks to allow 24 hours to process the pending withdrawals. For the first time today it took me only a couple of hours to receive the first payout from Financa, so I believe the withdrawals will indeed be fast, still I believe the misleading statement should be removed from. The layout of Financa reminded me of the former hit Royalty7, although the program is not even close to that in quality as it’s only running off a licensed GoldCoders and therefore, lacks originality. Overall, the Financa website looks decent enough, has an SSL-certificate by Comodo, is hosted on a dedicated server by Iweb and the admin claims to have DDoS protection installed with Cisco ASA firewall to ensure high level mode filtering. More about Financa will be in a more detailed review tomorrow, and for now I’ll leave you with the welcome message from the admin posted on the site a few days ago when launched:

Financa LTD grand launch!
Today the 21/03/2013 it gives us much pleasure to announce the grand launch of our investing platform Financa. After much planning and many efforts, Financa website is finally ready for use and Investors from all over the world are welcome to participate in our investment platform. Please feel free to read about our unique investment plans we have to offer you, and explore our site unique features. Financa Ltd is surely the biggest investment opportunity this year, so don’t miss it out and be one of the first to join us.
We do our best to meet all of your needs, We are using the latest technologies of the world in order to guarantee your investment from all sides and now we are proud to say this is the safest place that you can find on the internet. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us by using the support methods. Our support staffs will be available 24 hours a day to help you. Your inquiry will be received, immediately proceeded and you will receive the answer in less than 12 hours.

That’s all for today guys. Before I go I just wanted to warn you about AXAIndustries and ExpressProfitShares, two programs moved to Problem Status on the MNO monitor tonight. I’ll have more information about them in the news update tomorrow, but for now all you need to know is that both programs are in trouble and you need to stay away from them. Do not make any further deposits in either. You have been warned! See you all tomorrow everyone.em

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