March 2013 Archives

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Beware! Financa has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Plenty of stories to catch up on tonight after not featuring a news section in yesterday’s update, and as is too often the case I’m afraid it’s not all good. Before we get to that I want to start this evening’s post with a closer look at a recently launched term HYIP that’s just joined the MNO monitor called Financa. They launched about a week ago so let’s see what it’s all about, their plans, and other main features and decide if you think there’s anything in Financa worth getting excited about.

It’s a lot less complicated than a lot of longer term HYIPs, quite simple in fact with Financa offering just one single investment plan. The very same terms and conditions apply to all members regardless of the size of their deposits with the smaller players getting the very same rate of interest as the biggest. The plan itself runs for a duration of 75 business days, which is 15 weeks. You will need to deposit a minimum principal of $20 in order to be allowed to join, and once you are in you are offered a daily interest rate of 3%. That of course is only paid from Monday to Friday, as Financa don’t work at the weekend. Payments should eventually add up to 225% which is your total profit once Financa return your principal as promised.

To put that into practical terms, let’s say we invested $100 with Financa. In return they offer to pay you back $3 per day, Monday to Friday only, for the next 15 weeks. That would allow you to break even (earn back an amount equal to your initial deposit and therefore not carry any further personal risk to your own money) after 34 payments, or just short of seven weeks. Payments should eventually add up to $225 at which point Financa should then add your principal on top of that. There’s no real upper limit to what you can invest by the way. Officially they say it’s a million dollars but we all know that’s just a random number. I’m sure the admin will allow you to invest two million if you ask nicely and remember to say please, lol!

Payment options are OK, at least up to the minimum standard you might have come to expect from new HYIPs anyway, with all the popular processors listed on their website. Currently you can join Financa using your choice of either SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve so I guess there’s no real need or expectation that that might be reconsidered. Payouts to members are made manually by the admin and so need to be requested from inside your Financa private members are. Once the request is made you should then allow a further 12 hours for all transactions to be completed, though in some cases this can be extended to 24 hours. So best to expect the maximum and take anything better than that as a bonus, but don’t expect anything to be instant unless the admin introduces them at some later stage. The only other thing I can think of that you might need to know about the plans is that compounding is allowed, so set your own rate when joining.

In terms of security and design, it can’t be denied (it’s blatantly obvious in fact) that the layout of Financa is set to deliberately resemble that of a certain highly successful program from the recent past, though in reality it’s not even close to that in quality. It has very little originality, and runs off a generic GoldCoders script (though under license at least). The website has an SSL certificate from Comodo, and hosted on a dedicated server by Iweb. The Financa admin claims to have DDoS protection installed with Cisco ASA firewall, though I can neither verify the accuracy of that nor vouch for the quality of the service were it to be true, and we all know DDoS attacks are widely prevalent in the HYIP world. Should you have any further questions for the admin about the plan or any other aspects of Financa then you can get in touch with the program by filling out the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. Fans of social media sites will also find Financa on Facebook, and they also employ a group of regional representatives. If you prefer to speak with someone in your own country/language then you’ll find their names, locations, and contact details on the Financa website.

All in all I guess there’s not much to distinguish Financa from a glut of similar style HYIPs currently doing the rounds. The design as I said isn’t original, and the texts and content are a straight up copy/paste job and used in dozens of other programs if not more. Therefore I strongly suggest you ignore any of the “information” contained there about Financa being anything even approaching a legitimate investment company as is claimed and certainly pay no attention to their being “no risk” involved. Indeed the risk is enormous, as it is with any online HYIP you deal with. So protect yourself first and foremost by never spending beyond a sensible and affordable amount of money that it won’t bother you to lose, and if joining Financa at all then only do so if they are a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Just like yesterday, I’ll start the news section today with a warning posted about the programs that have stopped payouts and were moved to Scam status on MNO. It seems to be a whole lot of such programs lately and it looks that the HYIP industry is now on a downward trend. Recovery will take some time, but even then we will be seeing new projects springing up like mushrooms and competing for investors’ money and so the eternal cycle continues. Programs moved to Problem Status last night are AXAIndustries and ExpressProfitShares.

As for ExpressProfitShares, the program lasted for 50+ days paying on a 8% for 15 days plan finally pulled the plug. Just yesterday I received a complaint from a referral in the program about an unpaid withdrawal request that was independently confirmed by me and so, I moved them to Problem status due to the obviously selective character of payouts which will never be tolerated on MNO, especially when it comes to my direct referrals. I contacted the admin of ExpressProfitShares yesterday and asked him to pay, till now I haven’t got any reply and my referral hasn’t not been paid. That’s why I suggest staying away from them and not to invest! ExpressProfitShares was overall not a bad project, but only lasted for three full cycles which is not a very good result for such a low-ROI program like that.

If you remember my recent news from AXAIndustries, the admin reported some server issues and I believe that might be one reason why the program went down the drain and stopped paying not long after that announcement. AXAIndustries lasted for about seven weeks and managed to complete only one full 30-day cycle paying 5% to 6% daily return to its investors. That is not a very bad result in the current HYIP climate with a lot of programs becoming scams too quickly, but still I expected more from it. The first investors of AXAIndusties should be in profit, while for others I would not recommend further investments. The program has become a scam and you have been warned about that already, so stay away!


The scamming of OilOfAsia has undoubtedly become the event of the week. The program has been #1 on Sticky Listing on MNO achieving the position in only ten weeks online. Selective payouts are now detected and I would strongly advise you to stay away from this pending scam, as OilOfAsia is definitely going south at the moment and its days are numbered. My own payout to LibertyReserve has been on pending status with OilOfAsia for over 24 hours now, and the admin stopped replying to my emails. That’s a sure sign of a coming scam, since he’s not even bothered about the status of OilOfAsia on the MNO monitor where he used to advertise his project so prominently. There were reports on forums about unpaid payouts as well, and that doesn’t look good even for currently paid investors with tiny amounts still received to their LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. So what happened to OilOfAsia? Let’s analyse that in more detail.

The definite trigger for the collapse was the second suspension of their SolidTrustPay account which happened yesterday. Apparently like the first time it happened a couple of weeks ago the admin was hopeful of getting this issue resolved and his STP account restored. This time it didn’t happen which led to an outburst of rage in his newsletter where he called SolidTrustPay a scam payment processor and promised to replace it with EgoPay soon while encouraging those who invested with OilOfAsia via STP to contact them and ask for a refund. Let’s see this newsletter first with some skeptical view in mind and then I’ll give you my interpretation of events:

OilOfAsia Ltd Urgent News
Dear members, unfortunately SolidTrustPay continue their dirty tricks and we can do nothing in this situation. After they unlocked our account they still tried to do everything to steal our account balance. First they limited our account to $999 per transaction but now they decided to suspend our account completely just because of one blackmailer complaint. We have been hard at work negotiating and disputing the funds we had on our account providing all necessary documentation, however all our efforts to get this sorted have been unsuccessful. SolidTrustPay officials have ceased communication with us after we have provided all necessary papers and never got back to our tickets while phone support put us on hold and never got back to us either. We are really disappointed that SolidTrustPay is such a cheap scam so there is no way that we continue working with them. Those members who processed their deposits using SolidTrustPay please go to their Help section, create support ticket with title
OilOfAsia Ltd refund, copy of this ticket should be sent to and they will refund your initial deposit. We strongly recommend to withdraw or exchange funds from this fraud payment processor, especially if you have big amounts at your account balance because they can steal your money at any time. From now no more deposits or withdrawals will be processed via Solid Trust Pay. SolidTrustPay is now replaced with EgoPay. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Yours, Adam

The version of events from SolidTrustPay themselves is quite different from that of the OilOfAsia admin Adam. I had a small talk with STP CEO Stella (read my interview with her here) straight after OilOfAsia‘s account was suspended for the first time and she told me that he tried to submit fake documents both for himself and his company to get a business account. For newbies, I can explain that such company registrations like what OilOfAsia has listed on its website are quite easy to obtain in the UK and they are totally anonymous and cheap to do (read my article on to incorporate your own company in the UK within 24 hours for only a few dollars here). Such registrations do not give you license to accept deposits online and pay online investors to what would qualify in any country as an internet ponzi. That’s why experienced investors never pay attention to such things, while some admins truly believe that they are in legitimate business and try to verify accounts with STP by giving them stolen IDs or fake documents. SolidTrustPay is in this business for many years already and it’s really strict on such attempts to defraud them. Actually, according to Stella the admin of OilOfAsia tried to submit fake documents many times in order to verify his STP account and one of such attempts is what led to the first suspension. Then, after it was back again the admin tried to dump a lot of money on monitors and forums and empty the account as he probably believed that further attempts to submit fake documents would fail. So SolidTrustPay reacted fast and suspended OilOfAsia‘s account again yesterday in response to such dishonesty. It looks like their patience with Adam (unlikely his real name, of course) came to an end and they locked the amounts that could otherwise be lost by constant withdrawal attempts. Anyway, it’s just my point of view, and I personally do not see any danger for other HYIP admins using SolidTrustPay if they fully comply with their terms and conditions and do not try to scam their members or the payment processor itself. By the way, investors who lost money in SolidTrustPay have a chance to get a partial or full refund if they are entitled to one (unlike PerfectMoney or LibertyReserve where your money is always lost for good once a program closes). So for OilOfAsia members everything might not be so grim, as some funds are currently locked in STP and, if I am to believe to what Adam told me recently in a private email exchange, the amount is quite significant and enough to issue refunds to a lot of members. For that to happen no one has to submit any support tickets as SolidTrustPay already sent this following message:

SolidTrust Pay is aware of the issues regarding this merchant account. You do not need to take any further action as our investigations department will assess the account activity and determine what refunds, if any, will be made available. Refunds will be processed as soon as possible. If you are eligible for any remuneration, you will automatically receive such payment into your SolidTrust Pay account after that time.
If we need to contact you regarding your request we will contact you via email.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.


Staying on the topic of SolidTrustPay there was a recent phone outage mentioned in the new update on their official blog. The reasons are currently being investigated, so for now you can only contact STP via support ticket as explained in today’s update:

Our primary customer support center is currently experience a telecommunications outage. As a result, our phone support is limited at present. Our office staff is working with our telecommunications provider to determine the source of the problem and bring that location back online as quickly as possible.
In the meantime, we thank you for your patience. Please feel free to submit a support ticket via our Help Centre and our online support team will be happy to assist.

I hope this is resolved by Tuesday when SolidTrustPay resume work after the Easter holidays they are taking over the next few days. Please note about the extra days off on Friday and Monday and allow some extra time for transactions to be processed. Here’s the official announcement from STP regarding the holidays:

Office Closure: Friday, March 29 & Monday, April 1
Please be advised that SolidTrust Pay offices will be closed on Friday, March 29 (Good Friday) and Monday, April 1st (Easter Monday).
We would also like to remind customers to add extra processing time for their transactions due to the banking holidays.
The staff of SolidTrust Pay wishes all of our patrons a safe and happy holiday this weekend and, as always, we thank you for your patronage!


The admin of the current #1 project on MNO’s Premium listing SureInv also announced that he’s going to enjoy the Easter holidays and so payouts would not be processed over the next four days. I don’t have we have to worry about that, as common practice among admins is to take a vacation from time to time. In addition to that, just yesterday the admin TJ booked a big banner on MNO blog and extended his one on MNO’s monitoring page for another month which I believe is a good sign that SureInv is to continue for some time. Please note that even during the Easter holidays the deposits will be accepted in all the investment plans on offer – 5% for 30 business days, 4% for 45 business days, 3.5% for 60 business days. That obviously includes only Friday and Monday as no interest is credited during weekends anyway. The withdrawal requests to all the payment processors – SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, PexPay, and EgoPay – will be accepted as usual, while the next batch of payouts will be processed next Tuesday, so please take note of that. Here’s the latest update from SureInv (reviewed here):

News 28. March 2013
Hello all
Firstly we would like to address our working schedule for the approaching Easter holidays:
Please be informed that interest will be credited to your account tomorrow, Good Friday, as well as on Easter Monday. Withdrawals will not be processed during the upcoming holidays and resume on Tuesday, April 2nd. Limited customer support will be available throughout the holidays but is restricted to urgent requests only.
May you have an awesome Easter! Have fun in Easter egg hunting and hanging out with your family and friends on this special occasion! Wishing you and your family a joyful and blessed Easter!
All the best, TJ


As you might remember from my review of ADSolid (click here to read it) followed by the interview with its admin Timoleon (read it here), the program positions itself as an advertising platform for members as well as an investment project paying on a short term plan of 0.8% for 5 days or a long term plan paying 1.2%-1.7% for 150 days. Please note that both return your principal but the long term one only pays on business days (Monday to Friday). ADSolid accepts deposits starting from $10 via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay and one of its main advantages is instant payouts. Just a couple of days ago there was a report posted on the news section of ADSolid informing investors of some good advertising contracts which go as far as June. That’s positive and you can read more about it below:

March 26, 2013 11:06 AM
Dear investors, thank you for your support of our project! We are happy to inform you that more and more advertisers are joining our program as well as the traffic to our site is constantly growing. Marketing department in our project reports: our managers have signed contracts with major advertisers for the period of April-June. Thanks to all our investors for doing business with us!

More disturbing news was published by ADSolid today though. The admin quoted an extortionist demanding money in exchange for not making bad posts on forums and monitors. That might affect ADSolid‘s growth to some extent of course, but once people are aware of the attempt they will be more skeptical regarding bad votes that will obviously flood in within the next few days. That won’t happen on MNO though, as I investigate all bad votes submitted on my monitor and my ShoutBox and do not allow badmouthing any project without proof being sent. Unfortunately some monitors might not follow this rule, or simply don’t care, so please be careful about believing everything you read. Here’s what the admin reported and promised never to pay blackmailers. I fully support this point of view and encourage you to read how some low-life people try to get money from HYIPs (ultimately your money by the way!) in such underhanded ways:

March 28, 2013 9:22 PM
Dear investors!
We have decided to publish one of the blackmailing letters which we are receiving daily. We never pay blackmailers and that is why they may in future leave bad votes about our project on some monitors. May be it would be false data or something else.
The letter:
“Hello. We offer you to cooperate with us! Make your project is very popular, people will start to carry money in your project car!
But we can do the opposite! Pour dirt on your project every minute, all possible sources of information. To make sure that no one was left in the desire to become an investor of the project!
The choice is yours, if you end up in our account of $200, $100 of which is for the promotion of your site, and the remaining $100 price for the service!
You decide to cooperate with us or lose the project to which you do not earn enough money!
We look forward to your reply within a day, without waiting for a response to 18:00 27.03.2013 year we get to the action.”
The following letter was received today:
“Apparently you misunderstood, we are talking about. If prior to 28.03.2013 18:00 money do not sit on our account, we will ruin your project.”
Thus, publishing these letters, we are trying to inform you that not all the votes on monitors are feasible. Often it may be paid posting or Black PR directed against the program.


First I would like to report that I was paid my principal back today within 5 minutes as usual by MalaysianINC. I originally invested in the 1.81%-2.18% for 30 business days plan, but there are also some other plans available including 1.62%-2.06% for 15 business days, 2.15%-2.43% for 60 business days, 2.63%-2.95% for 120 business days. The initial investment is returned on expiry in all to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, or EgoPay. I especially appreciate almost instant payouts from MalaysianINC as reported in my review published here along with its unique and secure script.

After today’s payment MalaysianINC leapt to #7 in my Premium listing after six weeks monitored, which is a very good result for them. Obviously some competitors noticed the growing popularity of MalaysianINC as well and launched a DDoS attack a few days ago. The admin was forced to obtain the highest level of protection from BlockDos which I believe will get this under control. I remind you that MNO is also protected by BlockDos and I have already noticed a significant improvement in downtime. MalaysianINC also ordered a dedicated server from BlockDos where it successfully migrated a couple of days ago. During the process MalaysianINC was unavailable for some hours, but is now fully propagated. Here’s the latest from them:

MalaysianINC – had to change DNS
Our website was unavailable for more than 24 hours and we could not use our server to contact you because exact same as you do not have access to the website admin area.
The reason for this problem is that our server was ordered by our competitors are very strong DDoS attack.
We have updated the level of DDoS protection to the maximum level and now any attack for your investment is not threatened.
But for this update, we had to change our DNS server and our website will not be available right away, need to wait until updated the DNS record of
your ISP provider.
We sincerely regret the inconvenience caused, and compensate their increased percentage from Thursday to Saturday of this week.
Please do not ignore our Twitter page with the latest news:
Thank you for your patience!
Malaysian Investment Company support. MalaysianINC


I’m not sure if a regular investor of TureProfit (reviewed here) should take the news about the recently added investment plans positively or negatively. From one point of view, any addition of a new plan, especially for such an old program as TureProfit online for over 500 days already, sounds an alarm. On the other side, such new plans that will be available till May only are aimed at big investors only with a $500 minimum to invest in comparison to the original plan only requiring $10. So we can imagine that this could be also done to maintain cashflow and pay to the current investors who joined the 8% weekly for 50 weeks plan with the principal returned on expiry. Anyway, I think we shouldn’t really worry for TureProfit‘s future, at least until May, while the newly added plans cannot really be recommended for investing as being high risk. Just for your information, these new plans pay 5% daily for 80 days with the principal returned on expiry and 350% after 50 days. Just compare the daily paying plan offering 35% weekly with the original (and still active though) 8% weekly to see what I mean by not recommending it. TureProfit has had a very impressive run so far and investors should appreciate instantly processed payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. However in light of the newly added plan I don’t believe that TureProfit will last for 500 more days:

TureProfit News – 500 days Celebrated plan added.
You have received this email because you are our members. As you can see, as in the past we fulfill our promise. Time always can prove everything, We really win the trust of investors. We are fully deserve leader of this field. Hopefully, the successful operation of 500 days is coming. In this festive day, We provide two short-term plans in return for our investors.
5% daily for 80 days, min deposit: $500, max deposit: $200,000, Compounding: available, Principal Back: Yes
350% after 50 days. min deposit: $500, max deposit: $200,000, Compounding: available, Principal Back: Yes
The new plans start from now on, end on May 1st. Please only visit our site and deposit your money.
In addition, we remind investors: a scam program named copies our news, please stay away from them. It is a scam program, which has no any relation with our site. If you invest there, you will get nothing.
Best regards, Julian Lester


The admin of the above reviewed Financa Mark made a small improvement to his website to display links to all the project’s forums and monitoring sites. Also some fake bad votes were mentioned and the admin asked members to disregard these. I guess there’s no need to comment further on this but I’m still glad that Financa added the page and hopefully the investors will support the project with positive votes on the forums and monitors listed there:

Greetings! Feedbacks page added.
We have added a new page for Feedbacks, with independent list of Forums and Monitors sites related to us. This page contains a list of independent Forums and Monitor sites where you can see comments of our members and share your own. If you have any questions and / or problem with our service, please give us a shot and try to resolve it with our Dedicated Support.
Note: Please disregard the recent bad votings they are all fake attempts to slander our good name.
Best Wishes, Mark Carney
Financa Ltd , CEO


As Easter comes to Belize, PureIncome which is allegedly incorporated there announced reduced interest that will be credited to investors’ accounts on Good Friday and Easter Monday. As you may know from my review of PureIncome (click here to read it), the program pays variable returns of up to 2.3% every calendar day, however on business days it’s usually much higher than at weekends. So far PureIncome has been online for over two months and is paying fine to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, which are the only payment processors accepted at the moment, along with Bank wires. Here’s the latest news from them:

Long weekend in Belize
Due to a long weekend in Belize, Friday, March 29, the country celebrates Good Friday and Monday, April 1 – Easter Monday, the PureIncome stock exchange operates in a day off regime. Shares grow and dividends accrue on bonds as stated at the weekend conditions.
Sincerely, Jerome Loster
PureIncome Team


MoneyInSports is a new program joining MNO Standard listing today and will be properly reviewed tomorrow. The project has been online for only a week and can be considered new as they pay 2% for 80 calendar days with no principal back on expiry. MoneyInSports is accepting deposits starting from a $5 minimum via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Cashouts are processed manually within 24 hours, and while depositing you need to remember to fund your e-wallet first and then buy tokens which will be your investment. MoneyInSports is running off a licensed Shadow script which is of extremely high quality. The website is properly SSL secured by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos. MoneyInSports is allegedly involved in sports betting, although they explicitly state in their FAQ they are not going to publicize anything to prove it. Since the project’s launch the admin posted a couple of updates which you can read below:

We Are Now Open
After some very detailed testing along with finalizing the process of getting funds to the proper sports books we are officially open. You will not see daily news from us like other sites do as we are only focused on getting down on strong sports plays each day. We know the performance of (MIS) will make us one of the top sites over time.
Veterans will notice that we are using shadow scripts, they are not cheap but deliver a great site. You will also see us on MMG starting today, and in the future we will be listed on other sites.
We have a great affiliate program so help us become more known by displaying our banners on sites that you use. Being new now is a great time to push our banners.
If you are looking for a steady return daily with a site that will be around for a long time then you have come to the correct place.
Welcome to MoneyInSports (MIS) we know you will be happy with the results.

First Week in the Books
We just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has supported us in this first week. If you are looking for consistent steady returns then you are in the right place, and we appreciate the confidence you have placed in us.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrown, ProForexUnion, EliteCapitalClubADSolid, SwiftMoney, OptiEarn, ElegantForex, SwissInvestFund, MoneyBox, BriscoFund.
From MNO Premium list: SureInv, InvestiField, TureProfit, BensonUnion, StraviaRewardsWeekly, 306BZ, HytexAG, MalaysianINC, ChessInvestment, NorthlandOpps, WorldGemsInvest, ZenithPayRFIGroup, MasterEarn, EmpireFinanceGroup, EaglesInvestment, Financa (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessCorp, AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: SixDaysProfit, 12ProFinance, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, Fxen, TheInvestmentBank, ForexInvest (the first payments received).

That’s it for tonight, guys. Stay tuned for more tomorrow and the review of MoneyInSports. Thanks a lot for reading and I hope to see you then!

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