March 2013 Archives

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Beware! HytexAG has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and are looking forward to discovering some new opportunities in the days ahead. Who knows? Maybe the next big industry giant is out there ready to start? Before we get to this evening’s news section I want to look at one recently launched program called HytexAG which I suppose is best described as a medium term HYIP. So let’s see what they have to offer and if you think there’s anything there to persuade you to make HytexAG part of your portfolio.

You have four investment plans to choose from in HytexAG should you decide to join, all with their own term durations and interest rates. The first of these is called The Hytex Small Plan and can be joined for as little as $10. The maximum deposit is $100 so clearly this one has been designed with the smaller investors in mind. The plan runs for a term of 14 calendar days during which HytexAG are offering members a daily interest rate of 8%. This payment includes your principal so don’t expect that to be returned in a separate payment on expiry. Payments should add up to 112% in total, which is your own money back plus 12% net profit.

If you want something a bit more serious then things change quite a bit with HytexAG‘s second investment option, The Hytex Middle Plan. The minimum cost of joining is $101 and you are free to deposit anything up to a maximum of $1,000. The term runs for a duration of 25 calendar days, during which HytexAG will again make daily interest payments. The big difference this time however is that your principal is not counted as part of the payouts and will be returned to you on expiry. The interest rate is 1.5% per day which comes to 37.5% in total. This can only be considered profit after HytexAG return your original deposit as promised.

For a minimum investment of $1,001 you may try The Hytex Top Plan. It runs for the duration of 35 calendar days and sees HytexAG offer an improved rate of 1.8% interest per day. Your principal is not included with that so once again you have to wait until it gets returned to you in a separate payment after expiry before you can consider yourself in profit. Payouts to members should eventually add up to 63% before HytexAG will hopefully return your principal. The maximum deposit allowed for this plan is $3,000.

And finally for the big spenders HytexAG have The Hytex Premium Plan which will set you back a $3,001 minimum should you wish to join. In return for your money the admin is offering you a 2.2% daily interest payment on your deposit for a duration of 50 calendar days. This comes to a grand total of 110% (which also puts you slightly in profit before expiry) when HytexAG should then add your principal to that. The maximum spend in the program is $9,999 which is quite conservative by industry standards though I don’t know why as very few would seriously be looking to spend more anyway. Mind you, if you’re one of them I don’t imagine there’s any restrictions on you having more than one active deposit in HytexAG at any given time though you’re still best advised to spread your investments out a bit more.

Your choice of payment options is pretty good with HytexAG taking all the popular HYIP industry processors as is generally expected of any program looking to be taken seriously these days. You can join with SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. I’m glad to see that payments up to this point are normally instant, though you do of course need to remember to log into your HytexAG private members account area and make the request. You would usually expect to see the money transferred to your payment processor account in a matter of seconds, but you will need to take into account that this service is not necessarily guaranteed and in the event of any technical faults, account replenishment, and so on you might need to give the admin up to 48 hours to process your transaction. Just one other thing you’ll need to know about the investment plans is the use of compounding. If you’re a fan of the practice and are willingly prepared to take an increased risk with your finances then HytexAG do not allow compounding with their first plan, but for the remaining three plans it’s perfectly OK.

I have to say I have some very mixed feelings about the design and security features of the program, and while I admit it may not be entirely justified I’d still feel a lot better were to admin to clarify a couple of things regarding the hosting provider. I don’t know anything about them or what level of DDoS protection (if any) they can give, and when I asked the admin about it he neglected to reply. HytexAG are hosted by a provider called Hetzner who I haven’t come across in the HYIP world before so really can’t comment on how capable they are of handling the rampant attacks that are practically a daily occurrence in the industry. I suspect we’ll find out one way or another soon enough though! They have HytexAG on a dedicated server so at least that’s something. Other than that things don’t look too bad with the HytexAG website being SSL encrypted for safer browsing and more secure transactions and seems to be running off a unique and customized script (again the admin didn’t answer, but I do know that I don’t remember seeing it used anywhere else). If you have any further questions of your own then you can contact the HytexAG admin through a variety of channels, including writing directly to the e-mail address listed, filling out your details on the online customer support form, Live Chat when an operator is online to take your questions in real time, or by telephone support. I just hope you have more luck in getting your own questions answered than I did with mine.

The texts and website content all appear to be original which you’d kinda be hoping for considering the admin took the trouble to seek out an original script, though are predictably vague about any kind of business plan or financial activities supporting the payments. The official line from HytexAG is that they are dealing in precious metals which of course ranks way up there with ForEx trading as things HYIP admins pretend to be involved with. Needless to say you’d want substantially more evidence of this in order to take it seriously, but even at that it wouldn’t guarantee the safety of your money or the wisdom to spend it on HYIPs. So as is always the case with everything else in the industry, set yourself a spending limit you will strictly adhere to that you can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining HytexAG then do so as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



AirCargoXpress seems to be doing OK and recently reached 77 days online while paying on two short term plans with principal returned on expiry – 2%-3% for 10 days, and 3%-4% for 15 days through direct bank wires, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay starting from a $5 minimum. It’s a really great achievement for such a short term project which has been growing slowly but steadily so far and is currently sitting in the #5 position on MNO’s Sticky listing. Paying for five and seven cycles respectively makes me think that the admin of AirCargoXpress knows exactly what he’s doing to provide investors with stable profits and run for a long time. By the way, I recently interviewed Dylan (the admin) so if you haven’t seen it yet you are welcome to read the interview here.

The interview on MNO was one of the topics for the latest newsletter from AirCargoXpress issued tonight. The other subject to discuss was the addition of regional representatives whose main task is to help newbies in their local markets with advice on investments in the program in exchange for extra benefits. Currently there are only representatives from eight countries available, so you can ask them any questions if you want. I’m sure that list will be expanded with time, and if you wish to see if your country is on the list you can do so using the link shared by the admin below. The three most active representatives will receive an extra percentage from the amounts deposited by their referrals in AirCargoXpress which should be a good motivation for them to take their jobs seriously.

I must say that AirCargoXpress is getting more popular day by day now, after the admin launched a big advertising campaign recently as part of his plan for gradual development of the project. I hope we see prompt payouts continue for weeks, or possibly even months to come and I wish the admin good luck with improving his project. By the way, the full review of AirCargoXpress can be read here, and if you wish to see more of the latest updates please check out the newsletter below:

AirCargoXpress Representatives and Updates
Greetings Dear Investors,
Today as we gathered enough people for our representative positions we’re ready to post them on AirCargoXpress. You can find a representative in your country by following this link or by going to our website and clicking “Regional Representatives” under “info” box.
Please keep in mind that we don’t give our representatives any right to accept payments on our behalf or request any of your personal information. If you notice that anybody of our representatives trying to ask to send money directly to their account, please notify us about such activity. You’re always welcome to follow representative’s referral link and register through his link as a gesture of gratitude for their help provided.
As per benefits we’ve been thinking how we can award our representatives for their work and came up with perfect system. We’ll have a pool of referral investments. We’ll combine all deposits made through our representative’s referral link and add 10% of that amount to the money pool. Then we’ll split it between 3 of our most active representatives (when we get more representatives more will be awarded).
Here’s example of how it works:
Rep 1 brought investors who invested 6000$
Rep 2 brought investors who invested 8000$
Rep 3 brought investors who invested 3000$
Rep 4 brought investors who invested 500$
Rep 5 brought investors who invested 12000$
Rep 6 brought investors who invested 450$
rep 5 gets 50% (1497.5$) of the pool as the most active
rep 2 gets 30% (898.5$) as the second active
rep 3 gets 20% (599$) as the third active
Along with this bonuses you’ll also receive big amounts of referral commission.
We’d like to thank Paul, Money-News-Online Admin, for the opportunity to answer on the most frequent questions among investors in our interview. You can read it by following this link:
As you might have already noticed, we started our long-term advertisement campaign on different forums such as TalkGold, MoneyMakerGroup, MMGP and so on. Also monitor, blogs, especially Money-News-Online.
AirCargoXpress is now in sticky listings on mostly every respected website dedicated to investment industry. You can find our investment program on the 1st place among top 10 best programs on hyipexplorer and the most searched on allhyipmonitors. We appreciate your support which helps us grow and move forward together as one piece.
Currently we are working on our video review which will give you more insight into AirCargoXpress and also save you some time instead of spending it reading over our website. It will be published within a week from the date of this newsletter.
Your votes and comments are highly appreciated by us and your follower investors.
Kind Regards, AirCargoXpress


HurricaneAssets is yet another successful project still with a lot of potential to grow. In my original review (click here to read it) I mentioned the program only accepted LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. That was indeed the case at the time but since then the admin also added SolidTrustPay and EgoPay, and now you can use all the big four to invest using both euros and dollars. Investment plans offered by HurricaneAssets include 0.9% for 30 business days and 1.1%-2.4% for 150 business days with both returning your original investment on expiry. As you can see the first investors who joined the shorter term plan should be in profit by now. This is the short message which was posted over the weekend on the HurricaneAssets website:

HurricaneAssets Inc.
2 Months Online

Dear customers and site visitors, today we are celebrating 2 months since Hurricane Assets Inc. online presence. Our project is growing and getting stronger every day. Remember, our goal is your financial well being.


After weeks of complaints on delayed bank wire withdrawals the administration of FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) finally admitted they had some issues with their bank preventing them from sending the withdrawals to many members. There was an apology issued to anyone affected today and the admin also mentioned that a solution is being worked on and everything should be back to normal within the next couple of days. That should come as a welcome relief to some investors who already gave up hope on ever getting their bank wire withdrawals again. By the way, the program also accepts the regular payment processors including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney and I never heard of any delays to those payment systems from my referrals in the program who are still getting paid fine on both investment plans with principal back on expiry – 0.8%-1.4% for 90 business days, and 1%-1.6% for 180 business days. I must add that FelminaAlliance is one of the longest running programs from my list where it occupies the #3 spot on Premium listing having been online and paying since July 2011 – a result that many other programs can only dream of. Certainly the recent bank withdrawal issues spoilt the image of FelminaAlliance, but hopefully the promised solution will fix it and put everything back to normal. Here is the latest news from FelminaAlliance:

[FelminaAlliance] Official Newsletter
This is an official newsletter from FelminaAlliance Inc.
We would like to address a very important issue most of you are aware of. As you know we have recently faced significant delays in processing of the bank wire transfer withdrawals from our customers.
We would like to shed some light on this situation. The bank we have been working with for a long time is no longer able to process the withdrawals from us due to a large volume of the requests. This is a purely technical issue we have been working to resolve.
The good news is that we have come up with the solution to the problem and the normal operation of withdrawals will resume in the next few days.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department,
FelminaAlliance Inc.


The program added to Premium Listing on MNO tonight is RFIGroup. It launched a couple of weeks ago, but was still flying under the radar until recently the admin decided to expand his advertising activities. The program looks really special with a totally unique script and a lot of interesting features which I’m going to discuss in a more detailed review in a few days. For today I just want to tell you that the program accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and direct bank wires. Investments can start from as low as $10 and you can choose between the fixed rate plans that will pay you 1% for 100 business days, 1.6% for 130 business days, and 2% for 150 business days with the principal returned on expiry and a variable daily rate available for two more plans where you can withdraw your principal any time you like. Unfortunately RFIGroup only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney but I heard the payouts are processed instantly, plus bank wires are also accepted with deposits via LR and PM taken in both dollars and euros. At first glance you might see that RFIGroup seems to be quite complicated, especially if English is not your native language, but there’s a nice solution for that – if you click on the Language button on top of each page you can choose from seven other languages that might suit you better. All in all, RFIGroup looks like a very well thought out website with a huge potential to become a rising star among long term programs – it’s running off an original script, the site is multi-lingual, and SSL secured by Comodo. What I don’t quite like is the hosting on a dedicated server provided by an unknown company called Webzilla, which I believe doesn’t provide adequate DDoS protection for RFIGroup‘s server. In any case, the project looks at least interesting to review so I’ll have that soon.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrownOilOfAsiaProForexUnion, PerfectForex, AirCargoXpress, ForexPlaza,  BriscoFund (the first payment received).
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, SureInv, StallionGold, TureProfit, CostaAlliance, BensonUnion, Stravia, FatProfit, TrackInvest, AXAIndustriesRewardsWeekly, Black&WhiteFund, ADSolid, MyFxCapital, HytexAGWorldGemsInvest, ZenithPay.
From MNO Standard list: TradExFund, AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: CheeseCash, PayTrade, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, PerfectLottery, Money&Credit,  TheInvestmentBank, ZenithUnion.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Please visit my blog tomorrow for a detailed review of MasterEarn and the regular daily news from the HYIP industry which is getting very active this spring. See you then, folks!

, which is your own money back plus 12% net profit.

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