March 2013 Archives

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Beware! BriscoFund has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Tonight I’m going to continue with the new programs joining the MNO monitoring page in recent days with a closer look at one called BriscoFund. By the way I have new programs to tell you about queuing up every day until next Wednesday already. I hope there’s going to be at least something in there that you will like, but if you don’t want to wait for the reviews you can just go ahead and visit my monitoring page anytime and check them out for yourselves. But sticking with BriscoFund for the moment, this is a brand new long term HYIP that just started up last weekend. Let’s take a closer look at the plans and other features and see if there’s anything there you might like to see added to your portfolio or indeed if you think it’s even suitable for you at all.

So what you have on offer in BriscoFund is basically just one investment plan but which is subsequently broken down into four sub-plans, or four levels if you prefer, that offer various rates of interest depending on the size of your principal. The term runs for the same duration regardless of your deposit. You can join for a minimum deposit of $10 and for anything up to a maximum of $500 you will be in Level 1. The plan runs for 250 calendar days (a little over eight months or thereabouts) during which BriscoFund will pay you a daily interest rate of 1.6%. This eventually adds up to 400% which can be considered your net profit once BriscoFund return your principal as promised. A more important statistic of course is when exactly will you break even, in other words earn back an amount of money equivalent to your original deposit and therefore making it impossible for you to lose money. For this plan you would reach this point after 63 days.

And that’s pretty much how things continue, with the only variant being the interest rate rises as you spend more money. For instance, a deposit starting from $501 up to a maximum amount of $3,000 which puts you in Level 2, will have BriscoFund paying you a daily rebate of 1.8% for the same 250 day term. This would allow you to break even 56 days into the term and complete it with a final total of 450%. BriscoFund should then add your principal on top of that.

Level 3 starts with deposits of at least $3,001 and can be anything up to a maximum figure of $7,000. BriscoFund offer a daily interest payment of 2.5% for 250 calendar days on deposits here, adding up to 625% by the term’s completion (you should hopefully have broken even after 40 days). Your principal is then returned leaving this as your net profit.

And finally for the really big spenders out there BriscoFund‘s last option, Level 4, will cost you a minimum spend of at least $7,001 to join. Here for a 250 calendar day term daily interest payments at a rate of 3.5% which I must say is pretty ambitious though I doubt the plan will get many takes at that price so hopefully won’t put too much of a drain on BriscoFund‘s cash reserves and damage the chances for smaller and smarter investors to make a profit. Anyway, supposing you were to make a deposit here the idea would be to reach the break even point 29 days into the term and complete it with payments amassing to 875% in total. BriscoFund should then add your initial deposit to that figure.

Before I tell you about the payment options – which are good – there’s just a couple of other features about the BriscoFund investment plans you might like to be aware of. One is the early withdrawal clause. If a 250 day term is a bit much for you to commit to or if you should suddenly need to get your money back for any reason then members are allowed to withdraw their principals and leave before completing the full term. Don’t view this as some sort of investment strategy however as you will be charged a whopping 50% penalty fee for doing so. It’s much better to consider every possible eventually before you commit to an investment, and don’t spend money you could possibly find yourself relying on in an emergency.

The other thing is the availability of compounding. BriscoFund have it on offer for all plans, however the rate will vary depending on which plan you are joining. It can be anything from 10% to 100% so if you are looking to increase the existing risk for the chance of getting an extra couple of dollars then check exactly which rate would apply to your chosen plan beforehand.

So the payment options like I just said are good, or at least up to a standard you would hope for in an online HYIP. BriscoFund are currently dealing with all the popular processors including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payouts are made manually by the admin and so will need to be requested from inside your private BriscoFund members account area. Once done you are asked to allow anything up to 24 hours for all transactions to be completed.

On the design and security side of the program, BriscoFund is running off a script under license from GoldCoders so will have a familiar appearance to most investors. Hosting is on a dedicated server by a relative newcomer (to the HYIP industry anyway) called MaxAntiDDoS. I can’t say much about their track record as they don’t really have one in comparison to the more established names, but I do believe the DDoS protection is provided by BlackLotus whose reputation is solid enough in that field. The BriscoFund website is also SSL secured by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If you have any further questions for the admin then you can get in touch with the admin by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. BriscoFund also have a Live Chat feature if you want to get your questions answered in real time. Incidentally, the contacts page suggests that BriscoFund also provide telephone support, however they’ve neglected to provide a contact number which looks a little bit amateurish to say the least. That, plus the banner that proudly declares the Live Chat to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week doesn’t help much either because as I’m writing this the so called 24/7 support happens to be offline.

Texts and website content is a straight copy/paste job that’s been used in dozens of other online HYIPs in the past. I suggest you ignore it. It doesn’t necessarily implicate this admin in any other failed programs of course, merely that the designer is either the same or at least borrows heavily from other sites. But it does more or less dismiss the claim that BriscoFund have any involvement with real business which in this case is claimed to be ForEx trading (original or not, that was always going to be highly unlikely in the HYIP industry anyway!). So as usual I think you know how this is going to end – set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose, have realistic expectations of what you might genuinely achieve by participating in the HYIP industry at all, and if joining BriscoFund then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



MajestiCrown (reviewed here) keeps surprising me with its stellar performance and amazing growth. In just three weeks online the program managed to become one of the most popular projects advertised on MNO and is firmly placed in the #1 spot on my Sticky Listing of eight programs. Such an incredible achievement was in no small part due to a lot of advertising space the admin bought on MNO and other popular HYIP-related websites, but more importantly by the flawless payouts record to SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and LibertyReserve. For those weeks I have never failed to get paid instantly and never heard any complaints from readers either. I remind you that by joining MajestiCrown you have an opportunity to invest in a 3.2%-3.5% for 90 business days plan with the original principal returned on expiry for a $20.

In today’s newsletter the admin of MajestiCrown admitted some issues with email deliveries which accompany every single deposit and withdrawal request and reported that it all had been fixed. He also talked about the next video newsletter which is coming soon and limited the amount of the official representatives of MajestiCrown to the current number of 20 people on standby to assist you with any questions. Here’s the most recent newsletter:

MajestiCrown – Short Update
Few members had problems with receiving email from us or they received it on spam folder. We have finally fixed our problem with mailserver, now all should be Okay.
Representative page is updated as well. Please note, that no more representatives will be added. We are receiving too many requests. Soon there will be a special form for this and we will start accepting again.
Video Newsletters will be published ones in a month. Next Video Newsletter will be uploaded after 7-12 days.
Please report if you have received this email in SPAM folder.
Best Regards


In today’s newsletter the admin of TrackInvest Lawrence proudly announced that his program was reviewed on MNO last night (click here to read it). Lawrence also thanks investors for their support and trust shown over the last 100 days and more TrackInvest has been paying. Plans, all with the principal returned on expiry, include 3.5% for 15 days, 4% for 30 days, 4.5% for 45 days, and 5% for 60 days. So TrackInvest managed to omplete several cycles already and brought investors some very nice profits in EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. On to the path to success TrackInvest chose a gradual advertising policy and only upgraded to Premium listing on MNO after paying for 100 days, which characterized the admin as a professional who knows exactly how to run his program. After the recent admission that he was also the admin of Black&WhiteFund (sorry, but I still can’t believe he actually bought it from someone else!) Lawrence decided to make a total overhaul of his second project (you can read the original review here) by adding more investment options to the already available investment plan that paid originally from 11% to 14% interest for the duration of 10 business days with no principal back on expiry. In addition to the original plans in Black&WhiteFund he also introduced a few more with the principal returned on expiry of the term – 3.5% for 15 days, 4% for 30 days, 4.5% for 45 days, 5% for 60 days. As you can see the new plans in Black&WhiteFund now mirror those in TrackInvest which only confirms my theory of the admin’s desire to move his second project to the point of success with which his first one TrackInvest is already enjoying. By the way, I’m going to send a few questions to Lawrence tomorrow, so if you have anything interesting on your mind you can drop a line to my email address and I will gladly include your own questions for the interview as well. I’m sure that with the support TrackInvest has now the project will be growing even further and with the the same investment plans offered by Black&WhiteFund you can choose which program you like more, but remember that those two are officially run by one admin now, so if one project scams the second one will follow shortly after, so do not consider this as diversification of your portfolios. Here’s the latest newsletter from the admin of TrackInvest which will be also of interest to members of Black&WhiteFund:

TrackInvest | Review by MNO and Other Updates
Dear Member;
This news letter is being sent to keep you informed about our program and latest developments. Before proceeding, we would like to take this chance to thank you for all your support, confidence and trust in our services.
Our Program has been reviewed by the MNO – Money News Online admin; below is the link to access for those who are the interested;
As you may already know that we have acquired Black&WhiteFund Ltd. We have changed the hosting, website design and investment programs. All our members can also join this program.
Also if you are satisfied with our services, please don’t hesitate to hit the like button in face book page; here is the link;
Please always inform us if you have any problem relating to your account, payments and any other things. Also, do inform us if you want to see any further improvements.
Thank you, Lawrence Newman


Although SphereINV only launched yesterday and the first investment cycle paying 133% after 3 days will only be completed in two days from now, the admin seems to be pretty active and already today sent out two newsletters to members. In the first he reports a glitch for deposits made via EgoPay after they were listed as one of the payment processors accepted by SphereINV. The original list included only SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney which were all accepted starting from a $10 minimum:

SphereINV EgoPay Technical Glitch
Thank you for your understanding in the time it took us to repair a slight technical glitch with EgoPay deposits. All users should have no further issue regarding any EgoPay deposits and should be able to deposit as normal for EgoPay and all other e-currencies.
Regards, The SphereINV Team

In the second newsletter that followed shortly afterwards it was announced that SphereINV website is moving to BlockDos hosting provider very soon and that that was the decision made after a DDoS attack on their current servers. I myself didn’t notice any donwtime but the question arises – why would the admin not purchase BlockDos hosting right from the start as he should have expected attacks from his competitors. Anyway, it’s positive news provided it’s true, of course, and hopefully that move (whenever it happens) will make SphereINV more resilient against attacks and hackers. Here’s the latest news from them:

SphereINV welcomes BlockDOS
We are moving to BlockDOS shortly. The site may need some time to propagate in your area. We were subjected to a large scale attack today. This is a side effect of growing popularity. Thank you for being a member of SphereINV.


After last night’s devastating news from the long-term leader ProfitableSunrise and their subsequent move to Scam status tonight on MNO, today another giant seems to be on the verge of collapse – FelminaAlliance. Apparently the admin decided to pay selectively and although I was paid promptly to SolidTrustPay recently, my withdrawal to LibertyReserve has been pending for over 36 hours now which never happened before. In addition to that, the admin refuses to reply to my support ticket and explain the possible reason for the delay. That made me move FelminaAlliance to Problem status on the MNO monitor. I can only speculate that the most recent newsletter from the administration admitting bank wire issues and promising to find a solution to that soon was nothing more than stalling tactics and a bluff. Yes, no one can deny that FelminaAlliance was one of the biggest projects online and paying for more than 19 months. However there was also an undeniable warning sign reported by some investors (though none in my downline) who said they were told to change their deposits from payment processors to bank wires which were later “delayed”. Looking back we can speculate that it was just a trick from the admin to prolong the lifetime of the program, and if so then he succeeded because FelminaAlliance kept paying for months after the first such reports surfaced. All good things come to an inevitable end though which is especially true in the HYIP industry. FelminaAlliance is getting moved to Problem status on MNO, and it will share the fate of his main rival ProfitableSunrise and go to Scam status on my monitor tomorrow if the withdrawals do not resume by that time.

The second program moving to Problem status on my monitor tonight and also due to selective payouts is TradExFund. Despite the admin’s assurance that his program was here for a long term, it only managed to survive one full cycle and scammed everyone. I must admit I was still paid promptly when I received a complaint from a reader today which I independently verified and so moved TradExFund to Problem status straight after that. Please do not invest in TradExFund as it’s a proven selectively paying scam now!


A brand new short term game with a variety of on expiry plans was added to MNO Standard Listing tonight – SwiftMoney. The program offers investments via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay starting from a $10 minimum. Profits will depend on the amount you deposit and include 105%-120% after 1 day, 140%-450% after 7 days, 205%-1200% after 15 days, 310%-2500% after 25 days, 600%-5000% after 50 days. As you can see, there’s nothing obviously special there but I see similar programs running for quite some time, so provided the admin and his investors are up for the challenge the game could run for some time. As SwiftMoney is running off a licensed GoldCoders script payments have to be requested by investors manually and are promised to be paid by the admin within 16 hours maximum. The website is SSL secured by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server with Koddos DDoS protection. I’ll have a more detailed review of SwiftMoney highlighting the investment plans in a few days, so keep an eye out for that. The launch of SwiftMoney today the admin commemorated with the first newsletter posted on the website and welcoming new members:

You Asked For It? You Got It
Thats right, thats right! We are finally open and ready to launch the turnaround of things in motion. Our registration process is now open and you are good to go with your sign-up application. Go ahead and claim your account right now at no cost and within several minutes. No papers/signatures. We have a bright future ahead of us and we will do everything in our power to stay around for years to come. Our advertising efforts, your advertising efforts and our marketing policy and trading techniques will help us stay afloat at all times, whether there is a financial crisis or not. Also we would love to hear from you in case you have any problems with the system and we will aim to resolve them just as soon as we can, as well as if you have any ideas on how to improve the website feel free to forward them all to our customer service department. We value your feedback. Talk to us, earn with us, stick with us.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrownOilOfAsiaProForexUnion, PerfectForex, AirCargoXpress, GSAOnlineInvestments,  BriscoFund, LucraFund.
From MNO Premium list: SureInv, StallionGold, TureProfit, 4FXInvestmentBensonUnion, Stravia, TrackInvest, Nubcoyu, ExpressProfitShares, MyFxCapital, ADSolid, HurricaneAssetsWorldGemsInvest, EmpireFinanceGroup, RFIGroup, SphereINV, MoneyBox (the first payment received), BlueFxStorm (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome, SwiftMoney (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic listXtremeRichness, PayTrade, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, VenturInvest, Fxen, Money&Credit, ZenithUnion, TheInvestmentBank, SwissInvestFund.

That’s all for today, guys. I hope to see you on MNO tomorrow with all the latest news from the HYIP industry plus a more detailed look at a promising new long-term project called RFIGroup that has been paying well so far and only launched a few days ago. So stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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