March 2013 Archives

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Beware! LucraFund has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! It’s looking like a typically quiet start to the weekend for news stories this Saturday, which is fine by me as I’m still on vacation here in sunny Barbados and have plenty of new programs lined up to tell you about in the little spare time I have anyway. But I’m also glad of a slow news day because the program I’m looking at today is potentially a massive hit and has been causing a good deal of excitement around the industry since opening in the middle of the week. It’s called LucraFund and I know many of you have already joined it from the feedback I’ve been getting from readers. LucraFund is a short/mid term program with a number of highly lucrative plans. Basically these are then divided into two categories – those that make daily interest payments and those that pay you just once on expiry. So lets take a closer look at what’s being offered here and see if all this excitement about the program is justified and if it could really become the next big short term giant.

LucraFund have plans suitable to investors of all financial means, but the best news is that you can join for a minimum of just $10 so it’s open to members with just the smallest amounts of spare cash. I’m going to start with what’s called The Alpha Plan which is the group that pays you on expiry. I must say though that in a very competitive business you have to make yourself stand out from the crowd if you want to be a success, and that’s exactly what the LucraFund admin has done here by putting a very interesting twist on his investment plans. Ordinarily HYIPs will pay higher returns on bigger deposits, but not so with LucraFund. What the admin does here is to pay lower rates to bigger investors, but the twist is he pays you faster! It’s quite a fresh and novel idea for a program like this, and really seems to turn the whole risk versus average daily earnings ratio completely on its head.

Here’s how it works. Deposits from a $10 minimum up to $999 are held for 14 calendar days. On expiry the LucraFund admin will then make one single payment of 149%, which includes your principal. So in other words if you invested let’s say $100, two weeks later you get back $149.

But let’s say you wanted to invest more than that, from a minimum of $1,000 up to a maximum limit of $1,999. LucraFund won’t pay you more like a traditional HYIP, but they will put you in a smaller profit only faster. Deposits here are rewarded with a single on expiry payment of 148% which includes your principal (so that’s 48% net profit), at the end of a term running for 12 calendar days.

Deposits between a $2,000 minimum up to a $2,999 maximum are held for a term running for 10 calendar days. On expiry LucraFund make one single payment which includes your principal of 145%, so it’s your own money back plus 45% net profit.

Larger investors can, at a cost between a $3,000 minimum deposit and a $3,999 maximum, avail of a single on expiry payment of 140% (your own money back plus an extra 40% profit from LucraFund) after a term of 8 calendar days.

And finally for anyone prepared to join LucraFunds with at least $4,000 the admin offers a single payment of 133% on expiry of a term running just 6 calendar days. This of course includes your initial principal so you’re left with 33% net profit for yourself. In percentage terms not as much as the smaller investors, but what you’re paying foe here is the speed of the return, and 33% after less than a week is pretty damn good in anyone’s book and on a profit per day basis is actually more lucrative. Maximum spend for this plan is $9,999.

The second group of plans sees LucraFund return to a more regular HYIP environment, and as they’ll be making daily interest payments here I suspect they’ll also be the more popular. In this case all investment options run for a term of 10 calendar days with interest payments to members factoring in the original principal which is not then returned on expiry. In contrast to LucraFunds previous set of plans, here it’s the bigger investors that get offered the more generous payments.

You can still join for a $10 minimum, and in return for anything up to $999 LucraFund are offering a daily interest payment of 13.5% for 10 calendar days. This adds up to 135% in total on expiry, but as the admin will not be returning your principal it’s 35% net profit for yourself. Or to put that in monetary terms, let’s say you invested $100 here. LucraFunds will then pay you back $13.50 per day, every day until you have $135 back in your pocket. That includes your own initial hundred so at that point you’re finished with them unless you like your chances with a second, third, fourth, etc, cycle.

The remaining options are better suited to the bigger investors, so if that includes you then have a read and see what you think. If you sign up with a $1,000 minimum or up to a $1,999 maximum LucraFund are offering you a daily interest payment of 14% for a 10 calendar day term. This adds up to 140% by the final day, and with your principal already being counted that leaves 40% net profit for members.

For a $2,000 minimum investment LucraFund are paying a daily interest rebate of 14.5% for 10 calendar days. By the final payment this will add up to 145%, including your original deposit, so that’s 45% profit for you. Maximum spend to avail of this rate is $2,999.

Deposits starting from $3,000 up to a maximum of $3,999 are offered a daily interest payment of 15% for 10 calendar days. LucraFund as always factor your own money into the payments so when the final payout arrives and you have a total comig to 150%, that’s 50% net profit.

And finally for the biggest spenders looking to invest anything from a $4,000 minimum LucraFund offer a daily payment of 15.5% interest. This allows you to complete the 10 calendar day term with earnings that come to 155% in total which inclues your principal, so it’s 55% net profit. This applies to anything up to a $9,999 maximum, the top figure accepted by LucraFund though if you really wanted to take a more reckless gamble I imagine there’s nothing preventing you from having several deposits running simultaneously there’s nothing stopping you from doing so.

The admin seems to have gotten it right as regards the payment options, having all the popular and not so popular ones in place right form day one. LucraFund are taking deposits via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, and PexPay. To make it all more attractive payouts to members are made automatically. Just log into your private LucraFund members account area and make the request. Once done payments are then made at 60 minute intervals, so depending on how close you are to the next scheduled batch you should see the cash in your chosen e-currency account in under an hour. So far as far as I can see I think most of my own payments were instant though, so that would be even better.

On the design and security side of the program LucraFund is really quite good and ahead of a lot of its rivals which would suggest (and I suspect this to be the case myself) an experienced admin who knows what he’s doing and has some very serious plans to take his project all the way to the top. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and DDoS protection of BlockDos who remain the number one provider in the HYIP industry and widely acknowledged as the most dependable for maximum uptime. LucraFund is running off a totally unique and custom made script developed especially for this program so you won’t have seen it in use before. Despite that, it’s still user friendly throughout, very easy to navigate and I think maybe another indicator of how qualified the admin is and how seriously he’s taking this. The LucraFund website is also SSL encrypted for more secure transactions and safer browsing. Should you have any further questions for the admin that you feel weren’t really covered in this review or any account related issues that need dealing with then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page.

Regarding the texts and website content, what little of it there is is perfectly original, though seems to be a little bit thin on facts and verifiable information. I don’t mean that as a criticism as such, indeed I have very little interest in the business claims made by HYIP admins and generally dismiss them myself, but I just feel these things should be covered how ever briefly for the sake of those new to the business. For the record the LucraFund admin says the program is a ForEx trading company though I don’t see anything there to suggest this is true so get with the more experienced industry players and don’t start wasting your time looking into something you won’t find. So while I’m pleased as you can imagine to have such a high quality program as LucraFund listed on my monitor right from the day it started, I’m still not going to treat it any differently. That means establishing a sensible spending limit that you can easily afford to lose if things start going awry as they so often do in the HYIP industry, and if joining LucraFund at all you should try and keep them as a smaller part of wider more diverse portfolio.



Today the first lucky investors saw their first payouts from SphereINV‘s only investment plan paying 133% after 3 days for deposits starting from $10 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. The admin also reported the successful completion of BlockDos protection installation and upgraded its listing on MNO to Sticky for 30 days. I hope it’s all the positive signs of the program’s development we’re able to see now of which the admin reported in the latest newsletter. You can expect a more detailed review of SphereINV to be published on MNO in a couple of days:

SphereINV Newsletter
We have completed our transition to BlockDOS protection. With our growing popularity, BlockDOS will be able to handle anything that is thrown at our website.
Also our first cycle of investors have completed, congratulations to all of you.
Enjoy your weekend!


GSAOnlineInvestments was a very promising program that launched only a couple of weeks ago offering a variety of medium to long term plans and automatic payouts to LR and PM. Unfortunately a problem with their unique script occurred yesterday which caused some investors (including me) have their PerfectMoney automatic withdrawals missed. I was hoping that the administration would be able to fix this quickly, but it looks like it’s not going to happen. Both the main site with the .com extension and the mirror site on .net are currently not functioning and the website is fully down. There was a message that appeared on both websites of GSAOnlineInvestments for a few hours today informing of some technical works on the server but nothing is loading now once again. It would be a shame if some programming error would cause the collapse of such a quality program like this, however for the moment I have to move GSAOnlineInvestments to Problem status on MNO. And even if the site is back online I will have to make sure first that the withdrawals are working fine again and payments are made promptly before moving it back to Paying status on MNO. The latest newsletter from GSAOnlineInvestments can be read below, but no further announcements are available yet:

GSAOnlineInvestments. Accident.
Dear investor, in date center where our main server is located there was an accident therefore we temporarily moved to other address – As soon as will pass recovery work, we will pass to the old address. Thanks for understanding.


It looks like the admin of Nubcoyu (interviewed here) is back to his former routine and getting quite active after a week’s vacation when no new deposits or withdrawals were processed due to a business trip. Nubcoyu is again working fine and the members are paid promptly to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve from the 1.4% for 200 business days investment plan. During the six months online and five of them on MNO, Nubcoyu (reviewed here) had its ups and downs mostly connected with delayed payouts, but at the moment the project looks stable again. In today’s newsletter the admin announced the winners of the February contest and introduced new contests for the month of March. Best of luck to anyone taking part, and you can read more details on in today’s newsletter published below:

Nubcoyu Contest for March 2013
Dear Valued Investors,
Good night from Japan! I’m right here again with the results for the contests for the February Round along with the brand new contest for the March 2013 Round!
March 2013 Round’s Contests
1) NY Spring Referral Contest – Find the most downlines and earn the most referral commissions!
Duration: Now – March 31st
1st – $100, 2nd – $50, 3rd – $25
2) NY MoneyMakerGroup Grand Contest
Rules: Post about NY at the MMG Forum! That might include:
1. Useful discussions
2. Payment Proofs
3. Talk about NY updates and assessments
Please refrain from spamming the board or making disrespectful comments. We’re all family here and I’d be glad to support everyone!
How the prizes are calculated?
At the end of the month (March 31st), I’ll be personally counting the posts made by the users. Those who make the most posts will win the contest. When we count, we include useful posts and payment proofs! SPAMMY posts will NOT be counted.
1st Prize: $200 Bonus, 2nd Prize: $100 Bonus, 3rd Prize: $50 Bonus
I’m looking forward to see everyone there.
Results For The February Round
1) NY Referral Contest
1st Skimo2012 – $263.49
2nd SiamKrabiNY – $237.13
3rd casanotaNY – $222.29
2) NY Member of the month
Amanda Raine – Thanks for your hard work! We appreciate your new header for out NY Family! Visit our Facebook page to find her there.
Amanda’s Facebook:
Heads UP! Nubcoyu Magazine Issue 13 coming tomorrow!
Regards, Nubcoyu Umezawa


The newest addition to MNO Sticky Listing today is EliteBank. The program itself though can’t really be called new as it’s been online and paying for 24 days. That’s a very good achievement considering the on expiry short-term investment plans EliteBank is offering – 104%-120% after 1 day, 130%-200% after 7 days, 200%-800% after 14 days, 800%-3000% after 28 days, 9000% after 45 days, 15000% after 55 days. The choice of payment processors accepted is really good and includes all the popular ones – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve – while you can join from only a $10 minimum. Withdrawals can be requested from your member’s area in EliteBank and are promised to be completed within 8 hours, which is quite fast for this type of program. The site runs off a licensed GoldCoders script, is SSL-secured by Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with the best BlockDos protection against DDoS attacks. EliteBank really looks very good in my opinion, and the only drawback is the program may seem too old for short term investors now. I cannot predict the future and tell you how long more EliteBank will run, but we had some examples of similar programs running for two months and more, so it’s only up to the admin now. A full review of EliteBank will be posted on MNO next week, so check again for more analysis of the program’s main features and investment plans.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrownOilOfAsiaProForexUnion, AirCargoXpress, LucraFund, SphereINV, EliteBank (the first payment received).
From MNO Premium list: StallionGold, TureProfit, AXAIndustries, TrackInvest, Stravia, Nubcoyu, RewardsWeekly, ADSolid, MalaysianINC, BlueFxStorm, HytexAG, MasterEarnWorldGemsInvest, EmpireFinanceGroup, RFIGroup, BlueFxStorm, MoneyBox, InvestiField (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, SwiftMoney, AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic listPayTrade, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, Fxen, ZenithUnion, SwissInvestFund.

That’s all for tonight, guys. Hope you found the info provided interesting and useful as a HYIP investor. I’ll see you all tomorrow with a full review of BlueFxStorm plus any news updates of the monitored programs. So stay tuned for that and see you all then!


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