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01/04/2013. AVVGlobal Review and Daily New from the Industry


Beware! AVVGlobal has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend, unless of course Monday is a holiday for you as I know it is for many readers here in which case carry on with the celebrations! Anyway, to start off the new week I’m looking at another of the most recent additions to the MNO monitoring page called AVVGlobal which has been online for almost two weeks now but only joined MNO over the holiday weekend. So let’s see what AVVGlobal have to offer and if you think they might be worth joining or not.

First up, what of the investment plans you might ask, after all this is the single biggest feature to any program and the most decisive factor in whether you join or not. There’s a good mix in there that will interest many of you, mainly focusing on medium to longer term investments, and with quite affordable minimum requirements to join. AVVGlobal‘s first plan for instance, called The Startup Account, costs just $5 to join. The term runs for 15 calendar days, during which you are a daily payout of 1.5% interest on your principal. This adds up to 22.5% in total by the term’s end, at which point AVVGlobal return your initial deposit leaving that as your net profit. The maximum spending limit for this plan is $500.

A riskier but ultimately more profitable option is The Normal Account which runs for 30 calendar days. It’s still affordable though as AVVGlobal‘s minimum requirement for joining only goes up to $10, approximately the industry average right now. In return they offer members a daily interest payment of 2%, which adds up to 60% in total by expiry. You only see a profit therefore once AVVGlobal return your principal and add it to your payments. Maximum amount you can join this particular plan with is capped at $5,000.

The Progressive Account is next on the list, being AVVGlobal‘s third plan. Running for a term of 60 calendar days this time, members are offered a daily interest payment of 2.5%. The minimum cost of joining if you’d like to participate is $15 and the payments eventually come to 150% in total. AVVGlobal then return your original deposit and add it to this. Maximum spend is $50,000.

The fourth plan, and also the most expensive but with a very affordable $20 minimum, is called The Advanced Account. This one runs for 90 calendar days and offers members a daily payment of 3% interest on their principals. This eventually adds up to 270%. Your initial deposit is then added to this, being returned to you in a separate payment. AVVGlobal‘s maximum limit for the plan is $250,000, effectively meaning you can spend whatever you like.

Apart from a good variety of investment plans, AVVGlobal match that with a good variety of payment processors. All the popular ones are in place, such as SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. That’s fast becoming a minimum expectation from more and more investors these days, though what AVVGlobal holds a slight advantage over the competition is the use of instant payouts, which are made to most of the processors. You will still need to log in to your private members account area and make the request of course, but once you’ve done this your payout should appear EP, LR, and PM in under a minute. This service is not currently being made available to STP investors (perhaps the admin thinks this will discourage members from using it, I really don’t know) so if going through them your payment will be handled manually.

Making an actual investment is not the only way you can earn from AVVGlobal by the way, as there are some bonuses available for the more active members. You will need an active investment to take advantage of this, but is you make 15 payment proof posts on the approved list of forums and monitors then you can claim a $5 bonus for yourself. When you’re making a withdrawal request from your account you’ll see the details of how to go about verifying this with the admin and then claiming the money.

The only other thing I can think of relevant to the plan that you might need to know is the use of compounding. If you’d like to increase the risk to your money in the hope of eventually getting a bigger payout then AVVGlobal will allow you to use the compounding feature, allowing them to keep all or part of your interest payments and add them to your principal.

The design and security features also appear to be up to an acceptable industry standard. The AVVGlobal website is running off a script that’s been licensed from GoldCoders, and for an extra layer of security features a secure SSL connection from Comodo to allow safer browsing and more secure transactions. Also included here is ClickID identity verification, an online service that authenticates the website and tells you that you are on the correct website you are. Just don’t think that somehow guarantees the safety of your investment or anything. Hosting is on a dedicated server protected by Staminus Communications.

Overall I have to say the website is quite user friendly, well designed to give a positive first impression, and easy to navigate. For any further questions about the program or important account related issues you might need to have dealt with then there’s a pretty goon communications set-up in place for the members. You can get in touch via several different methods, including the regular customer support form where you fill in your details and submit it online. AVVGlobal also list a telephone number if you think someone might pick up, and an e-mail address you can write to directly if you prefer that. The AVVGlobal website comes with a built-in Live Chat feature though I have to say I have never once seen it working myself. But you’re free to check that out in your own time and it won’t waste too much of your time to check it before sending a support ticket. You might also notice a postal address in the UK though I would suggest you ignore that as I recognize it (AVVGlobal aren’t the first HYIP to use this one) as a serviced office used only for correspondence. AVVGlobal are the latest program to employ a network of regional representatives, regular members like yourself who provide customer support on behalf of the program in their home countries and languages. You’ll find the list on their website as well as the contact details and languages spoken by each, so you may find one of them in your area. And lastly you’ll find AVVGlobal keeping profiles on Twitter and Facebook, though there hasn’t been any real use made of either up until now.

The texts and website content are quite comprehensive though generally as you might expect in the HYIP industry it’s all a bit vague and a case of “talking a lot without saying much” if you know what I mean. In other words there’s plenty about AVVGlobal supposedly being an asset management company, but nothing to actually prove it. Yes, there’s a certificate of incorporation, but these are readily and legally available for sale to anyone looking to buy one and have no connection with the day-to-day activities of the company. I’d also strongly advise you to ignore all claims made on AVVGlobal‘s website about your money being “guaranteed”. I can promise you that as all money passing through the likes of LibertyReserve is untraceable and moved anonymously there isn’t a bank or insurance company on the planet that would do something that stupid, so don’t take the risk unless you’re happy with the potential consequences. Gambling isn’t for kids you know, so if you lose don’t think you can blame someone else for you spending more than you were able to afford to lose in the first place. So treat AVVGlobal as you would anything else in the HYIP industry and stay, as I said, within a sensible spending limit. And of course also remember that AVVGlobal would be better kept as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



The chain of closures the HYIP industry is suffering for the last week or so continued today with the sudden death of MoneyBox and ProTraders. Well, I guess the admin of MoneyBox himself didn’t expect the technical difficulties his site experienced yesterday would result in the demise of his program. However where another program could recover, there was no such luck here. As per the rules of the program investors could withdraw their principals and profits at any time, so such downtime would surely be devastating with over the half the investors demanding their money back. Even for real banks panic like that would be fatal, never mind online HYIPs like MoneyBox. The program lasted for 45 days and those who were not very greedy and maybe luckier than others were able to request their principals back after receiving some profits from the program. I remind you that MoneyBox paid 1.5% daily with the principal available for withdrawal at any time, so all your luck and profit in the program totally depended on the strategy you planned. Congratulations if you saw a profit and commiserations to anyone at a loss. In any case, even if MoneyBox comes back online in the near future, please be aware that it’s a proven scam already and do not invest there.

The admin of ProTraders behaved in a really weird way as today the payouts stopped and therefore the program was moved to Problem status on MNO, and deservedly so. I wouldn’t even bother to discuss this fact on my blog tonight, if not for some odd behavior. Exactly two days ago ProTraders paid me for the Premium listing on MNO which is quite costly by itself but he also purchased a big banner on my blog for a month paying over $2,200 via LibertyReserve. Since I didn’t even get the chance to feature them on my blog I have no idea why he threw away so much money on advertising if he planned to close the project on the following day. Maybe something really bad happened to one of his e-currency accounts, only that can explain such a sudden departure. In any case ProTraders is done now, so please do not invest there!

Finally, the situation with RFIGroup is still unclear, and I moved it to Waiting status on MNO earlier as I couldn’t load the site all day long. Maybe it’s under DDoS attack as happened many HYIP sites recently, but the admin remains silent about it so far and I haven’t got a reply from him yet. In any case tomorrow RFIGroup will be moved either to Problem or back to Paying status on MNO depending on its accessibility. As for the payouts, they were always processed instantly when the site was online, so I’m hopeful they might resume. I’ll keep you updated and report the latest news from RFIGroup (if there is any) by tomorrow, so stay tuned for that and check the program’s status often.


I’m glad to report that EmpireFinanceGroup which has been paying investors for about three years now managed to open a mirror site today with the .org extension. It’s useful in case the main .com site goes down for some reason as you can still visit .org and get paid instantly as usual to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Plans include 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days, all with principal back on expiry. Also, please note that due to this being a holiday EmpireFinanceGroup‘s investors are not paid the usual daily interest. If you want to find out more about this long term program, please check out my review of EmpireFinanceGroup published here. And the new update on the site’s enhanced stability can be found below:

EmpireFinanceGroup – protected mirror opened – EmpireFinanceGroup
Starting new week with good news, we are pleased to announce that now our site is hosted on two dedicated protected servers.
We have rent new more powerful and faster dedicated server (Dual Xeon E5 2620 2 GHz – 24 Cores With HT) with protection from DDoS attacks and opened mirror of our website at
Now, if you have any trouble loading main site, you can get on our mirror, we are constantly thinking about stability and security and that is why we are sure you are happy working with our investment company.
EmpireFinanceGroup Support Department


LittleBigProfit is a new program joining my Standard listing tonight. I guess its funny name derives from the relatively little 1% interest that is credited to your account every hour during the 240 hours (10 calendar days) which eventually results in a big overall return of 240% at the end of the term. LittleBigProfit accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay starting with a $1 minimum and all withdrawals are processed by the custom script instantly, so will be on your e-currency accounts within seconds of requesting them. I quite like the script LittleBigProfit runs off and believe the admin makes some small adjustments along the way as I found already two pieces of news over the first nine days online informing investors of new features. You can see all the latest stats updated in real time from your member’s area anyway, and the admin never hid that he’s running a game that can end anytime and openly admits it – a no-nonsense attitude which I like. That’s why I guess the program has been online for over a week now and is on the verge of completing the first cycle. I’ll discuss LittleBigProfit further in my review tomorrow, but will just add that the site is properly SSL secured by Thawte and hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server provided by Koddos. More details on LittleBigProfit tomorrow!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: EliteCapitalClub, ADSolid, OptiEarn, ElegantForex, SwissInvestFund, BriscoFund.
From MNO Premium list: InvestiField, TureProfit, BensonUnion, Stravia, RewardsWeekly306BZ, MalaysianINC, WorldGemsInvest, NorthlandOpps, EaglesInvestment, MasterEarn, WavEarn, Financa, AVVGlobal, EarningAlliance.
From MNO Standard list: AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome, MoneyInSports, LittleBigProfit (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: SixDaysProfit, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, MakingBank,  TheInvestmentBank, PrimeLookUp, StrongForex.

That’s it for this evening, guys. I hope to see you tomorrow for any further news from the HYIP industry and the review of LittleBigProfit, so stay tuned and see you all then!WorldGemsInvest

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