06/04/2013. TrueFinance Review and Daily News from the Industry
Beware! TrueFinance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everybody! Hope you’re all having a nice weekend so far. It’s been a quiet end to the week for news stories, with today being no exception. In fact not only is there a shortage of news stories, there’s an almost total lack of good ones with even more problems and warnings coming today. But before I get to the few updates there are for today I want to start with a new short term addition to the MNO monitoring page called TrueFinance. It’s new enough and you might have noticed it earlier on my monitors Basic Listing section. The admin decided to upgrade a couple of days ago so I’ll take a closer look at the main features of TrueFinance for you tonight and we’l see if there’s anything there that you might think worth adding to your own portfolios.
Starting with the plans then, I’m sure you’ll recognize the style of TrueFinance here as a huge number of similar to identical programs have come to dominate the shorter term HYIP industry in recent times. And it must be said that while some of them are best forgotten as failures, a good number of them were outstanding success stories. Not all the plans are short term by the way, indeed some are medium and bordering on long term, though experienced players will know not to look any further than the shorter term options. I’ll run through them all for you anyway so you can make up your own minds, but whatever you choose TrueFinance only require a very affordable $10 minimum to join, so whatever else you may think about the risk of such HYIPs it isn’t really all that bad unless you yourself make it so. Stick to what you can afford to lose and the whole experience might even turn out to be kinda fun!
As I said the minimum spend is $10 and the first plan runs for just 1 calendar day, paying on expiry. So in other words join today and get paid tomorrow. A deposit up up to $499 sees TrueFinance offer you a return of 105%, and include your principal as part of the payment. So it’s your own money back plus 5% net profit. Larger deposits starting from $500 up to $999 gets you a return of 106%, and anything between $1,000 to $1,999 should bring in 107%. Larger deposits are accepted of course, though if you’re serious about spending that kind of money then you can find the details in your TrueFinance members account area.
The second plan will also set you back a $10 minimum to join and runs for 3 calendar days. TrueFinance again offer one single payout on expiry which combines your initial principal plus your net profit. In this case an investment of up to $499 should get you back 117%, or your own money plus 17% profit. For bigger investors TrueFinance offer 120% on expiry for amounts between $500 and $999, and 123% for anything between $1,000 and $1,999. See your members account area for further details if interested in spending anything beyond that.
The third plan runs for a term of 5 calendar days and also pays on expiry. The same $10 minimum deposit is required to join and for anything up to $499 TrueFinance are paying back 134% interest, a figure that includes your principal so that’s 34% profit for yourself. For anyone brave enough to go further than that then the following rates are offered:
138% for deposits between $500 and $999, and 144% for $1,000 up to $1,999. For the rates available to bigger deposits I suggest you see the TrueFinance members area.
TrueFinance‘s next plan pays on expiry after a term of 10 calendar days and costs $10 to join. Your final payment will also include your principal. The return will be 156% on anything up to a maximum value of $499. If you’re feeling lucky and wish to take a bigger risk then TrueFinance make the following offers:
Spend from $500 to $999 and earn 167%, and from $1,000 to $1,999 and earn 178%. Again check out your TrueFinance members area to see what they offer to investments bigger than that.
As you can see the plans get more and more risky as the terms get longer. So it’s time to maybe start considering how realistic these figures are before getting too excited at the enormous rates available. But at least you can still join for a minimum spend of $10 and for TrueFinance‘s fifth investment plan which runs for a 25 calendar day term that can supposedly earn you 749% interest, paid on expiry and principal included, if depositing up to $499. Beyond that the rates are:
808% for $500 to $999, and 962% for $1,000 to $1,999. Larger investments are accepted (obviously!) so for information there see the TrueFinance members area. Though I think we might be moving away from plans you might take seriously and expect might have a chance of meeting their interest rates already by now.
Next up is a plan that’s perhaps best avoided (some might say the same for the previous plan as well, but anyway). It runs for 37 calendar days and pays once on expiry. The minimum deposit is $10 and for anything up to $499 the rate being offered is 1295%. Higher rates include:
1576% for $500 to $999, and 1857% for $1,000 to $1,999. And if all that doesn’t sound unfeasible enough then check out the TrueFinance members area for even more outlandish figures.
And finally there are two remaining longer term plans that cost quite a bit more to join. Unlikely to attract many takers and less likely to produce any results, but it’s your money so I’ll describe them to you anyway. First of all is one that costs a $100 minimum to join. It runs for 55 calendar days and makes one single payment of 5,000%. The other plan costs at least $200 to join. This time the term runs for 75 calendar days with TrueFinance offering 9,000% interest on expiry. Both plans take a $100,000 maximum.
So you can see, plenty of choice regarding the investment plans, though realistically you should really be looking at a limited number of them. I mean sure, we’d all like a 9000% return, but we’re just not gonna get it. At least from the almost hundreds of programs in the style of TrueFinance I’ve yet to see anyone deliver it anyway. On the other hand from those same hundreds of programs they have almost universally managed to deliver on rates such as 105%, and in many cases managed to do so for some very impressive numbers of cycles. So the trick here is more than just not being greedy, it’s about assessing the risk with a sensible and informed view, and going for a plan you genuinely believe can deliver what it promises.
Once you’ve done that then the choice of payment options are predictably decent as is usually the case with the more serious new programs, and you can sign up for TrueFinance using any of either SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. Though this might have been a minimum expectation anyway, TrueFinance improve on this a bit by offering instant payouts. You are still of course required to log in to your private TrueFinance members account area, though having done so the money should appear in your chosen payment processor account in under a minute. Just keep in mind that this service may not necessarily be guaranteed. In the event of the admin needing to turn this off temporarily for any reason (security, replenishment of accounts, etc) then you are asked to allow anything up to 12 to 15 hours for your payout to be made manually.
As for the design and security features to the program, well, that’s all pretty much to the standards one would generally expect from a program such as this. Maybe the design and layout are a little better than most programs of this style (though your own opinion is as good as anybody else’s) but the other main features are fairly standard. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos, and TrueFinance are running off a script that’s under license from GoldCoders. The website also has an extra layer of security with SSL encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. So nothing exactly distinctive or out-of-the-ordinary, but not much to complain about either. If you have any further questions for the TrueFinance admin or any account related issues that need dealing with you can get in touch mainly by filling in your details in the online e-mail customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. Unfortunately something a bit misleading is the so-called “Live Chat” support as I think the TrueFinance admin might just have a different understanding of what this is supposed to mean than the rest of us. Even though you might be told Live Chat is online, you are merely asked to submit your message plus your e-mail address and someone will reply to you, via e-mail, “as soon as possible”. So not exactly a one-on-one chat session that takes place in real time. Other than that you’ll see a telephone number if you think someone is actually going to answer, plus a postal address which I’d ignore as unlikely to be anything more than a serviced virtual office if genuine at all.
Texts are a straight copy/paste job lifted word-for-word from older HYIPs so I can only suggest you ignore any claims about TrueFinance‘s involvement in the world of real business investments, not that the rates of interest offered here would appear anywhere outside of online HYIPs anyway. So as ever be realistic in what you expect the program can really deliver (not what you’d like it to deliver) and keep your spending limit based accordingly to an affordable limit that you could comfortably lose and not have too many problems. And of course if joining TrueFinance then try to make more effective use of it by keeping them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Please note that the admin of Nubcoyu is playing tricks now and again returned all pending payouts to investors balances. He now requests you to withdraw again but promises to process only 30 payouts daily. To tell you the truth, I’m sick and tired of his attitude and I will keep the program on Scam status on MNO until ALL the payouts are processed as promised. If he thinks that his stalling tactics will buy him some time to lure more investors into his scam he’s totally mistaken and I’m not going to help him with that. This is the last newsletter I am going to publish from Nubcoyu on my blog today because as of now I consider my monitoring of this site totally finished, as I believe such empty promises and constant change of the rules to suit the admin and not the members intolerable. If you think otherwise, you can do what is required from you in order for you to have your money paid possibly at some point in the future, although I wouldn’t hold my breath. Here’s the last newsletter from Nubcoyu that will be posted on MNO as for me the program is now a confirmed scam and will stay on that status where it rightfully belongs:
“New Withdrawal Rules & Conditions in Effect!
Dear Valued Investors,
Greetings from Nubcoyu! I truly appreciate your patience during our crisis and your decision to stay with us. We’re now quite ready to return the favour by starting to process the withdrawals starting April 6th under the new withdrawal rule for everyone’s equality and advantage.
– We’ll process 30 queues a day regardless of payment processors.
– You can make up to $5 maximum and we’ve reduced the minimum withdrawal to $1 for your convenience.
– There’s no definite timeframe for the withdrawal request. The speed depends on the withdrawals in queue.
– We’ll cancel the pending withdrawals and will re-start from scratch starting now.
I understand this is not very favourable to everyone, but please understand that this is for our survival and for everyone’s benefits. Our new cafe has been setup and will start bringing in new profits monthly, however please provide us sometime for the growth and we shall lift the limit once everything returns to normal.
Once again, thank you for using Nubcoyu!
Regards, Nubcoyu Umezawa”.
Two programs were moved to Problem status on MNO tonight, both due to selective payouts. They are ADSolid and AVVGlobal so stay away from both of them now.
AVVGlobal became another quick scam pulling the plug just before the first principal payouts on its shortest investment plans were to be made. Today the usually instant payouts were switched off and ironically, only those who deposited via SolidTrustPay are still the ones getting paid as withdrawals to STP are still being made. However, even if you get paid to SolidTrustPay do not assume that AVVGlobal is alright, because the payouts to other payment processors – LibertyReserve, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney – are no longer made, not even manually. The admin is not answering my emails and so believe it’s the end of a short road for AVVGlobal which could otherwise have been a good program if the admin had any intentions of running it as such. Please do not invest there anymore, guys!
As for ADSolid, the program proved to be a total disappointment as it became obvious tonight that the admin is processing selective payouts already. Despite my emails to him he totally ignored them and my withdrawal to LibertyReserve is still in pending status for over 24 hours now, although by the program’s rules all the withdrawals lower than $50 must be processed instantly or within 24 hours at most. I must say the first warning came as early as Tuesday when the instant payouts stopped. The admin promised to fix everything by the following day, but nothing was ever done. I was paid manually within a few hours until yesterday, when the requested payout was moved to pending status and, as of today, was never sent to account. In addition to that, I have already received a couple of complaints from my readers stating that they have from two to four pending withdrawals in ADSolid with and no reply from the admin. If this is to be the end of the program we can conclude that for about three months online ADSolid was not even able to put the first investors into profit as it paid only 1.2% interest on business days. Fortunately it was never popular with MNO readers anyway, so I hope not many of you lost there. If you’re still getting paid by ADSolid, please consider the confirmed selective payouts at the moment and avoid re-depositing. I sincerely hope that this is not the end of the line for what was otherwise a quality program, but my gut-feeling tells me otherwise, especially considering so many scams lately. Let’s wait and see what happens to ADSolid and I’ll update you on MNO if I hear from the admin, but as of now please do not invest there until further notice!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, OptiEarn, ADSolid, SwissInvestFund, TrueFinance,.
From MNO Premium list: InvestiField, TureProfit, Stravia, 306BZ, RewardsWeekly, WorldGemsInvest, NorthlandOpps, RFIGroup, MasterEarn, Financa, EmpireFinanceGroup, EarningAlliance, AppleInv.
From MNO Standard list: AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome, MoneyInSports.
From MNO Basic list: SixDaysProfit, StrongForex, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, Fxen, TheInvestmentBank, ForexInvest.
That’s all for today, guys. Yes, I know – the news is not great, but that’s all we have for now. I hope next week we’ll see more quality projects opening as it has to happen sooner or later. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I’ll see you all here again on Monday. Bye for now!InvestiField/a
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Apr 6th, 2013.