Apr 12th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! StrongForex has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! To finish up business week – and to be honest it’s been one I’m glad to see the back of so hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend as much as I am – I want to start by taking a look at recently launched short term program called StrongForex. It’s not entirely a brand new program, at least not relative to its investment plans anyway, and if you watch my monitor you’ll have noticed it listed there for almost the last two weeks or so, StrongForex having launched at the end of March. You may wish to factor that into any decision to join the program or how much to invest, though growth up to now has been limited due to the program’s low profile so there’s little danger of it overheating (for the moment) if that would worry you. So before the day’s news section let’s have a look at the main features of StrongForex and see if there’s anything there you might like.

Even if you’ve never seen StrongForex before today there’s a chance you might be able to recite their investment plans from memory, they’re that common in the industry. What you have is a series of short term plans that pay you once on expiry and running for terms of varying lengths. The longer the term the more unlikely you are to get paid, but then for the shorter term options the available rates are quite reasonable, achievable, and, to a certain extent, sustainable for a certain number of cycles provided the admin has good intentions and nothing puts too big a drain on the cash reserves. I’m sure you’ll recognize the plans immediately once you see them, however something that StrongForex have that distinguishes them slightly from the competition is their first investment plan which pays members by the hour.

You can join this one for a minimum deposit of $300. The term then runs for 21 hours, and sees StrongForex pay you back 5% interest on your investment, which can be anything up to a maximum of $3,000, every hour. The high minimum needed to join may well put a lot of investors off joining, but if you decide to go ahead with it then your total payments will add up to 105%. StrongForex are factoring your own initial deposit into those payments already, so really it’s your own money back plus 5% net profit for yourself.

The remaining plans, there’s six in total, take on a more familiar appearance. The first of these plans runs for a term of just 1 single day and makes one interest payment on expiry, a payment that includes your principal. So join today and get paid tomorrow. The minimum cost of joining is cut back to just $10 this time, and for anything up to a deposit of $1,000 StrongForex offer a return of 104%, or 4% profit. You may make a larger deposit if you can afford to, and expect a higher percentage in return, such as a deposit of from $1,001 to $3,000 which will earn 105%. Check the StrongForex members area for information on larger investments if interested.

The next plan runs for a term of 4 calendar days and also pays on expiry. The same $10 minimum deposit is required to join and for anything up to $1,000 StrongForex are paying back 117%, principal included. So that’s 17% profit for yourself. For bigger deposits from $1,001 up to $3,000 they offer 122% on expiry. The rates available to bigger deposits can be seen in your private StrongForex members account area.

StrongForex‘s follow that with a plan paying on expiry of a term of 9 calendar days and again with your final payment include your principal. It is however really difficult to imagine any of the remaining plans being in any way shape or form sustainable for any significant number of cycles. Well, maybe on smaller deposits but I wouldn’t be betting big money here myself. The minimum cost of joining is $10 and the return will be 140% on anything up to a maximum value of $1,000. If you’re feeling lucky and wish to take a bigger risk then StrongForex are offering 155%, principal included, if you spend from $1,001 to $3,001. See your members area to find out what they offer to investments bigger than that.

For StrongForex‘s next investment plan the minimum deposit stays at $10. It runs for a 18 calendar day term and can supposedly earn you 400% interest, paid on expiry and principal included, if depositing up to $1,000. Beyond that the rates include 500% for deposits ranging from $1,001 to $3,000. Larger investments are accepted so for information there see the StrongForex members area.

Next up is a plan that runs for 33 calendar days and also pays once on expiry. The minimum deposit is $10 and for anything up to $1,000 the rate being offered is 700%. A deposit from $1,001 up to $3,000 is offered an even more unfeasible 1,000% interest. And if all that doesn’t sound impossible enough for you then check out the StrongForex members area for even more unlikely figures.

StrongForex‘s final plan is something I’ll just mention for information purposes. For a minimum investment of $3000 they offer one single payment of 999% after 9 days on all deposits up to a $10,000 maximum. But while some these later plans are clearly laughable it shouldn’t put people off StrongForex entirely because the one and four day plans have proven to be nice little earners for the investors who joined at the right time and have already made a successful investment/withdrawal.

So if there’s anything in the list of plans you like then the payment options are fair enough, or at least the minimum one should expect from any online HYIP these days. StrongForex are using SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve to handle payments in and out of the program. Payments are made manually by the admin and so require you to log in to your StrongForex account and make a request. Up until now I have to say my own withdrawals were usually pretty fast which is to be expected before the workload gets too big, though for future reference you are required to allow up to 16 hours for the transactions to be completed. Still better than average I suppose, assuming the StrongForex admin can keep up with the schedule anyway.

Regarding the design and security features, StrongForex is nothing really spectacular or even that memorable, but is at least up to a typical industry standard for programs like this one. The program runs off a script under license from GoldCoders and the website has an extra layer of security in the form of SSL encryption from Comodo. StrongForex is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos. One aspect of the program that has improved significantly in recent times however is the communications network. If you have any further questions for the StrongForex admin or any account related issues that need looking into then initially you could only get in touch by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. This feature remains the primary point of contact of course, though the list has been expanded to include Live Chat support where you might get your questions answered in real time if you find an operator online capable of dealing with it, and a phone number if you think someone will answer. Also included is a postal address though while entirely likely the address itself is genuine it’s my experience that you are unlikely to find anyone connected with program physically located there, as these are generally used for mail forwarding purposes only.

Content and texts appear original, though predictably sketchy when it comes to sharing any real information on any serious business plan backing the whole thing up. A vague mention is made about StrongForex somehow being involved with (obviously!) ForEx trading, but not really much else you can research or verify yourself. With plans like that you wouldn’t want to put too much effort into that side of things anyway, as it’s unlikely to yield any results. Certainly you won’t find anything to indicate that StrongForex is anything other than an online HYIP, so only proceed if you’re happy to accept the risks that accompany the benefits to this. Always stay well within a spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose if things don’t work out (as occasionally happens everyone in this business) and if joining StrongForex at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



As regular readers may know from my interview with the admin of WorldGemsInvest Daniel (click here to read it), he lives in Thailand. And as tomorrow sees the Thai New Year celebrations that run for five days, there was an announcement about delays in crediting deposits made in WorldGemsInvest via Bank wires and Western Union, as there will be five official holidays in Thailand starting from tomorrow when banks will be closed. Although WorldGemsInvest is crediting accounts with daily interest on business days only (Monday to Friday), I don’t think the coming holidays are going to affect investorsin the 1.25%-2.4% for 120 days with the principal back on expiry. They’ll still be paid as usual, but due to the celebrations the admin warned that payments would be temporarily processed over a longer timeframe of 24 to 48 hours. So allow more time to get paid to your LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, or EgoPay accounts during the next five days. Possibly to compensate for the inconvenience, the admin launched the first referral contest which will run until the end of the month. The top ten referrers will receive some nice cash prizes when results are posted by Daniel on completion. So anyone looking to get something extra in addition to the 5% referral commissions is welcome to participate. You can read more from WorldGemsInvest (reviewed here) below:

Happy New Year // First referral Contest
Hello everyone!
It’s been almost two months since we are online and we are very proud of our achievements!
Still more members, more and more deposits, thank you all for your support!
Tomorrow is the Thai New Year! Also called Songkran, the water festival! People go in the street for several days, and playing throw water, talc and sometimes throw eggs on everybody! Special but fun tradition!
So because of party, from 13 April to 17 April inclusive, there will be some disruption:
-Payments delayed 24 to 48 hours
-limits for bank deposits! Banks are closed until 17 April inclusive, for members having deposited by this method, thank you wait for April 18 to see your deposits credited!
-The Western Union deposits may be slightly delayed, knowing that we do not want to be sprayed with water during we withdraw funds, water will damage significantly the money …
-delay for processing tickets
So that is for the first news, whatever, we are launching our first referral contest!
The top five active referrers below Will receive $ 250 EACH into Their accounts for Withdraws!
The next five active referrers Will also be Rewarded by receive $ 150.
The Contest Will Be finish on April 30, and the results Will Be published here.
Thank you everyone,
Happy New Year from Thailand,
Best Regards, Daniel


The now regular daily joke posted by 306BZ about a counterfeit $8 dollar bill is ironically relevant to the HYIP industry where everything is fake and never as it seems. Where in the real world would you get paid 20% to 30% for the 6 calendar days period or have an opportunity to get 306% return after 10 or 36 days? Only in HYIPs I would think is it possible and those who joined 306BZ during its first weeks online should be in good profit already. If you’re not in the 306BZ, you should consider that withdrawals to SolidTrustPay are now instant again while the withdrawals to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay are fast enough too and processed within a few hours. Kudos to the admin who managed to stay on Paying Status on MNO while so many other programs collapsed during the last couple of weeks. By the way, you should always double check your e-currency accounts to make sure they are correct. Otherwise you might experience delays as your request can be cancelled by the admin returned back to your balance. Read more on that and enjoy the daily joke in the latest newsletter from 306BZ (reviewed here):

Daily Joke From 306BZ
It is our great pleasure to send our daily joke now. Before reading the joke,we want to talk something about withdraws. Please make sure that you have filled in a valid e-currency account before making a withdraw request or your withdraw request will be returned to your account balance. Now let’s got to our daily joke.
“$8 BILL
A crook mistakenly made a counterfeit $8 bill instead of a $10 bill. He decided to try it out anyway.
He went to the teller at the local bank and asked for change.
The teller looked at the $8 bill and gave the crook two $4 bills as change.”
Best Regards. 306BZ.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC.
From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, Stravia, BensonUnion, RewardsWeekly, 306BZ, NorthlandOpps, WorldGemsInvest, StrongForex, Financa, After100Days, EaglesInvestment, BriscoFund, RFIGroup, MasterEarn, Bet7, AppleInv, EmpireFinanceGroup, EarningAlliance, SecureAssets.
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, GalaxySaving, TheInvestmentBank, PrimeLookUp, HYIPRoyale, ForexShare, S&PForex, ReallyTrusted (the first instant payment received).

That’s all for today, guys. Please note that I’ll be taking a personal day off tomorrow, and will most likely have the next news update on MNO on Sunday. But tomorrow I’ll still have an interview with the admin of NorthlandOpps so stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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