Apr 14th, 2013 Archives

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Hi everyone! As you might have noticed I didn’t have any news section for you in yesterday’s post so there’s two lots to catch up with this evening. Being Sunday however means it wasn’t exactly hectic today either, but as usual there’s always something going on in the HYIP industry worth hearing about. It’s a business that never sleeps after all, and I’m also pleased to have two new additions to my monitor to introduce when we’re finished the news. So let’s get started and see what’s been going on over the last couple of days.


Over the weekend the admin of 306BZ released two more hilarious jokes which you can find in the latest newsletters re-posted below. I just wanted to clear up another minor issue with the program’s SolidTrustPay account. It appears that the former name “306” consisting of digits only was not appropriate for STP so they changed it to “306a”, though without asking the admin’s permission first. It didn’t affect the SolidTrustPay withdrawals themselves which are still processed instantly, while the payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay are done manually by the admin, but from my experience also very fast. If you joined any of the 306BZ plans – 20%-30% for 6 days, 306% after 10 days, 306% after 36 days – and then would like to convert your balance to STP to be instantly paid, you can easily do so by following this exchange link from your member’s area and then complete an internal exchange from LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, or EgoPay to SolidTrustPay completely free of charge. 306BZ (reviewed here) has been paying for 25 days now and recently completed the fourth investment cycle for its daily paying plan. I hope they can last even longer and please its current and future investors with steady and regular payouts. And I also hope that the latest newsletters will put a smile on your face, as this time the jokes were a little better:

Daily Joke From 306BZ And Solidtrustpay Account Changed
It is Saturday today. Firstly wish all of you a good weekend. Some members reported to us just now that they could not make a deposit via Solidtrustpay because of an invalid Solidtrustpay account username we have. Then we tried to recover our STP login information and found that Solidtrustpay suddenly changed our username from 306 to 306a. It is probably because they don’t allow a username contains only numeric any more. Anyhow, it is no affect to our account. We have updated our STP account username to 306a.You can make a deposit now. OK. Let’s go to our daily joke.
A kid asks his father for help on a writing assignment. “Dad, can you tell me the difference between potential and reality?”
His father looks up thoughtfully and says, “I’ll demonstrate. Go ask your mother if she would sleep with Robert Redford for a million dollars. Then go ask your sister if she would sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars. Come back and tell me what you’ve learned.”
The kid is puzzled, but asks his mother. “Mom, if someone gave you a million dollars, would you sleep with Robert Redford?”
“Don’t tell your father, but, yes, I would.”
He then goes to his sister’s room. “Sis, if someone gave you a million dollars, would you sleep with Brad Pitt?”
She replies, “Omigod! Definitely!”
The kid goes back to his father. “Dad, I think I’ve figured it out. Potentially, we are sitting on $2 million bucks, but in reality, we’re living with two sluts.”
Best Regards. 306BZ.

Daily Joke From 306BZ
It’s Sunday today. We work 7 days a week, so our daily joke is also sent 7 days a week.
Sam brings a beautiful woman into a fancy Beverly Hills furrier. “Show the lady your finest mink!” Sam exclaims.
As the lady tries on the coat, the furrier discreetly whispers to the man, “Ah sir, that particular fur goes for $65,000.”
“No problem. I’ll write you a check.”
“Very good, sir,” says the shop owner. “Today is Saturday. You may come by on Monday to pick it up, after your check has cleared.”
On Monday, Sam returns. The store owner is outraged, “How dare you show your face in here? There isn’t a single penny in your checking account.”
“I just had to come by,” grins Sam, “to thank you for the most wonderful weekend of my life.”
Best Regards. 306BZ


In the latest regular newsletter from EarningAlliance (reviewed here), the admin Richard shared some stats on the program’s growth and investments with members. There was also an update on the amount of representatives EarningAlliance tried to employ in order to promote the program in the local markets. There was also some chit-chat about the trading activities of the program with a screenshot posted. I don’t know what exactly it’s supposed to prove, but from my own experience such programs like EarningAlliance never trade with investors’ money and are usually ponzi-based schemes depending on new deposits to pay old. Nothing wrong about that, though I just wish the admin didn’t put such an effort in persuading others that EarningAlliance is something other than a regular HYIP which is surely how it’s seen by experienced investors. As for their performance, EarningAlliance has been doing well and for over two weeks already, paying without interruptions on the 1.25%-2.15% for 180 business days plan with the original principal returned on expiry. It accepts deposits starting from $10 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. To read more the investment plan the review published here. And below you’ll see the latest newsletter from EarningAlliance for your attention:

EarningAlliance news
Dear partners,
The online version of EarningAlliance has just completed two weeks online and we would like to share some interesting happenings with you.
We hope EarningAlliance has been a pleasant journey for you so far.
Goals achieved
If you remember, our last week’s goals were to have 15 custom ‘My Plan’ investments and 10 registered representatives. We have now 19 active my plan investments but our representatives goal has been extended for another week and a new goal of reaching $50k in total investments until next week. We are being very selective about our representatives system as some people are only interested in the extra commissions and not really in the spirit of being a representative. There is no rush and no maximum number of representatives to be registered.
New investments
Since we first opened to the public, over $34k in total deposits has been collected. This is way more than what we were expecting for our first two weeks so thank you for your trust and cooperation so far!
EarningAlliance Reviewed
To complement MNO’s review we talked about last week, EarningAlliance has been reviewed by hyipsman, another selective online investments monitoring service. You can read their full review under the tab ‘Our Friends’ in our main page. EarningAlliance was graded 8.8/10!
Market News
Dow Jones broke a new record of 14.673,46 this week, going up more than expected due to positive corporate balances in the United States and in Europe. The main reason for this increase is due to the Federal Reserve of the USA who recently released a huge financial pack of loans for investors. We also trade in the DAX30 index, which represents the top 30 German corporations and, in the past month, Germany’s supéravit increased to over 17.1 billion euros, surpassing the expected 15 billion for this period.
Trading Activity
As we promised last week, we will start sharing some of our trading results. We currently work with 10 trading experts working in different areas with different trading accounts for safety reasons. In the table below, you will find some short-term positions one of our experts in a Dow Jones Fund, a DAX 30 Fund and and Crude Oil trading. We will introduce more examples in our future newsletters.
Image of transactions – https://earningalliance.com/transactions.jpg
The funds listed in the image above work in a similar way to the stock market. Their value changes every second due to political decisions and new business around the planet and we can buy or sell our positions at anytime. Our strategy uses indicators that show if the market tends to increase or decrease and as you can see, most of our positions were ‘buy’ transactions, which means we supposed the prices would go up, which actually happened.
We are glad to say that, so far, our website had an uptime of 100% and we have received an average of 5,000 visitors every day. This seems to be a very important concern in this industry and we are taking all the possible measures to make sure you will be able to access your EarningAlliance funds at anytime!
Best regards, Richard Hayden


I believe the admin of MoneyInSports Justin is employing some clever marketing tactics at the moment by trying to distance himself from the recent fast scams and a few big programs that scammed during the last few weeks. In the latest newsletter sent last night he talked about the realistic returns of 2% for 80 calendar days with no principal back which his program has been paying to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PexPay accounts for about a month now. The thing is we don’t know for how long MoneyInSports will last and whether we can trust anonymous admins with nothing to lose if the program closes. Still, I believe he’s doing well by issuing regular newsletters plus frequent updates to investors on the MNO ShoutBox as well on processed payouts. This may well win MoneyInSports a lot of followers in a long run. His promise to keep paying when others collapse and become one of the most significant programs of 2013 should be taken with a grain of salt of course, but if he’s really willing and determined then the program can definitely go far. We’ll wait and see anyway, but for now please read the latest newsletter from MoneyInSports to see how the program is different from others, which I believe greatly complements the detailed review on MNO (published here):

Low Risk Daily Payments
Hello Everyone,
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. We have been answering some tickets the last few days about us staying online due to the issues in the HYIP arena right now. We understand that many people have taken a hit the last few weeks, and we are sorry to see this. We are not going anywhere! If you seek a low risk place to invest you are at the right program already!
All we can do at MoneyInSports is continue to provide quick customer service, fast payouts, and continued growth. We are not going to make you rich overnight by offering some crazy return on your funds, or return your principal or say we are going to as a marketing tool.
What we are doing is paying daily on a solid plan that will be around for years. So if you are tired of being taken for a ride on these quick touch and go programs that only reward a handful of people then its time to invest with MoneyInSports. Daily returns with low stress, and consistent payments. As more people realize how good 2% a day with much lower risk really is more and more people will start to enjoy the daily returns, and in turn less will be burned by programs that have zero desire to be around all of 2013 and beyond.
If you are already being rewarded daily with MoneyInSports we thank you, if you are not with us yet there is no better time to join as we are that program that will be consistently paying as others fail.
We understand that long term programs are not for everyone, but I am sure that short term scam after scam can not be what people are looking for either.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and thank you for taking time to read this quick update.
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports


Unfortunately I have to issue a warning against Stravia tonight. The program was a really good performer for the last four months and even recently reached the #2 spot on MNO’s Premium List. However that didn’t last long and just a couple of days ago I was able to verify a complaint submitted by a referral in Stravia who joined the Elite plan with 100% compulsory compounding just to find on expiry that the deposit was cancelled and nothing was credited to his account. The admin was unable (or unwilling!) to explain why that happened, let alone credit his account with the appropriate amount for withdrawal. I can only assume that his intention for that particular investment plan was never to pay to anyone. It’s very sad to see an otherwise good program like Stravia with a long payment record had to be moved to Problem status on MNO. But I will always stand my ground and will not tolerate selective payouts to my referrals. If any admin cannot get this, it’s his own problem and not mine. In order to stay on Paying status on MNO they need to pay everyone and not just selectively like Stravia. Period! That’s why they’re now on Problem status but even if you still get paid on the daily plan please beware of the complaints and do not make any further deposits in this pending scam. It’s much better to find new and promising programs than to cross your fingers and hope Stravia won’t scam you as happened many others already. You’ve been warned!


Speaking of new programs, there were a couple of them added to my monitor today. The first is TrustedTradersLtd that joined my Standard List after being online for five days already. The program accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, and SolidTrustPay for a $5 minimum. The withdrawals have to be manually requested from your account and the admin of TrustedTradersLtd promises to pay them within a 24 hour maximum. There’s one daily payments plan – 40%-65% for 3 days – while the others pay on expiry – 105%-130% after 1 day, 134%-345% after 5 days, 156%-700% after 10 days, 749%-1800% after 25 days, 1295%-2700% after 37 days, 5000% after 55 days. TrustedTradersLtd is a pretty much standard program for its type and runs off a licensed GoldCoders script, is SSL-secured by Comodo, and hosted on a dedicated server with protection and support of MaxAntiDdos. So far it’s been paying fine and I’ll see how long it will take to receive my first profit from the 1-day plan of which I’ll report in my review of TrustedTradersLtd tomorrow.


EccoFunds joined the Premium List on MNO today just after launching and the admin also upgraded to Sticky for one month. So EccoFunds is a brand new program offering one investment plan with daily profits depending on the size of your investment which can start from as little as $10 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. You get paid from 11% to 15% on every calendar day for the duration of 12 days. Note that your principal is already factored into the payments and won’t be returned on expiry, so your pure profit in EccoFunds can be from 32% to 80% on your investment. One really good feature is instantly processed payouts, so once you request your profit you will be paid literally within seconds which I have tested myself already and can confirm works fine. Apart from this everything else in EccoFunds looks good too – nicely designed, though with unfortunately annoying loud music in the background, a licensed GoldCoders script, SSL-security by Comodo, and hosting on a dedicated server with Koddos DDoS protection. More will be in the upcoming review of EccoFunds in a couple of days.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, StrongForex, EccoFunds (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, BensonUnion, RewardsWeekly, 306BZ, NorthlandOpps, WorldGemsInvest, HytexAG, Financa, After100Days, Bet7, RFIGroup, MasterEarn, AppleInv, EmpireFinanceGroup, EarningAlliance, SecureAssets.
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome, MoneyInSports, TrustedTradersLtd (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: ReallyTrusted, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, GalaxySaving, HYIPRoyale, TheInvestmentBank, S&PForex.

That’s all for tonight, guys. I’ll see you tomorrow with the latest news from the HYIP industry and a more detailed review of TrustedTradersLtd. Stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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