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26/04/2013. PrimeInvest Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! PrimeInvest has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Friday again so I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend as much as me, though I still have quite a lot of work to catch up on and have plans for MNO into early next week already. No time to wast then so let’s get on with tonight’s update. As well as all the day’s main news stories which I’ll be getting to in a few moments – and it’s been a slightly busier end to the week than the rest of it – I also have a recently launched longer term program called PrimeInvest that I want to look at for you this evening. And that’s where I’m going to start, but can tell you there’s at least one somewhat unusual feature to this one that you might not see very often in other programs. But first we’ll see PrimeInvest‘s main investment plans, and you can think about whether there’s anything there you think might be worth taking a gamble on and adding to your portfolios.

There’s really just one investment plan in PrimeInvest, though it’s been broken down into four sub-sections depending on how much you want to invest. I know I said in the introduction above that the program was a long term HYIP, but the truth is that might be a bit misleading. In fact while I myself would view PrimeInvest as something used most efficiently as a longer term program, you’re actually free to determine your own term and stay a member for as long or as short a time as you like. It’s what I would call a perpetual program, ie one that pays its members indefinitely, or at least until it eventually collapses which could be days, months, or years. That’s nothing we haven’t seen in the industry many times in the past, and indeed sometimes these programs were hugely successful and put a lot of people into profit. Sometimes less so, but that’s another story. There’s something a little bit different about PrimeInvest however that sets them apart from most of the other online HYIPs around at the moment. They have an interesting twist that I think some of you will definitely enjoy, which I’ll tell you about in just a moment. First let’s have a look at the numbers.

You can join PrimeInvest for a $10 minimum deposit. Anything from this up to a maximum level of $500 will be paid 0.5% interest per day. Now, I can’t really give you much more information on the plan beyond that because that’s all there basically is to tell. You’ll have to do your own calculations about potential earnings because the variables are literally infinite. It just depends on how long you would like to remain a member of PrimeInvest, though they do include a helpful little calculator which will help you with a few suggestions. But you’re free to leave at any time, so if your goal if to reach “X”% profit just do the math, see how long it takes, and think about if it’s worth the wait.

Likewise for any deposits from $501 up to a maximum value of $2,000. If that’s within your budget then you should expect PrimeInvest to pay you back 1% per day for a term you should determine yourself. You get your principal back when you want it back, so the rest is profit. Stay a member for one day and get 1% profit. Stay a member for 100 days and get 100% profit, or whatever else you think yourself is genuinely achievable.

PrimeInvest‘s third plan is for deposits ranging from at least $2,001 up to $5,000. Members here can avail of a daily interest payment of 1.2% for every day they wish to stay a member.

And lastly completing the list for any of the really big spenders still out there, PrimeInvest‘s fourth plan can be joined by anyone willing to spend upwards of a $5,001 minimum as far as a $20,000 maximum. The rate this time is 1.5% per calendar day, which you can claim until such a point as you are ready to walk away and leave the program, taking your principal back in the process.

So what about this twist in the program I mentioned just before the plans? Well, it’s a bit like this – you’re account in PrimeInvest works a lot like an account in a bank. You can take as much or as little out as you wish, and can make partial principal withdrawals as well as full ones. You don’t just have to take the daily profits, you can take a couple of extra dollars from your principal as well and leave the rest. So when most similar no-expiry HYIPs say you can get your principal back they mean you either take the entire amount back and leave, or else take nothing at all back and stay.

Not so with PrimeInvest. For example, let’s say you joined with $100 today. Tomorrow you would have a withdrawable balance of $100.50 (0.5% interest). Now, with most non-expiry HYIPs people just keep on withdrawing the $0.50 every day while the $100 remains in place. You can treat your account here just like a bank account however, so you can either leave your balance build up for a while if you’re feeling confident, or maybe withdraw ten or twenty bucks extra from time to time if you have something else you’d like to spend it on.

How you use it is entirely up to you. While I would sincerely hope that this can drum up some extra interest for the program and help make them a successful and profitable pick in the coming weeks and months, part of me just can’t help but feel worried. Free of charge principal withdrawals at anytime are great, maybe. But are they? Well, for some people there’s no doubt that they are. Beyond a doubt they are, no question about it. But what about the bigger picture, the entire group of investors as a whole? It’s completely unpredictable how much money PrimeInvest is going to need from one day to another to pay their members. With other long term HYIPs have a slow day, they still have a sort of reserve of members principal to back up the interest payments and carry a couple of slow days every now and again. But what if too many people all decide to ask for all of their money back at the same time? I don’t think I really need to answer that question for you, but hopefully the majority of members will be joining PrimeInvest to view them as a longer term program and not one to jump in and out of too fast.

If you like the plans and want to try them out for yourselves, unfortunately I have to say the payment options are bit of a let down. I mean it’s not entirely bad and there are some OK aspects to it, but the first thing new members will see is that their choice of payment processors is a bit limited to say the least. Though nothing that can’t be fixed, there’s nothing to suggest that PrimeInvest are currently looking to expand past the current list of PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. On the plus side however payments have been exceptionally fast. Officially PrimeInvest will ask you to allow them anything up to 24 hours to process your withdrawal request, which must be made by logging into your private members account area of course. But once done they can sometimes be as fast as instant, reaching your e-currency account in a matter of seconds. Other times they were a little longer, but always fast. Just the same, I’d still remind you that you must still allow the full 24 hours, and just accept anything faster as an added bonus.

Looking into the design and security features of the program, PrimeInvest is running off a licensed H-Script which is a name that’s popped up on a couple of occasions now in recent weeks. The website is fully SSL-encrypted in both public and private areas by GeoTrust for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server by Akrino and also protected from DDoS attacks. Should you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then you can contact PrimeInvest either by filling in the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page, or else simply by writing directly to the e-mail address that’s listed there. A postal address has also been included though I wouldn’t put much stock in that getting you anywhere. PrimeInvest do promise to add telephone and Skype support at sometime in the future, but I kinda get the feeling this is purely for appearances. I mean I could open a new Skype account myself in less time than it takes you to read this review, and I find it hard to believe the admin doesn’t have a phone (not that I’d expect to see his personal number anytime soon of course!). So just ignore that for now, or at least until further notice. One pretty handy feature though is that the PrimeInvest website is totally bilingual, and can be viewed in either Russian or English, whichever you prefer. It’s not explicitly stated that customer support is also available in Russian, it would be a huge boost to the program if it was, but if you need it you can always ask first.

The website content and texts seem original and even include a selection of blog articles you might be interested in. Very little relevance to your investment of course, and probably even less to do with the safety and stability of the program, but it’s always a nice touch to have something different. But when it comes to any description of a business plan supporting all these payments, that’s when PrimeInvest start getting predictably vague. The basic claim is that the main thrust of their business is investing with newly formed IT companies, but how that either guarantees you make any money whatsoever let alone enough to cover the very same interest rates every single day is not something explained. But I wouldn’t take it all that seriously myself, no experienced industry players would, and I suggest you do the same. Treat PrimeInvest as you would any other online investments program, and that needs to contain a degree of caution as well as hope. So if you do join, only do so with an amount of money you would be comfortable losing if things don’t quite go the way you were hoping them to, and if getting into PrimeInvest at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider and more diverse portfolio.



My sincere congratulations go to the current #1 program on my Premium List TureProfit (originally reviewed here) today as it celebrates 500 (!) days online. When so many projects came and go, TureProfit managed to survive and pay investors on originally 8% weekly for 50 weeks with principal back on expiry. Returning the principal is just a recent development and only started after my review of TureProfit was published seven months ago. The new investment plans that were added a month ago pay investors 5% for 80 calendar days (with principal back) and 350% after 50 calendar days. The difference is that on these new plans the minimum investment required was $500, while the original plan only asked for $10 via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. Despite the changes causing controversy (it could be taken as a warning sign), TureProfit managed to prove everyone wrong and a month later is still paying instantly on the 5% for 80 days new plan thus already putting the first investors into profit. I believe that we can call TureProfit truly a phenomenon in the HYIP industry for paying out instantly (in most cases) since December 2011 and the first investors definitely profited immensely for themselves. The question remains for how much longer they can continue. In his newsletter which you can read in its entirety below the admin Julian goes so far as to call other programs ponzi-scams while promising that his will always continue paying and quadrupling money for investors. Heard that one before, Julian! Secretive income streams are briefly mentioned in the newsletter, but nothing to quadruple your money in a year when banks can only offer 3% or in many cases less. We should always remember that TureProfit is also a ponzi-game like the rest so take the admins with a pinch of salt. Something really worked like a charm with this one though, so well done to the admin for doing a tremendous job and hopefully it’s not the last milestone to be celebrated:

TureProfit News – Celebration for 500days’ successful operation.
You are receiving this message, because you are our members. Today we are very proud to announce that our project has run successfully for 500 days. I know that there are some doubts about our project in recent days, some bad people even attempt to sabotage our project. However, all these are in vain. The fact once again proves that we have never disappointed our investors. A wise man does not believe in rumors. On the contrary, more and more investors participate in our project and choose to trust us. I think it is wise to do so. We can not be successful overnight. What we care the most is the sustainable development of this project. Only by developing this project step by step in an orderly way can we guarantee the stability of this project. This is the motto we stick to for a long time and our project has become more and more influential day after day. It can not disappear suddenly. It is still a long way to go. Now, we have our representatives in more than 50 countries all over the world.
Currently, it happened many bad things in this field. Many scam projects vanished overnight. However, our project never been impacted. Study carefully, you will find that these projects merely a scam, not profits can be got from. Conversely, our project truly invests oil, gold, silver and engages in foreign exchange. Recently, through shorting gold and silver, we have got huge profits in a short time. If you invest in this field as well, we recommend you can keep shorting at the high price. Our exchange team analyses that the gold and silver will keep falling quite a long time in the future. Moreover, some contemptible imitators try to confuse investors. Of course, some of these projects are copied our project. We remind investors that if be careful you will find out these shameless louts.
We are looking forward to our next communication with you, we are always your most sincere friends. If any questions, please keep contact with us, or contact our representatives by phone directly.
Best regards, Julian Lester. TureProfit.


As you might have noticed, I had to delay the review of DioMetal last night (click here to read it) due to payout delays. The admin processed the withdrawal in 16 hours for me, but by their terms the maximum waiting time should not exceed 12 hours. An explanation was offered today, stating that a small issue with the script meant payouts couldn’t be done any faster. Anyway, delaying payouts by four hours is no big deal, but given the amount of quick scams around it wouldn’t be a wise move to review a program with delayed payouts. Fortunately today everything seems to be back to normal and I got paid by DioMetal as usual within 12 hours again. They accept LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay starting from a $10 minimum. Plans offer from 1.6% to 2% interest for 120 business days with principal back on expiry and 3% for 140 business days with no principal returned. The latest short newsletter from DioMetal can be found below:

All cashout has been processed
Dear Investors! There was a small problem with our script which led to the cashout delay by 5 hours. The issue has been fixed now. All pending cashouts has been processed. Thank you for understanding.
Regards Jorg Becker DioMetal Inc.


HytexAG is definitely a program flying under the radar with minimum advertising and exposure on forums and monitors, and mostly relying on word of mouth to grow. I can praise the admin for taking this approach as it definitely works well and the program has been paying for about two months already. For relatively small amounts the withdrawals from HytexAG to their payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay – are always processed instantly, while for bigger payouts they are manual, but still fast. If you haven’t read my original review of HytexAG (click here), you can join a shorter-term 8% for 14 calendar days plan that includes your principal. This is certainly the most recommended and the lowest risky plan. Although only available for investors in the range from $10 to $100, if you prefer to invest more you can choose from three plans where the original principal is returned on expiry of your investment term – 1.5% for 25 days, 1.8% for 35 days, or 2.2% for 50 days. As HytexAG approaches its third month online we can conclude that investors even on the longest available plan were paid and managed to more than double their money. Updates from the admin of HytexAG are rare, and usually pretty short like the one I received tonight announcing the opening the Facebook and Twitter accounts. Oddly, in his newsletter the admin failed to give links to these profiles, but you can easily find them online. Here’s the latest update from HytexAG:

We are in social networks.
Dear investors, as of today our program is also available on Facebook and Twitter. Now, you will be kept up to date with all project updates, will be able to receive latest news and discuss them with other participants.


I’m glad to report that I was paid my principal back from AbsoluteGainFenix today within just a couple of hours of asking, and moved the program to Paying status on MNO. A more detailed review will be published soon, but for now I’ll just remind you that SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay deposits are all accepted starting with a $10 minimum into plans like 104%-120% after 1 day, 130%-250% after 7 days, 200%-850% after 14 days, 850%-4500% after 30 days, 8500% after 42 days, 12000% after 52 days. The AbsoluteGainFenix admin sent a short but important newsletter regarding an issue with unsent support ticket emails. I’m glad that it was done early and won’t affect the program’s performance. I myself have high hopes for the longevity of AbsoluteGainFenix and let’s see whether I was right about this or not. Below is the latest newsletter encouraging support tickets if you have any issues understanding how it all program works:

Hello dear investors,
We had some problems with contact us page, we received blank emails without any context. Now contact us page working as well and you can write your questions to us. Feel free for asking them, our support team will help you.
Regards, Timothy Barker Charles.
AbsoluteGainFenix Team.


The admin of MalaysianINC Nathan has made a slight change to the live statistics on the main page of his program showing the latest payments to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve that are usually processed by MalaysianINC‘s unique script within a 5-minute timeframe. Withdrawals of less than $5 are no longer displayed, possibly to encourage investors make additional deposits. It makes sense, as seeing the bigger withdrawals one can be convinced that people are investing in MalaysianINC more than they really were. Here’s the short message from the MalaysianINC website:

Last Withdrawals table was modified
From now on the table shows only last withdrawals with amount 5$ and more.

MalaysianINC is currently featured as #1 on MNO’s Sticky listing. Although the admin refused to extend it for another week which will see MalaysianINC being dropped to Premium listing in the next 24 hours, the program will still remain in the top five of the most popular programs on MNO. No surprise for me as MalaysianINC operates from a totally unique script, offers instant withdrawals to investors and a wide range of investment plans (from medium-term to long term with variable daily returns) – 1.62%-2.06% for 15 business days, 1.81%-2.18% for 30 business days, 2.15%-2.43% for 60 business days, 2.63%-2.95% for 120 business days. More details on MalaysianINC can be found in my review published here.


Despite MoneyInSports being up and down today due to extensive DDoS attacks on their servers, it didn’t prevent the admin Justin from paying the usual daily interest on 2% for 80 days plan as he has processed all the pending withdrawals to EgoPay, PexPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and SolidTrustPay for now. Also the usual free daily picks were sent by Justin to give you an idea about the sports betting he’s allegedly involved with. If you’re interested to find more on MoneyInSports please check out my original review published here or wait for the interview with Justin tomorrow. Here’s the latest from him:

Free Play Picks 4/26
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MIS. We will always include 1-5 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on.
We will try to email these daily so you can see some of the plays we are making. These plays are for informational purposes only.
We will include the game number, the team(s) in the bet, the type of bet such as money line (ML) or Point Spread (SP), and the odds or the over/under play. Note we use the US betting system you can look up how to convert to decimal.
First will be the Recap from the day before, under the Recap will be the next days action.
4/25 Recap:
MLB – 905 Cincinnati Reds ML +120 Loss
MLB – 905 Cincinnati Reds Run Line (RL) +1.5 -180 Loss
MLB – 917 Tampa Bay Rays ML -105 Loss
MLB – 917 Tampa Bay Rays Run Line (RL) +1.5 -200 Loss
NBA – 733 Miami Heat ML -350 Won
1-4 for the day Bad Day!
11-14 Overall record
4/26 Plays:
NBA – 739 New York Knicks ML +125
NBA – 741 San Antonio Spurs SP -4.5
MLB – 968 Boston Red Sox ML -260
MLB – 954 Miami Marlins ML -109
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.


MoneyFerry joined MNO’s Premium listing last night and will be reviewed next week after it proves itself to me and my readers. There’s only one investment plan – 12% for 12 calendar days with a total profit of 44% by the end of the term. The minimum to invest starts from $10 and you can join via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. It runs off a licensed GoldCoders script and, as any programs using that script, you have to make your withdrawal request daily which will then be processed manually by the admin within 24 hours. As the site of MoneyFerry is SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server by Hivelocity (which is rare in the industry) along with the same script and very similar design, I tend to believe this may be the admin behind MiniMoney and TechProfit that were both dreadful fast scams. So it’s up to you to decide if you really want to put your money in MoneyFerry – possibly another project from the same administration. I’ll have further details MoneyFerry by next week.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, Finance7, PayPayRev.
From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, BensonUnion, RewardsWeekly, NorthlandOpps, EaglesInvestment, BriscoFund, MoreProfit, After100Days, MoneyInSports, NEOMutual, RFIGroupEmpireFinanceGroup, EarningAlliance, XProfit, SecureAssets, Jango, CapitalPartnersInvest, PrimeInvestDioMetal, AbsoluteGainFenix (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Money&Credit, PrimeLookUp, TheInvestmentBank, FxInvBiz, SanderaGroup, GuardianFinancial (the first payment received), ZoomFinance (the first payment received).

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope you got something useful from the news, but don’t go too far as I’ll have the interview with the admin of MoneyInSports for you tomorrow. Stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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