Apr 28th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! Finance7 has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Time now for the second of today’s blog updates, and I want to start with a closer look at a program called Finance7. By the way you might have noticed that I didn’t have a news section in yesterday’s update due to Saturday being kinda slow. I thought I might just combine two days worth of news bulletins in tonight’s news update, but Sunday hasn’t been all that exciting either. There’s still one or two things that may be of interest to you though especially if you happen to be a member of any of the programs covered, plus I’ve also got a couple of new programs joining my monitor to introduce to you tonight, so keep reading!

Before we get to the basic facts and figures about Finance7 though, I guess most of the regular MNO readers will at the very least recognize their name by now. Reason being they’ve actually been listed on my monitor since last December. Indeed they would even claim to be online since the previous June, though I suggest you ignore that due to them not being mentioned on any of the main industry forums prior to December. But that’s good enough. Things have changed since then however and Finance7 has underwent an almost complete overhaul. Up until now the program was only included on the MNO Basic List, and as such not featured so much on my blog. One of the changes made was the upgrade of their listing to Premium and Sticky, so their news updates will now be included on my blog as well as monitor.

So as for the investment plans, the first thing you might notice about Finance7 is the relatively hefty minimum requirement to join. Nothing that’s going to bankrupt you mind, just that at $25 it’s still well above the industry average. That amount will get you into the one single investment plan being offered by the admin. And it works like this – the term runs for 20 business days, which is four weeks. During this time Finance7 offer to pay you back 10% interest on your money, every day from Monday to Friday. These payments are already factoring your principal into the equation, so don’t expect to get that back in a separate payment at the end. So eventually your return adds up to 200%, which is double your money back. Not bad for just under a month, but we’ll see how long the admin can maintain it.

To put that into a practical example then, let’s say you joined Finance7 with a $100 deposit. At 10% per day, five days per week, you would earn back your original principal after ten payments, from which point there is zero personal risk to you or your own money. It’s passive profit for the remaining days of the plan, which will hopefully see you complete the term with earnings totaling $200, or your own initial hundred plus the same again in profit. Finance7 have a maximum spending limit of $50,000 in place here, though naturally the closer you are to the minimum the better your chances mathematically that the admin will be able to come up with the money to continue paying you for the full term.

Finance7 had been a low ROI long term HYIP until very recently, and also one that flew (I suspect deliberately) well under the radar. Most likely the admin was working on establishing a long term proven and dependable payments record before stepping things up a gear and bringing Finance7 to a wider audience. And why not, I suppose. It’s been a tactic that worked well enough for a few programs in the past, so why not this one as well. But as of now I’m going to completely ignore anything you think you knew about Finance7 before today. Everything has changed now, new rules, new plans, new advertising strategy, so if you want to you can also treat it as a totally new program (if you’re interested for some reason then the old version used to pay from 1% to 3% for 300 days). So let’s take a closer look at what they have on offer now and see if there’s anything there you might like to have in your own portfolios.

Whether you like short, medium, or longer term plans is entirely a matter of personal opinion and based on whatever suits you best, so say what you like about the changes to the plans. But one thing that can only be universally acknowledged as a major improvement in any online program has been complete expansion of the list of payment processors. Initially only accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, Finance7 has now opted to open accounts with some of the other main industry service providers. This is always a welcome development and the list will now include SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and the lesser known OKPay (not that a lesser known option hurts them or anything). Payments need to be requested by members so you need to first log in to your private Finance7 members account area. I have to warn you though that it’s been stated on the website that payments are instant. This is not in fact the case, nor has it ever been. To be fair they’ve always been quite fast – around 12 hours or so which is perfectly respectable – but not instant. Maybe that will change in the future, I really don’t know, but nothing at the moment would indicate that it will.

Moving on the the security and design features, Finance7 is running off a script under license from GoldCoders. So I guess that’s going to give it a familiar feel to most of the regular industry players and be easy to navigate. The website has an extra layer of protection with SSL encryption by GlobeSSL, and is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos. If you have any further questions, comments, or queries for the admin or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then you can get in touch by filling in your details in the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page. Finance7 also include a postal address though you might be as well off to skip that. It’s unlike to be more than a registered office and used for correspondence purposes only, ie no one connected to Finance7 is likely to be in the building (or anywhere even remotely close to it for that matter) were you to pay a visit. Also included is a UK incorporation certificate, though this serves nothing other than cosmetic purposes. It’s not a license to offer financial services, gives no guarantee on your money, and can be bought anonymously over the internet. So even if completely genuine is also completely useless. It’s nice to see that the website is bilingual by the way, and as well as English can also be viewed in Russian. Given that this (as in the entire CIS region and not just Russia itself) constitutes one of the biggest and at the same time fastest growing HYIP markets it certainly won’t do the program any harm to take good care of this as well. It’s unclear if support is also available in both languages, but it won’t cost you anything to at least ask first anyway.

Other than that all I can think of that remains to be said is that if you were expecting some kind of business plan then you’ll be disappointed. Though I can’t imagine why, as generally these things are only thrown in at the last minute to give a final gloss of respectability to an online HYIP in the eyes of those new to the business and won’t know any better. The Finance7 website in fact carries very little in the way of written content at all, but I think everything you need to know about them – the plans, the payment options, the design – are covered in this review. Anything else is speculation, such as how long can the whole thing survive for, and as such would have no place alongside a frank description of the facts which is all I set out to do. The rest is up to you, and I can only make the suggestion that you treat Finance7 with the same degree of caution that you know everything in this business deserves. So if you’re handing over any money then remember it’s untraceable so set yourself a sensible spending limit you can afford to lose, and if you do decide to join Finance7 at all then they are probably best kept as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



The admin of HytexAG sent a link to the interview he did on MNO today and, if you haven’t seen it yet, you can check it out here. HytexAG was first reviewed on MNO about two months ago (click here to read that) and at the time of writing it’s already reached the #7 spot on my Premium listing. HytexAG has been paying instantly so far on most withdrawals via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, or PerfectMoney – the four payment processors available at a $10 minimum to deposit. Plans include 8% for 14 days with no principal return on expiry and three others with the principal returned on completion – 1.5% for 25 days, 1.8% for 35 days, and 2.2% for 50 days. The admin neglected to mention this in the newsletter, but HytexAG has been two months online now and I hope it continues to please investors with stable payouts for much longer. Here’s the latest from the program:

Dear investors!
Today, our partner MNO published an interview with one of the directors of our company on their website. This interview provide you with answers to many important questions about the future plans of our company. You may find the interview here.


Unlike the previous program, the admin of MoneyInSports Justin didn’t find it necessary to send the link to the interview on MNO that was published last night (click here to read it). He does however find time to send out his so-called “free play picks” that he’s sending to members to show his betting activities to finance the 2% for 80 days plan that MoneyInSports accepts via five payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, PexPay, and EgoPay. I really think that makes absolutely no sense – but here we are again and more picks for you to consider for yesterday and today in the two last newsletters from MoneyInSports (reviewed here):

Free Play Picks 4/27
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MIS. We will always include 1-5 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on.
We will try to email these daily so you can see some of the plays we are making. These plays are for informational purposes only.
We will include the game number, the team(s) in the bet, the type of bet such as money line (ML) or Point Spread (SP), and the odds or the over/under play. Note we use the US betting system you can look up how to convert to decimal.
First will be the Recap from the day before, under the Recap will be the next days action.
4/26 Recap:
NBA – 739 New York Knicks ML +125 Won
NBA – 741 San Antonio Spurs SP -4.5 Won
MLB – 968 Boston Red Sox ML -260 Won
MLB – 954 Miami Marlins ML -109 Loss
3-1 for the day, good bounce back day
14-15 Overall record
4/27 Plays:
MLB – 927 Los Angeles Angels +135
NHL – 16 Colorado Avalanche +125
MLB – 912 San Diego Padres -109
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.

Free Play Picks 4/28
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MIS. We will always include 1-5 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on.
We will try to email these daily so you can see some of the plays we are making. These plays are for informational purposes only.
We will include the game number, the team(s) in the bet, the type of bet such as money line (ML) or Point Spread (SP), and the odds or the over/under play. Note we use the US betting system you can look up how to convert to decimal.
First will be the Recap from the day before, under the Recap will be the next days action.
4/27 Recap:
MLB – 927 Los Angeles Angels +135 Loss
NHL – 16 Colorado Avalanche +125 Loss
MLB – 912 San Diego Padres -109 Won
1-2 for the day
15-17 Overall record
4/28 Plays:
MLB – 979 Atlanta Braves ML +130
MLB – 962 San Diego Padres ML +115 Note we are heavy with 7 Units on this game
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.


LoyalLucre is a brand new short term HYIP that not only joined Premium listing on MNO tonight, but the admin also purchased Sticky listing for one month straight away. The program accepts all the popular payment processors including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay starting from a $10 minimum in each plan. By the way, there are several of them available for investment in LoyalLucre and all pay on expiry – 104%-130% after 1 day, 115%-230% after 3 days, 135%-400% after 7 days, 200%-800% after 14 days, 500%-1500% after 30 days. I’ll discuss those in more detail in the upcoming review of LoyalLucre on MNO next week, but first a couple of other points to consider. LoyalLucre is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, so withdrawals have to be requested from your members area and are promised to be processed manually by the admin within 12 hours. The website has an SSL-certificate from Comodo and it is hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus who also provide DDoS protection. More on LoyalLucre can be also found in the welcome message posted on the website upon its launch today:

Welcome to LoyalLucre
Welcome to LoyalLucre. LoyalLucre Limited is official investment company that has been incorporated in United Kingdom: 08498298. After months of hard work we are finally online and open for investors from all over the world. We offer 5 investment plans, starting with 130% after 1 day. LR, PM, EP, STP ecurrencies are accepted as payment options. We also provide 24/7 friendly live support to our customers. Don’t hesitate and join us now.


RonWards, another program joining the MNO Premium listing today has a very similar short term selection of plans with payments on expiry, but unlike the previous program is running for about five full weeks now. It’s a good achievement by itself, and, of course, will be viewed by potential investors from different points of view. On one hand RonWards is an established program with the trust of investors for over a month online. On the other hand some might consider it too old for a short term program to join now by some readers.

That’s all up to you, I’ll just run through the numbers. By joining RonWards you can choose either a daily paying plan offering 53.5%-70% for 2 days, or try out one of the various plans on expiry plans – 103%-125% after 1 day, 118%-300% after 5 days, 145%-500% after 10 days, 225%-1000% after 20 days, 400%-1500% after 30 days. The minimum to invest in any plan is $10 and deposits are accepted via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, or EgoPay. Payments are requested and processed manually with 48 hours. RonWards is using a licensed GoldCoders script, is fully SSL-secured by Thawte, and hosted on a dedicated server by Snoork – a name rarely seen in the HYIP industry.

As the maximum investment term in RonWards is 30 days, and the program has been running for at least 35 days already, we can conclude that the first investors were already paid from all the investment plans and there are multiple proofs posted on various forums and monitors. I hope RonWards might surprise us by a much longer run as I’m going to review it in more detail in a few days. For now I can see that the admin has been very active during RonWards‘ first month online and posted frequent news updates. Below are just a couple of the most recent ones about the latest improvements, so you would have an idea what I am talking about:

31st Day Updates
I am very happy to announce that for this special day, we have yet upgraded and installed a new firewall for our security. In lieu with this update, some members might not be able to load the site temporarily, if you know someone or you are one of these people who cannot currently access the site fully, please advice them to send an email to admin@ronwards.com . Thank you!

Join Our Facebook Group
This the link to the official facebook group of Ron Howards Investment Group. Follow this link RHIG FB GROUP and join the group. Thank you!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: Finance7, PayPayRev.
From MNO Premium list: TureProfitRewardsWeekly, NorthlandOpps, MalaysianINC, EaglesInvestment, HytexAG, After100Days, MoneyInSports, AbsoluteGainFenix, RFIGroup, XProfitEmpireFinanceGroup, SecureAssets, Jango, DioMetal, PrimeInvestMoneyFerry (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Money&Credit, ZoomFinance, TheInvestmentBank, SanderaGroup.

That’s everything for tonight, guys. I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow as I’m going to review another short term program AbsoluteGainFenix and also take a closer look at the latest updates from the programs monitored on MNO. Stay tuned and see you then!

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