April 2013 Archives

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Beware! CapitalPartnersInvest has stopped paying! Do not invest!

Hi everyone! Hope you’ve all had a good week in and out of the HYIP world and are looking forward now to the weekend and a couple of days relaxing. I still have plenty to get through though with a couple of new programs joining my monitor. All the day’s news events will be covered as usual in the second half of today’s update of course, but I want to finish up the working week with a closer look at a new medium to longer term HYI program called CapitalPartnersInvest. You might remember I introduced the program just last night and I mentioned it wasn’t brand new (just new to my monitor). Though as more of a mid term program and relative to the length of plans that’s not really an obstacle to joining, assuming you like what CapitalPartnersInvest are offering that is. Let’s see about that now, take a look at the main features, and maybe find out if there’s anything going on here that you’d like to add to your portfolios.

Beginning as always with probably the first thing most investors will want to know about – the investment plans – CapitalPartnersInvest have three of them. They run for terms of various lengths and cost different minimum deposits to join, though to be perfectly honest only one of these plans is going to be of any interest whatsoever to 99.9% of regular industry players (the other two being way too costly to risk joining). But of course I’ll describe all three for you here anyway, because at the end of the day it’s entirely your decision to play or pass. So CapitalPartnersInvest‘s first option, known simply as Plan A, will cost you a $10 minimum to join. It runs for a term of 30 business days, which is six weeks, making daily interest payments from Monday to Friday. You get paid 2% interest per business day on your investment, and than on expiry CapitalPartnersInvest should return your principal. That leaves you with a clear 60% profit.

Or to put that in monetary terms, let’s say you invested $100 in this plan. CapitalPartnersInvest should then pay you back $2 per day, Monday to Friday, until you have $60 in total. This then becomes your net profit when (if) your original hundred gets returned. Maximum spend for this plan is $15,000.

Plan B then starts with a minimum requirement of $15,001 to join, so I think you can see what I meant by saying only one investment plan is realistically going to appeal to pretty much anyone. But for the record the plan runs for a duration of 40 business days, or eight weeks, during which CapitalPartnersInvest make an improved offer of 2.5% interest, paid Monday to Friday only. This would eventually add up to 100% interest at which point your initial deposit is then returned, effectively meaning you double your money. CapitalPartnersInvest allow a maximum deposit of not more than $50,000 for this plan.

Completing the list for a $50,001 minimum investment, Plan C runs for 50 business days, or ten weeks. During this period CapitalPartnersInvest offer their members 3% interest per day, Monday to Friday, and your deposit returned on expiry. So that would be 150% net profit with your original deposit then added to it. CapitalPartnersInvest‘s maximum allowed investment is $500,000.

Something I have to say I was a bit disappointed with was the program’s choice, or rather lack of choice, of payment options. So far that’s entirely limited to just PerfectMoney or LibertyReserve, and there’s no real indication that that’s going to change or that the CapitalPartnersInvest admin has any intention of changing it anytime soon. And given that they have a fairly solid payments record so far then I don’t really see it changing either. Officially payments to members are all made manually by the admin which means they will have to be requested from inside your private CapitalPartnersInvest members account area. Once this is done you will then need to allow up to a 24 hour maximum – keeping in mind that CapitalPartnersInvest only work Monday to Friday so if you’re too late you’ll have to wait until after the weekend – before all transactions are complete. Well, that’s what it says on their website anyway, but in reality my own payments have in fact all been instant up until now. Just be aware that this isn’t explicitly guaranteed by the admin, so just take it as a bonus if your own payments are instant too. One other thing worth noting which mostly applies to smaller investors but also if you pick up a lot of ref commission payments is that CapitalPartnersInvest have a minimum withdrawal requirement of $1.

On the design and security side of things, the CapitalPartnersInvest is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos, and the website is SSL-encrypted by Comodo for an extra level of safety. The program is running off a script under license from H-Script who I think I’ve noticed popping up once or twice in the recent past now with a couple of programs using them. The entire website is bi-lingual incidentally, and by clicking the little flag emblems you can see at the top of the page you can switch between Russian and English. The standard of written Russian is far superior to that of English by the way, not that that bears any relevance to whether you can make a profit here or not. You can get in touch with the admin if you have any further questions or account related issues that need to be dealt with by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page.

The website content and texts appear to be a copy/paste job used by older programs in the past, and therefore you need to ignore any and all claims about CapitalPartnersInvest being a genuine financial services company. I mean I would have said that anyway, but this just makes it even more obvious for the newbies. So if your thinking about an investment make sure it’s well under a level you can both afford to spend and afford to lose, and if joining CapitalPartnersInvest at all then try and do so as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I would like to congratulate the admin and members of 306BZ on the successful completion of the first month online. This was a really tough month in the industry with a lot of programs collapsing, but 306BZ was like a breath of fresh air by paying on three investment plans – 20%-30% for 6 days, 306% after 10 days, 306% after 36 days – to SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, and EgoPay. I’m sure many investors are comfortably in profit by now. I hope that we will see 306BZ alive and kicking for at least for another month, and the admin keeps sending us his daily jokes to put a much needed smile on out faces. Here’s the latest newsletter commemorating the first thirty days online:

Daily Joke From 306BZ And 30 Days Online
We are proud to announce that 306BZ has been successfully online for 30 days. We want to say nothing but please believe that we are always trying our best to make 306BZ better and better. OK. Let’s go to our daily joke today.
A 1979 Cadillac
After years of scrimping and saving, a husband told his wife the good news: “Honey, we’ve finally got enough money to buy what we started saving for in 1979.” “You mean a brand-new Cadillac?” she asked eagerly. “No,” said the husband, “a 1979 Cadillac.”
Best Regards. 306BZ


I’m no expert in sports betting so I can’t really comment on the tips the admin of MoneyInSports Justin started sending to members of his program from yesterday. In fact having read the newsletter I’m actually a bit mystified as to even what sport he’s supposed to be talking about! All I can say for sure is that the promotion of MoneyInSports on MNO is going well, possibly due to the pro-active qualities of the admin and his obvious talent and ability to push a product he positions as unique. It might be interesting for MNO readers therefore to find out more about the project that’s paying 2% for 80 calendar days for a $5 minimum investment via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, and SolidTrustPay. Last night Justin decided to upgrade his listing from Standard to Premium and that entitles him to have an interview published on MNO. I’m going to send him a few questions by tomorrow night so if you have anything interesting to throw in there please send me your questions and I will gladly forward them to Justin. Below is the latest from MoneyInSports (reviewed here):

4/19 Free Play Picks
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MIS. We will always include 1-3 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on.
We will try to email these daily so you can see some of the plays we are making. These plays are for informational purposes only.
We will include the game number, the team(s) in the bet, the type of bet such as money line (ML), and the odds or the over/under play.
First will be the Recap from the day before, under the Recap will be the next days action.
4/18 Recap:
MLB – Tampa Bay at Baltimore total under 7.5 3 units Loss
MLB – Milwaukee Money Line 1 unit Won
MLB – Boston Money Line 1.5 units Won
2 Wins 1 Loss for the day.
4/19 Plays:
MLB – 927 Detroit ML -120
MLB – 926 Chicago vs Minnesota Under 8.5
MLB – 919 Oakland ML -110
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports


BensonUnion, successfully paying investors since January 2012, announced their migration to more secure servers provided by Vistnet and warned that the process may briefly interrupt the website until the propagation is completed. At the time of writing I see nothing to worry about, as this process has been apparently completed with the whois page updated. I hope these technical issues won’t interrupt the usually instant payouts to SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, and BitCoin. BensonUnion is currently ranked at #2 on MNO’s Premium List, accepting deposits to a 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days plan with principal back on expiry for fifteen months now. If you wish to find more about them please refer to my original review posted here and my interview with the admin Ragnar here. By the way, this is the latest message from BensonUnion‘s admin updating the members on the possible short downtime issued today:

Migration to Vistnet protection
Dear investors! BensonUnion informs about migration to new DDOS protection provider – Vistnet.com. Website will be unavailable for a few hours until DNS is propagated worldwide. Vistnet DDOS protection will make our website even more accessible and some access issues will be solved. Sorry for inconvenience.


Despite its name After100Days can so far only boast a very insignificant achievement of paying investors for only ten days but sent a newsletter to boast about it anyway. But it’s still more than enough time for an experienced investor to profit from its shorter-term plans paying 104%-140% after 1 day, 114%-240% after 3 days, 124%-350% after 5 days, 135%-550% after 8 days. Of course we have yet to see those brave investors who will hopefully be paid later on some much riskier plans including 1500% after 15 days, 180%-1400% after 16 days, 450%-3400% after 35 days, 700%-5000% after 50 days, 1500%-8000% after 75 days, and finally 4000%-12000% after 100 days that gives the program its name. After100Days has been on MNO from day one and has currently reached the top ten most popular programs from my Premium listing. It accept SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay for a $10 minimum in most plans. More detailed info on After100Days and its plans can be found in my review posted here. Below is the latest newsletter issued today:

10 Days Online
Dear investors!
Today, we have 10 days of work in the network. I want to thank everyone who participated in our program. I hope no one has been disappointed by the work of our team, we will continue to make you good business partnership. There is still a lot of interesting things we have prepared for you.
Stay with us and you will get a good profit.
Best Regards, Shon Dasef


Although StrongForex (reviewed here) sent a very similar email to investors celebrating its 20 days online, I would say that it’s most probably going to be their last. I saw a few complaints for selective payouts on forums already, and I’m still considering moving them to Problem status on MNO because of it. I myself was paid fine as usual today and therefore, I would like to ask my referrals in StrongForex to email me and confirm whether they too are getting paid or not. That will help me to determine the final status on the program on MNO which will most probably be updated by tomorrow. So if you’re in any of the plans offered by StrongForex – 5% for 21 hours, 104%-130% after 1 day, 117%-300% after 4 days, 140%-999% after 9 days, 400%-1600% after 18 days, or 700%-3000% after 33 days – and are not getting paid within 24 hours of request then email me. This is the short newsletter from StrongForex received today:

20 Days online
I would like to note that we are already online for 20 days and I think it is a just only beginning of our work.
You can always find interesting and reliable investment packages in your account menu “Make Deposit”
Thank you for staying with us.


Being a hopeless scammer, the admin of Financa first lied through his teeth yesterday when he did everything possible (but failed!) to keep his program on Paying status on MNO. The latest is to offer some fake bonuses to the last gullible investors. Currently paying only to some bribed monitors that gladly maintain Paying status in exchange for a few cents daily, the admin is trying to squeeze every last penny by sending emails offering you some stupid money in exchange for depositing even more stupid money into Financa. Please beware of such emails (as reposted below) and do NOT invest money in that scam:

We have something special for you all
Hello Dear Customers,
We have something special for you all , Our traders and employees introduces a bonus on 3% daily plan to thank our customers for the great support and continues business.
The investment amount is $500 ,$1,000 , $5000 will get the bonus instantly back to there currency back .
Here are some quick examples on different investment amounts bonus back:
A. Investment of $500 will give you $50 bonus back instantly .
B. Investment of $1,000 will give you $150 bonus back instantly .
C. Investment of $5,000 will give you $1500 bonus back instantly .
Kindly login to your members area and go to “Make a Deposit” page like you always do , You may act now to participate in this limited-time Bonus opportunity!
You can invest through any processor and you may withdraw to any processor you want . Just send an email requesting exchange at : Financa.biz@gmail.com
Best wishes, Mark Carney. Financa.


Finally, one more warning goes out to anyone looking to join TrustedTradersLtd. As often happens, just yesterday the program paid just fine, and today the payouts stopped completely with the admin replacing the monitoring dynamic status images with fake static ones showing outdated paying statuses. Usually when this happens it’s a clear indicator that a program is a proven scam and in this case TrustedTradersLtd is no exception. For its ten day lifecycle the program did put some investors in profit. However like everywhere in the HYIP world where there are winners there has to be losers too. TrustedTradersLtd first slowed down the payouts and today stopped paying completely with no explanation from the admin. But I guess we don’t need any explanation because the program is a scam so stop all investments there. TrustedTradersLtd has been moved to Problem status on MNO monitor already, so you have been warned!


Three new programs joined Premium listing on MNO monitor today. I’ll start the introductions with the rather oddly named Jango. Although the program only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10, on a positive note the withdrawals are processed instantly, so at least you get paid fast. By the way, Jango offers several investment plans with the original principal returned on expiry – 2.5% for 20 days, 2.8% for 40 days, 3% for 45 days, 3.5% for 60 days, 4% for 130 days. It runs off a licensed GoldCoders script, the website is SSL-secured by Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated server provided by Koddos. As you can see everything is standard for a program like this. Further information on the plans and main features of Jango will be on my blog tomorrow in a more detailed review.


After two weeks online the admin of another oddly named program called MiniMoney finally decided to come to MNO and get his program added to Premium listing today. Unlike many other short term programs, MiniMoney has only two investment plans on offer and pays 105%-130% after 1 day and 117%-200% after 3 days. Of course the actual payment will fully depend on the size of your principal which can be as low as $10 for both. Payment options include SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Since the program is running off a standard licensed GoldCoders script, the payouts have to be requested and are promised to be paid by the admin manually within an 18 hour maximum. MiniMoney has a memorable red and black layout, is SSL secured by Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated server by Hivelocity. More info will be in my detailed review of MiniMoney in a couple of days, so stay tuned for that!


The third program joining my Premium list today – PayPayRev – positions itself as an investment project with an option to advertise your website. The script the program runs off fully utilizes this by providing investors advertising opportunities and giving ad credits in addition to investments which are accepted via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and LibertyReserve. Investments can be done in so called positions which you can purchase after adding funds to your account in PayPayRev first. You then re-distribute them into the plan of your choice – 2.42% for 35 days (with the price of one position set at $5), 2.5% for 40 days (with $10 minimum), and 4% for 60 days (if you’re feeling lucky and are ready to spend at least $1,500). Accounts will be credited with earnings on every calendar day and that on expiry you will be able to withdraw your principal as well. Payouts can take up to 24 hours the minimum request is $3. Apart from the special script, there’s nothing special about PayPayRev which is also SSL-secured by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server by Koddos. Joining this one is as risky as any other HYIP, so always remember to invest only what you can afford to lose. More on PayPayRev will be in the review next week.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, ReallyTrusted, StrongForex.
From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, BensonUnion, RewardsWeekly, 306BZ, NorthlandOpps, BriscoFund, Bet7, EaglesInvestment, MoneyInSports, RFIGroup, EarningAlliance, NEOMutual, SecureAssets, Jango (the first instant payments received), CapitalPartnersInvest (the first instant payments received), TechProfit (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, PrimeLookUp, GlowFinance (the first payment received), RevnexForex (the first payment received).

That’s all for tonight guys. Stay tuned for more news and the full review of Jango on MNO tomorrow and enjoy your weekend!

20 Days onlinestrong/span

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