April 2013 Archives

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Beware! Jango has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! It’s been a slow enough start to the weekend as regards news stories, though that’s pretty typical for a Saturday anyway as most of you will know. Everyone likes an occasional day off now and again I suppose and weekends in the HYIP industry are not much different from anywhere else in that regard. Anyway, before moving on to the news updates that I do have for you, I want to start with a recent addition to my monitoring page called Jango, just like the Tarantino movie but without the D. It’s a new program that just launched earlier this week, so if there’s ever such a thing as a best time to join anything in the HYIP industry then I guess that this is it, assuming Jango have anything you actually like that is. So let’s see what they have to offer and if you think they might be worth taking a chance on.

Jango have no less than five investment plans for you to think about. They range from medium to long term in duration and make daily interest payments according to how much you are prepared to gamble. While some plans are probably a bit too expensive to be taken seriously by a lot of investors, to be fair the minimum cost of joining them is for the most part kept to realistic levels, unlike some online HYIPs that come up with some plans that ask for the price of a house (and as a result do nothing but isolate their target audience and get no members at all). But anyway, the first plan runs for 20 calendar days and requires a $10 minimum deposit to join. It’s called The Jango Simple Plan, and by joining you could get a 2.5% on your deposit every day for the duration. Your principal is then returned on expiry. I should just point out that the Jango website’s description of the investment plans is somewhat misleading. It says the total interest received will be 150% which isn’t exactly true. The total “interest” will be 50% and therefore be your profit. The remaining 100% was your own money to begin with and merely being returned to you. Not to make too big a deal out of this of course, I just feel it worth mentioning for the benefit of the industry newbies so nobody is left confused. Maximum spend for this plan is $100, and remember it doesn’t actually put you in profit until after your principal is returned which hasn’t happened anyone yet at the time of writing.

The second option, starting with a $101 minimum deposit, is called The Jango Basic Plan. This one runs for 40 calendar days and sees the admin offer a daily interest payment of 2.8% on all deposits up to a maximum value of $300. This will eventually add up to 112% which can be taken as net profit once Jango then pay back the member’s original deposit and add it to the 112% as promised.

For a $301 minimum deposit you can then join The Jango Advanced Plan which runs for a term of 45 calendar days. Members can earn a daily interest rebate of 3% this time on all deposits up to a maximum spend of $500. Payments should we hope eventually add up to 135% in total which then becomes your net profit once Jango add your principal on top of it as promised.

For anyone willing to go in with a $501 minimum investment Jango offer The Jango Professional Plan. Running for a term of 60 calendar days, all deposits up to a maximum limit of $2,000 are being offered a daily interest payment of 3.5%. which brings in a final net profit of 210%. Jango should then hopefully add your original deposit back on top of that figure as well.

And lastly for the really big spenders out there you have the VIP Jango Plan. With a decidedly more long term feel to it this time, the term runs for 130 calendar days and will set you back a minimum of at least $2,001 to join. In return members are offered a 4% daily interest payment on their deposits which should add up to 520%, and their original deposits then added to that. Maximum spend is $25,000.

The first major disappointment to Jango is the choice of payment processors. Or should that be lack of choice, because at the moment they are only using PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve which used to be the acceptable standard for long term HYIPs in years past, but these days is only an obstacle to a program getting popular. Investors rightfully expect better, and have no lack of alternatives when looking for programs happy to accommodate them, so I would hope that Jango will take the relatively simple step and expand their payment options before too long. Though there’s nothing on the website to indicate this is anywhere in the pipeline. To be fair though there is one positive here, and that’s the use of instant payouts. You will still need to log in to your private Jango members account area and make a payment request, but once done you should have the money in your LR or PM account in under a minute.

Design and security features are all up to a fairly basic standard. Nothing particularly outstanding or even all that memorable, but at least acceptable if not spectacular. Jango is running off a licensed GoldCoders script for instance, so while it may be generic, most folks don’t really care and are happy to see something with a familiar feel that’s always recognizable and always easy to navigate. The Jango website is also using an extra layer of protection with SSL encryption by Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos. For any further questions for the admin if you think something isn’t covered by this review, then you can always get in tough with the Jango admin yourself simply by filling in your details in the online customer support form and submitting through the program’s contact page.

There’s nothing original in the program’s alleged business plan to support the payments. In fact a lot of the texts are just copy/pasted directly from a couple of different websites such as banks and genuine licensed financial services companies. So just in case anyone reading this is new to the HYIP industry, you need to disregard any claims being made about Jango being anything other than an online HYIP, something online HYIPs rarely in fact admit to. So just be careful when spending, set yourself a sensible limit that you won’t hurt you too badly were you to lose it, be realistic with what you honestly believe a program like Jango can really deliver you, and if you’re going to join them at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



In contrast of the usual funny stories members of 306BZ receive since the admin first starting sending them on a daily basis last week, today some sad news was posted instead. You may have heard on the news earlier about a powerful earthquake that struck southern China earlier today, and the admin asks for your prayers for the victims. On a purely business level this had no affect on the payouts made to 306BZ‘s members at all. After more than a month online 306BZ still pays instantly to SolidTrustPay investors and manually to all others who invested via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay to any of the following plans – 20%-30% for 6 days, 306% after 10 days, 306% after 36 days. More on 306BZ and their investment plans can be read in my detailed review published here. And this is the last short newsletter from the admin issued today:

Pray For Sichuan Earthquake Victims
We got a sad news that a major earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale has hit Luxian County in southwest China’s Sichuan province about 10 hours before. It is the 2nd major earthquake since Wenchuan Earthquake of Sichuan province in 2008. We have decided to temporary stop sending our daily joke and let’s pray for the people who live in Luxian County.
Best Regards. Team 306BZ


MoneyInSports (reviewed here) posted more of the picks used by the admin for sports betting, allegedly supporting the investors payments. I remind you that MoneyInSports offers just one investment plan paying 2% for the duration of 80 calendar days for a $5 minimum deposit via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve payment processors. I’m hoping to find out more from Justin, the admin of MoneyInSports, as I’m sending him some interview questions which I hope will be published on MNO by next week, so stay tuned for that, guys. Here’s the latest newsletter from MoneyInSports:

Free Plays for 4/20
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MIS. We will always include 1-3 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on.
We will try to email these daily so you can see some of the plays we are making. These plays are for informational purposes only.
We will include the game number, the team(s) in the bet, the type of bet such as money line (ML) or Point Spread (SP), and the odds or the over/under play.
First will be the Recap from the day before, under the Recap will be the next days action.
4/19 Recap:
MLB – 927 Detroit ML -120 Loss
MLB – 926 Chicago vs Minnesota Under 8.5 Canceled
MLB – 919 Oakland ML -110 Loss
0-2 for the day
2-3 Overall record
4/20 Plays:
MLB – 957 Atlanta vs Pittsburgh Under 7.5 -120
MLB – 978 Seattle vs Texas Under 9.5 +100
NBA – 702 New York PS -7 -110
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.


Oddly enough, the admin of PayPayRev completely changed investment plans just after the first 24 hours online. If you remember from my introduction of the program last night the original plans were 2.42% for 35 days (for a $5 minimum), 2.5% for 40 days ($10 minimum), and 4% for 60 days (if you’re feeling lucky and are ready to spend at least $1,500). The new plans are now 3.6% for 35 days ($5 minimum deposit), 3.7% for 40 days ($10 minimum deposit), 3.8% for 50 days ($100 minimum deposit), 4% for 60 days ($200 minimum deposit). Please note that the initial deposit is not returned on expiry and members who already joined the old plan will be transferred to the corresponding new plan automatically whether they like it or not. Well, I myself have no idea why the admin changed his mind so quickly about this but I hope he won’t make a habit of it. By the way, today PayPayRev also upgraded its listing to Sticky on MNO for one month which I believe is a good start from the program that looks to advertise on a major HYIP resource like mine. More on PayPayRev will be on my blog in a more detailed review in a couple of days.


Unfortunately today we say good-bye to another disastrous failure that was MasterEarn. The program collapsed by stopping processing instant withdrawals yesterday and lasted only seven weeks. That might sound like a reasonable term, but paying 2% or less interest 35 days online was not exactly what investors were hoping for. Anyway, MasterEarn is only noted as another fast scam run by an inexperienced and greedy admin who couldn’t even make an effort to bring profits even to the first investors. Please note that MasterEarn is a proven scam now, do not invest there and spread the word about it!


Thanks to a few readers of MNO I realized today that my suspicions of selective payouts from StrongForex were more than justified. Actually I got quite a flood of messages from annoyed investors telling me that they were having pending withdrawals for over 24 hours. As often happens in such cases any attempt to contact the admin proved fruitless and I even noticed the current rating page on the StrongForex website has no connection with reality by displaying static images from when the program was paying fine. All in all, twenty days online for StrongForex whose shortest plan paid only after one day was not a bad track record. However as of now we have to admit that the program has become a scam and any further investments are not recommended. Thanks again to readers for your feedback about your pending payouts today and I hope that the yesterday’s early warning was useful and saved at least somebody some money.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, ReallyTrusted, PayPayRev (the first payment received).
From MNO Premium list: RewardsWeekly, 306BZ, NorthlandOpps, BriscoFund, Bet7, EaglesInvestment, MoneyInSports, RFIGroup, EmpireFinanceGroup, EarningAlliance, SecureAssetsJango, MiniMoney (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBankGlowFinance.

That’s about it for tonight, guys. See you all tomorrow with the detailed review of TechProfit and daily news from the HYIP industry, and enjoy the rest of your weekend!span style=”color: #008000;”/a/a

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