April 2013 Archives

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Beware! LittleBigProfit has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! No matter where you are I guess the holidays are definitely over by now so one way or another it’s back to business as usual in the HYIP industry as well as for everyone else. It hasn’t exactly been a great week for news stories it has to be said with more bad ones than good of late and I’m not sure we’ve reached the bottom just yet. I’ll have more in the news section but at least there’s been some activity in the area with some new programs, albeit a reduced number, starting up. So the one I’m looking at today is a short term HYIP with a perhaps not quite unique twist to it but certainly an individual and unusual one. It’s called LittleBigProfit and I should start by saying that this is not a new program, rather just a new addition to my monitor. LittleBigProfit have in fact been online for the last ten days or so by now so do remember that when making any calculations. You should also know that the admin is presenting this as exactly what it is – a high risk HYIP and very much a gamble. You’ll find nothing about ForEx trading or precious metals or asset management companies here. It’s just an online HYIP and I know the majority of readers here are comfortable with that, but just as long as you know. But first let’s see what the investment plans are and the other important features and see if LittleBigProfit is suitable for you at all.

There’s just one plan available so not only does it make for an easy review, it also makes it an easy decision for you to either join or to pass – you either like it or you don’t. I can’t say it’s exactly a unique plan or anything and we have seen similar programs in the past, but it’s not like anything else on my monitor at the moment and it’s been a while since I saw anything resembling it. You can join LittleBigProfit for a minimum deposit of just $1 so it’s at least affordable for everyone. The term then runs for 240 hours (exactly ten days to the minute after you join), during which LittleBigProfit are offering investors a return of 1% interest on their principals every hour. Your initial principal is included as part of the payments so will not be returned to you in a separate payment, which means your total return of 240% is your own money back plus 140% net profit.

To see a practical example of how this might play out, let’s pretend we invested $100 in the program. An hour later you should expect your first payment of $1 to be available from you members area. And every hour for the following ten days in fact, allowing you to break even after 100 hours (just a bit longer than four days) and start counting passive profits after that. On completion of the term you should have amassed $240 in total, which includes your initial hundred plus $140 profit on top for yourself. LittleBigProfit have the maximum investment limit capped at $10,000 by the way.

The list of payment processors is OK for what your getting into I suppose, not exactly extensive, but acceptable for a program like this. You can join LittleBigProfit using any of EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve. No STP as you can see but like I said LittleBigProfit is entirely a gambling based program with no pretense of being anything else – the gamble being how long after you join does the admin decide to pull the plug and cease making payouts. Don’t join if that’s a problem for you, simple as that. If you do decide to play then as you might expect payouts to members are instant. I mean that’s essential for the operation of a program such as this, as there’s hardly much point in offering hourly payouts if you’re then going to ask members wait a further 24 hours while you process them, right? So you’ll still need to log in to your private LittleBigProfit members account are and make the request, and once done you should have the money in your e-currency account in other a minute.

Moving on to the design and security aspects of the program, first of all the LittleBigProfit website is using SSL encryption by Thawte so the transactions themselves should be safe enough. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos. Probably the best feature though it the unique custom made script that LittleBigProfit is running off. It looks good but is still uncomplicated and quite easy to navigate, and I can see the admin has been tweaking and fine tuning it along the way, making some adjustments as he goes that were reported in the occasional news updates. If you have any further questions for the admin of LittleBigProfit or any serious account issues then you can get in touch with them either by mailing them directly at the address provided or else by filling in your details on the customer support form and submitting via the contacts page. You’ll find LittleBigProfit active on various social networking sites as well. Also please note that while their website is bi-lingual – it’s in both Russian and English – it’s not specified whether support is available in any language other than English.

The content and texts of the website are, like the script, original. Highly original in fact if we consider that the LittleBigProfit admin is one of the very few in the business not lying to us about running some sort of imaginary financial services corporation. There’s no doubt that a lot of investors are already in profit here, that much is obvious, but the million dollar question now of course is how much longer it can go for. On the verge of already completing one full cycle before ever coming to MNO at all, 240% payouts are not easy things to maintain, and even less so when the referral commission rate is as high as it is. On the other hand LittleBigProfit like any other HYIP can easily survive as long as more cash flows in than out and we have see a couple of short term programs already this year that surpassed all expectations with the cycles they completed. What side of that fence LittleBigProfit falls on is something I can’t tell you though, and it’s a gamble you have to assess for yourself and choose to either play or pass. Just remember if you play to stay within a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose and won’t cause you any problems if you do. And as always if joining LittleBigProfit at all then keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Some disturbing news was published on the website of EliteCapitalClub today. The thing is the database was apparently hacked which resulted in some funds being stolen from the program. That could be expected, as the hackers never sleep, and the instant processing of withdrawal requests in EliteCapitalClub to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney is just too enticing not to take advantage of. I fully appreciate the admin’s honesty about the incident and hope it won’t affect the program’s performance which has been paying on a 12.5% for 12 business days plan for three weeks now, successfully completing the first cycle a couple of days ago and reaching the #1 spot on MNO’s Premium listing. As of now, the withdrawals in EliteCapitalClub (reviewed here) are still being processed instantly, however, according to the latest newsletter posted in the members’ area they were disabled for a few hours today. The admin also promised to move the program to a more secure server very soon, so I wish him good luck with that:

Hacked database
Dear members,
We regret to inform you that our database has been hacked today. Personal data of our clients has not been affected. However, as a result of this attack several thousand dollars have been stolen from our account. We want you to know that this event will not affect the work of our project in any way. Instant withdrawal option was disabled and our operators have been processing all requests manually for the past 8 hours (delays were no more than 5 minutes). At this point, all requests for withdrawal are processed as usual – that is, instantly. In the coming days, the website will be moved to a more secure server. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you for your trust.
Best Regards, EliteCapitalClub Support


Despite the recent DDoS attacks on the servers that made WavEarn inaccessible for about 24 hours today the admin managed to pay on the first expirations of the deposits from its shortest 120% after 5 days plan. I can’t personally confirm or deny this as my own deposit doesn’t expire for another couple of days as the admin didn’t list his project on MNO on the first day. But I’ll report on my blog as soon as it happens. Congratulations to the first investors who joined via SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, or EgoPay and hope those who preferred to join the longer term 150% after 10 days plan in WavEarn will be also paid in due course. The latest newsletter from WavEarn (reviewed here) was dedicated exclusively to the first payouts on expiry and you can read it here:

WavEarn Cycle Completed
We are well into cycle 2 now of our First Plan as our investors completed cycle 1 in First Plan about 2 days ago. In the next few days, another cycle will be completed in our First Plan as well as the VIP plan will complete a cycle.
We appreciate your dedicated support for WavEarn.


If you remember recently I reported on the instantly processed withdrawals to SolidTrustPay enabled for investors of 306BZ (reviewed here) a few days ago. Maybe it seemed unfair to other investors joining via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay so the admin decided to make it up to them. It was announced today that other members are now able to exchange via the internal exchanger to STP with 0% fees. I myself managed to do this and made a test withdrawal to STP which was processed instantly as usual. So if you don’t mind getting paid to SolidTrustPay instead of the other processors in any of the plans – 20%-30% for 6 days, 306% after 10 days, or 306% after 36 days – you can convert your balance and enjoy instant payouts to SolidTrustPay. Oddly enough in the latest newsletter the admin never mentioned the link to the exchange centre you need to use, but you can check it out here. There’s no link to that exchange centre in the member’s area yet, so I believe the admin just forgot to add it. In any case, please read the latest update from 306BZ below:

Exchange To Solidtrustpay For Free
We have enabled instant withdraw to Solidtrustpay processor last week. If you want to get paid instantly, now you can exchange your account balance of Libertyreserve, Perfectmoney, and Egopay to Solidtrustpay for free, then you can get paid to your Solidtrustpay account instantly. Please notice that we don’t encourage any exchanges in our system. You can only do this exchange if you really need it. Thank you.
Best Regards, Kelly Buckley


As MalaysianINC is running off a custom and original script its admin Nathan is able to improve it and make the necessary changes along the way, and I really like it. Today for instance he added the ability to invite your friends straight from your member’s area using a pre-made template. To use it simply login to your account in MalaysianINC and click the “Referrals” and then “Invite Friends” tabs. To eliminate spam you are allowed to send only 10 messages per 24 hours, which is pretty reasonable I must say. You can also change the text in the templates and make your messages more personal, improving your chances. By the way, the program accepts SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve starting from a $5 minimum. The investment plans will impress you with the variety of terms and on expiry of each you get your original investment back. The interest that is credited to your account in MalaysianINC is variable and depends on their trading results within a certain range. So you can get 1.62%-2.06% for 15 business days, 1.81%-2.18% for 30 business days, 2.15%-2.43% for 60 business days, or 2.63%-2.95% for 120 business days. As you can see, the longer the investment term the higher daily return you can expect. Another good thing is that all withdrawals are processed within 5 minutes, and you can be sure that you will be paid to your e-currency accounts almost instantly. More about MalaysianINC is in my original review of the program posted here and the latest newsletter you can read below:

Ability of inviting friends
We added to our functional the ability to invite your friends using a simple form. All you need just enter a name and email address of your friend and click button. Invitation with your referral links will be immediately sent to your friend. If your friend will open account and make a deposit, you will receive a commission. More info about referral commissions you can found here


Apparently the last newsletter from Financa (reviewed here) was aimed mainly at newbies in the HYIP industry who obviously might have some misunderstanding on what to enter when putting their payment processor information into the blank fields. I guess this information will be useful to newbies, so if you’re one of them please read the newsletter from Financa published below. I remind you that the program pays 3% interest for the duration of 75 business days with the initial investment returned on expiry to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, or EgoPay:

Account Withdrawal – Financa
This newsletter is being sent out to all our depositors to explain what information should be in your account profile for a successful withdrawal of a pending withdrawal.
There are a number of users who have incorrect information or in the wrong format in their account profile.
To process a Solid Trust Pay Withdrawal, we must have your Solid Trust Pay username in your profile. A blank or an email address will cause a failed withdrawal.
To process an Ego Pay Withdrawal, we must have your Ego Pay email address in your profile. A blank or an email address in incorrect format will cause a failed withdrawal.
To process a Perfect Money withdrawal, we must have your Perfect Money USD or EUR account in your profile. They start with a U or an E. A Perfect Money user ID or a blank will cause a failed withdrawal.
To process a Liberty Reserve withdrawal, we must have your Liberty Reserve account number in your profile. They start with a U.
If you need any support regarding how to withdraw successfully, please respond to this email.
For those who did have incorrect account information on file, or blank. Please fix it, cancel your pending withdrawal and re-submit it once you have corrected the error.
Best wishes, Mark Carney


PureIncome (reviewed here) decided to create a network of regional representatives after more than two months online. Payouts on the variable daily return plan (up to 2.3% daily) with the principal return after 180 days to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney have been stable throughout. The admin announced successful applications from candidates for regional representatives in the latest newsletter sent today and said you can apply in your Account Overview section in the member’s area. If you’re interested in becoming a representative please read more details below:

Regional Representatives
We are glad to announce that PureIncome has undergone a revolutionary step forward, dynamically evolving and attracting hundreds of new customers from all over the world each day. Therefore we decided to launch our representative election campaign to designate certain individuals to represent our company in their home countries. To become our representative you don’t need to have an office or posses computer skills. All you need is an PureIncome account and willingness to work with others.
P.S. Please, fill in the regional representative application form. You can find a link in the Account Overview section of your member zone.
Sincerely Yours,
PureIncome Team


Some good news came today for the members of RFIGroup. The program was hit by some technical difficulties due to their hosting provider. The admin has been silent for the last couple of days and didn’t reply to emails which made me move the project to Waiting status on MNO. I had a slight hope they would return which happened today with the following message first being displayed for a few hours:

Dear Customers
RFIGroup website is temporary down because of technical problems on our web hosting platform. The site shall be back online within several hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.

After that RFIGroup finally returned after a long absence. However nobody could log into their accounts for several more hours, though that was eventually fixed as well. The most important question on everyone’s mind was if RFIGroup would resume payouts which have always been paid instantly to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts on the various investment plans with principal returns on expiry – 1% for 100 business days, 1.6% for 130 business days, 2% for 150 business days, variable returns for 1+ days. This was done immediately, which in turn eliminated the reason for moving RFIGroup (reviewed here) to Waiting status in the first place. They are now back to Paying status on my monitor, so congratulations to all the members there.


Unfortunately I have to moved SureInv and ZenithPay to Problem status on MNO tonight with a pending Scam status awaiting them tomorrow if the payouts don’t resume by then.

ZenithPay was never a popular program with readers. Being on MNO for over a month the program had some issues with their STP account and had to switch to another one. That didn’t help much and ZenithPay processed payouts quite sporadically with a couple of times withdrawals were pending over 24 hours. The admin eventually paid in the end and I always moved them back to Paying status, but that didn’t happen today. I sent him a reminder but he doesn’t care to reply so I guess this is the end of the road for ZenithPay. Please note that due to delayed payouts no further investments can be recommended at this point. I’ll update you on MNO if anything changes.

SureInv returned today after their Easter holidays when the admin took five days off. Despite the pending withdrawals all getting processed to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PexPay, most withdrawals to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are still on pending status, and many investors have been waiting since last Friday. By the way, the admin of SureInv TJ replied to my concerns a couple of times today and promised to complete all pending withdrawals as soon as possible. He complained that there were way too many requests but then what did he seriously expect by taking five days off work? Saying there are too many requests when to LR and PM will not take more than a few minutes as they’re handled by an automated payment interface (API) which can easily be installed for both payment processors. Plus considering that there are too many investors waiting to get paid I believe it too dangerous to give them another chance to lure in any more investors. Cashflow issues in SureInv are too obvious now and pending withdrawals to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney would suggest as much. I believe therefore that SureInv is a pending scam now so moved it to Problem status on MNO tonight. The project was a huge success, it reached #1 on MNO’s Premium listing and lasted for four and a half months. Unfortunately, as with all HYIPs there was a beginning and an end to them which is I’m afraid where we are now. The program will most likely scam within the next couple of days so even if you got paid today you’d be advised to steer clear from this point on. You’ve been warned!


I would like to introduce a brand new project called AppleInv that only launched a couple of hours ago and the admin decided to be monitored on Premium listing on MNO. The program offers two investment plans: one with daily payouts – 5% for 30 calendar days – and another with a single payout processed on expiry – 110% after 7 days. The minimum to invest in both is $10 which is accepted via all the main payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. Since AppleInv is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and familiar to the majority of HYIP investors note that payouts can be requested from inside your member’s area and are promised to be processed within 12 hours. The AppleInv website is SSL-secured by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server by Koddos. I hope that as a brand new project it will be profitable to my readers. I’ll have a more detailed review tomorrow, so stay tuned for that!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: EliteCapitalClub, ADSolid, OptiEarn, ElegantForex, SwissInvestFund.
From MNO Premium list: InvestiField, BensonUnion, Stravia, MalaysianINC, 306BZ, RewardsWeeklyWorldGemsInvest, NorthlandOpps, EaglesInvestment, RFIGroup, MasterEarn, WavEarn, Financa, AVVGlobal, EarningAlliance.
From MNO Standard list: AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome, MoneyInSports, LittleBigProfit.
From MNO Basic list: SixDaysProfit, StrongForex, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, FxenTheInvestmentBank, ForexInvest, GalaxySaving (the first payment received).

That’s it for tonight, guys. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you tomorrow with the review of AppleInv and any other news worth knowing from the HYIP industry. Bye for now!/a

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