April 2013 Archives

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Beware! PayPayRev has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Well it’s been a slow couple of days for news stories in the HYIP industry but I have to say there seems to be no slowdown in the number of new programs joining my monitor. So much so that I’ve got articles planned for almost an entire week in advance already so I do hope you’ll be able to visit MNO at least once or twice because there might be something in among them that you really like or potentially become one of the industry leaders. Who knows? But for today I want to start of with a new program called PayPayRev which has a couple of mid to long term plans you may wish to take a look at. How PayPayRev try to differentiate themselves from the competition though – and this isn’t really all that original as lots of programs have tried this one before – is the use of advertising. No, not advertising themselves, but more specifically the allocation of advertising spots to their members, where, as long as you are an investor, you can also advertise your website or business to other members. I can’t say it’s a guaranteed recipe for success or failure either way as some of the programs to do this were quite good while they lasted, and others were nothing short of disastrous. But as a monitor I can only tell you that I myself would only treat PayPayRev as any other online HYIP, that’s certainly how I’m going to review it, and that’s how I suggest you treat them as well.

I guess the investment plans are as always as good a place as any to start things off, but there’s just a couple of quick points I need to make clear for you. First of all PayPayRev is not an autosurf. There is a strong emphasis on advertising, but the actual viewing/clicking of ads by members has nothing to do with this program whatsoever. Also if you’re joining PayPayRev then the procedure is a little different to your average online HYIP. You will be required to deposit money to you account balance with them in your e-wallet before activating the actual investment itself you see, so you start by funding your account with how ever much you are looking to spend, and when this is done you just redirect the money into the plan of choice. It’s actually quite simple, just a little different from what newer readers might be used to. The other thing you need to remember is that investing in PayPayRev is a bit like buying shares, or “positions” as the admin refers to them as. In other words you are not allowed to just spend any random amount of money you like. Every plan has units, and every unit has a price. So for instance if the unit price is $5 (as it is in the first plan) you may only spend multiples of $5, such as $5, $10, $15, and so on. Likewise for PayPayRev‘s second plan where the unit price is $10 you can only spend $10, $20, $30, and so on like that.

As for the plans themselves then, PayPayRev are offering four of them. I have to say that if you visit their website you might not find them all that well explained in the public area, and you’d have to be a member (though not necessarily one with an active deposit) to see a more detailed version of things in the private account area. I’ll go through them all for you here of course but I do hope it doesn’t become too much of an obstacle to members joining. Anyway, there’s four plans to choose from though I’m going to describe them in a different running order to that of the PayPayRev website as it doesn’t seem to be that well organized. The first of them is called The Silver Stream and it runs for 35 calendar days. Investors are invited to join for a minimum deposit of just $5 per unit which is a little cheaper than the industry average and for the terms duration can earn a daily interest repayment of 3.6%. This adds up eventually to a grand total of 126%. PayPayRev do not return your principal in a separate on expiry payment so that leaves you with a clear 26% profit.

This is followed by The Golden Stream, a plan which will cost you a $10 per unit minimum to join so still quite affordable. The thing about this one however is that it runs for a slightly longer investment term at 40 calendar days, with PayPayRev giving you a better rate than the previous plan at 3.7% per calendar day. This comes to 148% by the end of the term in which the PayPayRev admin has also included your principal. So I mean with almost no difference in the amount of money required to join I can only wonder then why the first plan is even offered at all, as there’s almost no reason to join it once you have this option open to you as well.

Next on the list is The Platinum Stream, which sees PayPayRev offer members a daily interest payment for a term running 50 calendar days. The minimum cost of joining is $100 per unit so clearly this won’t be for everyone, but if you want in the potential rate paid back to you is 3.8%. By the time the plan comes to maturity these payments should hopefully have amassed to 190%. PayPayRev are already factoring your principal into the payments which means this leaves you with a net profit of 90%.

And lastly for any big spenders out there prepared to pay the minimum asking price of $200 per unit, PayPayRev have The Vortex Plan. This time the term stretches to 60 calendar days with a payment of 4% per day being offered to any members wishing to play. That adds up to 240% back on your investment which includes your principal so makes it your own money back plus 140% net profit.

So if you like any of the plans, like them enough to join I mean, then you’ll probably be happy enough with the list of payment options as well. As is probably the expected minimum standard by most investors these days anyway, PayPayRev have all the popular industry processors including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve so there’s unlikely to either be a demand or an expectation that any others be added. Payouts to investors are made manually by the admin and will have to be requested from inside your private PayPayRev members account area. Once you’ve logged your request you’re then asked to allow anything up to a 24 hour maximum for all transactions to be completed. Smaller investors especially however please take note – the PayPayRev admin has placed a minimum requirement on all withdrawals. The amount must be at least $3 or more or else it won’t be processed so do keep an eye on that first.

Looking at the design and security setup, that too is fairly standard issue for a program such as PayPayRev, though it should be noted that they are running off an unusual though one I’ve seen a couple of times in the past from a provider called XSharePro. This of course doesn’t necessarily guarantee you anything with regard to earning a profit but at least it shows the admin has made a serious attempt and opening a program he wants to be taken seriously. If so then an established and dependable payments record is what’s really needed before investors feel the same way, and that’s something we’ll only see (or not) over the coming weeks. Meanwhile I can tell you that PayPayRev is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos, and for an extra layer of security the website is SSL-encrypted by Comodo. If you think I might have missed anything important here or you have any further questions or account related issues for the admin to deal with, then PayPayRev can be contacted by filling in your details plus your enquiry on the online customer support ticketing form and submitting it via the website’s contact page.

As for the alleged business plan supposedly backing it all up, as I said at the top of the page PayPayRev are positioning themselves as an advertising company. As regular readers will know I’m generally quite skeptical about the claims made by online HYIPs regarding the legitimacy of the claims they make about how they generate profits, and this one is not going to be any different. To be fair to PayPayRev however I can’t dispute the fact that advertising does indeed play a big role in their website. I mean the admin isn’t telling us any lies in that regard unlike all the pretend ForEx deals and the like that usually make up the ranks of HYIP admins, and you can see quite clearly with your own eyes that he does what he says he does. But I still don’t go for it because I still don’t see how this by itself ever generates one single cent that doesn’t originate from the pockets of regular paid up members. The one and only difference I can see between this and a regular HYIP in fact is that investors get a chance to advertise their websites if they have them, something I know from experience with similar programs that very few people ever show any interest in. And that meant that the very same rules apply to PayPayRev as to every other program. Never go beyond a modest and sensible spending limit, be realistic in what you think this program can honestly deliver, and if joining PayPayRev at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I guess the investors of 306BZ had enough of the daily jokes most of which were quite unfunny anyway. So today the admin decided to try another trick to maintain the popularity of his program. He’s launching a series of daily quizzes with $10 cash prizes to three lucky members randomly selected from those with the correct answers to the questions that will be posted on a daily basis. To participate simply answer the question posted in the latest newsletter from 306BZ and also send your username in the program. I guess the first winners will be announced tomorrow, so stay tuned for that. Not to be deliberately argumentative about it or anything, but there must be millions of potentially correct answers to the question he posted, so exactly how he settles on three winners is beyond me! 306BZ pays 20% to 30% for 6 days and on two on expiry plans with the 306% return after 10 or 36 days with the fast payouts processed to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay payment systems and was first reviewed on MNO here:

Daily Quiz From 306BZ
William Waters is a member of 306BZ. He suggested us offer investors trivia questions instead of our daily joke. We think it is very good idea. We will randomly choose 3 members who have give the right answer of our mini quiz everyday from Monday to Friday to get $10 cash each. We will directly add this amount to your account balance which you can withdraw at any time. Please do send us your answer and your username on 306BZ in 18 hours from the time you receive our quiz.
Quiz Today
What word is never mentioned in the Bible?
Your Answer:
Your Username on 306BZ:
Best Regards. 306BZ


I’ve just received the answers to my questions from the admin of MoneyInSports Justin today, but due to so many new programs to be reviewed on my blog over the next week I can’t get around to publishing it until the weekend. Please stay tuned for that, as I believe it might answer many of your questions. The program that pays you 2% interest for the duration of 80 calendar days with SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, PexPay, and EgoPay all accepted as payment processors starting with a $5 minimum. Over the first month online MoneyInSports (reviewed here) has managed to become very popular among my readers, and I guess that’s mostly due to the personality of Justin who is very proactive indeed and apart providing excellent support for MoneyInSports members and on the MNO ShoutBox he’s also sending daily tips that may interest those looking to try their hands at sports betting. The latest picks from MoneyInSports can be found below:

Free Play Picks 4/23
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MIS. We will always include 1-3 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on.
We will try to email these daily so you can see some of the plays we are making. These plays are for informational purposes only.
We will include the game number, the team(s) in the bet, the type of bet such as money line (ML) or Point Spread (SP), and the odds or the over/under play.
First will be the Recap from the day before, under the Recap will be the next days action.
4/22 Recap:
MLB – 958 Colorado Rockies ML +104 Canceled
MLB – 956 Cincinnati Reds Total U 8.5 Runs -110 Loss
NBA – 718 Brooklyn Nets ML -215 Loss
NBA – 720 Los Angeles Clippers ML -260 Extra Pick Won
1-2 for the day
8-5 Overall record
4/23 Plays:
MLB – 906 Cincinnati Reds ML -162
MLB – 917 Kansas City Royals ML +165 Extra Play
MLB – 926 Seattle vs Houston U 7.5 +100
MLB – 920 Baltimore Orioles ML -105 Extra Play
NBA – 722 Miami Heat SP -13.5 -110
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.


Another short-term program joined the MNO listing today called SuccessTrade. The program is not exactly new and considering the fast returns you can get from their plans it could be even considered mature enough, if not downright old. SuccessTrade offers various investment plans with payouts paid on expiry. Each of the plans has a minimum deposit of $10 and the payments are accepted via four popular payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. Depending on the size of your deposit in SuccessTrade you can get paid the following returns on expiry – 105%-108% after 1 day, 117%-126% after 3 days, 130%-145% after 5 days, and 170%-200% after 10 days. As the program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, all the withdrawals have to be requested from inside your account and they are promised to be paid within a 12 hour waiting period. SuccessTrade is SSL-secured by AlphaSSL and hosted on a dedicated server provided by RivalHost – a name you rarely see in the HYIP industry. A more detailed review of SuccessTrade will be on MNO blog in a few days, so stay tuned for that!


Another program I’m introducing tonight is called Finance7. As you know it’s not a new entry to my listing either, as it’s been monitored on MNO since December 2012. Today the admin decided it’s time to upgrade from Basic to Sticky/Premium listing on MNO which entitles Finance7 to be reviewed on MNO and is exactly what I intend to do very soon. By the way, there was a reason why the admin laid low for a few months and didn’t want his program to get reviewed. Initially Finance7 started with a limited choice of payment processors and quite a low-ROI investment plan paying from 1% to 3% daily for the duration of 300 calendar days. Recently the investment plan was totally changed and currently you can only invest in a 10% for 20 business days plan which will credit your account from Monday to Friday only. The minimum to invest is $25 and there is a wide choice of payment processors which includes LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and OkPay. After the investment is done you can request your payouts which are usually paid manually by the admin within approximately 12 hours. Despite claims of instantly processed payouts, they have never been done this way and I don’t believe the admin is planning to add the option either, so please be aware of that when requesting your payout. Finance7 has SSL security provided by GlobeSSL, runs off a licensed GoldCoders script, and is hosted on a dedicated server with Koddos support and protection. For more info on this interesting project please refer to the full review of the re-launched Finance7 to be published on my blog soon!


I must say I didn’t have a good feeling about TechProfit from the beginning, as with the current amount of fast short-term scams I was afraid the program could stop paying even before my review is published. So I deliberately delayed posting it and waited for the admin to pays me on expiry of my first 5 day plan. Unfortunately that was the first and the last payment I got from them, as today the payouts have stopped and due to a lot of complaints I had to move TechProfit to Problem status. With a total lifecycle of 12 days the first investors who joined the five and ten day plans may have some nice profits. Some might say that it’s very bad timing to run a short-term program now, and if we consider that, then TechProfit‘s lifecycle was probably decent, but definitely not even close to being successful program. In fact I believe an experienced admin can run such programs for a long time, and only some greedy admins fail to do so. Please note that TechProfit is a proven scam now but, as I always tell you, it’s impossible to predict any HYIP’s lifetime and this latest scam was no exception.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, Finance7, PayPayRev.
From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, BensonUnion, 306BZ, RewardsWeekly, NorthlandOpps,  BriscoFundEaglesInvestment, MoneyInSports, RFIGroup, NEOMutual, EmpireFinanceGroup, EarningAlliance, SecureAssets, JangoCapitalPartnersInvestXProfit (the first instant payments received), DioMetal (the first payment received), PrimeInvest (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome, SuccessTrade (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Money&Credit, TheInvestmentBank, GlowFinance, SanderaGroup (the first payment received).

That’s all for today, guys. See you tomorrow with another review and all the news from the industry!

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