April 2013 Archives

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Beware! AppleInv has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Before we get to the mid-week news bulletin for this Wednesday there was one brand new program that just started up last night that I want to start with first. It’s a short to medium term HYIP called AppleInv which might be of interest to you if you’re on the lookout for something new. So let’s have a look at what they have to offer and their other main features and see if there’s anything in AppleInv you might like to add to your portfolios.

This of course is a total guess on my part but looking at the plans available in AppleInv there’s every chance that it might become a popular pick with investors. Speculation I know, but it’s just that this type of thing has often proved successful in the past when properly managed. Whether AppleInv can follow suit or not is something we can’t really say right now, certainly not in the current industry climate, but we’ll see that one way or another in the coming weeks. But anyway, you have two quite straight forward plans to choose from, both of which are quite affordable.

The first option is called The Daily Plan and can be joined for a minimum investment of $10. The plan runs for 30 calendar days, and as the name implies pays you back a daily interest rate. The rate is 5% and is the same for all investors regardless of how big your deposit is, up to a maximum value of $10,000. Your principal is counted as part of the payments and so will not be given back on expiry. That means that AppleInv pay you back a grand total of 150%, consisting of your own money plus 50% net profit.

To put that in monetary terms, let’s say you invested $100 here. That would mean AppleInv need to pay you back $5 every day for the following 30 days. You break even (earn back an amount equal to your investment 20 days into the term) and carry no further personal risk after that. You should then complete the term with payments adding up to $150 from which AppleInv have already counted your own initial hundred. So in other words it’s your own money back plus an extra $50 on top as your profit.

Your other choice is called The Weekly Plan. Now it can be argued either way that this plan is either more or less risky than the previous one. I can see this from both sides so it’s really up to you which one you prefer, but in financial terms AppleInv are only looking for a $10 minimum to join, so whatever way you look at it, it needn’t cost you very much to take the gamble. The plan runs for 7 calendar days, with AppleInv making one single interest payment on expiry. This is made at 110%, and includes your initial investment. So it’s your own money back plus 10% net profit on top for yourself. It applies to all deposits regardless of size and AppleInv place a $10,000 upper limit on the amount you may invest.

Putting it into monetary terms, the same $100 deposit in this plan would yield a $110 return on expiry seven days later. What you need to consider here is that although AppleInv don’t give you daily payments and is less profitable than the first plan, it still puts you into some profit and allows you to break even a good deal faster. However if anything goes wrong within seven days of you joining AppleInv you risk a 100% loss in this plan as opposed to a partial loss (but still a loss nonetheless) in the daily plan. But as you can see both plans have their advantages and drawbacks, which is of course the gamble you are taking, though if you prefer then I guess there’s nothing to stop you from splitting your investment between both plans if you wanted.

I’m pleased to see that the payment options are pretty good, though that’s also a minimum expectation for most of the serious industry players. Currently AppleInv are handling deposits and withdrawals through all the main popular processors, including SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve, so I guess there’s no real demand that more be added which wouldn’t really improve things all that much anyway. Not in a short term HYIP anyway. Payouts are handled manually by the AppleInv admin and so you will need to log into your private members account area and make a request. Once done you are then asked to allow anything up to a 12 hour maximum for all transactions to be completed.

Moving on to the design and security features, AppleInv is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos. The website has an extra layer of security with SSL encryption by Comodo, and runs off a licensed script from GoldCoders which I’m sure will give them a very familiar feel to the majority of regular industry players. If you have any further questions about the program or outstanding account related issues you need the admin to deal with then AppleInv can be reached by filling in your details on the customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. The AppleInv website also includes a built-in Live Chat feature, though I myself have never noticed it actually working. The banner implies it’s supposed to be online for 12 hours per day, but like I said it doesn’t seem to be whenever I go to check it out. This would really need to be better explained because otherwise the design is bit of a mess, especially regarding the FAQ section which is very tricky to find. The main FAQ tab just redirects you to the AppleInv index page but you can find a proper working link further down at the end of the page.

As for any business plan supposedly backing it all up – forget about it. Don’t even look for it because it’s not there, and I for one have no problem with an admin choosing not to waste anybody’s time pretending to operates some kind of “failure-proof” ForEx trading system or whatever, when in reality just running a regular online HYIP. There’s absolutely nothing on the AppleInv website to suggest that they are anything more than that, and it’s the kind of attitude I appreciate from admins. Nobody is offering you a guarantee they have neither the intention or the ability to keep, so you have no excuse for going into AppleInv fully aware of what you are doing. Personally as a new program I would like to hope it’s going to be profitable for as many of you as possible, but I don’t have any control over that. So remember that if you do decide to play then please stay comfortably under a spending limit you can afford to lose, and if joining them at all try and keep AppleInv as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



EliteCapitalClub intended to move to another more protected server today to avoid a repeat of the incident when their database was hacked, causing the temporary removal of instant withdrawals yesterday. As far as I can see, there was no downtime seen today and I can’t see if the site really did upgrade their server as promised. The server shown on the whois website is still BlackLotus with BlockDos protection enabled. However, the admin said that work on the site was now finished. This might again temporarily affect instant payouts that are usually done within seconds to SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay. The admin promised though that this situation wouldn’t last long and that within a few hours all the payouts would be processed instantly again. At the same time he notes EliteCapitalClub reserves the right to manually process some payouts within a 24 hour timeframe. Well, considering the latest hacking attempt it might be a reasonable decision. At the moment EliteCapitalClub (reviewed here) is ranked at #1 on MNO’s Premium List and is currently on its second cycle paying 12.5% interest for the duration of 12 business days. Hopefully they can overcome this and resume the instant payouts as soon as possible. Two latest updates from EliteCapitalClub are reposted below:

New server
Just as we promised yesterday, we’re moving to a new server. In connection with this, our site might be temporarily inaccessible (for no more than 2-3 hours). During that time, the withdrawal requests will be processed manually (but we’ll do our best not to allow delays of more than 30 minutes). Also, during the database transfer, the requested withdrawals might be returned to your account balance. Don’t worry, simply make your withdrawal request a little later. As soon as we transfer the site and the database, the withdrawal requests will once again be processed instantaneously.

Technical work is finished.
Technical work is finished. Please do not worry, not one byte of our base will not be lost! All withdrawals will be back to instant mode after few hours! If you don’t received your withdraw request or can’t login to your account – please contact us to finance@elitecapitalclub.com and we will solve your problem quickly.
And please don’t forget – we reserve up to 24 hours to process any withdrawal request.
Thanks for your understanding and support.


I noticed that for the last few days the payouts from ADSolid (reviewed here) are not processed instantly as before, although I’m still getting paid within a few hours of request to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay which are all accepted. Today it became known that auto-payments had been disabled by the programmers and that instant payouts would be available again very soon. Here’s the short update posted on the ADSolid website:

April 2, 2013 8:25 PM
Dear investors, we apologize for the problems with the auto-payments today. Our programmers are update auto-payments system, so today we made payments manually. We think by tomorrow morning it will work.

I remind you that ADSolid is a HYIP which also allows to advertise your website (if you have one) while paying you 0.8% for 5 days, and 1.2%-1.7% for 150 days on your deposits that can start with as low as $10. Note that the interest is credited to your account on business days only and on expiry you will also get your principal back. First hand information is in my interview with the admin of ADSolid Timoleon which was published here.


I got the latest newsletter from MoneyInSports this morning commemorating the first two weeks online. I’m not sure if a program like this paying such small interest of 2% for 80 calendar days should boast such a questionable achievement, but anyway, all the payouts from MoneyInSports to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve are processed quite fast and the slow start of the program with only 100 active members in two weeks could provide steady growth in the future. The admin Justin encouraged everyone to promote MoneyInSports actively and take advantage of the generous 5% referral commissions and also promised to name and shame one lazy monitor not doing the job they are paid to do. See the latest newsletter from MoneyInSports (reviewed here) in its entirety below:

Two Weeks Online
Hello Everyone,
Today marks two weeks that we have been open. In that two weeks we have seen a nice steady growth of active users. We already have over 100 active users in just two weeks. This is great support and we thank everyone that is using MoneyInSports.
We are still very new to the HYIP world so it is a great time to get your MoneyInSports banners and links on as many sites as you can to take advantage of our 5% affiliate program. We know many of you have down lines as well that would be very happy to hear what we are offering Low risk, Low Stress, and Daily Payments.
Lastly we are having an issue with a monitor that is not reporting us properly for over a week now. We have made several attempts to contact them with no reply as of this update. We will give them another couple days, but if we do not get it resolved we will announce what monitor we are having this issue with.
Regards. Justin


Just two days after coming to MNO LittleBigProfit stopped paying today and though it was clear from my review of the program posted last night that we’re dealing with a regular HYIP game already lucky to finish its first 240% cycle, still the sudden stopping of payouts could cost someone a lot of money. Nobody could predict how long LittleBigProfit would last, but am hopeful that you were all aware that it was a pure game and a very high risk one. Just to let you know MNO monitor was the first to move LittleBigProfit to Problem status just 20 minutes the first problem was detected. But still I noticed that some of my readers joined the program after it was already on Problem status on MNO. Therefore, I would encourage you to please check out the latest status of every project you join on the MNO monitor first. It will take only seconds of your time, but could save you money. LittleBigProfit is still accepting deposits, but the payouts totally stopped, so please do not make any further investments there!

WavEarn in turn has managed to pay only to those lucky users joining on day one and investing in the shorter term 5 day plan. The program really struggled a lot with DDoS attacks right from the beginning and it was no wonder that payouts got slower and slower until finally today they stopped completely. Well, possibly some monitors are still getting paid, as I still see a lot of Paying statuses for WavEarn there, but MNO was the first to put it to Problem status. There were already some complaints for pending withdrawals from WavEarn submitted by readers. It also looks like the admin is paying selectively now and I received two small withdrawals today while the biggest one which should have been made on 120% after 5 days is still in pending status and yet to be paid. I highly doubt it’s going to be done though, especially considering more downtime experienced today and almost no discussion on WavEarn on forums coupled with rumours that the same admin ran SphereINV as well. Well, even if that’s true WavEarn couldn’t repeat the success of its predecessor and I’m not even sure that anyone, except for monitors, got paid on the expiry plan. Unfortunately WavEarn is a quick scam, so please avoid investing there.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: EliteCapitalClub, ADSolid, OptiEarn, SwissInvestFund, BriscoFund.
From MNO Premium list: InvestiField, BensonUnion, Stravia, 306BZ, MalaysianINC,  RewardsWeekly, HytexAGNorthlandOpps, EaglesInvestment, RFIGroup, MasterEarn, Financa, EmpireFinanceGroup, AVVGlobal, EarningAlliance, AppleInv (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, AxiomInvestingGroup.
From MNO Basic list: SixDaysProfit, StrongForex, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, ForexInvest, TrueFinance (the first instant payments received).

That’s about it for tonight, guys. Hope you enjoyed reading and thanks for your constant support of my work with your nice comments and emails every day. I’ll see you on the pages of MNO again tomorrow, so bye for now!

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