May 9th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! JLBCO has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Continuing with the list of new programs coming to MNO for monitoring recently, tonight I want to take a look at a longer term one called JLBCO. The full name is in fact JLB Consultancy and Trading, but they’ve decided to shorten it to that. It’s been an otherwise slow day for news stories by the way, but I’ll be getting to that shortly in the second half of the day’s update. But I’ll start things off with JLBCO which in fact launched about two weeks or so ago, but it’s still quite new when you compare this to the plans.

And speaking of the plans, I suppose it might be more accurate to say plan (singular), as basically JLBCO only have one of them. This is in turn divided into several sections which pay you according to how big your investment is, but the term and conditions don’t change. Most of the plan’s subsections are ridiculously expensive to join anyway and so I suspect won’t be getting all that much attention, but there is at least still a very affordable $10 minimum to sign up. The plan itself then runs for 70 business days, which is 14 weeks. During that time JLBCO will make a daily interest payment from Monday to Friday of 3% on all deposits up to a maximum value of $499. These payments eventually come to 210% of your original investment, at which point your principal is then added to it.

To put that in simple monetary terms let’s say we invested $100 here. In return for that JLBCO offer to pay $5 per business day on that until you have gotten $210 back altogether, though you will have earned back your own money just under seven weeks into the fourteen week term (and be counting pure passive profit from that point on). Then they should add your initial hundred bucks on top of that again, leaving the $210 as net profit for yourself.

I guess that would pretty much cover the vast majority of investors as only the minority go past $500 anyway, but if you are one of the bigger spenders then JLBCO will offer the following rates. All of these apply for the same 70 business day term and all promise to return your principal on expiry:
Deposits from $500 to a maximum value of $999 are offered 3.5% interest per business day (total profit 245%). Joining with a sum between at least $1,000 up to $9,999 gets you back 4% per business day, or 280% net profit.

Anyone looking to take a leap into The Twilight Zone and spend more than that can check out the details on the JLBCO website, but I’ll just give you the rates here anyway for information purposes. 5% per business day on $10,000 up to $19,999, 5.5% on deposits from $20,000 up to $34,999, and 6% per business day on $35,000 up to the maximum allowed $50,000.

One other important fact you will have to keep in consideration when joining JLBCO is their early withdrawal feature. Some of you mightn’t like longer term programs that much and may not like the idea of your money being tied up for quite such a lengthy period. If not then JLBCO offer a way out. For a 25% penalty they will allow you to leave the program early and take most of your principal back. It’s expensive enough I suppose but the be fair I have seen much much more punitive fees imposed by other programs in the past, so this one actually compares quite favorably. It’s perhaps best not to even consider this a penalty fee but rather factor it into your investment strategy somehow – just calculate how much you think you might like to withdraw, and add 75% of your principal instead of all at the end of the term you have chosen for yourself. That’s assuming you do intend to leave early at all of course, as I’m sure most of you join with the intention of staying until the end of at least one full cycle.

One other feature I’ll just mention briefly is compounding. Personally I wouldn’t be a fan of the practice myself, though that’s not a reflection on the quality of any of the programs that make it available. So if you happen to see a good reason to like compounding then JLBCO have it available. You’ll notice a handy little profit calculator built into the website where you can play around with all the numbers you like and see what would be required to obtain the profit you’d be hoping for. Just remember to keep it sane!

Other than that the list of payment options is I suppose as good as anything you’ll find in the HYIP industry these days with all the players, both major and minor, in there somewhere. Currently you can deposit or withdraw from JLBCO using any of either SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, OKPay, or PexPay. Payments are not instant and will only be made manually by the admin, so that requires you to log into your private members account area and make the request. Once done you will need to allow anything up to a possible maximum of 12 hours if requesting an interest payment and 24 hours if requesting your principal.

Looking at the design and security set up for the program, JLBCO measures up quite well against a lot of similar style programs. The design itself looks really good with a well planned and laid out design and original content. JLBCO is running off a licensed GoldCoders script which will at least give it a very familiar feel to most of the regular industry players, and their website is fully SSL-secured by GeoTrust for safer browsing and more secure transactions. To complete the picture we find JLBCO hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by BlockDos who are of course widely acknowledged as the best provider willing to accommodate HYIP related websites.

If there’s anything else you don’t quite understand and would like to ask the admin, or for any account related issues that need to be dealt with then you can get in touch by a number of methods. There’s the more usual way of simply filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it, or else just by writing directly to the e-mail address they have listed. Also, and I must say refreshingly for the HYIP industry, JLBCO have a Live Chat feature which actually works. I can’t give you a working schedule for the admin or any assistants he as helping him with it, but it does work so might be worth your while just having a quick look to check first before submitting a ticket. There’s a postal address in Singapore which while not being in any position to verify would be pretty sure is no more than a virtual serviced office at best and unlikely where you’d find anyone involved with the program physically located. And finally if you want to try your luck over the phone and see if anyone actually answers you then JLBCO publish a telephone number, though again no information as to what the working hours being kept there are.

Like I mentioned already above the website content and texts all appear original, though it has to be said hardly tells us anything not claimed by a million programs before this one and very little in the way of real solid information we can use. Still, nice to see it’s not a copy-paste. For the record JLBCO claim to have some involvement with “Stocks, Bonds, Commodities, and Currencies” but as I don’t expect to see any evidence of that then suggest you proceed like most readers here will already know how to proceed. With caution, and not treating JLBCO any differently than they would any other online HYIP. So do rememberer there are no guarantees and no insurance policies here. Set yourself a sensible spending limit with only money you can afford to play around with and afford to lose, and if joining JLBCO at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Even after around seven weeks online the admin of RonWards keeps improving his program by regularly adding new features. The newest – a profit calculator – will be definitely useful for those who wish to know exactly how much money is due to them at the end of the term. I remind you that the program pays on various plans which you can read about in my review published here. They include 103%-125% after 1 day, 53.5%-70% for 2 days, 118%-300% after 5 days, 145%-500% after 10 days, 225%-1000% after 20 days, 400%-1500% after 30 days. The minimum to invest in RonWards is $10 and is accepted via four payment processors – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. You can find the above mentioned profit calculator in the right sidebar on each page of RonWards which will be handy to calculate your potential profit immediately. The latest newsletter can be read below:

Profits Calculator. New Feature provided by RonWards.
Welcome to all of our new investors. With our vision to provide to you, our investors, the best service in this industry, we have created an instant profit calculator in our website. Please make sure you try this new feature and this is also to avoid questions arising from uncertainty of how much profit a specific deposit amount gives you in our plans.
We have also updated the forum buttons listed on the home page, as part of this improvement.
We will keep improving our program because we feel that it’s just the beginning of a very profitable experience with us at RonWards.
Thank you for your support.
Regards, Ron Howards


I must say that I have seen a lot of video presentations for HYIPs already, but are more usually about longer term programs. What about AbsoluteGainFenix? This program claims to be able to pay you up to 120% after one day and apparently employ professional traders and analysts able to deliver such fantastic returns. Well, that’s what you find in the latest video presentation from AbsoluteGainFenix available now on their website. The video is very well made and only 92 seconds long, however I don’t think anyone in their right minds would believe that such huge returns AbsoluteGainFenix offers members can be achieved from currency trading. Judge for yourself – AbsoluteGainFenix (reviewed here) provides you with a unique opportunity to earn unheard and unrealistic returns paid to your LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay accounts. The plans include 104%-120% after 1 day, 130%-250% after 7 days, 200%-850% after 14 days, 850%-4500% after 30 days, 8500% after 42 days, and even 12000% after 52 days. While AbsoluteGainFenix has been online and paying perfectly well for two weeks already, we shouldn’t forget that it’s a money game and therefore invest only what you can afford to lose. Apart from that I enjoyed the video myself and hopefully that it will boost the growth of the program in the long run. More from the admin is in the update below below:

Video Review
Hello investors,
Two weeks gone of our investment journey and as we promised video review about our company was published on “Who we are?” page. Join it and leave comments!
Regards, AbsoluteGainFenix Team.


There were three updates issued by AlphaGains today (read my full review of the program here) which I will discuss. First though I wanted to give you a follow-up to yesterday’s story about a 4% withdrawal fee which is now charged to all withdrawals paid on the 10%-13% for 13 days plan to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay accounts. In my latest update I didn’t quite get how the 4% fee was going to be deducted from member’s accounts, but it looks like today the admin has fixed this and on withdrawal you will actually see the full amount, the 4% fee applied, and the net amount you receive to your payment processor. I guess that’s all settled then, but please take this 4% fee into consideration when calculating your potential profits in AlphaGains.

The admin Michael also sent a newsletter in which he mentioned that he had fixed the issue of showing the sign-ups in your downline:

AlphaGains NEWS
Dear Members,
I have sent 3 news letters out already, i really did not want to keep disturbing you but i had to tell you some good news. A lot of you wanted to be able to see the people signing up under you, i said we can’t do that right now. However i have just added it, so you can now login and check to see your sign ups. I am really happy i was able to add it because so many of you wanted it to be viewable, so now it is.
I won’t say much else and other than thank you we are doing so good, for the long term we really are going to be a long lasting, massive site, and it’s all because of you.
Regards, Admin Michael

MNO has become the #1 referrer for AlphaGains and you can clearly see this great achievement on the top referrer’s page, a link to which was also given in today’s updates from AlphaGains:

We have now added a TOP 50 REFS page that you can view here:
Or you can view it by clicking the TOP REFS link at the bottom of the site.

Finally, the admin also reminds us of the Skype group where support is being provided to AlphaGains members and where you can ask any questions you might have on the project:

Many people continue to add me SKYPE, i am always willing to talk and help. We have a great SKYPE group aswell. Add me on Skype: michael.invest.holls
Then i can add you to our group.


Money&Credit has been listed on my monitor for over four months now. Today the admin decided to upgrade from Basic to Premium, so I’ll be taking a closer look at it on my blog soon. For that period the program paid from 1% to 3% profit daily and therefore its first investors in profit. Although today Money&Credit has drastically changed and instead of a low ROI long term program it’s now a short-term high-risk project offering from 20% to 50% daily profits for the duration of 6 business days (Monday to Friday). Originally, Money&Credit launched accepting LibertyReserve only, now there are also PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and OkPay available starting from a $25 minimum (the more you invest – the more interest you earn). Now it’s totally up to you if you wish to make investments into Money&Credit, though I find it quite suspicious that the admin is offering unapproved exchanges from LR to STP on his website directly soliciting money from what is explicitly forbidden by the SolidTrustPay administration and is even eager to pay you 25% extra for your LibertyReserve funds in accordance with this message I found on the site:

Dear investors !
Now you can use your LibertyReserve to exchange our STP . Rate +25% : 100LR =125 STP. This means you send us $100 LibertyReserve, you will get $125 STP. We sent money directly on your STP account (not on deposit!)
If you need, please contact us:

As Money&Credit is running off a licensed version of GoldCoders script the withdrawals have to be requested from your account manually and are promised to be paid instantly or within 48 hours. Well, I can only say that for more than four months online Money&Credit never paid me instantly once, however I never waited for over 24 hours for any of them either. Let’s see what the waiting time will be for this new refurbished investment plan. Apart from that the program is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection provided by Koddos and is properly SSL-secured by GlobalSign. More on Money&Credit will be is a more extensive review to be published next Monday.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: After100Days.
From MNO Premium list: Money&CreditRewardsWeekly, NorthlandOppsMalaysianINC, LuxuryLife, NEOMutual, XProfit, BriscoFund, MoneyInSports, AbsoluteGainFenix, RonWards, RFIGroup, EmpireFinanceGroup, EarningAlliance, Jango, SecureAssets, PrimeInvest, EuroStar, RouletteGURU, AlphaGains, AuroraUnion, SimplyTwelve, JLBCO, HighlightFinance, BlackGold.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, 12DailyFund, KabooForex, TheInvestmentBank, FiamaCorp, SanderaGroup, SloansLoans.

That’s all for today, guys. I hope to see you all tomorrow with a review of HighlightFinance plus the usual latest news and updates from the HYIP industry and the programs monitored on MNO.

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