May 2013 Archives

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Beware! AdroCapital has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! For the second update today, I want to take a look at another of the newer programs joining the MNO monitor recently. This time it’s the turn of a more mid to long term project called AdroCapital which you may have seen around as they’ve been online for about two weeks or so. Still quite new when you measure it against the length of their plans though. Apart from that I also have all the day’s main news stories as usual in the second half of the post, but let’s see what AdroCapital have to offer first and if there’s anything to them that you might like.

So getting started with the plans, AdroCapital have four of them. Mostly longer term as I said above, though these are a lot more expensive to join than the more mid term option they have available and might be enough to put some investors off when they realize they can’t afford it. But you can still join for a minimum spend of just $9. This is the minimum requirement to join The Mini Plan which runs for 30 business days (six weeks). During this time AdroCapital are offering daily interest repayments of 1.6% per business day, Monday to Friday, and your principal returned on expiry. Payments should come to 48% in total, not enough to put you into profit by itself, but that is when your principal should be given back. The maximum deposit allowed for this plan is a surprisingly low $90.

The next two plans change tactics somewhat, and rather than a set interest rate will instead pay you a bit more if your investment is bigger. So we continue with The Standard Plan which runs for 60 business days (or twelve weeks). You will need at least a $100 minimum to join, and once in can expect daily interest payments made from Monday to Friday only. For anything up to $500 AdroCapital are offering 1.8% per day, adding up to 108% by the end of the term. This then becomes your net profit once they return your principal as promised. Larger deposits of between $501 and $2,000 can earn 2% interest per business day (120% net profit on return of your principal) and 2.2% per business day on anything from $2,001 to a maximum $5,000 giving a total profit of 132% once principal is returned.

Following that we come to The Professional Plan. As this one is going to cost you a $6,000 minimum to join I can’t say I’m writing this for much more than informational purposes really, but if you’re interested then the term is 90 business days (18 weeks) and the rate is 2.7% per business day on anything up to $8,000. This, if it actually works out that is, would give you 243% back which is then counted as net profit once AdroCapital return your principal. Anyone prepared to play with between $8,001 up to a $10,000 maximum is being offered 3% interest per business day, yielding 270% net profit once your principal is added to it.

And lastly is The VIP Plan, taking deposits only from $12,000 and more with no stated maximum. The plan runs for 120 business days (24 weeks) with all deposits being offered the same flat rate of 4% per business day. That would eventually add up to 480% in total, difficult to come up with for anything never mind $12K+, and become net profit once the principal is handed back as promised.

The plans are OK I suppose assuming you’re one of the many industry players to favor longer term programs to begin with, but it’s the selection of payment processing options that’s a slight let down. AdroCapital currently list only three of the main industry payment handlers, using EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve to manage deposits and withdrawals. While I’m sure that’s plenty to keep a lot of investors happy, I don’t know that AdroCapital would ever evolve into a true industry giant without some expansion. Though to be fair at least the payments are processed quite fast. According to their FAQ they’re done manually by the AdroCapital admin and need to be requested from inside your private members account area. Once done you are asked to allow anything up to 12 hours for all payments to be dealt with. In practice however my own withdrawals have all been instant up until now. As long as it’s not explicitly promised by the admin I can only suggest you not complain if it’s not instant for you and allow the full 12 hours, but there’s a good chance you shouldn’t have to wait more than a matter of seconds. Be prepared to wait though, and accept anything instant as just a bonus.

Just a couple of other quick points in relation to the plans before we move on. Payments themselves can be made seven days per week, but you just need to keep in mind that you don’t actually earn anything on the weekend. In other words there’s nothing to stop you withdrawing the interest you earned on Friday sometime on Saturday. You’ll still receive your payout within terms but don’t actually earn anything for Saturday itself. The other thing I wanted to note is that if (unlike me) you happen to be a fan of compounding then AdroCapital will happily allow you to do it. Typically these things ultimately benefit the admin much more than the investors, or the majority of investors anyway, so it’s hardly surprising to see it in use.

On the security and design side of things, AdroCapital is running off a script that’s been licensed from GoldCoders so the program will certainly have a somewhat familiar feel to it for most of the regular HYIP players. For an extra layer of protection you’ll find the AdroCapital website is also SSL encrypted by Comodo. Hosting is safe enough after the admin moved to the number one provider for HYIP related websites with BlockDos. As we can see in the news today (sorry to drift off topic for a moment) there’s been a lot of attacks going on around the HYIP industry these last couple of days, and these have had a devastating affect on certain programs. It should be a lesson for all admins that cutting corners on DDoS protection by staying with second rate hosting providers simply because they are cheap is not a serious option and is something that will ultimately cost you more money and finish your program. So, no such complaints about AdroCapital anyway and members can rest easy that that aspect of the program is safely taken care of by competent professionals who know what they are doing.

If you have any further questions for the admin then you can get in touch via a number of channels. The usual way of course is to just fill out the online customer support form and submit it through the website’s contacts page. Though if you’d like to give it a try and see if someone answers you’ll notice a telephone number there as well. The AdroCapital website comes with a built-in Live Chat feature as well though to be honest I myself have never noticed it being turned on whenever I was in my account area. The website claims that support is available 24 hours per day, but most people’s understanding of that would be Live Chat, which clearly is not available around the clock. Going with the phone number is a postal address in the UK, however I recognize this one myself as being a virtual serviced office (in fact it’s even been used by other HYIPs in the past) so don’t expect anyone with a real connection to the program to be located there if you were to visit. AdroCapital have also become the latest online HYIP to open profiles on the big social media networks which can be handy communication tools for the members and admin. You’ll find them listed on Twitter, Facebook, and a bit more unusually even on YouTube. But despite AdroCapital being online for over two weeks now there’s been no activity on any of those profiles so I guess they may only be there for appearances. On quite an amusing side note by the way I couldn’t help but laugh on noticing that AdroCapital claims 200 members yet bizarrely have still managed to come up with around a thousand “likes” on their Facebook page, proving just how seriously one can really regard such things. Finally there’s a section for regional representatives. Presumably this is going to be the same set-up as other online HYIPs where investors can become customer support agents themselves in their native countries in exchange for an increased referral commission rate, though currently no names are listed there.

The website content appears original though is predictably vague and with little in the way of real practical information about the program. For the record AdroCapital claim their primary business activity to be ForEx trading, but there’s very little to back that up. So I would only suggest you treat them as any other online HYIP and maintain the same level of caution, no more no less, as you would with anything else in this business. So set out what you think is an affordable spending limit, and by affordable I mean afford to lose not afford to spend, and stay within it at all times. And of course if joining AdroCapital at all then they might work more effectively for you as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



It seems even more programs than usual were under DDoS attack for the last 48 hours, something very stressful for both the admins and investors of the affected programs. Take MoneyInSports for example. After an enormous DDoS attack started on their servers the admin changed hosting provider from the totally useless Koddos to a normally more reliable Staminus. The site appeared online for a couple of hours during which the admin Justin (interviewed here) managed to process all the pending withdrawals on the 2% for 80 days plan. LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and PexPay (EgoPay withdrawals are coming soon) are the five payment processors accepted by MoneyInSports for deposits starting from a $5 minimum. However once the payments were processed and the newsletter was sent I noticed MoneyInSports was hit by another wave of DDoS attacks which Staminus obviously couldn’t handle either. Although the MoneyInSports website might be up and down right now, the main intention of Justin is definitely to continue, otherwise he would not have processed the pending payouts. Let’s hope that the attacks on MoneyInSports (reviewed here) will finish soon, and meanwhile please read the latest updates from Justin and don’t forget to check out MNO ShoutBox where he sometimes gives the most relevant updates on the current issues:

Quick update to everyone, we are under another attack just as we went to send this email out. Theses attacks are massive. We will work to get this corrected but this might take some time. Please continue to check MNO for updates from us as well as the MNO shoutbox. These attacks will not effect our program, and we ask for our customers to continue to use and support us during these difficult times of becoming one the best programs of 2013.

Update on MoneyInSports Down Time
Hello Everyone,
We are very happy to be back online, and welcome everyone back! We are sorry for the extended downtime experienced because of a massive ddos attack. During this attack it became obvious to us that we needed to change and upgrade our ddos protection. We are happy to report that we are now protected by Staminus as the other provider just decided to stop protecting our site without even having the option to upgrade the protection.
We had no access to our email during this time so we did not have a way to send out a mass email to let everyone know what was going on. We are working on a different option in the future to keep people informed incase of any down time. For now we would ask people to check the shout box at the following site:
With this downtime we are happy to report that it had zero effect on our program as far as payments go, and all people continued to earn even with the down time. There was a few sites that had heavy attacks at the same time as ours, and we have seen multiple reports that these sites have since failed. This is yet another example of how our plan is the perfect plan for long term success for all involved. Down time will not derail our program and investors should feel very confident continuing to invest with MoneyInSports. This should also show new people that there is never a wrong time to join MoneyInSports.
We have been telling everyone that we will be one of the top programs of 2013 and beyond and with this large ddos attack it is obvious that others are taking notice as well.
We will get daily picks going again today or Sunday depending on the action so keep an eye out for the emails. Lastly there is an issue with egopay’s API so we have not paid egopay request yet, but as soon as that is worked out we will get all the egopay payments processed. As of this email all pending request have been paid other than egopay.
We thank everyone for their support during this downtime as we did not have many emails, and did not see much in regards to people overreacting.
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.

Then most recently, right before I was ready to publish tonight’s news update so was lucky not to miss it incidentally, Justin sent his last update. It seems he now knows to stop wasting his time with amateurs and chancers, they save you nothing and end up costing you money in the long run, and go directly to BlockDos instead. Hopefully the protection is already in place, but at least now that it’s started we can be sure that MoneyInSports will be in good hands from now on and protected properly and professionally. I suggested BlockDos to Justin in the first place, I’m sure I wasn’t the only one, and I’m glad he has agreed. Granted they wouldn’t be the cheapest option out there but are increasingly becoming the only one that actually works:

BlockDos Protected
Hello Everyone,
Sorry for the multiple emails today, but after another very large attack we have decided to go with what is considered the best protection in the industry in BlockDos.
Hopefully with BlockDos protection all of these attacks will be a thing that our customers no longer need to deal with.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Regards. Justin


BriscoFund (reviewed here) also managed to survive an enormous DDoS attack that took them down for over 24 hours with no payments being processed at that time. Fortunately, the current hosting provider of BriscoFund managed to find a solution on this occasion and got the site back online by enabling CloudFlare DDoS protection. There was one reported drawback though – temporarily one can only access BriscoFund on an unsecured http connection as their current SSL-certificate issued by Comodo has to be updated to allow them work with the newly installed protection from DDoS attacks. That is a minor issue though, which can be skipped at the moment, as the most important thing – the payments – have resumed today. As far as I know, the admin of BriscoFund has paid all the pending withdrawals today and the program is fully back and accepting deposits into the 1.6%-3.5% for 250 days with the original principal return on expiry plan via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Please note that since you cannot access it via a secure channel I have changed all the links from my site leading to BriscoFund, so you will be sure to get into the site when you click any of them. Below is the latest update from the admin of the project Amanda happy to report her site back online and paying:

Large DDos attack and SSL issue
Yesterday we had a large DDos attack on our site. Our host has enabled the Cloudflare protection and mitigate the attack pretty fast but then we had an issue with our SSL. Comodo must re-issue the SSL to work on Cloudflare. Until they will do it we managed now to put the site back online without SSL so you can all access it normally but without https in front (use normal http). Thank you all members for their patience and please feel free to request your withdrawals.
Regards, Amanda


The website of another popular program – NorthlandOpps (reviewed here) – has been up and down all day long today too. However in his explanatory update the admin states the problem was a result of issues with their hosting provider BlackLotus and not the DDoS attacks infesting the industry lately. It’s good to know that at least in this case we see that the worries were not justified, as NorthlandOpps is back online and keeps paying on the 2% to 2.5% daily forever plan with deposits via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and HDMoney. Below is the latest newsletter from the admin Dean (interviewed here):

Short Downtime
Dear NorthlandOpps Members,
This evening, the NorthlandOpps website faced a short downtime due to a issue with our hosting network. The issue has since been resolved and our website is back online. We apologize for any inconvenience that this short downtime may have caused.
Have a great evening, Dean. NorthlandOpps


The site of PayPayRev has been offline for two full days already and unfortunately, even though I have no idea if the site will ever be back to normal and pay to its investors, I have to take precautionary measures and move it to Problem status on MNO tonight. I remind you that PayPayRev has been hit by large DDoS attacks that launched on the servers just after two weeks online. The program has been a promising addition to MNO Sticky listing and kept paying to investors fine until this unfortunate incident. Apparently the current hosting provider for PayPayRev Koddos not only is not able to provide proper protection against such attacks, but they also demand thousands of dollars in order to help PayPayRev overcome it. The admin sent an update to me today as I requested it myself, but he told me nothing about his plan of action in case attacks continue. I must say I doubt very much that PayPayRev might be a leading or dominant program in the industry which might be the cause of the DDoS attacks according to the admin, but there is no doubt that a couple of more days of such downtime and no effort to save the project on the admin’s part will surely damage PayPayRev beyond repair. Therefore, although I fully understand what the admin is trying to say in the email and share his feelings, I simply cannot keep PayPayRev on Paying status any longer and moved it to Problem. If something changes I will keep you updated on my blog, but for now please do not invest there until the site is back online and all pending withdrawals completed. The latest news from the admin received today is included below:

Hi, This is the management of PayPayRev.
The site has been down for some days and we know that many people will be wondering what could be happening. We would like to give some updates so people are aware of what is truly happening.
We are experiencing a massive DDoS attack that exceeds our paid package. The attack is apparently coming from a well organized criminal gangs, as it is so massive that even our hosting company told us that tackling it will cost as much as $4000.
We do not have anyone we suspect at the moment, but our recent lead and dominance in the industry may put lots of people on edge and perhaps the only way they could discredit or discourage us, in their sick minds, is through this attack. We are so much determined that we are not going to allow this to bring about the end of PayPayRev. We worked for months, and worked hared for this to let some sick minds bring us down.
Please contact us again if you have further questions.
Regards. Support Team


Another program that was listed on Sticky listing to stop paying today is LoyalLucre. The project attracted investors’ attention as possibly the next big short-term program, but it only lived for five full days. For the last two days LoyalLucre was up and down and that certainly didn’t add to their popularity or cash flow. Apparently BlackLotus on which LoyalLucre was hosted were incapable of dealing with the DDoS attacks which I believe destroyed the site prematurely. I doubt very much that the admin came to MNO and paid for Sticky listing to one month via LibertyReserve just to scam in five days time. The downtime played a crucial role in its demise and is especially dangerous for such programs paying after one single day.

In any case the admin of LoyalLucre decided to use the arsenal of second-hand tricks that have been used many times before and are a clear sign that the program is about to collapse to experienced investors. One trick is a new plan paying 150% to 200% interest after one day only where some gullible investors will surely get caught. Just read the following newsletter (please do NOT invest in those plans!):

200% after 1 day
Hello, dear LoyalLucre member, today it’s our honor to announce our new investment plan, it’s called:”200% after 1 day”. Minimum investment is $100. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity, as it will be available only for limited time.
Best Regards, LoyalLucre.

Finally, I managed to verify fake payouts with no batch number allegedly processed to the investors of LoyalLucre (apparently to mislead monitors) and the static images that replaced proper monitoring buttons on the Rating page of the site (surely, to mislead investors). Although, the site of LoyalLucre is still more down than up, please make sure and not to invest in that scam that showed very poor results due to unexpected DDoS attacks! You have been warned!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, RewardsWeekly, MalaysianINC, BriscoFund, XProfit, MoneyInSports, After100DaysRonWards, RFIGroup, EmpireFinanceGroup, SecureAssets, Jango, DioMetal, PrimeInvest, EuroStar, AdroCapital, LuxuryLife (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: Money&Credit, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, 12DailyFund, TheInvestmentBank, SanderaGroup, FiamaCorp.

That’s it for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed the update and if so, please check out the full review of an interesting new program called RouletteGURU and all the daily updates from your favourite programs. Wishing you all a lazy and relaxing Sunday ahead and see you all then!


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