May 2013 Archives

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Beware! AuroraUnion has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend, or indeed still enjoying it if you’re one of the many people for whom today is a holiday. I want to start things off this Monday with a closer look at a program called AuroraUnion, which is a brand new medium term HYI project that just opened for business a couple of days ago and asked for monitoring on the MNO Premium list right from the very start. There’s a couple of interesting features as we shall see and it’s more than just your generic run-of-the-mill HYIP that you see opening and closing in this business every day. Fingers crossed AuroraUnion might turn out to be one to watch, so let’s have a look at what they have to offer and see if you think it’s a suitable addition to your own portfolios.

Starting as always with the first thing most investors are probably going to want to hear about – the investment plans – AuroraUnion have four of them. They all range in minimum price to join but while they’re probably not affordable for every investor I wouldn’t describe them as outrageously expensive either so will all probably pick up their fair share of members. Just remember that none of the plans will put anyone in profit while they are still running. The interest rate is too small for that, so you only ever see a profit right at the end of the plan when AuroraUnion return your initial principal, adding it to the interest payments you have already earned. The first plan however only asks for a $10 minimum deposit so I guess that’s open to pretty much all of you. It runs for a term 16 business days, which is three weeks and one day (rather unusual I know but there you go) and makes daily interest payments. The rate is 1.6% per day. By the time of expiry that still only adds up to 25.6% of a return on your investment, so clearly AuroraUnion have to return your principal – which they do – in order for this to become your net profit. Maximum spend here is $300.

For anyone prepared to play with at least a $301 minimum deposit, AuroraUnion‘s next option runs for 20 business days, or four weeks. While this is going on they offer to pay you back 1.8% interest of your deposit every day, Monday to Friday, until you have eventually earned back 36% in total. This then becomes your net profit once the AuroraUnion admin hands back your principal as promised. The maximum investment allowed for this plan is $1,000.

AuroraUnion‘s third plan runs for 25 business days, which is five weeks. You’ll need at least $1,001 to join, and if you do then the admin promises 2.1% interest per business day, Monday to Friday, in return. By the completion of the term this should add up to 52.5% of your original investment, and then becomes total profit on return of your principal. The top investment allowed is $5,000.

And lastly the fourth plan sees AuroraUnion ask for a $5,001 minimum deposit which they hold for a term of 30 business days (or six weeks). During this time you can earn 2.5% interest per day on your investment, adding up to 75% of your money back by the time of expiry. AuroraUnion should then return your original investment. There is no stated upper limit placed on investments you may make here.

So if you like the plans then I guess you’re probably going to like the payment options as well, given that AuroraUnion are accepting all the popular industry handlers. Currently you can use any of SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, or LibertyReserve to sign up with. That list is unlikely to be expanded, but then again there’s unlikely to be much expectation or demand for it either as everything most investors want is already there. The payment schedule is a bit confused however, with conflicting information displayed around the AuroraUnion website (which does nothing to help their appearance of professionalism by the way). The best way to put it is this – up until now my own payments from AuroraUnion have been instant, however I don’t really regard this as in any way guaranteed. Officially you need to allow the admin anything up to 48 hours to process all transactions manually, so I’d say if you get it any faster than that then just take it as a bonus. One way or another though you will still have to log into your AuroraUnion members account area and make a formal withdrawal request for it before receiving anything anyway.

Moving on to the security and design aspects of the program, to start with the AuroraUnion website is using SSL encryption by Thawte for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The next thing you might notice however is that the program is running off a unique and custom made script, something I guess many potential members will take as a positive sign of the admin’s intentions to genuinely try his best to make the most out of the program. Despite being totally unique however it’s still quite easy to navigate and user friendly throughout, so even the novice investors won’t have a problem working their way around this one. And finally maybe the best feature of AuroraUnion‘s security may well be their hosting provider. They are being kept on a dedicated server with the support and protection of BlockDos, showing that the admin knows a high quality service when he sees it and also that he’s not afraid of spending a little extra money to get the best for his program and his members. Ultimately of course it saves admins money in the long run to go with the better providers as things like downtime and DDoS attacks will prove to be no more than a minor issue that will not cause much trouble.

If you’re happy with all of that and just have any further questions of your own to put to the AuroraUnion admin then you can get in touch by filling out the online customer support ticketing form on the contacts page. Otherwise you can just write directly to the listed email address or else try their telephone number if you really think someone might answer. You’ll also see a postal address in Belize, and while I’m in no position to verify it personally I would suggest you ignore it as these things tend to be virtual serviced offices for correspondence purposes and not where you find anyone actually connected with the program. The AuroraUnion website has a built-in Live Chat feature as well, though unfortunately I have never seen it switched on myself any time I was in my own account area. Maybe it works from time to time, I really don’t know, but it’s not a 24 hour service so just have a quick look first before you go submitting any tickets to them just in case.

The business plan behind AuroraUnion and backing the whole thing up is we are told allegedly trading in the ForEx markets. Hardly something we’ve not heard a million times before in the HYIP industry, though to be fair to the admin here he has at least made more of an effort than most by having an original site with original texts and not the recycled garbage you see time and time again on so many other programs. It still doesn’t mean I’d believe it myself mind, as there’s no real practical information for you to research, verify, and confirm. So as is always the case then treat AuroraUnion like any other online HYIP in the sense that it’s a high risk activity without any guarantees from or traceability of its owner(s). It might just turn out to be one to watch in HYIP terms but still not something that will run indefinitely. So if you’re joining AuroraUnion then make sure to do so with an amount of money you can comfortably afford to lose without any serious consequences to yourself. And as ever when playing the HYIP markets remember that it’s safer and more efficient to keep a wide and diverse portfolio rather than depending too heavily on one single program.



I’m glad to report that after one and a half months online the admin of EaglesInvestment finally realized the importance of closer communication with investors and opened an official Facebook page today which he reported in the latest newsletter released today:

EaglesInvestment News Letter 06/05/13
To all investors and partners.
EaglesInvestment team had opened official facebook page for publishing the last news and updates.
You can follow our page here:
Please note any other pages under our name are fake.
Please do not hesitate to contact us

EaglesInvestment (reviewed here) has been on MNO Premium listing from the beginning of its launch 45 days ago. Currently it went to my Top 5 most popular programs and I believe it a thoroughly well-deserved achievement. With low-ROI long-term investment plans paying 1.8%-4% for 180 business days with principal returned at the end to SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay, EaglesInvestment managed to pay instantly at all times, winning a lot of trust from investors. Although the first investors to break-even are to be seen, the program is certainly moving in the right direction and I’m quite pleased with its progress over the first weeks online. Hopefully the latest small improvements like today’s addition of Facebook will stir up more interest.


Although EarningAlliance has been running for about 40 days now, it didn’t even come close to the previously discussed program in terms of popularity among readers and only occupies the #18 spot at the moment. I guess that mightn’t be a bad thing either, as apparently the admin Richard prefers slow and manageable growth. In fact he even describes EarningAlliance as the most promising project. Well, given the low returns of 1.25%-2.15% for 180 business days with the principal return on expiry to EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve and the fact that we have yet to see the first members in profit, I can say that expectations of the program’s growth have to be modest. Still, reportedly EarningAlliance has reached 1,500 registered investors with $103K in deposits is a decent result provided it’s true. What we certainly have to dismiss in the latest newsletter from EarningAlliance is the emphasis on their alleged trading activity. Despite the latest interview with the admin Richard (click here to read it) which he neglected to mention in his latest newsletter, the trading reports supplied by the program on a weekly basis can’t be taken as proof, and therefore please only consider EarningAlliance as a usual HYIP and invest what you can afford to lose. I must say that as a regularHYIP EarningAlliance is doing well, and the payouts are processed quickly, even over the weekend. The admin is also trying his best to improve the site, setting and achieving weekly goals in terms of both increasing deposits and improving communication. This includes the recent expansion of the representatives program servicing local markets, and the recently added testimonials page where members can share their experiences. More news from the project is in the full version of today’s newsletter from EarningAlliance (reviewed here) which is below:

EarningAlliance most promising project!
Dear partners,
After over one month of online activity without a single payment missed, I invite you to read the 5th publication of our weekly news!
Goals accomplished
If you don’t remember, our goals for the past week were to have 1500 registered investors and $85k in total investments. Not only we have 1500 registered investors, EarningAlliance also collected over $103k in investments from you since we first opened, surpassing our prospects.
New goals
This week’s goals are focused on our traders and marketing department. Our marketers will launch a campaign with bigger and wider banner ads on the most famous discussion boards, monitoring programs and blogs. Our trading goal is to collect at least $10k in profits on the DAX 30 (Germany) index fund using the funds you invested. Good luck for our traders!
Market News
In general, this was a very positive week for most bonds and futures traders across the globe. The Dow Jones index closed the week with 14.712 points, still lower than last week’s results but a clear recovery is on its way.
The Dow Jones index was stimulated by a recent announcement from the Federal Reserve of the USA saying that America’s monetary politics will remain flexible and also reinforced their monthly commitment of 85 billion dollars in capital markets.
Trading Activity
In the next page you will find our detailed trading report for the past seven days, a first part of it was previously published in our activity page.
If you are making money with EarningAlliance, don’t forget to submit a testimonial about our services! You will help us to improve our page and future investors can read your commentaries about us!
Representatives program getting bigger
A few new representatives have joined our team in the past few weeks. Now future investors from the Philippines, China, South Africa, Malaysia, USA, Lithuania, Russia, Indonesia, Nigeria and Brazil can contact EarningAlliance representatives in their mother languages!
Best regards, Richard Hayden


Despite accepting only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney as payment processors (along with direct bank wires), which is simply not good enough for a decent HYIP, PureIncome nevertheless remains a viable investment choice paying promptly on variable daily interest rates every single day (more details on the investment plan is in my review here). Today some additional features were announced by the admin of PureIncome which might be of interest to you. It’s been on MNO for over three months already which means the first investors are in profit already. I hope this continues and am posting the latest newsletter from the project below:

PureIncome New Features
We are glad to announce that PureIncome is continuing its business development according to investors needs and preferences. We’d like to draw your attention to our latest change – upper limit investments. Up to $100,000 and $25,000 with PureIncome shares and PureIncome bonds respectively. We don’t guarantee these amounts to be available each day but will be trying to do so as security of your funds is our priority. If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions please, do not hesitate to chat with us or use Call-Back services. Our staff will respond promptly! If you want to contact investors alike please, refer to our our regional representatives section link on which available on the home page. Thank you!
Sincerely, PureIncome Team


For some reason skipping yesterday, the admin of MoneyInSports Justin (interviewed here) is back on track with his newsletters tonight posting his daily betting tips. The program pays 2% for 80 days for a $5 minimum via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, PexPay, or EgoPay. You can read more on MoneyInSports in my original review posted here:

Free Play Pick for 5/6
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MIS. We will always include 1-5 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on.
We will try to email these daily so you can see some of the plays we are making. These plays are for informational purposes only.
We will include the game number, the team(s) in the bet, the type of bet such as money line (ML) or Point Spread (SP), and the odds or the over/under play. Note we use the US betting system you can look up how to convert to decimal.
First will be the Recap from the day before, under the Recap will be the next days action.
5/4 Recap:
MLB – 977 Boston Red Sox +125 7 Units Loss
0-1 for the day
19-20 Overall record
5/6 Plays:
MLB – 966 Chicago ML +110 3 Units
MLB – 963 Toronto Blue Jays ML +130 6 Units
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports


JLBCO which stands for “JLB Consultancy and Trading” first launched about two weeks ago, but the admin joined MNO’s Premium listing only today. I guess the program was earlier in a kind of testing stage because as of now it looks really good with a well thought out design and comprehensive content. JLBCO is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, fully SSL-secured by GeoTrust, and hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection against by BlockDos. The investment plan with several variations paying between 3% and 6% daily (depending on the size of your deposit) for the duration of 70 business days looks both sustainable and profitable. Please note that at the end of your investment with JLBCO you get your initial principal back, however you can request it early for a 25% fee which will be a significant advantage to those concerned with the long investment term of almost three months. Withdrawals have to be requested from your members area and are promised to be send within 12 hours for interest and 24 hours for your principal back. Investments start from $10 via six payment processors including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, and OkPay. The first official newsletter can be read below and the full review will be in a couple of days.

1 Week Update
Today marks the first week since we have launched our online investment program, and want to thank everyone who helped us have such an incredible start! We are pleased to say that we have had zero problems since launching. No DDOS attacks, No hacked accounts, No site outages, and we hope to keep it this way! We hope everyone is happy with the withdrawals they have been receiving and hope you are continuing to support us on the forums and monitors!
In other news, we have also added the OKPay payment processor for deposits and withdrawals and are working on adding more payment options for our investors.
Again, thank you to all of our investors and supporters for this outstanding launch! We look forward to having a long and profitable relationship!


HighlightFinance is the second program to join Premium listing on MNO tonight. Unlike the previous entry I can’t be enthusiastic about this one at all. Firstly HighlightFinance has been online for about four weeks now before coming to MNO which is quite a long time for a short-term program. Three investment plans paying 112% after 3 days, 132% after 7 days, 180% after 16 days are available. Second, the program is running off an unlicensed version of GoldCoders. I don’t quite understand why this or any admin would cut corners on such a vital area that compromises website’s security. Especially it looks weird if we consider HighlightFinance is using expensive DDoS protection from BlockDos while running on a dedicated server from BlackLotus and SSL encrypted by GeoTrust. Third, I can see HighlightFinance is already listed on Problem status on a couple of monitors and even some forums which makes me doubt the payouts are processed on time and to everyone. By the way, the admin asks for a 48 hour maximum to pay to SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, or LibertyReserve. This timeframe generous to say the least for such a short term HYIP so I wonder if some monitors put them to Problem status for that reason. Anyway, I’ll try to investigate further so if you want to join HighlightFinance wait for my review that is going to be published on expiry of the 3 day plan I invested with later in the week, assuming they’re still even online by then.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TureProfit, RewardsWeekly, NorthlandOppsMalaysianINC, EaglesInvestment, LuxuryLife, BriscoFund, NEOMutual, XProfit, MoneyFerry, MoneyInSports, AbsoluteGainFenix,  After100DaysEarningAlliance,  Jango, PrimeInvest, RouletteGURU, EuroStar, CapitalPartnersInvest, AuroraUnion, AlphaGains.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: Money&Credit, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, 12DailyFund, TheInvestmentBank.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Hope the information was useful for you. Stay tuned for more news tomorrow along with a more detailed description of LuxuryLife – a new short-term program first listed on MNO last week. Stay tuned for that, folks, and see you all tomorrow!


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