June 2013 Archives

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Hi everyone! No news update for you last night as you’ll no doubt have noticed, so I decided to catch up with everything this evening instead. This was down to a couple of different factors, though as it was a slow enough start to the week anyway I decided to gather everything up tonight and catch up on all the news over the last couple of days in one update instead. So let’s get started and see what’s of most interest to you.


Starting with Liquirity, and sorry to keep this short but you know the less said about this scam the better, the program has been moved to Problem Status on MNO due to selective payouts. It was bit of a disappointment to say the least as this really was a program that promised a lot. Promised, but as is so often the case in the HYIP industry, delivered little. Liquirity had a single 10 day investment plan which did indeed complete one full cycle and so put someone other than just the admin into profit. It was never formally reviewed on MNO however, and as I was doing some further research into the program it became apparent that the admin was in way over his head. Possibly cash flow issues, more likely he just got a little greedy and the payments just got away from him, but whatever the real reason payouts to members are no longer going according to Liquirity‘s own terms and conditions. By yesterday it was emerging that only payouts to STP members were being honored, clearly because of STP’s strict anti-scam policy, and the admin was doing nothing more than dumping money he was never going to be allowed to withdraw while continuing to steal funds from investors using other payment processors. If anyone still has a problem with STP’s supposedly high fees let this be an example to them of how these fees are in the long run quite good value. In fact many investors not getting paid by Liquirity were even being told to give their STP accounts where payments might continue, but to forget about getting paid to any other payment processor. Even if you didn’t have an STP account! Naturally of course, as the admin was too busy clearing out those funds for himself. I wrote to him of course informing him that Liquirity was going to Waiting Status, pending Problem Status, unless he could explain the problem and correct it within 24 hours. Predictably there was no response. So as of now it would seem that Liquirity has run its course and no further investments there are advised. Congratulations if you were in early enough to see a profit, but that’s highly unlikely to happen again. You have been warned!


The WunevAssets website was offline for a few hours yesterday, and according to the admin’s latest newsletter it was due to unscheduled maintenance on their servers. Now that the problem has been solved WunevAssets is back online and the payments processed manually as scheduled. Here’s the latest news from them in full:

Unscheduled WunevAssets Maintenance
Sorry for the downtime the past few hours as WunevAssets‘ server was part of an unscheduled maintenance in the datacenter to a switch that affected our server’s connectivity to the internet. The server is back online and the switch has been replaced.
Thank You, Nicolasina Van Litsenburg

Any readers who didn’t have time to check my detailed review of WunevAssets (click here to see it) I remind you the program has been monitored on MNO for 23 days now and managed to reach the #3 position on my Premium listing after proving a popular choice among investors. WunevAssets offers only one investment plan paying 3.5% interest for the duration of 75 calendar days for a $10 minimum accepted via PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay payment processors.


As the review of SeedFunding was featured on MNO blog last night (click here to read it), the admin of the program took the opportunity to advertise it in the news section of his website as eagerly anticipated. S, the latest MNO review introduction containing the link and a couple of words from the admin himself can be found below:

Detailed Review on MNO today
Paul Abramson over at Money-News-Online took the time to take a very close, very detailed look at our program today. You can find his review on SeedFunding here:
Go read his article and enjoy knowing you are in the right program which, according to him, has all chances to be one of the industry leaders by this coming fall.
This is very much according to our own plans, I assure you.
Thank you all for being with us.

For anyone who didn’t read the full review but would like to have an idea what SeedFunding is all about, I’ll tell you it’s a long-term project offering three investment plans – 1% for 120 business days, 6% for 22 weeks, 30% for 5 months – which can be funded through PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. Note that the minimum withdrawal in SeedFunding is $10 and that some deposit and withdrawal fees are applied as well, so consider this carefully before joining.


Perhaps,the most popular payment system online after the collapse of LibertyReserve remains SolidTrustPay. Their appeal to serious investors isn’t limited by its comparatively high fees, and the fact that it has a lot of convenient deposit and withdrawal methods and is officially incorporated in Canada where it has a genuine business address made STP quite a respected service provider during the last several years in operation. Like any business in Canada with a full time staff entitled to the rights and privileges that go with it, SolidTrustPay observes all the national holidays. So tonight the official STP blog (click here to read it) reminds us that Canada Day, celebrated next Monday, means deposits and withdrawals from your STP account will not be processed. It doesn’t affect in any way your HYIP investment activities and you can still invest in HYIPs as usual, but Monday is a day off so expect STP to return on Tuesday and remember to allow an extra day for transactions:

Holiday: July 1 2013
Please be advised that SolidTrust Pay’s Customer Support Department will be closed on Canada Day (Monday, July 1 2013). Due to this banking holiday, please allow for an additional day of transfer time for any deposits and withdrawals.
We will return to normal operating hours on Tuesday, July 2nd and would like to wish all those celebrating this weekend a safe and happy holiday!
For a complete list of all 2013 public holiday closures, click here.

In the second update SolidTrustPay again proved itself a responsible business that plays an active role in protective and relief efforts to help the community it serves. If you’ve been following the news and are aware of the tragic events in Alberta after the recent floods there, a special STP account was created users can donate funds in support of the victims. If you wish to contribute please read more in the second update from STP re-posted from their official blog below:

Alberta Flood Relief
When extreme flooding overtook to core of Calgary and other parts of Southern Alberta late last week, many residents were forced to leave their homes and belongings with very little notice. Cleanup efforts have commenced but damage is extensive and there are still families who are displaced and missing many day-to-day essentials.
How you can help:
SolidTrust Pay members wishing to lend support for the relief effort can make a donation via member to member transfer to STP_Relief_Funds with the transfer description “Alberta Flood Relief”. STPay will collect and donate the funds on the behalf of our membership to the groups aiding in Calgary and elsewhere in the province.
We would like to send our prayers and best wishes to all those affected by the flooding in this time of need.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: NEOMutual, MalaysianINCWunevAssets, RFIGroup, SilverOz, EmpireFinanceGroup, AustralianBusinessGroup, InstantRox, BTCBankGroup.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MagicInvest, ProfitHome, CycloGroupCapitalALimited, TheInvestmentBank, ForexShare, CatenaFinance (the first payment received).

That is all I have for you tonight, guys. See you on MNO again soon and good luck with your investment activities!

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