June 2013 Archives

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Hello everyone! I guess it’s fair to say that active investors are now really the driving force in the industry that allow HYIP admins to continue their activities despite of all the obstacles they might face during the current slowdown. Of course we shouldn’t forget that even during previous times of inactivity the HYIP industry always prevailed in the end, as there will always be a lot of gamblers attracted by the possibility to make some extra money for themselves relatively easily (provided they are lucky!). Anyway, taking a risk has always be a part of the game here and we should always remember about that and invest only what we can afford to lose. So let’s see what’s been in the news recently.


The first news item today is from WunevAssets where the first investors should have already reached their break-even point. The program which was first reviewed here launched about a month ago offering a single investment plan paying 3.5% interest for 75 calendar days via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay for a $10 minimum. Today’s newsletter examines the results from the first month of operation as the admin Nicolasina tried to give potential investors a brief look at WunevAssets‘ main features in order to encourage them to join. You be the judge of how she succeeded after reading the latest newsletter posted today which you can read below:

WunevAssets Update Newsletter
Thank you for your dedication and support of WunevAssets. We have welcomed over a thousand new investors this week as we reach one month online paying our members. This can only be attested to our diligent promoters who spread the word of WunevAssets all over social networking sites and revenue sharing advertising websites.
I thought now would be a good time to send a newsletter to our members to discuss a little bit about WunevAssets. We are operating under a UK limited company called Wunev Limited. Our company records can be checked with Companies House UK and has been confirmed by our SSL security provider, COMODO as many of you can see from the address bar with our company name in green on many browsers.
We offer a stable interest rate of 3.5% daily for a period of 75 calendar days. This amounts to a total return of 262%.
We currently operate with these four payment methods: SolidTrust Pay, Perfect Money, EgoPay and Ezybonds.
We offer a four levels deep affiliate program, which amounts to a total of 9% referral commissions.
Level 1: 5%, Level 2: 2%, Level 3: 1%, Level 4: 1%
Don’t forget to join us on Facebook on our official page: http://facebook.com/Wunev
I can also be reached via skype at the username: wunevltd
Thank You, Nicolasina Van Litsenburg


Some investors of BTCBankGroup were quite concerned yesterday over the message seen on the otherwise blank page displayed instead of the site which said:

The BTCBankGroup is being upgraded, please check again soon…

Fortunately fears that BTCBankGroup might be just another fast scam were allayed and the site returned last night as promised. The lesson we should learn there is that there’s no reason for panic unless the site is gone without a trace for a few days and that one should always keep hope that everything is going to be alright. That is exactly what happened to BTCBankGroup which resumed payouts of the 1% daily interest. BTCBankGroup is sort of a unique program where members set their own term and get paid 1% daily for as long as you keep an active deposit. Remember that any part of your deposit and profit can be withdrawn from your account in BTCBankGroup at anytime you wish and usually it doesn’t take more than 24 hours for the money to appear on your PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, BitCoin, or HDMoney accounts. The minimum to invest is $20 and you can read more about the program’s features in my original review published here or the upcoming interview with the admin which I’m sending to him tonight. Hopefully he will reply soon as he issued the update yesterday as soon as the site was back online:

BTCBankGroup Website Update – Back Online
Dear BTCBankGroup Members,
Over the past 24 hours, you may have experienced difficulty accessing the BTCBankGroup website. This was due to system upgrades which were taking place. We are pleased to announce that our website upgrades have been completed, and our site is now back online.
Profits have been calculated as usual, and all pending withdrawals have been paid.
If you have any questions or concerns, our support team is here to help.
– Josh, BTCBankGroup


The admin of SeedFunding has been making some gradual improvements. He does seem to prefer the gradual building of investors trust by slowly adding more convenient features and preferring quality over quantity. Is that the best thing to do? I’m not sure about other programs, but I believe that it’s exactly the best policy for SeedFunding. It’s something of a slow-burner, offering such low-interest investment plans as 1% for 120 business days, 6% for 22 weeks, 30% for 5 months while accepting funds via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney starting from a $10 minimum. I believe that you may already be familiar with the program through my detailed review published here. I’m grateful to the admin for announcing the addition of a Monitors page, with MNO featuring prominently as a one of a kind source of advice for HYIP investors. I must say that in many ways SeedFunding looks an unorthodox program playing by its own rules, especially when it comes to advertising as the admin decided to postpone an interview on MNO for a couple of months until the industry is hopefully in better health and SeedFunding can position itself as a strong contender for the most popular long term investment opportunity. I appreciate such an opinion and hopefully it works well for them. Here’s what the admin of SeedFunding says about the newly added Monitors page which you can find on top of every page of his website:

‘Monitors’ – A New Page
Chris at ShadowScripts has added a page to our site, ‘Monitors’, which can be found in the top bar even before the ‘Terms’. If that doesn’t give it some weight I don’t know what does.
We are not planning to get overrun with monitors and paste their banners all over our pages. There will never be more than two or three on our site. But MNO is MNO is MNO, that’s like a category of its own, therefore we deliberately made a decision to have them monitor SeedFunding.
About 3 dozen monitors have been offering their services to us within the first 24 hours of our online presence. Their fees would have bought us hundreds of paid posts all over the industry even before we received the first deposit. We could have had thousands of thumbs-up on forums and monitors from every corner of the world before we made the first payment.
That’s quantity vs. quality. We prefer the latter and I hope you agree.

The second update from SeedFunding was issued today where the admin re-iterates that $10 – the minimum to invest in his program – is not the price of one share and that there is no need to place deposits in increments of $10 every time. Well, maybe some the investors didn’t quite get how the program works, hence the latest from SeedFunding published in their news section today:

Having watched contributions for two weeks, I would like to mention that you do not have to contribute in multiples of $10. Let’s say you just earned $57.74 and decide to move that to your E-Wallet and make another contribution. You do not have to contribute $50 and leave $7.74 behind, but you can earn on the whole amount of $57.74.


The admin of BlackGold let everyone know in advance that another holiday celebrated in his country of origin, China, is coming soon. It’s next Monday, the first of July, and is called the Day of the Communist Party of China. Accounts in BlackGold will not be credited with the daily interest payments on any of the offered investment plans – 1% for 30 business days, 1.4% for 50 business days, 1.6% for 60 business days, 1.8% for 90 business days – all with principal back on expiry. You will still be able to make deposits and request withdrawals in BlackGold though and expect to be paid instantly to EgoPay and PerfectMoney, while STP payments are being processed manually. BlackGold (first reviewed here) has been running for over three months now and is regarded as a reliable investment opportunity so far. The latest short news from the program can be found below:

Site BlackGold news posting
Dear Investors!
On the 1st July we celebrate the Day of the Communist Party of China (????????) in our country and will not carry out any oil trading or pay any interest on that day.


I do not know the reason for it yet, but the fact remains that payouts to PerfectMoney have stopped in SilverOz today. Payouts to SolidTrustPay are still being done instantly as usual but the admin remains silent about the situation with PM I can only imagine the worst and consider SilverOz as a pending scam. At the moment I have it on Waiting status on MNO, but be sure that if the situation with withdrawals to PerfectMoney does not change by tomorrow the program will be moved to Problem and eventually to Scam Status. I do not tolerate selective payouts and believe that SilverOz is yet another quick scam (which paid 2% daily interest for only 43 days) that brought only losses and a waste of time. Anyone still getting paid by SilverOz instantly by STP might not share my point of view, but believe me that such programs usually become confirmed scams shortly after such selective payouts are detected. So please be aware of that and do not invest in SilverOz for now. If anything changes I’ll let you know.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: NEOMutual, MalaysianINCWunevAssets, RFIGroupEmpireFinanceGroup, AustralianBusinessGroup, InstantRox, BTCBankGroup, SeedFunding.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MagicInvest, CycloGroupCapitalALimited, TheInvestmentBank, CatenaFinance.

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope to see you all again soon with more daily updates and possibly new programs to announce. Stay tuned and thanks for reading MNO!/a

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