June 2013 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello everyone! Welcome back to MNO for all the latest updates from the few quality HYIPs surviving despite the ongoing difficulties in the industry. Although things are running slower than usual for now, I’m still pretty confident that everything will be back to normal in a few weeks, or a couple of months at most. For now it’s better to have some patience as the industry was kinda expected to slow down anyway. I suggest to start the news today from the MNO updates, as I have something important I want to tell you first.


I received a rather strange email yesterday from someone asking me if I’m going to reduce the prices for listings and banners on my site, considering the difficult situation the HYIP industry is in now due to the LR demise and changes to PM. I don’t know why I need to change the prices now as it was always my dream to get rid of the fast scams that will either not be able to afford or not be willing to pay for my service and be left only with fewer but better programs. Those admins would be the utmost professionals and know how to spend money on a good service and still be able to continue running their programs successfully and for the long haul. As I already explained in my article on the LR demise (click here to read it) I expect the industry to be in hibernation for a while, and I’m definitely not looking to encourage any fast scams by lowering my prices. Better stay with less but better programs during these uncertain times. The industry will inevitably recover, and good programs will flourish. Meanwhile it’s tricky to spot the good ones from the bad so I have no desire to deal with cheap scams. But good quality programs run by experienced admins will always be welcome on MNO and the admins are aware what results they can achieve with good promotion and proper advertising planning. I believe, just like investors, many admins will abstain from launching new programs now. Sure, the new ones won’t be tainted with any association with LR, but the market has taken a big hit financially and that will need time to heal.

So please note that there will no price reductions for listings or banner advertising on MNO. As I can regulate the amount of banner spots on display, therefore fewer banners will give the remaining programs more exposure and get them noticed by more investors. I would like to clarify that it doesn’t mean that I’m greedy or something. As I explained in the past, the MNO blog and monitor is only a small part of my income and have no problem admitting that after years of running the most popular blog in the industry I have been able to finance some quite successful offling businesses, and let’s just say that in terms of personal income I’m doing quite well for myself away from HYIPs. Therefore I’m able to decide when I want to work and who I will accept to my listing. Just last summer when I was so busy with the daily updates on my blog I was practically praying for a break. It looks as if I’m finally going to get it this year, which is great as I have a lot of personal projects to attend to and value my time too much to waste it on some fast scams. So don’t be offended but I’m going to stand my ground on this and keep the prices high to ward off potential scammers. I may change my opinion by September when I expect the HYIP industry to be fully recovered and when I’ll be able to give more attention to my work as a blogger which while being a passion is still just a hobby. Don’t worry if you see me posting less often than usual this summer, though given the current state of things in the HYIP industry only to be expected.

During the summer I also expect to see new payment processors trying to take the place of LR. There can’t be a gap in the market for too long and we will see what will emerge this summer to compete with the already popular names like SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney. I’m pretty sure that they’ll be better than LibertyReserve whose insulting attitude towards its own members was already widely known. I think it will be a good lesson to the remaining payment processors as well not to get too cocky when it comes to either the authorities which laws they must comply with or their attitude towards the regular users whose fees pay for their yachts and sports cars. Eventually everyone will forget this LR nightmare and learn to be better off without it. While unfortunately no one can return the money lost in LR, I’m sure that my loyal readers were able to minimize losses in LR if they didn’t use it to store money online like a bank.

Despite the industry slowdown I’ve decided it’s time to launch another version of the MNO forum and test it during the summer months. Hopefully in autumn it will be completely ready and hopefully popular. The long-term MNO readers might remember that I already had a forum, but removed it due to not having the time to manage it properly. Obviously this time I will try to handle this better so I took every measure to eliminate all possible types of spam and make the new MNO Forum a convenient environment for readers.

So, you wish to register your account on the new MNO Forum and participate in the discussions held there. What do you have to do then? Please go to the Register page, agree with the rules of the forum and enter your email address and choose your username. Then check your email address and confirm your signup by clicking on the link provided. After clicking you will be re-directed back to the MNO Forum page where you can set up your chosen username. Now you are able to login to your account, but you can’t post anything. In order to post there you’ll need to contact me personally at abramsonp@gmail.com or via my Contact page and specify your username so I could manually approve your account. Then you will be moved to the MNO_members group with permission to post. I know it sounds a lot, but trust me, it’s the best way to cut out ads for Chinese Rolex’s and (cough) “performance” improvement pills, lol.

I’ve already created threads for all the programs monitored on MNO and also a couple of threads to discuss the latest articles posted on MNO Blog on the general state of the industry and the payment processors serving it. You’re welcome to post on those threads and create your own too, however please note that the forum is monitored by me personally, so do not spam, or you risk your account being deleted. Thanks for everyone’s active participation in advance. Please note that the MNO Forum is still running in test mode so if you notice any errors please do not hesitate to contact me and I will get my programmer to fix it for you as soon as possible.

Finally, I’ve decided to update my TalkBack page which I haven’t done for a couple of months now due to a lack of time. So I’m going to ask you to answer the following question: “How long do you think the industry recovery will take after the LR demise?

Here are some variants for your consideration:

1) Just a couple of weeks
2) From one to two months
3) Not until autumn comes
4) It will never be the same again

I hope you will be able to take a minute of your time to vote on this page and show what you think of this whole situation in the HYIP industry. I appreciate your input on this, guys. And if you have any ideas for more polls on MNO TalkBack page please don’t hesitate to submit your questions on my Contact page. That’s all about MNO for tonight, so let’s get to the news from the programs monitored on my site.


WunevAssets (reviewed here) proved to be a very popular program among readers already since being reviewed on MNO a few days ago. Many already took advantage of the lucrative investment plan paying 3.5% for 75 calendar days which can be joined via PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. The admin is doing a great job so far by paying promptly to all processors and issuing frequent updates. After the improved login page which allowed investors escape difficulties experienced during the original login process, the admin also started using social networking sites by sending a link to the program’s Facebook Group today. This was a good addition to already their already existing Facebook Page and the Skype account where you can contact the admin at any time. The admin has a colorful name as you can see in the latest newsletter re-posted below:

WunevAssets Facebook Group
In addition to our Facebook page found here: http://facebook.com/wunev one of our members has started a Facebook group as well for you to join here:
Stay connected through multiple Facebook means and as always I am reachable via Skype: wunevltd
Thank You, Nicolasina Van Litsenburg


Please be aware that SecureEarn and SecureAssets have been moved to Problem status on MNO due to payments halting. Both programs were not that secure for their investors at all as they scammed even before the first investors saw a profit. Both SecureEarn and SecureAssets paid a little bit over 2% per business day and both collapsed within a week of the LR demise. SecureEarn died after 16 days, while SecureAssets managed to last for 56. Please be especially careful with SecureAssets as it’s still online and accepting new deposits from gullible investors (the 30% bonus was a clear sign of the coming scam). As for SecureEarn, they are currently offline, but even if it returns please note that the 30% for 5 days plan which was announced by the admin last night is no more than an attempt to rob you. There’s no hope anything will change about two “secure” programs, so avoid them like the plague! You’ve been warned!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: NEOMutual, RewardsWeekly, MalaysianINC, BriscoFund, EuroStar, RonWards, RFIGroup, EmpireFinanceGroup, SilverOz, WunevAssets, ProfitBuzz, BlackGold.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome, AustralianBusinessGroup.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ProfitWealthClub, GoldAssetsFinance, FiamaCorp, TheInvestmentBank, ForexShare, RebateDailyProfits, CycloGroup, ProfitHome.

That is all the news for tonight, guys. Hope you enjoyed my updates and see you all on my blog tomorrow.

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