June 2013 Archives

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Hello everyone! As you can probably see, I didn’t publish anything for a few days which was both intentional and coincidental at the same time. With the entire HYIP industry in a state of flux after LibertyReserve’s closure and the seizure of funds in some high profile exchange providers having a huge impact on both HYIP admins and regular investors alike. Both sides are currently licking their wounds after the unexpected turn of events, counting losses as high as 50% of more of the entire HYIP industry turnover. We’re talking about money that will never be recovered. There’s simply no assets left after the LibertyReserve domain seizure and pressure on exchangers that were the only source of channelling funds out of LR which was nothing but an illegal money laundering machine that had to be closed sooner or later. We already discussed the situation with LibertyReserve on MNO in the articles published here and here to refresh your memory. Also in my articles last year here and here I warned readers against keeping large amounts in LR accounts, and those who listened to my advice hopefully kept their losses in to a minimum as I did.

So after that huge blow to HYIP industry finances, the question on everybody’s mind is when or if the whole thing can recover. For that purpose I offered readers (and HYIP admins if they wish) a poll where everyone can vote on what they think the future holds, plus view the ongoing results as well. You can participate on the MNO TalkBack page here where you can also find an Off-Topic ShoutBox. I would like to share the opinion of almost 40% of my readers and predict that the industry will not be back to normal until the autumn. Although that doesn’t mean new programs with the admins in need of money for their summer vacations won’t continue to pop up now and then. However investors must remember that from the flood of quick scams you can still find a handful of true gems that are run by experienced admins who know how to handle, even take advantage of, this slow period for the industry. That’s why it’s extremely important to be selective for the coming months if you don’t wish to wait till autumn comes and are looking to take a chances on joining new programs now. If that’s your intention I believe the MNO Monitor will be able to help with that as due to my highest advertising prices in the industry only the most accomplished and experienced admins are able to afford my services, and you can see for yourself that due to fewer new entries I only had a couple of programs added to my monitor this week with a lot of the old timers long gone.

With fewer programs to monitor logically I had less news to report on MNO Blog, and therefore haven’t been publishing on a daily basis. It’s only logical as there wasn’t much to say, but I will still keep updating at least several times per week, and especially is I have new programs to review. Just don’t expect the news to be as frequent until autumn. For example, I had absolutely nothing to bring to your attention or to report until last night when I got updates from a couple of programs monitored on MNO and issued a warnings about some closures. That is exactly what you will be able to see on my blog if you keep reading. As for myself personally, please don’t consider me retired just yet! Blogging is still my passion and main hobby, and I’m happy to provide the latest updates from the HYIP industry on condition that there is actually something worth reporting. I always update my monitor on a daily basis, so keep watching it for the status updates. As for the blog, I can’t deny the slowdown so will post only when I have something to say, like tonight.

If you were wondering what I was doing personally for the last few days I didn’t post, I can tell you that I was extremely busy with my offline business and the industry slowdown has in fact really helped me to get much more important things done in my “offline” life. So to some extent I’m even thankful for the current lack of events, as it helps me to concentrate to some personal issues without unnecessary distractions. Plus of course it’s the summer time now, guys! So I suggest you forget about HYIPs for a while and enjoy the sunshine while you can. You surely deserve to treat yourself after a long winter. I myself am definitely going to follow that and possibly take a few days at the sea next weekend, when I get some personal affairs settled. Anyway, I think that’s enough about me, as I believe you came to MNO to read about the HYIP industry.


It’s strange that we have only one program from the Premium listing on MNO moving to Problem and then Scam status in the last few days due to payouts drying up. The program was EuroStar and I can’t say it was that bad, considering it managed to last for a couple of weeks after the LR collapse. It coincided with the end of the 48 days cycle as the program only had a few days left before the expired deposits on that longest running plan were due to be returned to investors. Anyway, EuroStar managed to last for almost three full investment cycles paying from 3.25% interest for 16 calendar days with principal back on expiry, and I personally think the admin should be pleased that he kept it alive for so long. It’s time to say good-bye to EuroStar now as I have moved it to Scam status as of now. Please note that the site is still running and the admin is still willing to accept new deposits from gullible investors. All my readers, however, should be aware of the real status so stay away from EuroStar!


Despite the industry slowdown some admins still try to persuade us they have thousands of investors. Take WunevAssets (reviewed here) for example. Yesterday the admin sent a newsletter talking about an impossible 6,000 members, 3,700 of them being active with at least one deposit in the 3.5% for 75 days plan for a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, or SolidTrustPay. The admin explained this “huge” achievement by WunevAssets being actively advertised on their Facebook page and Facebook group and emphasized that many members advertise the program due to high multi-level commissions offered. If you wish to read more on that please refer to that update below:

WunevAssets Ltd Reaches 6,000 Members
I am happy to announce we broke 6,000 members earlier today with over 3700 of them being depositing members now. This couldn’t have been accomplished without all our network marketers and affiliate marketers who transcend this industry that we are apart of. We have received a lot of emails from new members just asking about WunevAssets who have never been in this type of program which is great to hear and what will help WunevAssets in the long term.
You can find our official Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/Wunev and also a Facebook group started by a member recently here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/177009989132123/
To our many members, we are paying out daily 3.5% for a period of 75 calendar days to SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay.
We also offer a great source of referral commissions to all our members which is 4 levels deep.
Your direct referrals (Level 1): 5% commission on all their deposits for all deposits.
Your direct referrals\’ referrals (Level 2): 2% commission on all their deposits for all deposits
Level 3: 1% commission on all their deposits for all deposits
Level 4: 1% commission on all their deposits for all deposits
Enjoy your weekend,
Nicolasina Van Litsenburg

That’s not all of the news from WunevAssets for the last couple of days. The admin arranged an alternative for investors looking to completely avoid dealing with payment processors and join the 3.5% for 75 days plan using Bank transfer via an account which they should open on the ezybonds website. As I know nothing about this website I can’t really endorse it for my readers, so would like to encourage you to research it more before putting money there. In any case the new payment option looks like an interesting addition that will hopefully add a few more investors to the WunevAssets stats. For more details on the new payment option in WunevAssets please read the latest from the program’s admin Nicolasina below:

WunevAssets Ltd now accepts Ezybonds (Bank Transfer and Cash)
WunevAssets Ltd now accepts Ezybonds which allows us to accept Cash deposits as well as Bank transfers. You can view more information here: www.ezybonds.com and register an account today to fund your Ezybonds account through a Cash Deposit or a Bank Transfer.
Once you have funded your Ezybonds.com account you can open a support ticket wishing to initiate a Ezybonds deposit with us.
Thank You, Nicolasina Van Litsenburg


RonWards (reviewed here) is perhaps one of the most stunning short-term programs I came across recently. Judge for yourself – it’s overcome many obstacles and still keeps paying on a multitude of investment plans including 103%-125% after 1 day, 53.5%-70% for 2 days, 118%-300% after 5 days, 145%-500% after 10 days, 225%-1000% after 20 days, 400%-1500% after 30 days. And don’t forget we’re talking about 80+ days online here that RonWards are paying to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney accounts. If you wonder how the admin Ron managed to do that and achieve such an incredible result you must read the interview he did on MNO blog and which is available here. With all the payments going on and the program progressing nicely Ron didn’t forget to add some small but necessary improvements to make the experience of browsing RonWards even more convenient. Today, for one, I noticed a sign in the top right corner of the RonWards‘ site indicating the ability to chat live online. This way the admin can solve the most important issues passed to him by the Live chat operators with more speed and efficiency which will again be a positive development for all concerned. To see the latest newsletter from RonWards in full please have a look below:

Introduction of Live Chat on RonWards
Hello and thank you for reading this update from RonWards. We are very pleased to announce that we have added another very useful feature on our website. We have added a LIVE CHAT feature, where you can talk to our operators to address your important concerns. We welcome Ms. Kimberly Jacobs and and Mr. Richard Tatum to our customer support department. They shall take care of your concerns and feel free to reach them via our Live Chat section when you think that you need help.
Please be reminded that contacting our Customer Support staff with concerns about why your withdrawal is not processed after 5 minutes from time of request is not allowed. All inquiries made via Live Chat will be forwarded to me for urgency. So please do not waste our operators’ time when your concern is simply written in our website FAQ or TOS.
We are so happy to provide you a great opportunity and we are on our 84th day today without any problems.
Thank you for being an investor at RonWards.
Regards, Ron Howards


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: NEOMutual, MalaysianINCRonWards, RFIGroup, EmpireFinanceGroup, WunevAssets, SilverOz, ProfitBuzz, BlackGold, BTCBankGroup.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome, AustralianBusinessGroup.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, FiamaCorp, MagicInvest, ProfitHome, TheInvestmentBank, CycloGroup, ForexShare, CapitalALimited, MainaLimited.

That is all the news I have for tonight, guys. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and see you all next week!

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