Jul 11th, 2013 Archives

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Hello everyone! Hope you’re all keeping well. Well I must say it’s been a strange couple of days in the HYIP industry, but not altogether in a bad way. On one hand it has been an extremely slow period for news updates from the programs listed on the MNO monitor, though the only real piece of news that you need to be aware of if that all the programs there are maintained a good Paying status and there have been no serious problems that I am aware of. It seems that barely a day can go by at the moment without hearing about some cheap scam going on somewhere, so with a little stability maybe the industry is finally turning a corner. Fingers crossed anyway, as it has to happen sooner or later.

The other unusual thing about the recent lack of (bad) news, is that despite existing programs having nothing of note to send to their members, I still have two brand new programs to introduce to you this evening, which is really where I’m heading with the main topic of tonight’s article. They are called Stable6 and LucroBankLimited respectively, and have both joined the Premium Section on my monitor. So tonight I’ll just give you a brief description of their main features so you can see if you like the general idea of them, and will prepare a more detailed review over the coming days once I make a successful withdrawal and can confirm they have both been moved to Paying status on the MNO monitor.

In the meantime by the way I also need to mention that despite the somewhat quieter times in the industry over the summer, I still noticed an increase in the number of my blog’s e-mail subscribers recently. The more I think of it however, the more it makes sense. I’m still on vacation anyway, and we all know I haven’t had the reason to post as often as I used to (which was twice per day at one point, which seems a far off and distant memory now!) so maybe you would still like to be kept up-to-date on what’s going on in the industry, information being both valuable and free of charge, but don’t want to visit my blog every day if it’s only being updated three or four times a week. The perfect solution for you therefore is to subscribe, and then, if and when anything happens that you should probably be aware of, you will get it delivered straight to your mailbox exactly how it appears on my blog. Just fill in your address in the subscription box near the top right corner of my main blog page, hit submit, and follow the activation instructions that will be sent out to you automatically. This is because obviously you need to prove you are the rightful owner of the e-mail address and so you and I are both protected from spam. Over three and a half thousand others are enjoying it already, it’s totally free, and of course it’s very very simple to unsubscribe at just the click of a button if you ever change your mind.

Another thing you might like to do is contribute to the MNO Members Forum. It’s still very much in its infancy and best described as a work in progress, but it’s still a fully functional forum that you are free to join and discuss whatever is of interest to you in the HYIP industry. Please note that membership, much like that of my ShoutBox, requires manual approval by me first. Sorry, but this was the most effective way of cutting out the spam bots that are the bane of every other forum moderator’s life. It’s no big deal though, all you need to do is sign up as you would any other forum, but once you have done so just write me a quick e-mail with the details telling me about it and I will give you permission to start posting then. It’s not that busy there now which is just as well because I don’t have the time, but it will almost certainly pick up in line with the industry as the summer passes and we move into autumn and we hope a more pronounced HYIP revival rather than just the mini one we have right now.

Anyway, that’s enough about that. Let’s move on with the news.


The admin of CatenaFinance became the first person for a few weeks to upgrade his program to Sticky listing on the MNO monitor. He did so for one week. Also he requested I send him some interview questions to which I duly obliged last night and am currently waiting for his reply. I hope the interview will clarify some issues with CatenaFinance and will be a good addition to the detailed review of the program which you can read on my blog here. Meanwhile, I can only state the fact that after 17 days online CatenaFinance keeps processing timely payouts to its members via their PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay accounts. The program is offering two investment plans both starting from a $10 minimum and returning your original investment on expiry – 2% per business day for 365 days, and 11% for 55 weeks. Note that you can also submit your comments about CatenaFinance in the specific MNO Forum thread dedicated to the program here.


The first program I’m going to introduce to my readers tonight is called Stable6. The program was launched just yesterday, immediately joining the Premium listing, and as of today boasts a healthy Paying status on my site. Stable6 perhaps takes its name from the first investment plan that pays 6% daily interest for the duration of 25 calendar days. Thus your total profit by the end of the investment term will be 50% as the original deposit is already factored into the daily payouts and won’t be returned on expiry. The second investment plan pays you only once, and is 125% from your investment on the expiry of a 15 calendar day term. Honestly, I don’t see any particular reason to join the second plan as it’s paying you only 25% pure profit in comparison to the 6% daily plan and is definitely more risky as you won’t get anything for the first two weeks. That’s why if you wish to join Stable6 I would recommend investing in the 6% daily for 25 days plan, especially considering that the minimum to invest in any of the plans is only $10. There’s a wide choice of payment processors accepted by Stable6 which include the usual SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney options, but also via the more exotic BitCoin that is accepted starting from a 0.5 BTC minimum. Stable6 also offers a compounding option for deposits of up to 100% and the triple level of referral commissions to attract the best promoters in the industry. Withdrawals must be requested by the members of Stable6 manually and are usually processed very fast, within a few hours maximum, which I can confirm myself as my first withdrawal requests were done by the admin with little waiting time.

On the technical side of things, Stable6 is running off a licensed script by ProBiz which is common enough in the industry, but is still not very widely used by HYIP admins. The site is properly SSL-secured by GeoTrust for encrypted connections and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection from Koddos. More info will be in a more thorough analysis tomorrow, and for now I’ll just let you read the first news updates from the admin which include some important features:

Stable6 is open for Business. Launching today July 10, 2013.
At Stable6, we accept PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay and Bitcoin.
Stable6 offers 2 business plans. Plan 1: 6% daily for 25 days. Plan 2: 125% after 15 days.
Stable6 offers 6% referral commissions, upto 3 levels. Level 1 gives you 6%, Level 2 gives you 2% and Level 3 gives you 1%.


LucroBankLimited is yet another brand new short term program added to Premium listing just a few hours ago after its official launch today. Amidst the similar fast paying but low-quality programs we see launching by the dozen every day, LucroBankLimited actually looks very good and is much higher quality that others. First and foremost, LucroBankLimited is hosted on a dedicated server from a well respected provider with DDoS protection in BlockDos. This already means the admin didn’t spare any effort or finance on the perfect protection of his website. Second, LucroBankLimited has all the necessary features that can determine its success in the long haul – properly SSL-secured by Comodo and is running off a familiar licensed version of GoldCoders script. In the interests of security the admin processes all the withdrawals manually within a few hours, while all the three main payment processors are accepted – SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay. The minimum to invest in each plan is $10 and your final profit will fully depend on the amount deposited in the desired plan. There is only one plan in LucroBankLimited that is paying daily, although for quite a short-term – 54.5%-80% for 2 days. The remaining plans are paying on expiry and are pretty typical for a program of this class – 104%-130% after 1 day, 54.5%-80% for 2 days, 130%-400% after 5 days, 200%-1200% after 14 days, 500%-2500% after 30 days. You need to be both sensible and reasonable when deciding which plan to join, but if you have your doubts please wait for the full review of LucroBankLimited that is going to be published on MNO in a couple of days after I hopefully receive my first payout on expiry. So stay tuned for that, and meanwhile you can read the admin’s welcome message posted on the LucroBankLimited website today:

LucroBankLimited online!
Hello everyone, today it’s our honor to announce that LucroBankLimited is finally online for general public. LucroBankLimited is an international United Kingdom-based investment corporation, which is designed to be user friendly and give all of you great opportunity to earn online. We offer 5 investment plans, accept industries most popular e-currencies: PM, EP, STP. Our website is hosted on dedicated server from blockdos.net, and secured with SSL-encryption by Comodo. Don’t hesitate and join us now. Like us on facebook!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CatenaFinance.
From MNO Premium list: NEOMutual, MalaysianINC, WunevAssets, AustralianBusinessGroup, EmpireFinanceGroup, RFIGroup, InstantRox, BlackGold, SeedFunding, Stable6 (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MuchRoi, TheInvestmentBank, GlobalTokenReward (the first payment received).

That is all the news for tonight, guys. Sorry for being so brief, but you will agree that better no news than bad news. I will be hoping to see you back on my blog by tomorrow for a more detailed review of Stable6 which has already become quite popular among readers. All the news updates from the programs monitored on MNO will be here too, provided something actually happens that is! So stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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