Jul 15th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! FreshWindInvesmentTrust has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and ready to get back to work. I want to start the new business week with a more detailed look at a new addition to my monitoring list, though please note that after being online for just passed the two month mark it’s not exactly a brand new HYIP in itself, just new to MNO. It’s a mid to longer term program this time however, so if, and I did say if, it lives up to it’s full potential there’s still plenty of room for expansion and plenty of time still to profit. The program is called FreshWindInvestmentTrust and I guess it’s fair to say it has some features that while maybe not entirely unique, do at least make it somewhat more eye-catching than a lot of the other newer programs starting up at the moment. In what is an even more fiercely competitive market than usual (given the usual summer slowdown plus the now well documented results of the LibertyReserve closure) then that should at least count for something. So to get the week started let’s see what FreshWindInvestmentTrust have to offer us and whether you think it’s worth your while taking a chance on and adding to your portfolio.

Ordinarily I would be starting here with the investment plans, and I will get to that in just a moment, but the first thing you see when landing on the FreshWindInvestmentTrust homepage is the option to choose the language you wish to enter the site on and continue your browsing. Click on either the English, German, or Russian icons, and that will take you into the main site from where you can explore further.

And that’s when you find the investment plans. FreshWindInvestmentTrust have four to chose from, with various requirements to join. The most affordable is called The MoneyBox Plan which can be joined for just a $5 minimum deposit. This option is very very different from the rest of the plans insofar as the investor gets to determine his own term. Basically you must only commit to a 10 business day lock-in period, and after that you are free to withdraw your principal and leave the program anytime you like. You may also withdraw part of your principal if you prefer, and continue earning interest on whatever you leave in your account. Interest is paid at a rate of 0.9% per business day, which might not sound like much in HYIP terms at first, until you consider that you can turn that into net profit pretty much anytime you like after the lock-in period expires. FreshWindInvestmentTrust place a $5,000 limit on investments.

It’s impossible of course to give any real practical examples of how an investment in this plan might work – the possibilities are literally endless and entirely dependent on how much you want to put in the plan and for how long. But it’s a very simple matter of deciding when you you wish to leave FreshWindInvestmentTrust and multiplying the number of days by 0.9%. On the other hand there’s no real obligation on you leave either, so do keep in mind that the admin will continue paying you for however long he can keep the program online should you wish to stay and continue getting paid.

For something with more of a definite structure and fixed term you can consider The Classic Plan which runs for 35 business days (seven weeks). FreshWindInvestmentTrust require a minimum of $10 to join, and in return will make a daily interest payment, made from Monday to Friday only, at a rate based on the size of your investment. Your original principal is factored in to the payments and so will not be given back to you on expiry. The rates FreshWindInvestmentTrust are paying here include 4% per business day for deposits from to $10 minimum up to $1,000. This will come to 140% of your initial investment, or your own money back plus 40% net profit. For instance a $100 deposit here would get you back $4 per day, Monday to Friday, until you have $140 in total.

Larger investors can expect rates of 4.5% per business day and amounts from $1,001 to $5,000 (157.5% total, or 57.5% profit), and 5% per business day on deposits from $5,001 up to the maximum allowed $10,000 (175% total, or 75% profit).

At first glance the remaining two plans would appear to work along more or less the same lines. And indeed up to a point they do, running for fixed length terms and paying investors on business days only. However there are some fundamental differences in there too, as I shall explain. So continuing with The Premium Plan, FreshWindInvestmentTrust have a minimum requirement of $100 to join. The term is 75 business days (15 weeks), during which members are paid from Monday to Friday. For those spending between $100 and $5,000 the rate is 1.4% per business day, adding up to 105% on expiry. The first major difference with this plan however is that FreshWindInvestmentTrust are promising to return members principals on expiry, leaving you with a separate payment for that and the 105% as net profit. The other main differences are that compounding is allowed for this one, plus members are allowed to add more to their principals later in the term without having to start a whole new deposit.

Larger investors in The Premium Plan can expect rates of 1.8% per business day to be paid on deposits between $5,001 and $10,000 (net profit of 135%), and 2.1% on amounts above that to a maximum of $50,000 (net profit of 157.5%) also with principal to be returned separately.

The final plan in FreshWindInvestmentTrust‘s bag is called The VIP Plan, and with a minimum requirement of $5,000 you can probably see why. The term is 150 business days (30 weeks) with interest payments again made from Monday to Friday only. The rate is 2.3% per business day on all deposits to a maximum value of $100,000, coming to 345% on expiry and you principal then added to that. But apart from compounding and the option of adding more to your principal later in the term, FreshWindInvestmentTrust also make an early withdrawal feature available exclusively to members of this plan. It’s not free by the way, nor is it even cheap. Be prepared to say goodbye to 25% of your principal should you ask for it back before the agreed expiry date, though given the extortionately high cost of joining I think this will be of very little practical interest to the majority of FreshWindInvestmentTrust members anyway.

If any of those plans sounds good enough for you to want to join, then you’ll need to know what the payment options are. Well, this bit is pretty simple. It’s PerfectMoney. Just PerfectMoney, and nothing else. Not exactly what you might call a mouth watering choice then, is it? When FreshWindInvestmentTrust first came online they had also been using LibertyReserve, which to be honest didn’t make the choice all that much better, and we all know where that one went. The FreshWindInvestmentTrust admin has since been promising to add more processors which is fine, I mean it makes sense to do so and under the circumstances kinda what members would be entitled to expect. But given that it’s now mid July and LR has been gone since last May, I’d have to wonder exactly what the hold up is. After all, it doesn’t take that long to open an EgoPay account, and even if the verification process takes longer with STP you can still at least create the account in a matter of minutes. Anyway, it’s entirely up to you whether you want to join FreshWindInvestmentTrust using PerfectMoney (or indeed join the program at all for that matter) or if you prefer to wait and see what and when the other promised payment options are before making a deposit. Meanwhile existing members via PM have their payment requests made manually. This requires you to log into your FreshWindInvestmentTrust private members account area and make a request. Upon doing so you are then asked to allow anything up to 48 hours for the transaction to be completed. Just keep in mind that payments are only done on business days, so allow even longer if making a withdrawal closer to the end of the business week.

Moving on to the more technical design and security features of the program, first of all we find FreshWindInvestmentTrust running off a somewhat modified version of the H-Script, something perhaps not all that common in the industry at the moment but still something I recognize as having been used by a good number of decent quality programs earlier this year and in the recent past. Hopefully FreshWindInvestmentTrust will be another of these. Just be aware that one of the peculiarities that sets the H-Script aside from most of the others (if you’re not already familiar with it) is that you are required to fund your account first before you then move your money to a deposit in your plan of choice. The website is using SSL-encryption by GeoTrust for safer browsing and more secure transactions, and is then hosted on a dedicated server by Akrino. The subject of DDoS protection is a bit more of a grey area, the admin preferring not to discuss it at all “for security reasons”. Well, revealing it or not will certainly do nothing by itself to prevent these attacks which are almost taken for granted in this business, so we’ll all see in due course how strong this protection is. The admin did go on to claim that some extensive attacks were attempted on FreshWindInvestmentTrust a number of weeks back, but were successfully thwarted by their service providers.

If you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then your can get in touch by a couple of different methods. Mainly by filling in your details on the customer support form and submitting it. Alternatively, though it will probably end up in the same inbox anyway, you can just e-mail the FreshWindInvestmentTrust admin directly at the listed address. For live support you will see a Skype account plus a telephone number, though no information about when if ever somebody might actually pick up and answer you if you want to try them. Fans of social networking sites will also see FreshWindInvestmentTrust keeping active on Facebook and Twitter, so you can leave your comments there too. Finally you will find a postal address, though from experience I can only suggest you ignore this as it’s unlikely to be more than a virtual serviced office used only for mailing purposes and unlikely to have anyone either directly connected with FreshWindInvestmentTrust or to even have heard of them were you to visit. I think you’ll find most general interest questions are covered in the websites extensive FAQ section anyway, plus their video presentation.

As for any business plan allegedly backing the whole thing up, I must admin their “about us” page was so badly written it nearly gave me a headache, but to be fair I don’t believe it was written in English in the first place and is most likely an auto-translate. It claims FreshWindInvestmentTrust to be a major player in the field of global construction since 2001, but then 12 years as a multinational and only having a website for 12 weeks? No, I don’t believe it either. But as online HYIPs go I guess there’s as much going for FreshWindInvestmentTrust as there is for anything else right now, provided they get their payment options in order soon. But as with any HYIP, don’t ever lose sight of the risk and don’t ever expect guarantees. Set yourself a sensible spending limit that it won’t hurt you to lose if things go wrong, and of course if you’re joining FreshWindInvestmentTrust at all then do try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



As you might remember, just last Saturday I posted a full review of a new and promising short term program called LucroBankLimited (click here to read it). So I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the admin of the program Michael who sent the link to the review to his members in the newsletter issued last night. It’s surely flattering to be named the most popular blog in the HYIP industry, but the fact remains that and everyone can be assured it’s true by just looking at the stats and the number of email subscribers that recently reached about 3750 readers. I hope that LucroBankLimited will continue to pay everyone in a timely manner and will develop into something big with time, as no doubt the industry needs some long lasting short term programs like this. LucroBankLimited accepts deposits via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney into a wide variety of investment plans that include 104%-130% after 1 day, 54.5%-80% for 2 days, 125%-400% after 5 days, 177%-1200% after 14 days, 300%-2500% after 30 days. I’m pretty sure that most investors will find something suited to them in there, however, one should always remember that the golden rule of every successful investor is to invest only a reasonable amount one can afford to lose and consider LucroBankLimited and any other HYIP as part of a game. Then and only then can you feel comfortable about investing in programs and with time will learn to become a successful player in the industry with profits overcoming losses. Here’s the latest news from LucroBankLimited in full:

MNO review.
Hello everyone,
Hope you all had a great weekend, so we can jump into next business week with some positive energy, today I would like to inform you that LucroBankLimited was just reviewed on industries most popular blog, money-news-online.com. Make sure you don’t miss it. Click here to read it!
Best Regards, Michael Jones


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CatenaFinance.
From MNO Premium list: NEOMutual, MalaysianINC, WunevAssets, AustralianBusinessGroup, EmpireFinanceGroup, PureIncome, RFIGroup, InstantRox, LucroBankLimited, Stable6, SeedFunding, FreshWindInvestmentTrust (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list:
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, InAMillion, TheInvestmentBank, GlobalTokenReward, GrandCapital, NightMoneyClub (the first payments received).

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. Not much but at least I’m glad to see no news on closures or programs going to Problem status. If you want to see some of the latest additions to the Basic listing on MNO please check out my monitoring page as there were quite a number of new projects added there for the last couple of days. See you again on MNO very soon and good luck with your investments!

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