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22/07/2013. Daily News from the Industry


Hello everybody! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend. It’s been a bright start to the new business week this Monday I have to say, with a lot of positive news developments coming from the programs listed on my monitoring page. Better again maybe is the addition of a brand new long term program which I don’t mind saying I’m feeling quite positive about, and despite the lull in the industry right now is probably launching at just the right time to gradually build in to one of the next big industry leaders by the time autumn is here. I’ll get to that in just a moment but first let’s start things off with a look at the day’s main news stories.


The admin of LucroBankLimited Michael is not just talking about improvements, he’s actually implementing them. I can say with some degree of certainty now that LucroBankLimited is by far the best short-term program out there paying on a wide variety of investment plans via PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. The investment plans, analyzed in great detail in my review published here, include 104%-130% after 1 day, 54.5%-80% for 2 days, 125%-400% after 5 days, 177%-1200% after 14 days, 300%-2500% after 30 days. LucroBankLimited has been paying for 11 days and spreading the word has helped tremendously by the gradual improvements that Michael reports quite frequently. Tonight, for instance, Live chat that was first available only in English was extended to include Indonesian language support where you can discuss all you account issues or ask any questions in live timing. Live support in Russian is planned very soon of which Michael will also report on shortly. With such a dedicated admin like this it’s no wonder that LucroBankLimited can boast 1,300 members in such a short period of time:

LucroBankLimited evolving, Multi language support available!
Hello everyone, we are pleasant to announce that LucroBankLimited have reached almost 1.3k members and that we are growing every day. That might seems not to much for such project, but please note that we are not faking any stats as other lower quality projects likes to do. Another good news is that after members request we have added Indonesian language to our 24/7 chat support, we will add more languages in near future if needed, next might be Russian language. That’s it for today, thanks for your time, have a nice day and a great week.
Best Regards, Michael Jones.


Today saw a follow-up on the two updates from WunevAssets (reviewed here) posted on my blog last night. As you might remember, the admin Nicolasina mentioned the problems automatically processing withdrawals to STP account holders due to technical issues with the script. A solution was also promised but not delivered as the withdrawals to SolidTrustPay were still not processed either. I wrote to the admin first and asked for an explanation for the delayed withdrawals and was told that an internal exchange mechanism would be installed to allow members get paid to any of the two other payment processors accepted by the program in the 3.5% for 75 days plan – EgoPay or PerfectMoney. An exchange link was posted in the latest newsletter from WunevAssets tonight, and I would just like to comment on some questions you might ask. First of all, all the internal exchanges from SolidTrustPay to PerfectMoney or EgoPay are instant so you can withdraw STP money to PM or EP as usual and be paid within 24 hours then. Second, this solution is still temporary and will be removed as soon as the STP withdrawal module is fixed and STP payouts are able to be processed once again. Perhaps by tomorrow everything will be back to normal, but for now you will need to exchange. So to make an exchange and then request a withdrawal to another payment processor the first thing you need to do is to cancel your existing withdrawal request to STP which you might have in your account by clicking Transaction History and then removing the unwanted pending requests. After that, the process should be done quickly and easily just like WunevAssets‘ admin described in the latest newsletter published below:

WunevAssets Newsletter
It has been another very busy day here. We are still in the midst of reprogramming the STP withdrawal portion of the new script module. We are offering free exchange to PM and EgoPay today. Once you are logged into your WunevAssets account, please use this link to exchange SolidTrustPay account balances into EgoPay or PerfectMoney. This link should only be used by SolidTrustPay clients:
If you have an existing SolidTrustPay withdrawal, you need to cancel it in order to exchange your account balance. Once you have made your exchange into either PerfectMoney or EgoPay you can create a new withdrawal and add it to the PerfectMoney or EgoPay withdrawal queue.
Reprogramming should be complete sometime by tomorrow.
Thank You, Nicolasina Van Litsenburg


The promotional deposit bonus of 6% offered over the weekend in accordance with the celebration of the 1,000th member joining Stable6 after 10 days online has expired today. The bonus increased your deposit in any of the two investment plans offered by Stable6 by 6% – be it 6% for 25 days or 125% after 15 days. The admin made the announcement in the latest newsletter posted today and thanked everyone who participated. From the other recent novelties in the program the admin mentioned the so-called Mingle Box now available under a special link which is basically something similar to live chat open to the public. You can share your experience with other investors of Stable6 or just ask the admin if you have any questions about the program. To understand how Stable6 works please refer to the detailed review published here. By the way, after 12 days online and before even the first investors are in profit the program is showing good results due to great promotional efforts made by the admin and his fast payouts to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, BitCoin, and PerfectMoney. Hopefully in a few days from now we will see the first investors break even and see the first profits. For now, please read the latest update below, the fourth newsletter since Stable6‘s launch about two weeks ago:

Stable6 NewsLetter-4!
Dear Stable6 Members,
We would like to announce that the one day Promotional bonus offer for reaching the 1000 member milestone is closed. We hope that some of you took advantage of the bonus offer and got a little bonus already. We will announce about next promo offer in future which probably will be to celebrate ONE month online.
We have added a new MINGLE BOX at Stable6 for members to interact and post feedback. This feature will help Stable6 members to communicate with other members and share their opinions. The link to Stable6 Mingle box is :
That’s all the update we have for now. Have a great week everyone!
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.
Thank you. Stable6 Team


Although having been online for only four weeks as of now, the admin of CatenaFinance still claims that his program is two days older and thus today it has reached one month online. By itself, it looks like a decent achievement, but if we consider the investment plans offered by CatenaFinance (reviewed here) – 2% per business day for 365 days and 11% for 55 weeks – both returning the original deposit on expiry, we can see that no one is even close to the break even point. I believe it’s too early to judge the capabilities of CatenaFinance to be a good program. Maybe in a month from now when hopefully we will see the first investors counting their profits in SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, or PerfectMoney, we might see that the program has actually achieved something, though that didn’t stop the admin of CatenaFinance sending a newsletter tonight hailing the first month online. Of course I can’t argue with the admin regarding the speed of the processed withdrawals that are done much faster than the promised maximum of 24 hours in most cases. That, I believe, is one of the factors why CatenaFinance is quite popular among readers despite being so new. The latest news is published in full below:

CatenaFinance: One month online!
It has been 1 month since we started our online business and we must admit that the response from countries all over the world has exceeded even our best predictions and expectations. That fact makes us very pleased and confident about the future of CatenaFinance and we are expecting to become the leading online investment program by the end of this year.
But your support won’t put us asleep and our goal is to continuously work on making CatenaFinance even better!
Things are going fine and according to our plans. As you can see withdrawals are being processed within a couple of hours (average, but most of them are processed within minutes), which is pretty much better than expected 24 business hours.
If you have suggestions or any ideas to improve CatenaFinance and make it fit to you, do not hesitate to e-mail us and we will do our best to please your needs.
Best Regards, CatenaFinance Support


The newest program added to Premium listing on MNO tonight is called ArgoMoney. I’m proud to tell you that MNO was the very first monitor the admin came to and he straight away purchased the best listing and top banner spot on my blog for a month which is going to be displayed starting from tomorrow which is also when I’m planning to give a more detailed review. But tonight I wanted just to have a brief look at the plans and main features of the program for you to think over.

So starting with the investment plans, ArgoMoney offers you a daily return of 2.8% to 3.5% per business day (Monday to Friday) for the duration of 95 business days. Please note that the admin not only promises to return your original investment on expiry, he also assures investors that if anyone wants their principal back before the expiry date you can do so for a 40% fee. Another attractive aspect to ArgoMoney is that all the withdrawals are processed instantly. While I’m in no position to verify that yet, I’m sure I will be able to update you on the instant withdrawals by tomorrow when I’ll have tested it. The minimum to invest in ArgoMoney is slightly higher than average and starts from $20. The daily interest is fixed and depends solely on the size of your principal. All the most popular online payment processors are accepted – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney.

Although ArgoMoney‘s website doesn’t look too appealing at first glance, you can reconsider it once you check out their security options and see that the admin didn’t spare any expense for the superb service from BlockDos on whose dedicated servers the program is hosted and he also installed SSL encryption from Comodo. The script ArgoMoney runs off is licensed from GoldCoders. More on ArgoMoney will be posted in the more detailed review tomorrow after I receive the first, hopefully instant, payout from the program. So stay tuned for that, guys!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: BlackGold.
From MNO Premium list: NEOMutual, MalaysianINC, WunevAssets, EmpireFinanceGroup, PureIncome, RFIGroup, Stable6, LucroBankLimited, CatenaFinance.
From MNO Standard list:  –
From MNO Basic list: BCapitalistGroup, InvestAge.

That’s it for today, guys. I hope to see you on MNO tomorrow for the full review of ArgoMoney and the latest news from the programs monitored on MNO. And remember to always check the status on the MNO monitoring page before investing!a href=”″a href=”″a href=””a href=””

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