Jul 25th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! CatenaFinance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! Just like yesterday I don’t have that much news to report on, but again have an interview with the admin of one of the programs listed on my monitor. Today it’s the turn of Enver who is behind CatenaFinance. Unlike last night’s interview however, CatenaFinance is a longer term HYIP reviewed here, this time offering two plans with terms of 2% per business day for 365 days, or 11% for 55 weeks. Both plans pay your principal back on expiry. Since launching almost exactly a month ago the program has slowly but surely won over it’s share of admirers as it’s had a pretty dependable record up until now. Not quite enough to put anyone in profit at such an early stage, but enough to move the program up to the #7 spot on the MNO monitoring page after what’s been a relatively short period of time for a longer term program. So let’s hear what Enver has to say about CatenaFinance then, the plans, the other features, and some thoughts on what else has been happening in the industry recently.

1. Hi Enver, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us a bit about your own involvement in CatenaFinance. Is this your first online venture? What other experience do you have in this Industry?

My name is Enver. I am the CEO of CatenaFinance LDT. I have more then 12 years of experience in the investment industry, but this is my first online venture.

2. Can you also give us some background history on CatenaFinance? Why did you decide to open your own program and what are you expecting to achieve by this? Are you alone or do you have a business partner or assistant?

We are an online division of a company that has dealt with the investment market for more than four years. We came up with the online program to increase both our trading capital and client base. CatenaFinance currently has 5 employees, not counting me as the CEO. We are still a small organization but seeing how fast we are growing that is likely to change in the near future. We will surely need more employees soon, primarily to handle user support.

3. What are the plans you are offering investors? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to spend? What payment processors are you currently dealing with? What is the payment schedule, ie how long from the moment I request a payment do I need to wait before actually receiving it?

We offer two plans at the moment – a daily plan and a weekly one.

The daily offers 2% each day (business days only) for a total of 365 days. The weekly plan offers 11% for each week lasting a total of 55 weeks. The principal is paid back at the end of the investment period.

We have decided to allow everybody to give our program a go and, to that effect, the minimum is only $1. Currently there is no defined maximum.

We work with 3 payment processors: PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay. We are considering adding other payment processors, but for the time being those are the only ones. The maximum time for withdrawal processing is 24 hours. In practice, so far, the time to fully process a withdrawal is a few hours.

4. How would you best explain to someone who has never heard of an online program like yours before how the whole thing works? From the very first moment I decide to invest in CatenaFinance until the time I receive my first payment, can you explain the process and what I need to do?

Plainly put, Catena Finance is an investment company. We use the money of our investors to increase the volume of our trades on forex and stock markets and insure better outcomes. In return, we split the profits with our investors.

All you need to become one of our investors is to open two accounts. One on CatenaFinance, and an additional one for whichever payment processor, of the ones we offer, best suits your needs.

The payment processor account is what you will use to fund your CatenaFinance one, and you shall also receive payouts over it.

A more in-depth guide for inexperienced investors is actually a superb idea. We shall consider creating a tutorial like guide that will cover everything from the means by which an investor can transfer money, over using exchangers to receiving the payout.

5. Tell us in as much detail as possible about the security features of CatenaFinance. Are you on a dedicated server? What measures have you taken to protect the program from DDoS attacks and malicious hackers?

Yes, we are indeed on a dedicated server with a very wide link and DDoS protection. We have also taken all the necessary measures to harden our server against hackers. We have SSL as well so we can offer maximum protection to our investors.

6. What about the script? Where did you get it from, is it licensed, and why do you feel it’s the best option for you as an admin and for the members who join?

The script is GoldCoders and it is licensed. Before we started, we tested several of the available scripts and, in our opinion, this one works the best. Also, Daniel, the programmer is always available to help as well as perform modifications on the script very quickly and at an affordable price.

7. What advertising strategy are you using to further promote CatenaFinance among potential new investors? Are you happy with the level of support offered by existing members?

We are listed on your site, as well as a couple of other monitors. Other than that we do not spend much on advertising nor do we have the need to. Most of our new members reach us over referral links, so our best advertising are our existing investors. I do believe that that answers the second question as well.

8. What about the success of the program overall so far? Are you pleased with the level of growth to date? Can you give us any statistics on the amount of members and the total amount deposited? What are your expectations over the coming months?

I can not provide you with the exact data, as it is a trade secret. What I can do is say that we are more then pleased and that our current growth overshot even the most optimistic expectations. If we keep on going like we are, we might become the biggest online investment program by the end of the year.

9. What kind of customer support do you offer members? What is the best way to contact you if we have any questions about the program?

At the moment we are offering the standard ticket system for support, with a rapid response. Live chat will be added in the near future and, if there is demand for it, we might add telephone support too.

10. I know that CatenaFinance didn’t start until after the closure of LibertyReserve so won’t have been directly hit financially speaking by that, but what impact do you think it’s having on online investments in general and would you ever predict a return to the level of activity in the industry to let’s say what it was six months ago?

You are correct. But for a slightly delayed start, a month or so, shutting down LibertyReserve did not have an impact on us.

My opinion is that the decision of the USA government to shut down LibertyReserve did cause some damage for our industry but its only short term. In the long run we already see other processors stepping up, primarily PerfectMoney, and things are normalizing.

11. As you run your own program I guess its fairly safe to assume you’re also a regular player in the HYIP business. As a professional admin yourself, what advice would you offer newcomers in the online investments industry? How can we maximize our earnings in the quality programs and avoid the fast scams?

I am not what one would consider a professional administrator. My previous role in the HYIP industry was, primarily, as an investor in a few large programs.

What I did notice is that, next to many great offers by good investment firms, there is a disconcerting number of frauds as well.

An aspiring investor has to learn to, as the old saying goes, separate the wheat from the chaff in order to stand a chance to profit. Following blogs like MNO is a very good start.

12. What plans do you have for the short term future of the program? In a very competitive business but only a relatively small market, how do you intend to keep CatenaFinance competitive, keep existing members coming back, and keep growth at a steady sustainable level at the same time?

Our plan is to keep going for the long term.

We are not a ponzi so we do not require constant growth.

We shall attract and keep out investors by doing our best to offer a high quality of service. High profits, fast payouts.

13. And finally, is there anything you would like to say to the readers of MNO that you feel wasn’t really covered in this interview? Anything you feel is important for everyone to know about CatenaFinance? You may also feel free to comment on the review that was posted. Was there anything there you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification?

Your review is excellent as are all the other reviews you publish. Very objective. I am not really sure what to add, as this interview did cover all the aspects of our operation. In any case, if any of your readers have additional questions they should feel free to talk to us. We will be more then happy to answer any questions they might have.

Thank you for this opportunity.

Thanks a lot to Enver for taking the time and effort to discuss CatenaFinance, so I hope it was interesting for anyone either already a member or just thinking about joining. I hope it will eventually be profitable for all involved, so good luck with that to all concerned.

I’ll be back tomorrow with a full news round-up as there will definitely be a couple of stories to discuss by then. For now though unfortunately I have to finish up with a word of warning about two programs who look to be in trouble. They are NeoMutual and InstantRox who are both delaying payouts well beyond the agreed time scale and are by no means sure of recovery. Both have been moved to Problem Status on my monitor because of this, though also because the admins have failed to offer a satisfactory explanation when I contacted them. This will be discussed in more detail in tomorrow’s news update, but for now I just wanted to give you all a quick heads-up to the situation there. So bye for now and see you all tomorrow with the news everyone!

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